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Section 3 Waves

2005 june

Q3: The diagram represents the electromagnetic spectrum.

Gamma-rays X-rays Ultraviolet Visible Infra-red Microwaves Radio waves

(a) Which of X-rays and radio waves has the longer wavelength?

(b) Which of X-rays and radio waves has the higher frequency?


(c) State one use of X-rays.


(d) State one property that all electromagnetic waves have in common.


(e) State the law of reflection.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(f) A teacher wants to demonstrate the law of reflection to his class.

Suggest two reasons why he should use visible light rather than X-rays.

1 ...................................................................................................................................

2 ...................................................................................................................................(2)

(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q7: The diagram shows an example of an analogue signal and an example of a digital

Complete the sentences.

(a) The analogue signal varies ............................................ between a maximum and

minimum value. (1)

(b) The digital signal only has two values. These are 1 which corresponds to

......................... and ......................... which corresponds to .......................... (3)

(Total 4 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q12 (a) Astudent uses a rectangular glass block to determine the refractive index of the
(i) Describe the experiment. Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer.






(ii) The student finds that when the angle of incidence in the air is 68° the angle of
refraction in the glass is 38°.
The table contains information about the two angles.

Angle Cosine Sine Tangent

380 .79 .62 .78
680 .37 .93 2.48
Calculate the refractive index of the glass.



................................................... Refractive index = .............................. (3)

(b) (i) What does the term ‘critical angle’ mean?


............................................................................................................................... (2)
(ii) State the relationship between the critical angle and the refractive index.


............................................................................................................................... (1)
(Total 10 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

2005 Nov

Q1: (a) Are sound waves in air transverse or longitudinal?

(b) A sound wave has a frequency of 384 Hz and a wavelength of 0.86 m.
Calculate its speed in m/s.



Speed = ....................................................... m/s (2)

(c) Another sound wave has a frequency of 38 400 Hz.

(i) Would you be able to hear this sound wave?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Explain your answer.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 5 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


(a) longitudinal 1
(b) use and recall v = f x λ 1
384 x 0.86 = 330 (m/s) 1
(c) no 1
(c) not within frequency too high 1
(ii) (audible) range
of 20 – 20 000 Hz
Total 5 marks

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q6: (a) Complete the sentence.
When light is incident on a mirror the angle of incidence equals

the angle of ............................................................ (1)

(b) The diagram shows a kitten sitting in front of a mirror. A virtual image of the kitten
is formed by the mirror.

The image of the end of the kitten’s tail is formed at C.

One incident ray from the tail is shown. Draw its reflected ray and then construct
further rays to show the image formation at C.


(Total 4 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Question 6 (a) 1

(b) draw reflected ray angles of incidence 1
and reflection 1
equal by eye 1
draw second ray ditto
from cat tail
reflected in mirror
drawn reflected
rays converge at C
Total 4 marks

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q10: (a) A student sings into a microphone.

Complete the sentence.

The useful energy transfer made by the microphone is from sound energy to

.............................. energy. (1)

(b) The amplitude, the frequency and the wavelength of a sound wave can be changed.
(i) What change could be made to make the sound lower in pitch?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) What change could be made to make the sound louder?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) A sound wave, wavelength , approaches a gap in a wall.

(i) Name the effect which occurs as the sound wave passes through the gap.

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(ii) Complete the sentence.

The greatest effect occurs when ................................................. is equal to  (1)

(d) Describe how you could measure the speed of sound in air by a simple direct
method. You may draw a diagram to illustrate your answer.




(Total 9 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Question 10 (a) electrical allow ‘electricity’ 1

(b)(i) reduce frequency allow ‘lower/drop’ 1
frequency or increase
(b)(ii) increase amplitude allow ‘raise’ amplitude 1
(c) diffraction allow ‘diffracted’ 1
(c) …(the width of the) gap… 1
(d) measure distance (1) if ‘echo method’ must 4
start to measure time be clear that this is the
when sound generated distance there and back
(1) if ‘observer method’
one correct mention of must be clear how
appropriate measuring observer knows the
instrument i.e. metre moment sound
rule/tape, stop generated
watch/clock and no points may be credited
inappropriate mention either from written
(1) response or from
indication that speed = diagram but do not
distance ÷ time (1) credit the point if
writing and diagram
Total 9 marks

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

2007 june

Q3: (a) State the law of reflection.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)
(b) A student is playing in goal in a football match. The window of a nearby building
reflects sunlight into his eyes.

