Color Idioms (Red)

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Color Idioms (Red)

1. as red as a cherry
 Bright red

EX: The car was as red as a cherry after its new paint job.

2. as red as a poppy
 Bright red

EX: The mark on my arm was as red as a poppy.

3. as red as a rose
 Intensely red

EX: The morning sunrise was as red as a rose.

4. as red as a ruby
 Deep red

EX: The office assistant was wearing lipstick that was as red as a ruby.

5. as red as blood
 Deep red

EX: The stain on the carpet was as red as blood.

6. catch (someone) red-handed

 To catch someone in the middle of doing something wrong.

EX: The woman was caught red-handed when she tried to steal some cosmetics.

7. ears are red

 One's ears are red from embarrassment.

EX: My ears were red after hearing what the teacher said about me.

8. in the red
 To be in debt, to be unprofitable.

EX: The Company has been in the red for three years now.
9. like waving a red flag in front of a bull
 What you are doing will definitely make someone angry or upset

EX: Talking about the city mayor with my father is like waving a red flag in front of
a bull. He hates the city mayor.

10. out of the red

 Out of debt

EX: Our Company is finally out of the red and we are now making money.

11. paint the town red

 To go out and party and have a good time

EX: When my cousin came to visit us we decided to go out and paint the town red.

12. red-carpet treatment

 To receive special or royal treatment

EX: I always receive the red-carpet treatment when I go and visit my aunt.

13. red-eye
 An airplane flight that leaves late at night and arrives early in the morning

EX: We caught the red-eye flight last night and we are very tired today.

14. a red flag

 A signal that something is not working properly or correctly

EX: The fallen trees along the road raised a red flag for the safety inspectors.

15. red herring

 An unimportant matter that draws attention away from the main subject

EX: Talking about the other issue was a red herring that did not do anything to deal
with today's problem.

16. red-hot
 Very hot, creating much excitement or demand

EX: The new video game is red-hot and many people are waiting to buy one.
17. red in the face
 Embarrassed

EX: I became red in the face when the teacher asked me a question.

18. red-letter day

 A day that is memorable because of some important event

EX: It was a red-letter day when my sister received her graduation diploma.

19. red tape

 Excessive formalities in official business

EX: Many businesses complain about the red tape that they must deal with in order
to get anything done with the government.

20. roll out the red carpet

 To greet a person with great respect, to give a big welcome to someone

EX: The government rolled out the red carpet when the politician came to visit.

21. see red

 To become very angry

EX: My boss saw red when I told him that I would not be coming to work today.

22. beet red

 dark red (usually to describe face)

EX: My sister's face turned beet red when I caught her singing in front of a mirror.

23. rose colored glasses/spectacles

 unrealistic view

EX: Paula imagines Hollywood with rose colored glasses.

24. To be shown the red card

 To be dismissed from your job.

EX: The accountant was shown the red card for hiding company money.
25. To see the red light
 To recognize approaching danger, the red light being a danger signal.

EX: When the doctor warned his patient that further drinking would damage his liver,
the man saw the red light and quit.

26. redneck
 An ignorant, insensitive person.

EX: Our new co-worker is a real redneck. He doesn’t seem to know anything about

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