Experiment-5 Differential Amplifiers: Submitted by Aditya Varma 2016EE30525 Aim

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Differential Amplifiers
Submitted by Aditya Varma 2016EE30525
In this experiment you will design a two-stage amplifier that may be used as an
operational amplifier. The first stage of the amplifier is comprised of an nMOS
differential pair, with a pMOS active current mirror load. The second stage of
the amplifier is just a CMOS inverter.

Upper Left Pmos (Volts)

VD < VG + VT (hence in saturation)

Upper Right Pmos (Volts)

VD < VG + VT (hence in saturation)

Lower Left Nmos (Volts)
VD > VG – VT 6.14 > 6.14 - VT (hence in saturation)
Lower Right Nmos (Volts)

VD > VG – VT (hence in saturation)

Stability for unity gain feedback
Additional compensator capacitor placed for reducing the oscillations = 100 nF
RSS Value
Value of Rss for 0.2 mA current = 20.6 kΩ

Frequency sweep for unity gain

Frequency sweep for gain of +5
Frequency (in Hz) Vout
10 456
20 412
50 356
100 214
200 145
400 87
500 46
800 36
1000 28.5
2000 20.2
5000 16
8000 15
10000 14
20000 14
50000 14
75000 13
100000 13
200000 13
500000 12
750000 11
1000000 11
Frequency swept for gain +10
Bode Magnitude Plot

Conclusions from Bode plot

Unity gain bandwidth of op- amp (the frequency at which the gain of opamp is
unity) is approximately same for gain of 5 and gain of 10. The value of unity
gain bandwidth = 333.2Hz
Gain estimate of the opamp

By taking the average of these two values, we can estimate the gain of op-amp
to be equal to 52.159

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