(i) Complete the diagram to show the reflection of the ray from the front of the
window. (2)
(ii) What could you do to stop sunlight being reflected into the student’s eyes from
this window?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. If players are not protected from
some electromagnetic waves they can suffer ill effects. State which part of the
electromagnetic spectrum can cause
(i) skin burns

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(ii) blindness.

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(d) What do all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum have in common?

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Question Answer Extra Info. Marks
3a angle of incidence equals (angle) i = (angle) r 1
angle of reflection <i = <r
3b(i) correct ray striking independent 1
any ray reflected off at
correct angle
3b(ii) cover outside of window open/close/tilt window/fit 1
shutters (outside)
3c(i) infra-red i.r ignore heat / radiation 1
3c(ii) ultraviolet u.v 1
3d (same) speed / velocity transverse 1

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q6: (a) The diagram shows what happens when water waves pass close to the edge of a piece
of plastic.

Name the wave behaviour shown.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) The diagram below shows water waves about to pass through a gap.
One wavefront is shown after it has passed through the gap.

(i) On the diagram, draw two more wavefronts that have passed through the gap. (3)
(ii) State two changes which would each make the wavefronts become more curved
after passing through the gap.

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. (2)

(c) (i) Sound waves with a frequency of 25 000 Hz are directed at a gap. Give a reason
why they are not heard on the other side of the gap.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(ii) Calculate the wavelength in metres of these sound waves.
The speed of sound is 340 m/s.



Wavelength = .................................m (3)

(Total 10 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Q# 6 Answer Extra Info. Marks

a diffraction accept phonetic spelling 1
b(i) correct shape 1
same wavelength 1
two more wavefronts 1
b(ii) increase wavelength or decrease frequency 1
decrease size of gap ignore speed 1
do not credit ‘make equal’
c(i) outside audible range frequency too high 1
or it/25 000 (Hz) is
or range of (human) hearing
is 20 to 20 000 (Hz)
ignore reference to gap
c(ii) v=fλ recall in any form 1
λ = 340 / 25 000 manipulation and substitution 1
= 0.0136 (m) or 0.014 (m) 1

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q7: A teacher draws a diagram on the board showing an analogue signal and a digital signal.

............................. signal ............................. signal

(a) (i) Complete the labels to show which is the analogue signal and which is the digital
signal. (1)
(ii) Give two reasons for your answer.

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. (2)
(b) State one advantage of using digital signals rather than analogue signals.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)
(c) Give one example from everyday life of the use of a digital signal.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 5 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Q# 7 Answer Extra Info. Marks

a-i left : analogue 1
right : digital
a-ii analogue – continuous allow continual / has any 1
digital – on and off value / values / 1
has many values
1 or 0 / only two values or
allow two reasons for either
analogue or digital
B one advantage clearer/less prone to 1
can be reproduced / repaired /
do not credit just ‘can be
amplified’ ‘zero interference’
C telecommunications allow any feasible response 1
e.g. CD players

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q9: Complete the sentences about sound waves.

(a) We cannot see a sound wave. However we can see a representation of it by connecting

a microphone to ............................................................................................................ (1)

(b) The pitch of a sound depends on ................................................................................. (1)

(c) The loudness of a sound depends on ............................................................................ (1)

(Total 3 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Q# 9 Answer Extra Info. Marks

A (a cathode ray) oscilloscope/ CRO 1
B (the) frequency (of vibration/the wave) (number of) cycles per second 1
C amplitude (of vibration/the wave) accept ‘its energy’ / intensity not 1

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q14: (a) The diagram shows a ray of light directed at a semicircular glass block.

