Non-Destructive Research in The Surroundings of The Roman Fort Tibiscum (Today Romania)

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Received: 25 September 2019 Revised: 7 January 2020 Accepted: 16 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/arp.1767


Non-destructive research in the surroundings of the Roman

Fort Tibiscum (today Romania)

Michał Pisz1 | Agnieszka Tomas2 | Alexandru Hegyi3,4

Institute of Hydrogeology and Geological
Engineering, Faculty of Geology, University of Abstract
Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland The Roman military fort Tibiscum which existed from the beginning of the second up
Institute of Archaeology, Faculty of History,
to the third quarter of the third century AD was manned by various auxiliary units,
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Department of History and Archaeology, including Syrian Palmyrenians and Germanic Vindelici. Its irregular shape and rela-
PostDoc at the Chair ‘Sylvia Ioannou‘ for tively big surface, usual for the forts of that type, as well as not having entirely clear
Digital Humanities, Archaeological Research
Unit (ARU), University of Cyprus, Nicosia, settlement structures visible on both sides of the Timiş River drew attention of many
Cyprus scholars. The non-destructive research project carried out in 2014–2016 allowed to
Applied Geomorphology and Interdisciplinary
reassess the ancient landscape around the fort. Although the site was excavated for
Research Centre (CGACI), West University of
Timişoara, Timişoara, Romania almost 100 years, the rural hinterland of Tibiscum has never been investigated sys-
tematically. An integrated archaeological prospection method combined with the use
Michał Pisz, Institute of Hydrogeology and of modern surveying tools resulted in establishing the accurate position of the known
Geological Engineering, Faculty of Geology,
extramural remains and the location of a dozen of new sites and features within the
University of Warsaw, ul. Zwirki i Wigury
93, 02–089, Warsaw, Poland. radius of ca 3 km around the fort. The results of the surveys compared with the old
maps and previous excavations led to the new conclusions concerning the topogra-
Funding information phy of Roman Tibiscum and the development of the civilian settlement in its vicinity.
This scientific work is financed from the
The analysis of acquired archaeological data compared with historical sources give
budgetary funds for science for the years
2014-2016 as a research project within the assumptions to the question of the existence of a separate town on the east side of
Diamond Grant programme, Grant/Award
the Timiş River which was granted municipal status by the end of the second century
Number: 0113/DIA/2014/43; This study has
received funding from the Romanian grant AD. The authors of the present article are rather willing to believe that it was the
PNIII 28 PFE BID for publication fee., Grant/
extramural settlement (vicus), located on the west bank of Timiş, which was granted
Award Number: PNIII 28 PFE BID
municipal rights, probably at the end of the second or at the beginning of the third
century AD.


archaeological geophysics, earth resistance, landscape archaeology, magnetometry, Roman

military fort, Tibiscum

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N Jupa and Iaz. In Antiquity, this part of Romania belonged to the

Roman province of Dacia. Tibiscum was an important fort and civilian
The archaeological site of Tibiscum is situated in north-eastern Banat settlement during this period. The Timiş River flows across the site,
(today Romania), in Caraş-Severin county, between two villages – through a wide, meandering riverbed. The waters of the river flow

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2020 The Authors. Archaeological Prospection published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Archaeological Prospection. 2020;1–20. 1


quickly, carrying cobbles, pebbles and sand which are deposited along Gate). The position of the gates indicates the starting points of the
its course. Pebbles are also deposited on the fields along the river and roads running outside the defences. In comparison to other similar
this indicates that the river has changed its course over time, and has Roman settlements, it was expected that cemeteries as well as ancil-
repeatedly overflowed or even flooded, what is also depicted in his- lary buildings, including extramural baths may have stretched along
toric mapping of the area (Ardeţţ & Ardeţţ, 2004, 155; Timár, Biszak, the edges of these roads (Hanel, 2007, 411–412).
Székely, & Molnár, 2010). The most prominent and extant buildings of The fort was surrounded by a civilian settlement (vicus), cemeter-
the fort were made of limestone and marble, but the majority of other ies and other smaller and more remote settlement structures. The
military and extramural buildings were made of pebble (Urdea & remains of the vicus were unearthed to the north and northeast of the
Cîntar, 2014). Although we identified a quarry situated to the north of fort in the 20th century (Cîntar, 2015, 42–78). The authors of an old
the fort, this material was not used in the majority of the unearthed 19th century drawing depicted ‘Roman ruins’ on both sides of the
buildings. Timiş River and two Roman roads on its right, eastern bank (Ortvay,
Recognizing settlement structures around the Roman military fort 1876, 84 and see Figure 3). This place, now called ‘Tibiscum-Iaz’ is the
Tibiscum was the main goal of the project carried out in several least investigated part of the site identified with another civilian
seasons of fieldwork between 2014 and 2016.1 Since the extent of settlement (Ardeţţ & Ardeţţ, 2004).
the fort has been already established and some buildings inside the Among numerous inscriptions discovered in Tibiscum, there are
military base were excavated in the past years (Benea, 2018; Benea & at least two mentioning a civilian town with municipal rights. In the
Bona, 1994; Cîntar, 2015), our activities were focused on the land- second century for settlements and towns existing near Roman
scape surrounding the fort. The main objective of the research was to military bases such status was difficult to obtain, especially for those
reconstruct the extramural settlement structures. Assessment of aerial which existed near auxiliary forts. Settlements existing in the close
thermography on Roman sites in Banat was a secondary goal of the surroundings of the military bases, or the bases themselves, were
project. raised on public land controlled by the military unit which possibly is
referred to as territorium in epigraphic sources (Kovács, 2013, 144ff;
Leveau, 1993). Therefore, their inhabitants were not allowed to buy
2 | THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND and own this land. Still, the civilians formed quasi-municipal govern-
ments and made efforts to change their status, especially due to the
The name of Tibiscum is known from several ancient sources (Ptol. III fact that some of these settlements were actually large and prosper-
8, 10: Tιβίσκον; Tab. Peut., VII 4; Rav. Anonym. IV 14). The first ous towns (Hanel, 2007, 413). In some cases, the civilians built
military post was founded there during Trajan's Dacian campaigns another settlement at a certain distance from the camp, where the
(AD 101–102 and 105–106) on the way to the heart of the Dacian land was under the control of the Roman civilian authorities. Such
Kingdom in Transylvania. Soon, the fortlet developed into a bigger land could be bought and sold, and the inhabitants were able to form
fort manned in the second century by various auxiliary units (Benea & legal authorities which could try to acquire municipal rights for their
Bona, 1994, 16–26; Gudea, 1997, 32–34). Romanian archaeologists community. This legal situation resulted in a specific settlement pat-
have identified four major phases of the fort: Phase I (small timber- tern observed in the surroundings of the second century AD military
and-earth fort), Phase II and III (timber-and-earth auxiliary fort), Phase bases. Legionary bases, which were bigger than auxiliary forts, were
IV (large stone auxiliary fort) (Benea, 2018, 25–124; Benea & Bona, accompanied by a civilian settlement of traders, servicemen and camp
1994, 27–60). The earliest military installation was a small fortlet followers (canabae), while at a certain distance (usually around 2 km)
identified by archaeologists in the north-western corner of the later there was another settlement, which could develop into a town,
auxiliary fort of Phase IVb. The plan of the fort in the last phase is an usually with municipal rights (municipium). This phenomenon is today
irregular trapezoid of about 175 m × 321 m × 210 m × 310 m (Benea, described as ‘settlement duality’ (Hanel, 2007, 413; Piso, 1992).
2018, 53; Cîntar, 2015, 88–89). Scholars agree that from the second half of the second century this
Nowadays the fort is located on the left side of the Timiş River, at ‘settlement duality’ evolved and many canabae were granted munici-
ca 200 m from its banks, but changes of the riverbed in the past pal status, while the second civilian town in the vicinity (if it already
caused damage and the southern part of the fort is now destroyed. had possessed municipal rights) was raised to the status of a Roman
The orientation of the fort is defined by the orientation of the head- colonia, i.e. a city of the highest status with tax exemption.
quarters building, which means that in Tibiscum the East Gate faced Settlements near auxiliary forts were called vici, and only in some
the enemy (porta praetoria), on the opposite side was the porta cases we know about municipia existing near such military bases. For
decumana – here the West Gate, and the two entrances were called many years the scholars followed the opinion of Fr. Vittinghoff that
porta principalis dextra (South Gate) and porta principalis sinistra (North near auxiliary fort could exist only one settlement – a military vicus
(Vittinghoff, 1974, 111). I. Piso who discussed settlement duality near
The project titled Tibiscum (Romania) and its rural territory in the Roman period. Non-
legionary camps suggested that double communities may have
destructive prospection of the settlement landscape was funded by the Diamond Grant occurred also in case of auxiliary forts (Piso, 1992, 152, fn. 98), and
programme by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The results delivered
this idea has been recently developed by F. Matei-Popescu who
material for a case study included in Alexandru Hegyi's PhD thesis which will be published in
Romanian later this year. asserts that just like in the case of legionary bases, a settlement

