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MAED-Educational Supervision

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Subject Professor
1. State the importance of the following in relation to your respective work station.
a. Statistic- it actually refers to numerical facts. It a branch of knowledge that
contains collection, presentation of analysis and interpretation of data. In the field
of education, it helps as in collecting data and in evaluating students’ performance
in different activities guided by a criterion in drawing a general conclusion. It is
where we used to apply statistics in computing the grades of the student’s base on
their school performance.
b. Research – is a process of conducting a study to interpret fact and to discover new
things. The relation of research in field of education is to review and improve
educational practice. It aims to look for a new ways of effective learning to fit on
the interest of our 21st century learners. To research new teaching strategy, style or
even activity that can be useful in motivating learners to learn.
c. Technology- in our modern generation technology is very helpful. It makes
learning more fun and meaningful. The technology itself help teachers and
learners access data’s that can be helpful in learning their subject. When teachers
effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of
adviser, content expert, and coach.
d. Good human relation- It says human relation is an important part to our career
success. It defined as relations with or between people, particularly in workplace
setting. As a teacher, it is important to us to build a good relationship among
fellow teacher to have a good and better school administration and to build
healthy working environment. We should always be friendly, approachable, kind,
considerate and others to build a good relationship among your members.
Teaching is not an easy job but it is significance and motivating if everybody
portrays good relationship.
2. Different policies in our school
First is the no I.d no entry policy. Will for me this is very important because this is
for the identification of the person who will come inside the school campus, in short for
security purposes. There is an incident happen that there is a person who is not a student in
that school who came inside the campus, and what he did he is keep on roaming around in
every classroom talking to some students and only to find out out that he is looking for
someone who happened to be his enemy. Will that person was then told to go out in the
school campus because he is not even a student there. As teacher I see to it that all my
students are wearing their I. D’s inside and even outside the school because aside that it’s for
their security it is nice to look at a person or students wearing I. D’s.
Second policy is the Anti- Bullying Policy. This policy is really beneficial for both
teachers and students. As a child friendly institution we always make sure that everyone
inside the school premises are safe secured from other students especially for those bullied
students. We encourage every students to have a good relationship to their classmates and
avoid bullying. This policy is timely relevant now a days because we know for the fact there
are students who have a negative behavior or attitude. We cannot avoid that out of one box of
apple there is one apple that nearly decay or even sag already. In One classroom there are
students who are bullied and this is based from my experience from my 3 years being adviser.
What I did is observing first the attitude of that students knowing why he/she behaves that
way, knowing his/her background and even meeting with the guardians or parents. This is for
me to know why that particular students is showing that kind of attitude especially to his/her
classmates. Then Told the parents the very good thing to do is to supervised really the
students and talk or give advice to their children. For my part I always make sure that I am
firm always with my decisions implement the punishment or agreement once they done
something wrong. And during my vacant time I see to it that I am always inside my classroom
to supervise them.
I can say that those example given is a good policies in the school because it is timely
relevant, realistic, attainable by all schools and everyone can adopt to it just a matter of a
good planning, implementation, supervision and evaluation to that policies to see if it is
effective or not, If everybody benefits or not.

1. What is the difference between administration and supervision? Explain

We cannot deny the fact that administration and supervision are
interrelated to each other as they are part of the learning process for the
improvement of an operation or programs. Administration and supervision do
come together as both have relationship because of leadership.
In this sense, we can say that it is an administration when it technically is
the organization, direction and coordination. This also involves the control of
human and material resources to achieved a desired target. It is the
administration that decides, direct and order the execution of educational
program, as they provide the physical and material conditions for education.
On the other hand, supervision talks about the concerns on the improving
the situation. It is the supervision that assists, advise, guides and leads the
operation and improvement of the program. It refers to all efforts designed
school officials directed toward providing leadership for teacher and other
educational worker in the improvement of such instruction. The purpose of
supervision is to bring about the continuing improvement in the program. It
paves its purpose on achieving qualitative improvement in the teaching
learning situation of school.
Both plays a vital role in the process of one another. Administration
should be functionally related to supervision to bring about improvement in
the education of the learners and as well as the professional growth of the

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