Chapter 4

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Analysis and interpretation of data are the most explanation steps in research. Devoid of

these steps generalization and prediction cannot be achieved. This Chapter presents data

examination and explanation. The data obtained was tabulated in requisites of frequency. The

frequencies were transformed into scores by handing over the following scale values of each of

the five Responses (using Likert Scale) SA = Strongly Agree 05 points, A = Agree 04 points,

UC = Uncertain 03 points, D= Disagree 02 points, SDA = Strongly Disagree 01 point.

Criterion mean was (3), data was tabulated and analyzed by percentage, mean scores.

Sample size for this is 150.


Table: 1

Statements Scale N %
Due to formative assessment student’s A
performance increase in home work activities. UD

The results shows that 53.5% of the respondents are strongly agree with the statement the

rewards are often given by the teachers in the class. While 13.3% agree, 1% are uncertain, 1

disagrees and 1% strongly disagrees with the statement. . %age and mean frequency shows

strongly agreement with the statement.

Table: 2

Statements Scale N %
SA 70 46.6
Due to formative assessment students’ performance A 20 13.3
increases in classroom activities. UD 30 20
D 15 10
SD 15 10

Most of the respondents that is 46.6% of the respondents agree with the fact that some students

requires extra attention in the class. While 13.3% strongly agree, 20% are uncertain, 10%

disagree and 10% strongly disagree with the statement. %age and mean frequency shows

agreement with the statement.

Table: 3

Statements Scale N %
SA 70 46.6
Due to formative assessment student’s A 10 6.6
performance increaes in class test UD 30 20 1.95
D 15 10
SD 15 10

46.6% respondents strongly agrees, 6.6agrees, 20are uncertain while 10 disagrees and 10 are

strongly disagrees with the statement that intention given by teachers in class leads to

unfavorable situation. . %age and mean shows disagreement with the statement.

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