outside the military territory could be granted municipal rights (Matei- (Chapman, 2006, 11–14). According to UNESCO, ‘Cultural landscapes
Popescu, 2018, 89). Apart from exceptional cases where such model are cultural properties and represent the combined works of nature
could have developed (like Drobeta – an important crossing point on and of man’ (UNESCO, 2012, 14). All these definitions have a common
the Danube, where Trajan built his famous bridge) the majority of denominator. Cultural landscape consists of the present terrain and
auxiliary forts had only one settlement (vicus), which could have been topography, modern manmade infrastructure, but also of archaeologi-
granted municipal rights, not earlier than during the reign of Septimius cal remains, either already unearthed or still unknown.
Severus. The landscape around Tibiscum is particularly interesting for two
In the case of Tibiscum, the scholars came to the conclusion that major reasons. The first one is related to the topography of the site.
either the vicus was granted municipal rights (IDRIII/1, 145; Oltean & This is the unsolved question of where or which part of it was the
Hanson, 2001, 134; Matei-Popescu, 2018, 93), or there might have municipium. The second concerns the environment and forces of
been another settlement, large enough to be granted this privilege nature which have influenced its contemporary shape, mostly through
(Arde & Arde, 2004, 22; Ardevan, 1998, 40; Benea, 2005, 148–149). the transient nature of the Timiş River. The southern edge of the fort
The moment when this happened is disputable, although most has been washed out by the waters of Timiş during one of the great
scholars agree that it occurred no earlier than under Septimius Seve- floods (Cîntar, 2015, 82) and we have expected that it was not the
rus, which is late second to early third century AD (IDR III/1, 145; only part of the site which was harmed by the fluvial activity.
Ardevan, 1998, 40; Benea, 2004; Pippidi, 1974, 18–19). This hypothe-
sis seems to be supported by an ancient illustrated itinerary
(itinerarium pictum), where Tibiscum is marked twice, at two different 3.2 | Methodology
roads in Dacia (Tab. Peut VII 4, Tiuisco).
Although the ruins near Jupa drew the attention of many anti- A multi-disciplinary approach of modern, non-intrusive techniques of
quarians, and the site was excavated in 1923–1924, in 1965–1989 archaeological prospection and documentation were applied during
and irregularly since 2002 until nowadays, the whole area of the site the project. This combined approach resulted from the limited time of
and the rural hinterland of Tibiscum have never been fully investi- fieldworks carried out each season, and a vast hypothetical extent of
gated. During excavations the researchers unearthed the remains of the archaeological site of Tibiscum. Non-destructive methods of
fortifications related to all phases of the military garrison, the head- archaeological prospecting are more cost-effective and efficient than
quarters building (principia), three barrack buildings, an apsidal building regular excavations (Scollar, Tabbagh, Hesse, & Herzog, 1990, 1–8),
and an elongated building identified as a schola (Benea & Bona, 1994, therefore, they are more appropriate for landscape archaeology.
9–11, 29–53). Several extramural buildings of the vicus were discov- A basic requirement for the effective application of all of the
ered to the north and east of the fort (Benea & Bona, 1994, 61–72). methods discussed later are the sizes and accessibility of fields. The
Only separate sites have been excavated in the surroundings of the biggest challenges that were encountered were dense vegetation in
fort, among them ten small rural estates or mansions (Ardevan, 1998, some of the areas which reduced survey areas.
74; Benea, 2005, 149, 151–152; Timoc, 2003, 103) and a temple to
Apollo Conservator (Piso & Rogozea, 1985). The burials were discov-
ered on the right side of the Tibiscum River in the place Tibiscum-Iaz 3.3 | Field walking
(Ardeţţ & Ardeţţ, 2004, 23, 57; Luca, 2006, 140–141, no. 300) and
along the road leading southwards from there (Ardevan, 1998, 40). Though initially not planned (Pisz & Timoc, 2014, 823), pedestrian sur-
veys became one of the methods implemented for the prospection
around the fort. A team of 15 people2 carried out the field-walking
3 | R E S E A R C H P R O G RA M M E A N D surveys covering a total area of ca 2.5 km2. Before the start we had to
METHODS consider the area planned for the investigation, the short period of
time (only two weeks), the number of people involved in field-walking
3.1 | Theoretical approach (13), and the number of global positioning system (GPS) receivers at
our disposal (four). We decided that our first step would be to check
The theoretical approach for the project carried out in Tibiscum con- and investigate all available fields and to apply the extensive field-
forms to Landscape Archaeology. Landscape Archaeology has been walking method only, as the pedestrian surveys have never been
defined in a number of publications during the past decades (Aston, implemented outside the fort, and it seemed possible that we would
1985; Chapman, 2006). According to Nicole Branton, Landscape locate new sites. The decision not to implement an intensive field
Archaeology is a basic tool for researchers who try to find out how survey was based on the argument that the density of finds on the
people conceptualized, organized and adapted their environment and surveyed sites was too high to mark each sherd with GPS receivers,
how it affected them (Branton, 2009, 51). Henry Chapman mentions a
particular meaning of the space, studying the landscape as a whole The field-walking survey was led by Agnieszka Tomas from the Institute of Archaeology,
University of Warsaw and Calin Timoc from the West University in Timişoara. The surveying
instead of focusing on single spaces/events and considers mutual rela-
team consisted also of two PhD candidates from the Institute of Archaeology University of
tions between settlement sites in landscape archaeological studies Warsaw, Tomasz Dziurdzik and Emil Jęczmienowski, and 11 student volunteers.