(i) Name line X.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Which angle a, b, c, d, e or f is an angle of incidence?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(iii) Name angle b.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(iv) State an equation which relates angle of incidence, angle of refraction and
refractive index of glass.


............................................................................................................................... (1)
(v) At point Y light passes from air to glass but refraction does not take place.
How can you tell this from the diagram?


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(vi) Why does refraction not take place at point Y.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(b) Glass with a critical angle of 42° was used to make the blocks shown below.
(i) Complete the diagram to show how the ray of light passes through the rectangular
glass block and out into the air.

(ii) Complete the diagram to show how the ray of light passes through the triangular
glass block and out into the air.

(Total 11 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi


Q# 14 Answer Extra Info. Marks

a-i normal do not accept ‘perpendicular’ or 1
a-ii (angle) e / E accept phonetic spelling but not 1
anything which could be taken for
a-iii (angle of) refraction n = sin i/ sin r 1
a-iv refractive index = sine of angle of allow ‘it’s a straight line’ 1
incidence ÷ sine of angle of refraction
a-v continues in the same direction / does 1
not bend
a-vi any one of 1
• ray is on the normal
• angle of incidence = 0°
• angle of refraction = 0°
• at 90° / right angles to the
boundary / perpendicular

b-i refraction towards normal (1) 2

then refraction away from normal
at the opposite face (1)
emergent ray appears to be parallel to
incident ray (1)
b-ii ray continues in a straight line to back dop 3
force (1)
reflects down and straight out at right

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

2007 Nov

Q3: (a) (i) Define frequency.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Define time period.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) A student has a heart rate of 72 beats per minute.


(i) the frequency of his heart beat in hertz

Frequency = ................................ Hz (1)

(ii) the time period of his heart beat in seconds.

Time period = ................................. s (1)

(c) Generally the heavier an animal is, the lower is its heart rate. The data in the table
gives the heart rate of animals of different masses.

Mass (kg) 100 200 300 400 500 600

Heart rate 63 53 48 45 42 40
(beats per

(i) Use the grid opposite to plot a graph of heart rate against mass. Draw a smooth
curve for your plotted points. (3)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(ii) This animal has a mass of 5000 kg.

Explain why you cannot use your graph to predict the heart rate of this animal.


............................................................................................................................... (1)
(Total 8 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q10: A teacher uses a microphone and another piece of equipment to display a sound wave.

(a) Name the other piece of equipment.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)
(b) The teacher measures distance d on the screen.
Complete the sentences.

(i) Distance d represents ............................................................................................. (1)

(ii) Distance d becomes smaller. This is because the sound which goes to the

microphone has become ........................................................................................ (1)

(c) Complete the sentence.

The pitch of the sound depends on ...............................................................................

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 4 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q14: (a) State one use for optical fibres.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) The diagram shows a ray of light moving through part of an optical fibre.
(i) Add the normal and the angle of incidence to the diagram.

(ii) Name the process which takes place in the diagram.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(iii) Use the term critical angle to explain why the process takes place.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) (i) State the equation which relates critical angle and refractive index.

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(ii) The critical angle for glass in an optical fibre is 41.5°.
cos 41.5° = 0.749
sin 41.5° = 0.663
tan 41.5° = 0.885

Calculate the refractive index of glass to three significant figures.



Refractive index = ............................ (3)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(d) A bicycle reflector is made of transparent red plastic. The diagram shows the path of
a ray of light through part of the reflector.
The critical angle for the transparent red plastic is less than 45°. Explain how you can
tell this from the diagram.




...................................................................................................................................... (3)
(Total 12 marks)

2008 June
Q2: Parts of the electromagnetic spectrum have various uses.
(a) Which part is used for
(i) heaters and night vision equipment,
............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) sterilising food and medical equipment?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) All the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are transverse waves.
(i) State one property which all the parts have in common but which is not shared
with other waves.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Give one example of a transverse wave which is not part of the electromagnetic

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(iii) Complete the sentence below.
In a transverse wave, each point on the wave is moving in a direction

which is ............................................................ to the direction in which

the ............................................................ of the wave is moving. (2)

(Total 6 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q10: A student used pins to trace a ray of light through a block of glass of refractive index 1.5.
She produced the diagram shown below.
It shows a ray of light being refracted with an angle of refraction of 40°.

