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What I learnt in Kuching

By Shreyas(Me)
I had been to Kuching which is in Borneo. It is a popular tourist
place which has many wildlife places like crocodile farm,
orangutan sanctuary etc. There were lots of natives which are very
kind. I did lots of sightseeing there.
What I Learnt
I learnt a lot from my visit. When we saw some Irrawaddy
dolphins the guide told that if the tail is high then it is going
deeper. We also saw some mudskippers and the guide told
that they can grow up to 1 kilogram. I also saw some houses
on stilts so I thought they were to make sure the houses
don’t get flooded. When we got off the boat we had to go
slowly so we don’t fall over. The people were actually very
Even though it was a short trip I learnt a lot. This tells me you can learn
a lot in a new place

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