and in some places where it was possible, such a method might have database. The reference points in all surveyed areas have been
been too time-consuming during the first visit. established with the use of GPS RTK (real-time kinematic). The points
The field walking was carried out in spring and autumn, when the have been measured with sub-centimetre accuracy. Based upon these
visibility of fields allowed for good prospection. Still, many fields points it was possible to perform further geodesy measurements with
turned out to be overgrown, and some of them were wetlands and Total Station in National4 or Global5 coordinate reference system.
marshlands unavailable for investigations. Our main objective was to The use of geodesy instruments as well as handheld GPS receivers
verify or establish an accurate position of the sites recorded in the allowed us to store all acquired data in the GIS database, and to com-
past (Benea, 2005, 149, 151–152; Timoc, 2003, 103) and to discover pare them with the digitized historic maps and plans of the excavated
new ones situated within the radius of ca 3 km around the fort. The buildings.
extensive field-walking survey (transect method) was carried out by a For the accuracy of extensive landscape surveys, it is essential to
team divided into groups of three persons, each group equipped with determine a correct and precise location of all topographical features
one handheld GPS receiver, a compass, photographic cameras and and acquired data, including the position of unearthed structures, dis-
sample bags for collecting archaeological finds. The areas chosen for tinct archaeological finds, and remote sensing data. The best tool for
prospection were divided into parallel transects, each ca 10 m wide. collecting and analysis of spatial data is a GIS database, which helps to
To mark the transects a cane was placed at each end. The person with maintain and manage all acquired spatial information georeferenced,
a GPS receiver set the direction for his/her group and controlled the but also serves as a tool for further analysis and presentation of the
width of the transects. The surveyors walked in zig-zag patterns to obtained results.
cover a maximum area of the prospected field. The tracks visible on Geodetic measurements were a basic method used to create an
Figure 1 show the routes made by the guides of each group. inventory of our research. For this purpose we have used Total
The accurate position of distinct datable artefacts and the extent Stations (Leica TCR-407, Topcon Rs 6), GPS RTK (Topcon Hiper V)
of stone or pottery concentrations were marked with the GPS receivers. Handheld GPS receivers (Garmin eTrex 20) have been used
receivers. Once such a concentration was noticed, the surveying for the purpose of field-walking survey. The measurements have been
group stopped and marked the fixed name of a concentration and taken in global and national coordinate reference systems (WGS84
started walking again until the surface finds became even more UTM34N and Romanian Stereo 70).
sparse, and each surveying person stopped and marked the outer All the results have been uploaded to the GIS database created in
limits of the concentration. The extent of accessible and inaccessible open-source Quantum GIS software. It contained raster (e.g. maps,
fields was also marked. Tracks and waypoints made by guide sur- plans, satellite imagery, orthophotographs, and geophysical maps) and
veyors were recorded and uploaded to the geographic information vector (e.g. points, outlines, GPS tracks, polygons) data. Creating an
system (GIS) database (Figure 1). These GPS records were compared inventory and integrating acquired data in one GIS database allowed
with aerial and ground photographs, collected material and comments for effective research planning, analysis of the data and accurate pub-
of the surveying group leaders. The outcome of the analysis was a lication of the collated material.
vector (shapefile) interpretation (Figure 2).
The pottery sherds visible on the surface were quite numerous
but represented by small pieces, mostly body fragments. Fragmenta- 3.5 | Aerial prospection and thermography
tion of pottery results from intensive agricultural activity and is
tantamount to a lack of identifiable parts of a vessel. However, dat- The aerial prospection with the use of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehi-
able or representative finds were collected and labelled. Afterwards, cles) is a very effective and still a developing method (Campana, 2017;
the pottery sherds were washed and photographed for the prelimi- Fernández-Hernandez, González-Aguilera, Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, &
nary dating. A preliminary inspection on the spot allowed to distin- Mancera-Taboada, 2015; Verhoeven, 2011). In Tibiscum a few differ-
guish between Roman and Medieval pottery fragments (Figure 13).3 ent UAV platforms have been utilized. In 2014–2015 we used a
The results of the field-walking prospection compared with the multirotor (hex-copter) DJI S800 with a camera Olympus E-PL3 and a
information gathered by the Romanian researchers during excava- fixed wing Delta X8 plane equipped with the same camera. In 2016 a
tions over past years gave us a perspective for further surveys, DJI's multirotor Phantom 4 quadcopter was used. Each year thermal
i.e. geophysical measurements. aerial pictures were taken by a thermal camera FLIR E50 mounted on
a hex-copter or attached to a helium balloon equipped with a self-
made remotely controlled platform.
3.4 | Topography survey and GIS A series of oblique and perpendicular pictures have been taken
over the entire area of the site and its surroundings. Oblique photo-
Geodesy techniques are obligatory in order to provide a precise loca- graphs have been also taken in a series with horizontal and vertical
tion of the spatial data, especially while considering the use of a GIS overlap in order to create photogrammetric models with the use of

The finds were preliminarily studied by Dr Calin Timoc from the West University in
Timişoara. All the finds are stored in the County Museum of Ethnography and Border Dealul Piscului 1970/ Stereo 70, EPSG: 31700.
Regiment in Caransebeş (Romania). WGS 84 / UTM zone 34 N, EPSG: 32634.

F I G U R E 1 The outcome of the extensive field-walking survey conducted in Tibiscum in March 2015. Red lines represent tracks registered by
GPS receivers, while blue dots correspond to the features marked in the field, e.g. selected single artefacts, extents of zones of intense artefacts
presence, fields unavailable for prospection [Colour figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 2 Interpretation of the field-walking survey results. Polygons represent particular type of finds. Interpretation is based on type of
finds and their spatial distribution, marked with handheld GPS receivers [Colour figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 3 Comparison of remote sensing and archival cartographic data. Rectangular feature captured on digital surface model seems to be
corresponding with the extent of ‘Roman ruins’, marked in the map from the end of 19th century. Satellite image reveals a linear cropmark,
verified as remains of the Roman road [Colour figure can be viewed at]

photogrammetry software – Agisoft PhotoScan Professional (recently Earth resistance or resistivity surveys are where a very low electric
rebranded to Agisoft MetaShape). For georeferencing we have used current is passed through the ground at regular intervals and the resis-
ground control points measured with a GPS RTK and a total station. tance to the flow of these currents are measured (Gaffney & Gater,
The orthomosaics mapping we created from the aerial surveys cover a 2003, 26). The principle of GPR is sending VHF radio pulses into the
total area of more than 105 ha. ground and registering reflections occurring when pulses meet discon-
One of the methods applied during our fieldworks was the aerial tinuities or surfaces (Gaffney & Gater, 2003, 47).
thermal imaging (thermography) which is a method used in archaeol- In April 2015 a fluxgate magnetometer (Aspinall, Gaffney, &
ogy for some decades (Scollar et al., 1990, 591–632), but only Schmidt, 2008, 34–41) Bartington Grad 601–2 was used.6 In April
recently implemented on a broader scale, mainly due to the sophisti- 2016 we used a caesium magnetometer (Aspinall et al., 2008, 48–53)
cation of thermal cameras and the common use of drones (Casana Geometrics G-858 and a proton magnetometer Geometrics G-856 as
et al., 2017). Data has been collected at different times of the year a reference measurement. Sampling resolution was either 0.5 m
(spring, summer, autumn) and day (morning, afternoon, night). × 0.25 m or 1 m × 0.25 m, depending on the location. The angle of dip
is 62 . Total area investigated with the use of magnetometry is ca
13 ha.
3.6 | Geophysics Earth resistance measurements (Schmidt, 2013) were made in
April 2016 with a Geoscan Research RM85 resistance meter. We used
A professional approach to the use of geophysical methods in archae- a Wenner electrode array (Schmidt, 2013, 40–41) with electrodes
ology distinguishes three levels of investigations (Gaffney & Gater, separation distance, a = 0.75 m, which provided a maximum depth of
2003, 88–90; Schmidt et al., 2015, 10–11) which relate to an increas- prospection up to ca 0.4 m. Sampling resolution in each case was 1 m
ing intensity of data collection. In Tibiscum we chose magnetometry × 1 m. This method has been applied over an area of more than 3 ha.
as the first method, and earth resistance as a complementary ERT measurements have been made with a GEOTOMO ERT
prospection technique. For characterization (David, Linford, & Linford, meter with a double-dipole electrode array (Schmidt, 2013, 44) and a
2008, 8; Schmidt et al., 2015, 11) we applied electrical resistivity 0.5 m electrode separation with a profile interval of 1 m. The principle
tomography (ERT) and ground penetrating radar (GPR). Magnetometry
Measurements were performed by Łukasz Pospieszny and Krzysztof Kiersnowski under the
is used to measure very small magnetic fields associated with buried
supervision of Tomasz Herbich from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish
archaeological remains (Fassbinder, 2015; Gaffney & Gater, 2003, 47). Academy of Sciences.