(a) Calculate the angle of incidence, in degrees, of the ray of light.



Angle of incidence = ..............................° (3)

(b) The experiment is repeated with a ‘block’ of water. The refractive index of water is
1.3. The same angle of incidence is used.
(i) On the diagram above draw the refracted ray for a ‘block’ of water. (1)
(ii) Explain the direction of the ray that you have drawn in (i).


............................................................................................................................... (2)
(c) The diagram below shows a semicircular glass block. An incident ray is drawn.
Add one more line to the diagram and mark the angle of incidence, i, for this ray.


(Total 8 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

2008 November
Q2: The diagram shows a fisherman standing in water.

(a) In 8 seconds, 4 complete waves pass the fisherman.

Calculate the frequency of the waves and give the unit.


Frequency = ..................................................... (2)

(b) These water waves are transverse waves.
Name one other example of a transverse wave.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) Complete the sentence.

Waves can transfer energy and ........................................................ without

transferring matter. (1)
(d) What is meant by the time period of a wave?


(Total 6 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q9: (a) A student shines a ray of light at a glass block as shown below. The refractive index
of the glass is 1.6.

Show on the diagram for this ray of light

(i) the angle of incidence from air to glass and label it I, (1)
(ii) the angle of refraction inside the glass and label it R, (1)
(iii) the critical angle and label it C. (1)
(b) (i) What does the term critical angle mean?


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) State the relationship between critical angle and refractive index.

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(iii) Calculate the critical angle in degrees for this block of glass.



Critical angle = .......................................° (1)

(c) The diagram below shows the ray of light entering the glass block at point P. The
dashed path is for glass of refractive index 1.6.

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(i) Draw the path of the ray from P if the refractive index of the glass is greater than
1.6. (2)
(ii) Explain the path that you have drawn.



............................................................................................................................... (2)

(Total 10 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

2009 June
Q2: A student ties one end of a rope to a chair. She uses the rope to demonstrate wave
behaviour to her class.
(a) She produces a transverse wave as shown below. A is the direction of vibration and
B is the direction of the wave.

(i) State how the student could increase the amplitude of the wave.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) State how the student could decrease the wavelength to produce the wave shown


............................................................................................................................... (2)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(b) When the frequency of the wave is 1.5 Hz, the wavelength is 0.80 m. Calculate the
speed in m/s of the wave.



Speed = ...................................... m/s (3)

(c) The student then uses a spring to demonstrate the behaviour of a longitudinal wave.

Draw arrows on this diagram to show

(i) the direction of vibration, and label this A.
(ii) the direction of the wave, and label this B. (2)

(Total 8 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q18: A small submarine explores the sea-bed. The submarine has a TV camera and a powerful
The diagram shows the path of light from the searchlight to the surface. The angle of
incidence at the surface is equal to the critical angle between sea-water and air.

(a) On the diagram, use a ruler to continue the path of most of this light. (1)

(b) State the meaning of the term critical angle.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) State the equation which relates critical angle and refractive index.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(d) (i) What happens to the light from the searchlight when it has an angle of incidence
at the surface which is greater than the critical angle?


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) State the full name of the process which occurs.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(e) Information from the TV camera is sent to a support ship by means of a cable of
optical fibres.
Use a ruler to complete the diagram below to show how information is transmitted
through an optical fibre.

(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

2009 November
Q6: (a) Diagrams A, B and C show the behaviour of waves.

Use a word from the box to name each behaviour.

Diffraction Interference Refraction

Reflection Wavefront Wavelength

A ..................................................................................................................................

B . ..................................................................................................................................

C .................................................................................................................................. (3)

(b) Diagram C shows a reduction in the speed of the waves.

Explain how.


