In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements in Maed Educ. 604 Policy Analysis and Decision Making

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MAED-Educational Supervision

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Subject Professor
1. State the importance of the following in relation to your functions at your
respective work station.
a. Statistics
b. Research
c. Technology
d. Good human relation


a. Statistics are important to us as a teacher for several reasons, and not just for the obvious
one of keeping tabs on students and their progress in school. These reasons could include:
 Ensuring the quality of education is being kept high.
 Monitor student's progress.
 Monitor the teacher's progress or success.
 Check the effectiveness of a subject.

Statistics can be helpful in any number of situations as they make it possible to

analyze sets of data and come to informed conclusions about that data. The first and possible
the most important reason why we teachers use statistics is so that we are able to monitor
student' progress throughout the school year. By giving students small unofficial tests every
now and then, as well as the big end of year exams, teachers are able to keep track of students
and see if they are coping well. The information that they can get from statistics such as test
scores can be very beneficial to the student in question as it will allow the teacher to offer
extra help with a subject that a student or several of them appear to be struggling with.
Statistics can also be used by education institutions in general so that they can see whether or
not a particular subject is doing well amongst the students. It can also show where there is
possible room for improvement and by analyzing this data; these improvements can be
implemented as soon as possible.The benefits of statistics that are gathered in classrooms can
have great effects on education institutions and can provide lots of improvements that will
probably have been overlooked. If these statistics are looked at and analyzed in the proper
way then people will have the power to improve in the areas that appear weakest. If this goes
on every year, the quality of education will continue to improve every year.
b. As an educator research enable us to follow our interests and needs as we investigate
what our students do. Teachers who practice research find that it expands and enriches
their teaching skills and puts them in collaborative contact with peers that have a like
interest in classroom research. Research can help teachers to understand what works and
why, what the short and long-term implications are, provide a justification and rationale
for decisions and actions, help to build a repertoire to help deal with the unexpected,
identify problems for teachers growth and development. This helps us in many ways and
provides us with a complete solution to the problems faced by humans. Now when we
humans, satisfied without any problems, this results in the advancement of society. So
research overall helps in the advancement and development of society. The advantages of
research extend beyond having an impressive degree certificate. Through detailed
research, students develop critical thinking expertise, as well as effective analytical,
research, and communication skills that are globally sought-after and incredibly
beneficial. Ultimately, research is essential to economic and social development of our
globalised society, forming the foundations governmental policies around the world.
c. Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. When
teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of
adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more
meaningful and fun. Using technology in the classroom enable teachers and students to
find a new conclusion of daily life problems. Technology helps in education to create
better educational syllabus, learning material, and future products and services. It’s really
important to integrate technology into classrooms. Classroom Technologies help students
& teachers in the process of receiving and giving education systematically. Technology
helps in facilitating the syllabus, acquisition of knowledge and skills. Educators &
learners around the world can connect with each other on various Internet platforms. For
such benefits, it’s important to use technology in education.
d. The study and understanding of human relations can help us in our workplace, and as a
result, assist us in achieving career success. The better our human relations, the more
likely we are to grow both professionally and personally. Knowing how to get along with
others, resolve workplace conflict, manage relationships, communicate well, and make
good decisions are all skills that we need to acquire as educators. As the process of
teaching and learning is based essentially on interaction, communication, cooperation and
negotiating objectives, teachers and students are in permanent contact to make the process
successful and fruitful. Therefore the impact of human relationship should play the major
role in solidifying and keeping the process going on for achieving great results.
2. Discuss the different types of policy you have in your institution . How can you
contribute in a formulation of a good policy? Give and discuss the characteristics of
a good policy.

Education policy consists of the principles and government policies in the educational
sphere as well as the collection of laws and rules that govern the operation of education
systems. Education occurs in many forms for many purposes through many institutions.
Examples include early childhood education, kindergarten through to 12th grade, two and
four year colleges or universities, graduate and professional education, adult education
and job training. Therefore, education policy can directly affect the education people
engage in at all ages. Examples of areas subject to debate in education policy, specifically
from the field of schools, include school size, class size, school choice, school
privatization, tracking, teacher selection, education and certification, teacher pay,
teaching methods, curricular content, graduation requirements, school infrastructure
investment, and the values that schools are expected to uphold and model. As an educator
we must be an active implementor of such policies especially in our respective schools to
ensure quality education.
The characteristicics of a good policy are:(a) Policy should help in achieving the
educational system objectives. (b) It should provide only a broad outline and leave scope
to subordinates for interpretation so that their initiative is not hampered. (c) Policies
should not be mutually contradictory and there should not be inconsistency between any
two policies which may result in confusion and delay in action. (d) They should be sound,
logical, flexible and should provide a guide for thinking in future planning and action.
Further, they should provide limits within which decisions have to be made. (e) Policies
should reflect the internal and external business environment. (f) Policies should be in
writing and the language of the policies should be intelligible to the persons who are
supposed to implement them and to those who are to be affected by them.
3. What is your understanding about the term philosophy? Give your own
philosophical thoughts that serves as youre guiding principle. Expound and give

Quite literally, the term "philosophy" means, "love of wisdom." In a broad sense,
philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental
truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world
and to each other. As an academic discipline philosophy is much the same. Those who
study philosophy are perpetually engaged in asking, answering, and arguing for their
answers to life’s most basic questions. To make such a pursuit more systematic
academic philosophy is traditionally divided into major areas of study. The aim of
philosophy, abstractly formulated, is to understand how things in the broadest possible
sense of the term hang together in the broadest possible sense of the term.
One of my favorite social philosophy was based on cunfucius principle of ren—
loving others—and he believed this could be achieved using the Golden Rule: “What you
do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.” Example whoever practices the Golden
Rule opens himself or herself to a process of change. Letting go of self to identify with a
single other individual, or with a third-person perspective on a complex situation, or with
a divine paradigm, one allows a subtle and gradual transformation to proceed, a
transformation with bright hope for the individual and the planet. The rule begins by
setting forth the way the self wants to be treated as a standard of conduct; but by placing
the other on a par with the self, the rule engages one in approximating a higher
perspective from which the kinship of humanity is evident. To pursue this higher
perspective is to risk encountering the divine and the realization that every step along the
forward path is illumined by the Creator.

4. What is the difference between administration and supervision? Explain.

The differences between administration and supervision can best be explained in terms of
organizational hierarchy, often depending upon the size of the organization or business.
Administration refers to the top or higher-level personnel within an organization who
establish policies intended to guide the organization’s direction. Administrators determine
overall objectives and issue parameters, such as budgetary restraints, within which the rest of
the organization must function. While Supervision can be viewed as a subset of management
in that supervisors are generally part of an organization’s management structure. Whereas
managers oversee broader ranges of activity within the organization, however, supervisors
operate lower to the ground, just above the employees physically performing the labor or
other tasks required to accomplish departmental objectives.

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