of this method is similar to that of earth resistance, however, the ERT 4.1.1 | Tibiscum West (surroundings of the
measurements provide three-dimentional data and can provide infor- archaeological reserve park)
mation about the depth of the features. The ERT surveys were made
on the area of 120 m2. The majority of the pedestrian surveys took place on the western
GPR (Conyers, 2013; Trinks et al., 2018, 2–4) measurements were bank of the Timiş River, which was considered to be less archaeologi-
carries out by David Gergely Páll from the University of Szeged. An cally investigated, with the exception of the Archaeological Reserve
instrument used in the survey was a GSSI SIR3000 radar with shielded and the area to the north of the fort. The majority of the sites on this
270 MHz antenna. The interval between the profiles was 1 m. This bank of the Timiş River has been recorded east of national road
method was used over an area of 0.6 ha. 6 (Lugoj–Caransebeş). Three major concentrations (named Concentra-
tion W1, W2 and W3) of artefacts dated to the Roman period have
been identified there (Figure 2). The first one, W1, is located on
4 | RESULTS the fields immediately to the west of the fort's West Gate. This con-
centration is probably related to the ancient road and structures
Our multi-disciplinary approach provided a large amount of data, (buildings?) which may have existed along its course. The other two
which will be sub-divided into individual sections for a coherent newly located concentrations have been discovered about 1 km south
dissemination. The description of all the results are presented in terms (W2) and 2 km north (W3) of the fort. Concentration W2, contained
of content with a division for particular components of the settlement building materials and linear pebble concentrations, are possibly the
landscape. The only exception is a field-walking survey, conducted in remains of a road. The total surface of the recorded concentrations is
March 2015, which is described separately, since it covered a signifi- 5–6 ha. The extent and density of findings located directly east of the
cantly larger area. modern village Jupa seem to belong to a small settlement. Since it was
not possible to conduct a geophysical verification of the site due to
crops, this site requires further investigations in the future. Concen-
4.1 | Field-walking survey tration W3 consisted of five smaller clusters of debris, recorded on a
distance of 100 to 200 m from each other.
For the purpose of the pedestrian surveys the entire area under inves- At a distance of ca 120 m from the East Gate, on the left bank of
tigation has been divided into two large stretches of land divided by the Timiş River, we recorded four separate small stone concentrations
the river Timiş, and labelled Tibiscum West (on the left bank of the in regular (ca 40 m) intervals. They formed a line on the prolonged axis
river) and Tibiscum East (on the right bank of the river). of the via praetoria and the East Gate (Figure 1). It is possible that they
In October 2014, before the start of the regular pedestrian are remains of a collapsed bridge, which was still standing in the
surveys, we visited 12 Roman sites in the vicinity of Tibiscum and 1920s (Benea, 2018, 32–34).
marked them with handheld GPS receivers, which allowed us to inte-
grate their accurate location into our GIS database (Pisz & Timoc,
2014, 825). Among these 12 sites the small Roman fortlet near the vil- 4.1.2 | Tibiscum East (‘Tibiscum-Iaz’)
lage Cornuţţel presents us with an interesting, but very damaged site
(Nemeth, Fodorean, Matei, & Blaga, 2011, 341, Abb. 13 and 14; Petru, The fields on the right bank of the Timiş River in an area called
Hurduzeu, & Timoc, 2001). On the right side of the Timiş River ‘Tibiscum-Iaz’ were vast and mostly inaccessible. A field-walking sur-
(Tibiscum East), we visited the excavated temple of Apollo (Piso & vey was carried out in ploughed fields and moderately overgrown
Rogozea, 1985). meadows, where surface observations were possible.
The first systematic field-walking survey was carried out in March We managed to observe an elevated field with a slight delineation
2015 (Figure 1). The prospection covered a total surface area of ca visible along its edge (Concentration E1). The axis of this edge was
2.5 km2. Most of the identified remains were small or medium size formed by pebble and debris and was similarly aligned to the axis of
concentrations of archaeological finds – pottery sherds and/or the East Gate and the via praetoria and the hypothetical line of the
building material. The finds have been cleaned and spot-dated, their bridge. This observation matched with images obtained from a photo-
position of discovery uploaded to the GIS database and mapped. The grammetric digital terrain model (DTM) made from UAV imagery with
categories of finds compared to the images obtained from the geo- Agisoft PhotoScan (Figure 3). Building material and pottery sherds
physical surveys and aerial photographs gave possible interpretations were found on the surface of the elevated field.
of structures underground. We have managed to locate and document Five more concentrations have been recorded on the right bank
a few dozen archaeological features and ten new sites. A number of of the Timiş River (Figure 2). The first one was another linear cluster
artefacts were collected, mostly pottery sherds, but also fragments of found at about 200 m southeast of the elevated site E1, on a slight
imported tableware and metal objects (Figure 2). slope (labelled Concentration E2). Cobble and pebble concentrations
were forming a line here, where also pottery sherds and some other
7 finds like a Roman iron key were found (Figure 3). In one of the satel-
We would like to express our gratitude to Adrian Ardeţ and Calin Timoc who kindly showed
us all the sites and gave their comments and observations. lite images provided by Google we spotted a linear cropmark in this

area. The data integrated in the GIS database showed that the extent The earth resistance survey has been carried out on the same area
of a cropmark matched with the waypoints made along the pebble as magnetic measurements (Figure 4) and provided comparable
cluster (Figure 3). results. Since electric currents fed into the ground produce high resis-
The largest concentration (E3) of archaeological finds has been tance readings where they meet stone walls or other stone or masonry
discovered about 300 m northeast from E2. Building materials (cobble, features, it was relatively easy to identify these kinds of structures
limestone blocks, bricks) as well as artefacts (mostly potsherds) cov- (Figure 5). Due to the limited depth of prospection of earth resistance
ered an area of more than 10 ha, aligned along an east–west axis. All method, it was not possible to distinguish shallow underground struc-
these linear pebble concentrations were interpreted as possible roads. tures, while images obtained from magnetometry may show structures
This place corresponds with the location of the road to the provincial buried deeper. The results obtained from magnetic measurements
capital Colonia Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa as depicted on Ortvay's showing the settlement's oblique edge was confirmed by the results
drawing (Figure 3). About 300 m northwest of concentration E3, along of the earth resistance survey. It appeared as a double, high resistance
the Eruga River, we have found seven smaller sites located from 50 to linear anomaly. It may be interpreted as a wall, or – less likely – as a
150 m distance from each other, where archaeological material was road. Many anomalies which are clearly visible in the magnetic data,
visible on the surface (Figure 3). They were named as concentration especially in the western part of the area, are not clear in the results
E4. Furthermore, 200 m east of E3 we have identified another of the earth resistance measurements. This is probably due to the dif-
concentration (E5) and a further concentration of finds 400 m ferent depths of particular structures. The deeper-lying structures are
eastwards of it, we have recorded the last concentration – E6 better visible in the magnetic data, whilst they are less clear or absent
(Figure 3). It was located in the vicinity of the Apollo Conservator on the earth resistance image. This occurrence might be dependent on
temple (Cîntar, 2015, 201–206). the different chronology or on the state of preservation of particular
objects. This phenomenon will be a subject of further research.
The location and size of the anomalies visible on the images
4.2 | Geophysical survey obtained from the data collected during the surveys with two previ-
ously discussed methods have been confirmed by the GPR measure-
4.2.1 | Area 1 ments (Figure 5). However, the GPR images provides high-resolution
data and images, hence it has been possible to distinguish some
In close vicinity of the fort a survey area was chosen for geophysical structures (mostly walls), which were difficult to distinguish using
survey, named as Area 1. Measurements were collected in two areas: magnetometry and, in the case of deeper buried structures, earth
north of the fort (Area 1A); this part of the site was partly excavated resistance methods.
and identified as a military vicus; and west of the fort (Area 1B), The results of geophysical measurements required verification to
around the GSM antenna, beyond the Archaeological Reserve assess the potential of the geophysical methods used and to assess
(Figure 4). The total survey area for these two sites totalled ca 4 ha. the interpretation. This ‘ground truthing’ of the results has been car-
The site conditions for geophysical measurements in Area 1A were ried out with excavation. We selected one structure visible in all (mag-
perfect, however in Area 1B they were more difficult due to the fact, netic, earth resistance and GPR) the data sets as a regular, rectangular
that the crops were growing in April. Nonetheless, complementary anomaly, most likely well preserved and shallow buried masonry
geophysical measurements were carried out at both sites producing remains (Figure 5). To obtain a full image of the underground structure
excellent results. before excavating we applied ERT measurements. The presence of a
For the measurements in Area 1A we used a Geometrics G-858 10 m × 10 m square, high-resistance linear electric anomaly was con-
caesium magnetometer with vertical gradient sensor configuration firmed by the ERT results. The width of the anomaly did not exceed
and a traverse interval of 1 m. The magnetic measurements covered a 1 m (Figure 5). Higher resistivity values appeared at a depth of ca
surface of ca 1.5 ha. Linear, positive and negative anomalies have been 0.20 m below the ground surface. The image at a depth of ca 1 m
identified in concentrations in the north of the Area 1A (Figure 5). illustrated a weaker anomaly that at a depth of 1.3 m disappears.
Numerous dipolar anomalies have been detected throughout the area, Higher resistivity values recorded in a particular measured place may
however, the negative linear and thermoremanent anomalies are the result from the fact that the measured value is an apparent resistivity,
most important ones. The regular negative anomalies may be related which is a ‘sort of average’ of all soil resistivities underneath an elec-
to the buried walls while the thermoremanent anomalies may be asso- trode array (Schmidt, 2013, 49–52).8 In other words, layers and struc-
ciated with the remains of some burnt structures and/or large pottery tures buried at different depths in the same point may produce ‘a sort
concentrations, e.g. collapsed roofs (Fassbinder, 2015). In the southern of average’ resistivity reading for a selected maximum depth of
part of the surveyed area we have managed to identify a clear edge of prospection. Thus, readings can indicate a depth where a buried struc-
the settlement (vicus) and an area devoid of anomalies between the ture appears, but the changes of resistivity values are not directly
buildings and the fort's defensive wall. An interesting observation is related to the presence of the structure. This phenomenon should be
that the edge of the mentioned anomalous zone is oblique to the fort's considered when we estimate a depth of a detected structure.
wall. Close examination of the magnetic map immediately north of the
fort shows faint linear anomalies parallel to the forts' defensive wall. „Average is used here in a figurative and not mathematical sense’.

