ChatLog FDP On Recent Trends and Innovations in Image - Video Processing 2020 - 05 - 13 11 - 21

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Chat Log C:\Users\hp-pc\Documents\ChatLog FDP on Recent

Trends and Innovations In Image _ Video Processing 2020_05_13


S.Mallesh_CMRTC_HYD (to Everyone): 9:55 AM: Great Morning

Everyone !!! Welcome you all to the 1st Session of Day-3.
Narra Arunajyothi (to Everyone): 9:56 AM: good morning
Thangaraj Kesavan_Sona College of Technology_Salem_TN (to
Everyone): 9:59 AM: Good Morning to All..!
VANKAYALAPATI NAGARAJU (to Everyone): 9:59 AM: Goodmorning
morning all
battu thirupathi (to Everyone): 10:00 AM: Good morning all..,
Ravi. Gorapudi (to Everyone): 10:00 AM: Gudmng
G.Chandrashekar_VELS (to Everyone): 10:01 AM: Very good morning
RAMDAS KAPILA_NSRIT_Visakhaptanam (to Everyone): 10:01 AM:
good morning all
JANA BHASKARA RAO (to Everyone): 10:01 AM: Good Morning
usha rani (to Everyone): 10:01 AM: good morning
A.ADINARAYANA (to Everyone): 10:02 AM: Good morning to all
V. Nandini (to Everyone): 10:03 AM: Good morning sir
K PRASAD BABU (to Everyone): 10:06 AM: Good morning Sir
GOTTE VIJAYA LAKSHMI (to Everyone): 10:06 AM: Good morning to
ELCOT (to Everyone): 10:06 AM: good morning to all
Sekhar Vempati_ECE_Vikas Group_Vijayawada (to Everyone): 10:08
AM: Good morning to all
Maria Rubiston M,S.A.Engineering College,Chennai (to Everyone):
10:09 AM: When session will start
Naveen Kolla, geethanjali Institute of Science & Technology (to
Everyone): 10:10 AM: sir please ban the participents who are no
displaying their name.....
Dr Suresh Vishnudas Limkar (to Everyone): 10:11 AM: Please update
here, once you posted attendance link on what's app
Kiran S V (to Everyone): 10:12 AM: Attendance will be provided in
chatbox only not in whatsapp.. Don't bother about that.
RAKESHKUMAR Y (to Everyone): 10:13 AM: What is todays topic sai sir
Pankaja Basagouda Patil (to Everyone): 10:13 AM: no audio
Ravi. Gorapudi (to Everyone): 10:14 AM: No audio
A.ADINARAYANA (to Everyone): 10:14 AM: sir no audio
RAKESHKUMAR Y (to Everyone): 10:14 AM: Session not yet started
Kiran S V (to Everyone): 10:14 AM: Session not yet started sir.
V. Nandini (to Everyone): 10:14 AM: Sir no audio
A.ADINARAYANA (to Everyone): 10:14 AM: ok sir
Pankaja Basagouda Patil (to Everyone): 10:14 AM: session not yet
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 10:15 AM: waiting for speker to join Dr Saikumar
S.Mallesh_CMRTC_HYD (to Everyone): 10:15 AM: Plz wait for a
while...Speaker is about to join...
Pankaja Basagouda Patil (to Everyone): 10:16 AM: ok sir
Pankaja Basagouda Patil (to Everyone): 10:17 AM: ok sir . ppt visible
Suseela (to Everyone): 10:17 AM: good morning sir and all
Neetu Chikyal (to Everyone): 10:18 AM: Good morning sir.
A Venkata Nagarjun (to Everyone): 10:18 AM: Good morning sir
Ravi. Gorapudi (to Everyone): 10:19 AM: Goodmrng Sir resound is
sri laxmi (to Everyone): 10:20 AM: voice is not clear sir
sudhaman (to Everyone): 10:21 AM: good morning all
mpradeep (to Everyone): 10:21 AM: good morning to all sir
S.Mallesh_CMRTC_HYD (to Everyone): 10:21 AM: A participant name
displaying with "00000000". You are requested to change it to name. Plz
modify it , immidiately...
mpradeep (to Everyone): 10:22 AM: sir some audio disturbance is
Dr A Kanaka Durga (to Everyone): 10:25 AM: pl increase the font size if
S.Mallesh_CMRTC_HYD (to Everyone): 10:25 AM: Once agai we are
requesting : A participant name displaying with "00000000". You are
requested to change it to name. Plz modify it , immidiately...

