Raymar Radam

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MAED 2019-2020 second semester PROF.



1. Importance of
Good human relation
In relation to our work

As teacher we need to study statistics because aside that it is included in the course it also
gives us knowledge on the different proper methods that we need to use in collecting some data,
employing correct analyses and effectively presents the results. Say for example, teacher always
makes test questions every quarter. So In order to know the validity of test we do some statistics
on the test what we call an item analysis.
In the field of research statistics plays a major role in order to come up to a reliable data,
analyzing the data properly and making reasonable conclusions. Experts or statistician offer
critical guidance in producing honest analyses and predictions. So that is why we cannot take out
statistics in research they go hand in hand. And we
Teacher are always encourage to have research where students and teachers can benefit from it.
Technology is already part of our everyday life we cannot live w/o technology from the
time we sleep and wake up whole day we use technology. In 21st teaching and learning process
we encourage to be student centered and always integrate ICTechnology in every lessons or class
activities. In making reports, school forms etc. we also used technology, will if you are a
traditional teacher it give you hard time in accomplishing those reports.
Good human relation. Will I believe in the quote NO MAN IS AN ISLAND, we cannot
live on our own? We need partner to create family, we need friend to socialize and a good attitude
to our coworkers. To be a good leader we need to be a good follower. Be a role model to others
and be considerate enough to others for us to have a good or harmonious relationship. This is for
our own good, because if we have good relations to everyone then we will enjoy our work.

2. Different policies in our school

First is the no I.d no entry policy. Will for me this is very important because this is for the
identification of the person who will come inside the school campus, in short for security
purposes. There is an incident happen that there is a person who is not a student in that school
who came inside the campus, and what he did he is keep on roaming around in every classroom
talking to some students and only to find out out that he is looking for someone who happened to
be his enemy. Will that person was then told to go out in the school campus because he is not
even a student there. As teacher I see to it that all my students are wearing their I. D’s inside and
even outside the school because aside that it’s for their security it is nice to look at a person or
students wearing I. D’s.
Second policy is the Anti- Bullying Policy. This policy is really beneficial for both
teachers and students. As a child friendly institution we always make sure that everyone inside
the school premises are safe secured from other students especially for those bullied students. We
encourage every students to have a good relationship to their classmates and avoid bullying. This
policy is timely relevant now a days because we know for the fact there are students who have a
negative behavior or attitude. We cannot avoid that out of one box of apple there is one apple that
nearly decay or even sag already. In One classroom there are students who are bullied and this is
based from my experience from my 3 years being adviser. What I did is observing first the
attitude of that students knowing why he/she behaves that way, knowing his/her background and
even meeting with the guardians or parents. This is for me to know why that particular students is
showing that kind of attitude especially to his/her classmates. Then Told the parents the very
good thing to do is to supervised really the students and talk or give advice to their children. For
my part I always make sure that I am firm always with my decisions implement the punishment
or agreement once they done something wrong. And during my vacant time I see to it that I am
always inside my classroom to supervise them.
I can say that those example given is a good policies in the school because it is timely
relevant, realistic, attainable by all schools and everyone can adopt to it just a matter of a good
planning, implementation, supervision and evaluation to that policies to see if it is effective or
not, If everybody benefits or not.

3. What is Philosophy? Will for me it is about knowledge and values. This is how we believe to be
good and right. For what we believe that we are always guided with our philosophy in life.
Everybody has their own right and wrong things, what may be wrong for me is right for others.
Will in my part as long as I am happy for what I am doing, as long as I am satisfied I will not let
others destroy my happiness. I believe that life is short, “Be happy enjoy our remaining time here
on earth. As teacher we need to be happy we need to smile and face every challenges that we will
be encountering this days. We can better teach and molds young minds into a better person in the
near future if we will serve them whole heartedly. Why mostly old teachers are always smiling?
They all smile in their remaining months or year in school because they want to retire or reach
that age of retirement. Mostly “high blood” teachers don’t even reach that retirement age so better
enjoy the job or love the job.

4. What is the difference between administration and supervision? For me administration talks about
managing different groups of a certain organization or different department in an organization or
institution. Say for example in the school setting administration are those who are in charge of
overseeing the school performance, activities conducted by different departments like the job of
school heads or school admin officers. Administration usually implemented the school policies,
rules and regulation. While supervision for me is more on monitoring a single or more persons
performance and activities. This is the task of every department heads in school wherein his/her
job is to mentor or guide teachers who are new or lower in rank or even teachers that needs some
assistance from a head or supervisor.

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