F I G U R E 4 The extent of geophysical measurements conducted in the years 2015–2016. Particular polygons refer to respective geophysical
techniques applied within their extent [Colour figure can be viewed at]

The investigated ‘square structure’ was verified by trench exca- features some regular structures have been detected. These
vations led by Dr Adrian Arde in August 2016. Three sections have anomalies may be identified as a possible road with some adjacent
been excavated – two of 10 m × 1.5 m each on the north–south buildings.
axis, and one of 2 m × 8 m, at the east–west axis (Figure 6). Thick Aerial tomography has been applied in order to assess the
walls (0.80 m) made of cobble stone were unearthed in all three prospection potential of the method in the Archaeological Reserve
places. The wall's preserved top was at a depth of ca 0.20 m and its and in its surroundings. We made a series of flights with a multirotor
foundation at a depth of ca 0.90 m below the ground level. The tre- drone and helium balloon with a thermal camera attached. Thermal
nch has been excavated to a depth of ca 1.10 m below the surface, pictures were taken in the morning, in the middle of the day and even
revealing, e.g. fragments of four stone querns, fragments of jewellery at night, in early spring, summer and autumn. We were able to detect
and coins, including a silver denarius of Marcus Aurelius. This site some thermal anomalies within Area 1A, which turned out to be visi-
was further excavated during the following field seasons by Dr ble in the images obtained from the geophysical measurements
Adrian Arde. (Figure 10). They were best visible in the pictures captured during a
The location, shape, width and thickness of the unearthed hot summer day, around noon. Interesting features have been rev-
remains correspond with the geophysical results proving that the ealed in the vicinity of the West Gate – a rectangular warm anomaly
interpretations of the geophysical data are correct. showed up in the data captured in summer (also in the middle of the
day) and in the autumn of 2014.
Spring sessions, according to our expectations, provided the least
4.2.2 | Area 1B impressive results, probably due to the low daily amplitude of temper-
atures and smaller amount of solar energy reaching the ground.
In Area 1B we intended to apply the same set of methods which Autumn sessions turned out to provide better results than in spring,
proved effective in Area 1A. Unfortunately, just a small part (ca but still much worse than the results from summer data collection.
1.5 ha) of the terrain was accessible for geophysical measurements Night flights (3–4 hours after sunset) surprised us with relatively poor
due to dense crop vegetation. Nevertheless, in the extent of sur- contrasts, since the ground was still very warm and it was getting cool
veyed polygons we have managed to capture two strong, linear very slowly. However, morning sessions were disturbed by the shape
anomalies with earth resistance and GPR methods; a faint negative of terrain – even slight changes in topography were unequally
linear magnetic anomaly has exactly corresponded with an anomaly exposed to the sun and heated up unevenly by sharp angle of the sun-
identified in the earth resistance data (Figure 9). Along both of these light. This effect might be useful if looking for archaeological sites

F I G U R E 5 Area 1A, inside the Archaeological Reserve Tibiscum. Results of geophysical measurements with magnetic (top left), earth
resistance (top right), GPR (bottom left) and ERT (bottom right) methods [Colour figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 6 Comparison of GPR (left) and

earth resistance (middle) measurements
within the Area 1A, with the photogrammetric
documentation of the test trench, revealing
the structure captured with geophysical
measurements [Colour figure can be viewed

with their own terrain form (Scollar et al., 1990, 601, 609). The best structures appeared as warmer zones. The possible explanation of this
time of the day for thermal prospection was around noon, when phenomenon is that the short-rooted grass contains more moisture
the whole ground surface was evenly heated and shallow stone variations and close presence of stone structures deprives it of water.

Less hydrated grass cannot prevent its temperature from rising A large survey area of approximately 5.1 ha was measured within
(Scollar et al., 1990, 631). Area 2A with a fluxgate magnetometer. Surprisingly, the processed
and visualized data have produced only a few anomalies which could
be interpreted as archaeological remains (Figure 7). Numerous single
4.2.3 | Areas 2A, 2B and 3 magnetic dipolar magnetic anomalies were detected; however, they
might be caused either by archaeological features or contemporary
On the entire right side of the river we have chosen three areas to ferrous remnants. No preserved patterns which could be identified as
carry out geophysical measurements and named them as Area 2A, traces of Roman settlement were detected with magnetic method
Area 2B and Area 3 (Figure 4). The survey areas measuring a total there.
area of ca 9.5 ha were selected on the basis of the field-walking Nevertheless, we noticed one very interesting occurrence in the
results, spatial data analysis and the accessibility of the fields in results: very subtle (low dynamic – below ±0.5 nT), vast, crescent-
April 2015. Area 2A and Area 2B have been investigated with a shaped series of linear positive and negative anomalies. It is possible
fluxgate magnetometer with spatial resolution of 0.5 m × 0.25 m, that these anomalies might have been caused by alluvial point bars. A
and Area 3 with a Bartington Grad601–2 with 1 × 0.25 m landform captured with a drone digital surface model indicates to the
sampling. same interpretation. At this stage of the research it still requires verifi-
cation, perhaps with geological exploration (auguring). If this theory is
correct, we expect to identify sedimentological evidence. This may
4.2.4 | Area 2A indicate that at least the southern part of this site has been eroded by
the river.
This area was located on the elevated field identified during the
pedestrian surveys. A position of a slight elevation visible in the aerial
pictures, as well as on the photogrammetric digital surface model cor- 4.2.5 | Area 2B
responds with GPS-marked concentrations of the archaeological finds
identified through field walking. This place seems to be the same as a It was located in the place of concentration E2 identified from field
square of ‘Roman city ruins’ on the right bank of the Timiş River walking, where we found a linear pebble cluster, preliminary inter-
drawn on the 19th century map (Figure 3). preted as a possible ancient road (Figure 2). The investigated surface

