Activity 2: Validity of Online Marketing Research

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Activity 2: Validity of Online Marketing Research

1. Given the methods used to communicate the survey and to encourage customers to
participate, in terms of customer relationships (that is, light/medium/heavy user), which
customers were more likely to participate in the research?

Answer - Heavy and medium user

2. Given your answer in Q1, how accurate is the 90% customer satisfaction score as a reflection
of ALL the bank’s customers?

As per me around 50% of the customer didn’t participate therefore survey results cannot be a
considered for all customers.

3. As one of their goals is to grow through increased engagement of inactive/light users, how
helpful would the findings of this research be (keep in mind that the questionnaire was
broader than just customer satisfaction questions)?

As per me, the number of inactive/light users did participate on a very low scale but we have to
understand that the customers who participated in the survey were active participants and bring
business to the company because of being regular to the platform.

Therefore, It can be inferred that through the survey the bank was able to understand the
feedback of the active users and by it cater to the needs.
Though it was not completely successful but there were quality feedbacks and positive
outcomes for sure.

4. What research method would you suggest to get the view of inactive/light users? Would this
be worthwhile anyway? (That is, should the bank pursue them for growth or look to attract
new customers instead?

According to the case given here the survey was provided on IB system and website
But the core of the problem was that the people are not even going to these platforms as they
are not regular.
Most of the customers won’t even know that there is anything like a ipad prize for participation.
What more could have been done is that they should have sent the survey intimation and ipad
prize information on their phone messages so that they could read it and go to the system and
participate. And also cost of retaining a customer is much more cheaper than going for a new
***One more thing which can be done for customer engagement is that the bank can give
rewards points per transaction and as soon as the points are reached at pre-decided level, one
can avail some service or gifts.
This could make customers’ transact more and be regular with the bank.

*******************************end of assignment******************************

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