...................................................................................................................................... (2)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(c) The gap in A is made smaller, as shown below. Draw three waves after the gap.


(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q14: (a) The diagram shows a ray of light passing through one side of a pair of binoculars.

(i) Name the parts labelled P and Q.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Name the process shown by the path of the light in parts P and Q.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) Figures A and B show rays of light from a lamp on the bottom of a swimming pool.

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(i) Answer these three questions with reference to Figure A.
1. What is the name of the dashed line CD?

......................................................................................................................... (1)

2. Use two of the letters u, v, w, x, y and z to write the equation

angle of incidence = angle of reflection

......................................................................................................................... (1)
3 State the equation which relates refractive index n, angle of incidence i and
angle of refraction r.

......................................................................................................................... (1)
(ii) Refraction has not occurred in Figure B. Explain this.


............................................................................................................................... (1)
(iii) State the equation which relates critical angle c and refractive index n.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q15: A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 1200 kHz. The radio waves travel
outwards from the radio transmitter at a speed of 300 million metres per second
(300 000 000 m/s).

(a) (i) State the equation which relates frequency, speed and wavelength.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Calculate the wavelength of these radio waves.

Show your working and give the unit.



Wavelength = .......................................... (3)

(b) Use the equation

Frequency =

to calculate the time period in seconds of these radio waves.

Give the answer to two significant figures.



Time period = .........................................s (3)

(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

2010 JUNE
Q3: The diagram shows a wave on the surface of the water of a swimming pool and a ball
floating on the water.

(a) Identify the features of the wave shown by:

(i) distance c;
............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) distance d.
............................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) A student observes the wave.

There are thirty complete cycles in one minute.
Calculate the frequency, in hertz, of the waves.



Frequency = ...................... Hz (2)

(c) (i) Identify the type of wave.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Describe the motion of the ball as the wave occurs.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 6 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q10: The diagram shows a torch emitting a beam of light from two different positions A and B
under water.

(a) What is the name of the two dotted lines on the diagram?

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) State the relationship between critical angle and refractive index.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) Explain the paths followed by the two beams of light.

Refer to the critical angle in your answers.
(i) Path from position A.



............................................................................................................................... (2)

(ii) Path from position B.



............................................................................................................................... (2)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(d) Explain why it is not possible to use the relationship in (b) to find the refractive index
of water using an angle from the diagram.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(e) (i) State the relationship between refractive index, angle of incidence and angle of


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Use angles from the diagram to calculate the refractive index of water.




Refractive index = ................................... (2)

(Total 10 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

2010 Nov

Q15: (a) The diagram shows a ray of light going through air towards a glass block with a
curved surface.

(i) Use a ruler to draw the path of the ray as it continues towards the glass block and
then goes through the glass block.
Add labels to the diagram to show the following:
• incident ray
• normal
• angle of incidence, i
• refracted ray
• angle of refraction, r (4)
(ii) Name two pieces of apparatus that would be required to carry out this

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. (2)
(b) In an experiment a student gets the following results.

i r
Set 1 50 30
Set 2 5 3

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

(i) State the relationship between i, r and refractive index, n.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Calculate a value for refractive index using Set 1.




Refractive index = ..................................................... (2)

(iii) State why Set 2 gives a less reliable value.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 10 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

Q16: The diagram shows a waveform on an oscilloscope screen.

(a) The timebase is set at 0.01s per division.

Determine the frequency of this wave and give its unit.




Frequency = .......................................... (3)

(b) A teacher demonstrated a method for determining the speed of sound.

He hit two metal rods together to produce a sound.
The sound was detected by two microphones connected to an oscilloscope.

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

The screen of the oscilloscope showed two signals A and B corresponding to the
sound received by the two microphones.

The time between the signals was 0.002 s and the distance between the microphones
was 0.680 m.

(i) Calculate the speed of sound in m/s.



Speed = ................................ m/s (2)

(ii) State which property of a sound wave is represented by the amplitude of the
............................................................................................................................... (1)
(iii) Suggest an explanation for the relative sizes of the amplitudes of A and B.




(Total 8 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

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