F I G U R E 7 Results of gradiometry measurements performed in Areas 2A and 2B. No clear archaeological features visible in the Area 2A.
Anomalies of possible archaeological origin seem to appear in the Area 2B, however the image is interfered by the strong dipolar anomaly from a
gas pipe. Magnetic maps developed by Ł. Pospieszny [Colour figure can be viewed at]

covered an area of 1.4 ha. Unfortunately, a large part of the magnetic both data sets in a section of the road where it forks and changes
data was dominated by a strong dipolar anomaly caused by a gas pipe direction. Stronger magnetic anomalies turned out to be weaker earth
crossing this area. Nevertheless, there are numerous anomalies which resistance anomalies, while weak magnetic anomalies corresponded
may indicate archaeological structures. Negative linear anomalies are to strong electric anomalies. Such a difference may result either from
presumably related to some stone structures. One of these anomalies the state of preservation of the roads, or the depth at which they are
may indicate the ephemeral remains of a road, and the other anoma- buried or differences in their original construction.
lies related to structural remains and masonry (Figure 7).
The acquired data compared with the 19th century map con-
firmed that the linear concentration, a cropmark on satellite images 5 | DI SCU SSION
and the anomalies visible in the geophysical data may correspond with
the Roman road aligned south towards Dierna, but in reality it is The military base at Tibiscum and a part of the military vicus north of
shifted ca 200 m to the west (Figures 3 and 7). The shift may be the it were excavated and thoroughly investigated by the Romanian
result of imprecise drawing made on the 19th century map. Geo- archaeologists. The excavations on the right side of the Timiş River
referencing errors might also have also caused some imprecision in have brought to light interesting observations (Arde & Arde, 2004,
the location and scale of this historic map. It should be noticed that 24), but still not much has been established as to whether this was
the thickness of a line which marks the road on the afore mentioned the location of another town (municipium). The observations and inter-
historic map gives a ca 20 m real width which is certainly too wide for pretations concerning the Tibiscum settlement landscape presented
a Roman road. later should be treated as general and tentative in many aspects.
However, we believe that we will be able to propose new answers
and generate new questions on Tibiscum and similar Roman military
4.2.6 | Area 3 sites.

This site was first located during the field-walking survey in 2015
due to numerous concentrations of archaeological remains (concen- 5.1 | The military vicus
tration E3). The estimated maximum extent of the site is more than
10 ha, but unfortunately most of it is inaccessible due to overgrown The results of geophysical survey proved that the military vicus was
vegetation. The plot chosen for geophysical survey covered an area of larger than expected (Figure 11). It consisted of regular rows of
3 ha. houses which have been detected throughout the whole survey area.
The first geophysical method applied at this site was magnetome- Basing on the geophysical data, verified with the results of the exca-
try. We obtained very good and clear data, where numerous dipole vations it is highly probable that the major part of the vicus is deeply
and negative linear anomalies were visible (Figure 8). The latter are buried underneath accumulated material (perhaps alluvial deposits)
particularly interesting, since they are interpreted as the remains of beyond the excavated area. The extramural settlement was oblique to
small stone structures. A wide linear anomaly detected throughout the fort's northern wall. The angle between the vicus and the fort's
the whole Area 3 has been interpreted as remains of a road. This defensive wall is 15 –20 , which forms a gap of 30 to 50 m. The faint
anomaly corresponded with observations recorded during the field linear anomalies identified in the magnetic survey are parallel to the
walking. Dozens of square negative linear anomalies sized from ca forts' north defensive wall and could indicate the remains of a ditch
5 m × 5 m to 10 m × 10 m have been identified from the geophysical and a rampart (Benea, 2018, 53–55).
results. It is worth mentioning that we have managed to detect unmis- Although only a small part of the area to the west of the fort was
takable archaeological features from the magnetometry data, despite suitable for survey, we managed to establish that buildings existed
significant destruction as the result of extensive modern ploughing at also outside the West Gate. The GPR data seemed to indicate that
the site. some rubble might be buried at a small depth (up to 0.5 m below the
Due to the excellent results of the magnetometry survey, the surface), while more clear anomalies tend to appear at a depth of ca
earth resistance survey was expected to provide good quality results 0.8 to 1.6 m from the ground. Their shapes and sizes seem to indicate
too. Measurements were taken in April 2016 with a Geoscan architectural remains and paved roads.
Research RM85 and a Wenner electrode array (a = 0.75 m) and The northern part of the vicus at Tibiscum resembles a tangent-
1 m × 1 m sampling. Most of the negative magnetic anomalies turned type settlement, one of the three types observed in the province Ger-
out to be a high resistance features as expected. Nonetheless, an mania (Sommer, 1999, 81–83), but mostly not in a pure form but
interesting and complementary image of the site has been produced. rather a combination of two or even all three types: street-,
The presence of the majority of square structures have been con- tangential- or ring-shaped vicus (Hanel, 2007, 411; Sommer, 1999,
firmed in the data obtained from the earth resistance measurements 83). As it has been observed by I. Oltean, the internal arrangement of
(Figure 8). The most surprising was wide linear anomalies – some of the excavated part of Tibiscum vicus has close similarities with vici in
them of which were more visible than in the magnetometry data. Micia, Razboieni and Porolissum where many buildings have rooms on
Whilst others were not visible in the magnetic data at all. Visible in both sides of a central corridor and a portico facing the street, and

F I G U R E 8 Results of complementary
geophysical measurements in the Area
3. Archaeological features clearly visible both in
earth resistance and gradiometry results.
Magnetic map developed by Ł. Pospieszny
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

individual properties had access from the streets via passageways geophysical surveying throughout the whole landscape we could iden-
to the workshops at their back (cf. Oltean, 2007, 163). tify the entire road network of the Tibiscum settlement.
The field walking carried out at Tibiscum East showed linear con-
centrations (E1–E3) of pebble on an east–west axis (Figure 2). Linear
concentrations along the southern ridge of the elevated field
5.2 | Road network (Concentration E1) corresponded with the axis of the road departing
from the fort's East Gate towards the remains identified as a bridge
Traces of roads in the fort's direct vicinity had been a subject of stud- (Figure 3). However, there are still many questions to be answered
ies in the past (Benea & Cîntar, 2015), but our research focused on about this element of Roman infrastructure. For instance, magnetic
their remains in the whole area. Remains of roads have been detected and earth resistance measurements in the necropolis area have
during field-walking surveys (Figure 3) and with geophysical proven the presence of not just one, but several Roman roads as well
prospection (Figure 11). In some places, remote sensing data seem to as an ‘intersection’ (Figure 8 and 11). No less interesting is a linear
confirm their course. From the results of our project it is evident that cropmark detected in the remote sensing data and confirmed by field
the remains of Roman roads are easily detectable with geophysical walking as Concentration E2 and then further corroborated in the
surveys, except for the parts which have been destroyed through river results of the geophysics (Area 2B).
erosion and modern agricultural activity. Therefore, we are confident The detected remains of the roads correspond with a road identi-
that by utilizing a systematic multi-disciplinary programme of fied on a 19th century map of this area. These roads detected in