A.Prashanth_SDGI_HYD (to Everyone): 10:27 AM: Gud mrg sir

mpradeep (to Everyone): 10:27 AM: please zoom the ppt
Thangaraj Kesavan_Sona College of Technology_Salem_TN (to
Everyone): 10:28 AM: Sir one kind request. Sir Voice is low.
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 10:28 AM: still i didnt got ppts prasad garu
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 10:29 AM: speaker may be busy i guess
Dr A Kanaka Durga (to Everyone): 10:29 AM: Zoom PPT sir
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 10:30 AM: madam in laptop is very clear
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 10:30 AM: may be your using Phone as medium
Dr. Mahesh V. Sonth_CMRTC_HYD (to Everyone): 10:31 AM: In phone
also we can zoom and view no issues with screen..ppt
K PRASAD BABU (to Everyone): 10:38 AM: Very good session, sir
started from basics
Yuvaraj G (to Everyone): 10:38 AM: Sir attendance
Dr. Shaik.Mahaboob Basha (to Everyone): 10:39 AM: Informative
seesion of basics
K Suresh (to Everyone): 10:41 AM: Good session sir,from basis
Koteswara Rao Vaddempudi (to Everyone): 10:43 AM: hi sir
Yuvaraj G (to Everyone): 10:43 AM: Sir attendance link, please
Dr. RAMU MOODU TKREC (to Everyone): 10:43 AM: Good morning to
Narra Arunajyothi (to Everyone): 10:46 AM: sir attedence link
S.Mallesh_CMRTC_HYD (to Everyone): 10:46 AM: Mam, you can ask
Qtns at the end...Let the Speaker to Present..
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 10:48 AM: we will post the attendance link later
pls have patiences
Koteswara Rao Vaddempudi (to Everyone): 10:48 AM: quite
mpradeep (to Everyone): 10:54 AM: very informative session
S.Mallesh_CMRTC_HYD (to Everyone): 10:55 AM: There are some
Participants with names Caller 04, Caller 06 are joining and leaving.
Requesting you to plz change your display name to " Your Name_Clg
Name_Place". Eg: S. Mallesh_CMRTC_HYD.
Pulibandla Venkatasiva (to Everyone): 10:59 AM: Attendance sheet
Pulibandla Venkatasiva (to Everyone): 10:59 AM: Sir
Kiran S V (to Everyone): 11:00 AM: Dont bother abt attendance always
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 11:00 AM: yes..
Pankaja Basagouda Patil (to Everyone): 11:03 AM: im2bw will convert
color image to black & while image?
Pankaja Basagouda Patil (to Everyone): 11:03 AM: if so the what is the
size of the image?
Harshavardhan_SREC_Warangali (to Everyone): 11:04 AM: practcal
session is required to show result of command execution, please plan in
further sessions.
Kiran S V (to Everyone): 11:04 AM: How im2bw() selects the threshold
we get this ppt?
Maria Rubiston M,S.A.Engineering College,Chennai (to Everyone):
11:05 AM: Kindly post attendance link for morning session
Kiran S V (to Everyone): 11:07 AM: So many times the organisers are
saying that don't bother about the attendance?
RAKESHKUMAR Y (to Everyone): 11:07 AM: Any syntax madhu sir is
showing you can find them in MATLAB introduction or you can find in
internet also
Kiran S V (to Everyone): 11:07 AM: why all are worrying about
Maria Rubiston M,S.A.Engineering College,Chennai (to Everyone):
11:08 AM: In WhatsApp group they posted 80% attendance must then
how come we acknowledge
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 11:09 AM: yes sir
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 11:09 AM: we also said link will be post in chat
Maria Rubiston M,S.A.Engineering College,Chennai (to Everyone):
11:09 AM: If attendance is not mandatory then no issues
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 11:10 AM: if i post now .eople may left the
session pls have atiences
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 11:10 AM: attendance is seriously mandatory
we need
RAKESHKUMAR Y (to Everyone): 11:12 AM: Organisers ...this is very
basic which we teach to 2nd year please try to arrange
sessions on applications aspect atleast practical sessions thank you
Dr Suresh Vishnudas Limkar (to Everyone): 11:12 AM: If attendance is
more then 80% are you providing participation certificate
DHAVALESWARAPU VENKATACHARI (to Everyone): 11:12 AM: or dis
video lecture link
raj (to Everyone): 11:13 AM: Today 153 presentees.
Kiran S V (to Everyone): 11:14 AM: What Raeshkumar Y sir saying is
Maria Rubiston M,S.A.Engineering College,Chennai (to Everyone):
11:15 AM: Try to give some video applications with MATLAB
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 11:15 AM: now the session which is going it is
done for your second year students
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 11:16 AM: speaker started with basics as he
though ,few many be a begineers in the FDP
Maria Rubiston M,S.A.Engineering College,Chennai (to Everyone):
11:16 AM: Then specify some algorithms which can used to optimize the
delay in both image and video processing
Dr. RAMU MOODU TKREC (to Everyone): 11:16 AM: Not audiable sir
Tara Sai (to Everyone): 11:18 AM: attendance link
Kallepalli Bapayya MGIT (to Everyone): 11:18 AM: visible SIR
RAKESHKUMAR Y (to Everyone): 11:19 AM: Please don't mind sai
sir..because it is not suitable with title you have given to FDP topic ...and I
thought I can give some feedback back so I just shared it so that it may
help for further sessions thank you
Thangaraj Kesavan_Sona College of Technology_Salem_TN (to
Everyone): 11:19 AM: Thank you sir. like me few are from CS background
and beginners, so surely it give results to us.

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