F I G U R E 9 Results of complementary geophysical measurements in the Area 1B. Magnetometry reveals few anomalies which area
interpreted as archaeological objects, however the measurement was strongly interfered by strong dipolar anomalies from the gas pipe and GSM
mast. Earth resistance and GPR measurements revealed clear anomalies from archaeological objects [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Tibiscum East can be identified with the Tabula Peutingeriana as the unfortunately most of it was hardly accessible due to overgrown veg-
road Dierna–Praetorium–Tibiscum–Sarmizegetusa and the road etation. The geophysical survey carried out at this site (Area 3) yielded
Lederata–Berzovia–Tibiscum (Tab. Peut VII 4). more information about the remains. Strong linear anomalies, inter-
Traces of Roman roads have been found also in Tibiscum West. preted as roads and rectangular, densely ‘packed’ anomalies inter-
The presence of this kind of infrastructure has been recorded during a preted as stone structures adjacent to the road have been identified
field-walking survey, when linear traces of pebble have been found (Figure 8). There are many recorded sites where Roman necropolae
(Concentrations W1 and W2). Anomalies obtained from the geophysi- were built along the roads in a form of ‘street of tombs’ (Purcell,
cal measurements in the Area 1B indicate that there might have been 1987). Examples of a similar spatial arrangement of graves can be
a road or even several roads (Figure 9) in this area. Unfortunately, sur- found in many cities of the Roman Empire, for example in Ostia Antica
vey conditions were not satisfactory in 2016 and this area requires (Baldassarre, 1987; Boschung, 1987).
further geophysical survey. The re-discovery, location and delineation of the extent of the
necropolis near the road Tibiscum–Colonia Ulpia Traiana
Sarmizegetusa can be regarded as one of the most important achieve-
5.3 | Cemeteries ments of the Tibiscum Project. The place was detected during field-
walking and further geophysical prospection, which clearly identified
The biggest cemetery dated to the second–third century AD is located numerous funerary structures, which remain unexcavated.
on the right side of the Tibiscum River (Tibiscum East), in the place
Tibiscum-Iaz (Arde & Arde, 2004, 57; Luca, 2006, 140–141, no. 300).
Ancient burials were also identified along the road leading southwards 5.4 | Settlement in Tibiscum East
from Tibiscum-Iaz (Ardevan, 1998, 40). However, the extent, layout or
appearance of these cemeteries have never been studied. During the field-walking surveys we have managed to identify an ele-
Concentration E3, located during a field-walking survey in vated field, where archaeological material and the terrain shape indi-
Tibiscum East in 2015, was recorded as the largest in this part of the cate that it had been changed by human activity (Concentration
site (Figure 2). Its maximum extent is more than 10 ha, but E1/Area 1B). A photogrammetry model and ground observations of

F I G U R E 1 0 Aerial thermography experiments in Tibiscum. In the left part, comparison of a thermogram revealing positive thermal anomalies
(up) with earth resistance results (down). In the right part comparison of two thermograms, revealing the same buried structure in summer
(up) and autumn (down) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 1 1 Collective interpretation of all geophysical survey results. Presented shapes correspond to particular anomalies, registered with
at least one of geophysical methods applied within indicated polygons [Colour figure can be viewed at]

F I G U R E 1 2 The final reconstruction of the settlement landscape of Tibiscum, based on the outcome of non-destructive research in
2014–2016 and previous archaeological research [Colour figure can be viewed at]

this area indicate that at least its southern part was taken away by the military settlement like vicus in Porolissum, raised to this status by
Timiş River. Septimius Severus (Opreanu & L
azarescu, 2016, 111). So far there is
As mentioned earlier, this place, according to many scholars, is no definite proof that Tibiscum followed the latter model, but even
the location of another civilian settlement which was granted the sta- less indicates the first one to be the case.
tus of municipium (Ardevan, 1998, 113–117; Benea, 2016, 79–80; One of the three inscribed monuments directly mentioning the
Pippidi, 1974, 18–19). The rectangular shape of the Roman remains municipal status of Tibiscum was an altar found in the 18th century
on a surface of about 7.5 ha are visible on a 19th century map (Ortvay near the confluence of the Bistra River and the Timiş River (IDR III/1,
1876, 84). It is noteworthy, that the excavations carried out in 2001 no. 132). As the Bistra River is a right tributary of the Timiş, this might
revealed buildings and fortifications (a ditch and a rampart) surround- suggest that the altar was found on the eastern riverbank. The
ing probably an area of 90 m × 60 m, as well as two buildings of a reg- description is rather general, however, as the Bistra River flows into
ular plan (Arde & Arde, 2004, 156–157). As established by the the Timiş about 2 km to the north from Tibiscum. Since the monu-
discoverers, these fortifications are dated to the early second century ment is dated to the reign of Emperor Gallienus (218–268), it may well
(earth-and-timber phase), and in the late second century they were refer to the municipal status of the vicus, which could have obtained
levelled and replaced by stone buildings (Arde & Arde, 2004, such status already in the Severan period (e.g. Mócsy, 1972; cf. von
24, 54–55). Petrikovits, 1981, 171–173). Regrettably, the circumstances of dis-
The answer to the question of where the municipium was located covery of two other inscribed monuments do not add much to our
may never be found. The municipalization of settlements near auxil- knowledge, as they were found outside the site. Nevertheless, they
iary vici has already been discussed, but it remains a debatable are both dated to the third century AD (IDR III/1, nos 139 and 353).
whether the municipal rights were granted to the military vicus or if We managed to establish that the main roads – to Dierna and
another civilian vicus developed at a certain distance from the fort, Sarmizegetusa departed from this area and the cemeteries were situ-
possibly half a Roman mile away (Piso, 1992, 152, fn. 98; ated adjacent to these two roads. The size of the fort and its military
Matei-Popescu, 2018, 89). It is probable that some settlements near settlement reflects an important role of Tibiscum in the control over
auxiliary forts, especially those which grew rapidly in the early second the crossroads and trading routes passing near the fort. Perhaps trade
century, could have followed the ‘settlement duality’ pattern known and control over the provision of salt to the Roman army was one of
from legionary bases, and this would be the case of the auxiliary fort the important activities there (AE 1967, 388 and cf. IDR III/1, 145;
at Drobeta where municipal rights were granted by Hadrian (Matei- Benea, 2007, 43–44; Mihailescu-Bîrliba, 2016, 53). The roads and a
Popescu, 2018, 59), while others developed to large, but single bridge across the Timiş River joined the Danubian banks with the

F I G U R E 1 3 Selected surface finds,

collected during the field-walking survey.
1, Bronze bracelet dated to pre-Roman times;
2, fragment of an imbrex with a stamp;
3, selected drawings of Roman pottery sherds
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

Dacian provincial capital Colonia Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa. Analog- The outcomes of the ‘Tibiscum Project’ can be considered as
ically, a large settlement developed on the crossing of the Mureş River satisfying and promising. As a result of our multi-disciplinary research
near the fort Micia (Oltean, 2007, 155–157 and figure 5.28), approach we can propose a hypothetical reconstruction of the ancient
where, among others, salt was also traded (Benea, 2007, 43–44; settlement and landscape surrounding Tibiscum (Figure 12). The fea-
Mihailescu-Bîrliba, 2016, 53). tures which we consider as certain are the major roads, buildings
The lack of significant traces of a settlement big enough to be around the fort and the necropolis. The location and shape of the
identified with another, separate civil settlement of Tibiscum, as well elevated site on the western side of the Timiş River (within Area 2A)
as lack of evident architectural remains, such as the forum, municipal is also certain. Traces of settlements recorded within Tibiscum West
buildings, the Capitolium, etc. seem to indicate that the right side of are identified as undefined concentrations of possible settlement. Last
the Timiş River was not a place where we should search for a separate but by no means least, the map of Roman findings prepared in the GIS
settlement with municipal status. On the contrary, the presence of database has immeasurable value as well.
another possible military installation there (a second fortlet?) may In the light of the results of the past excavations and the new
suggest that the opposite side of the river belonged to the military data obtained from our surveys it could be stated that the military set-
territory, therefore, the vicus may have stretched on both sides of the tlement (vicus) stretched along the eastern, northern and probably
river. Consequently, in our opinion, the municipal status was probably western side of the fort. It is possible that at least the northern part of
granted to the vicus, a settlement which must have flourished in the the settlement belonged to a ‘tangent type’ vicus, similar to sites
third century. observed in Germany. The occurrence of deeply buried stone struc-
tures in the extramural areas have been confirmed by geophysical
investigations, but the exact chronology and function of these build-
6 | C O N CL U S I O N S
ings cannot be verified by the geophysical results alone and require
The non-destructive surveys in Tibiscum in 2014–2016 covered the further investigation.
surface of at least 2.5 km2. Vast majority of this land has been The most controversial issue concerns the identification of the
surveyed with field-walking surveys or aerial prospection only. The municipium. The results of the present project confirm that some
field-walking surveys revealed a number of interesting findings. Their structure with a regular layout did exist on the east side of the river.
interpretation let us distinguish ten archaeological sites and features. The ‘dual’ topography of Tibiscum is unquestionable, since it is both
Numerous artefacts have been collected. An area of about 14 ha has attested archaeologically and in Tabula Peutingeriana. The results of
been researched with a minimum 1of one and a maximum of four our survey do not allow to conclude that the remains on the east side
geophysical survey methods. Aerial thermography was performed of the Timiş River are significant enough to belong to the settlement
throughout seven flight sessions in different times of the day and dif- with municipal status. It is possible that in Tibiscum we are dealing
ferent parts of the year, providing over a hundred thermograms. with a large auxiliary fort (on the west side of the river) and perhaps a
Results from the geophysical survey provided at least 80 newly dis- smaller military installation (on the east side of the river), not neces-
covered archaeological features. Finally, we have three trenches were sarily existing at the same time. The military vici at Razboieni and
excavated to verity the results of the geophysical surveys, unearthing Micia categorized as ‘partially dispersed settlements’ had some parts
a total surface of 46 m2. with a more highly structured use of space observed in a closer

proximity to the forts (Oltean, 2007, 160). It is possible that these set- information about the thickness of structures and the depth at which
tlements developed gradually and perhaps such development in the remains might occur. Earth resistance method may be faster and
Tibiscum concerns both sides of the Timiş River. If that was case, the more cost-effective than ERT or GPR. The latter could be reapplied
vicus at Tibiscum may have stretched on both sides of the river and in with higher frequency antennas and at least 0.5 m profile interval,
the late second or early third century AD was large enough to be depending on desired resolution of the results and depth of
granted municipal rights. Still, we cannot fully exclude that some of prospection.
the architectural remains in Tibiscum East have been washed out by Applying all methods discussed earlier makes it possible to verify
the river and it will be impossible to understand well this part of particular features with a high level of precision. This kind of approach
the site. is more cost-effective and less destructive to archaeological
The second goal of the project was a verification of methods used resources. Using geodesy tools and GIS systems will allow us to plan
in Tibiscum. The methods selected and applied in this research project small, narrow trenches in order to answer particular research ques-
worked very well and all of them provided new information about the tions. It is particularly important as the European countries signed the
site. Many findings which were devoid of their spatial context European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heri-
received their geospatial position and the context obtained from the tage (Council of Europe, 1992), commonly known as ‘The Valletta
remote sensing data. This is particularly important for the spatial Convention’. This document recommends the use of non-destructive
relation of the excavated sites located on both sides of the river. methods of archaeological investigation should be applied wherever
Field-walking survey turned out to be very effective, especially on the possible (Council of Europe, 1992, 3). Integrating non-destructive
ploughed fields. Surveying in regular traverses allowed for documen- prospection techniques together with precise verification by trenching
tation of sites and structures with good accuracy. These sites were may help researchers to discover and reconstruct much more of the
later verified and confirmed by the geophysical survey. However, it settlement landscape around Tibiscum. These methods can be carried
has to be mentioned, that the field walking provided quite good out in shorter time frame and with higher cost efficiency with the
results in the fields overgrown by grass and weeds – in early spring, least possible destruction to the archaeological remains.
when weeds are low, it was even possible to distinguish whole stone The present non-destructive project has brought brand new infor-
structures (Figure 2). Field-walking survey campaigns should be con- mation about the past environment and landscape transformations
tinued and cover the whole area around Tibiscum. throughout centuries. The results shed a new light on settlement land-
Among geophysical methods, both magnetic and earth resistance scape of Tibiscum, providing some emerging information about the
methods have proven to be effective, providing complementary data vicus, road networks and infrastructure, mortuary structures, and the
sets, registering different physical properties of the examined fields. preservation of archaeological remains on the east side of the river.
Magnetometry was better for detecting deeper anomalies, than earth The most important was to establish the locations of all these places
resistance. However, earth resistance turned out to be a sensible and to prepare one map in the GIS database. We would like to con-
technique for disturbance caused by numerous ferrous objects and tinue our field surveys in Tibiscum, focusing more on the reconstruc-
provided clear results of stone structures. ERT helped to estimate the tion of the natural landscape in the past and post-deposit processes
depth and thickness of detected features. The latter method is very and thorough examination of identified anomalies in order to better
slow and should be considered as a high-resolution method in the understand geophysical prospection results and provide better
final stage of non-destructive prospection. The effectiveness of GPR archaeological interpretations of geophysical data.
and earth resistance methods in Tibiscum are comparable and pro-
vided a clear image of the subsurface structures, but GPR provides AC KNOWLEDG EME NT S
deeper penetration although data collection is less rapid. The authors would like to express their gratitude to three anonymous
We were able to establish that it is possible to detect shallow bur- reviewers for their precious comments and advices, as well as to
ied archaeological structures with aerial thermography in Tibiscum. Trisha Voke, who contributed with editing and language proofing.
This method turned out to be the most effective for detection of The authors would like to thank all participants of the project
stone structures buried at a shallow depth. However, it should be and to all who supported the project. The Principal Investigator
applied in particular conditions, when temperature is high and humid- would like to express his gratitude in particular to the scientific
ity is low, since these two factors affect vegetation growing over supervisor of the project: the late Prof. Dr Hab. Tadeusz Sarnowski,
buried archaeological remains. who supported and trusted in our activities, but unfortunately, he
The optimal workflow planning for further investigations in never saw the results published. The authors are very indebted to Dr
Tibiscum should involve a set of the following methods: magnetome- C
alin Timoc who started the collaboration with the Polish partner Dr
try as an extensive survey method for large-scale prospection. Follow- Hab. Agnieszka Tomas and introduced them to the research history
ing this targeted earth resistance and/or GPR for the delineation of and topography of Tibiscum and helped during all seasons of field-
the sites and features, and ERT for closer identification of a particular work. The Project could not have taken place without his invaluable
feature. Multi-level earth resistance measurements with a twin-probe help. The authors would like to thank Dr Florian Matei-Popescu for
electrode array should be tested in order to check the responsivity of his valuable remarks on the text and consultations concerning the
the method at deeper prospection levels. This may provide auxiliary forts in Dacia.

For hosting Polish expedition in Romania all credit goes to Dr Abbreviations

Adrian Arde, the Director of the Tibiscum Archaeological Reserve and AE L'année épigraphique. Revue des publications
a scientific supervisor of the field research in Tibiscum. The authors épigraphiques relatives à l'antiquité romaine.
are also very thankful for his help during trench excavations in 2016 Paris.
in collaboration with Lucia Carmen Arde. IDR III/1 Russu, I. I., Dušanic, M., Gudea, N., & Wollmann,
The authors received kind help and advice from the late Prof. Dr V. (1977). IDR III, 1 – Inscriptiones Daciae
Hab. Doina Benea, as well as from Dr Adrian Cîntar, Dr Lavinia Romanae, vol. III. Dacia Superior, 1. Pars
Grumeza, Dr Simona Regep, Prof. Dr Hab. Petru Urdea. occidentalis.
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of the ‘geophysics’ team: Jacek Balcerzak, Adrian Chlebowski, Artur Implementation of the World Heritage Convention.
Ciszewski, Tomasz Dziurdzik, Paweł Janik, Emil Jęczmienowski, Paris: UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
Krzysztof Kiersnowski, Maciej Miturski, Łukasz Pospieszny, Michał
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