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Section 5 Solids, Liquid and Gases

2005 June
Q13: A temperature of zero kelvin is sometimes described as absolute zero. It is
equivalent to –273 °C and is the lowest possible temperature.

(a) Explain, in terms of particles, why absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature.



(b) Calculate the kelvin temperature which is equivalent to 22 °C.


................................................... Kelvin temperature = .......... K (1)

(c) There was a large fire at a factory. In one part of the factory a sealed gas cylinder
exploded due to the high temperature. This cylinder was designed to withstand a
pressure of 2000 kPa. Before the fire the pressure in the cylinder was 500 kPa at
22 °C.
Investigators concluded that the temperature in that part of the factory must have
been over 900 °C.

Use the relationship to show whether or not the conclusion was correct.




(d) The average kinetic energy of the molecules of a sample of gas is doubled. What
effect, if any, does this have on the kelvin temperature of the gas?


(Total 5 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2005 Nov
Q8: (a) Two students record the mass and volume for a small cube of copper and a
small cube of iron.
The table shows the results.
Mass (Kg) Volume (m3)
Copper 1.125 0.000125
Iron 1.728 0.000216

(i) Calculate the density in kg/m3 for copper and iron.

Density of copper = ................................ kg/m3

Density of iron = .................................... kg/m3 (2)

(ii) Which of the two materials is less dense?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(iii) Which of the two cubes has less weight?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) How would you find the volume of the metal cubes?




(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q14: (a) In the 17th century a scientist called Robert Boyle carried out experiments on
He found that the relationship p1V1 = p2V2
is true when p1 and V1 are the initial pressure and volume of the gas and p2 and V2 are
the final pressure and volume of the gas.
(i) What two things must remain constant for this relationship to be true?

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. (2)

(ii) Some gas has a volume of 1.2 m3 at a pressure of 120 kPa.

Calculate its volume, in m3, when the pressure is increased to 250 kPa.



Volume = .................................. m3 (2)

(b) (i) Convert a temperature of –273 °C into kelvin.


Temperature = ............................ K (1)

(ii) What is special about this temperature?


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) Some gas is trapped in a metal cylinder. The temperature outside the metal cylinder

Explain how this affects the particles in the gas and what effect this has.




(Total 9 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2007 June
Q10: Use the information in the box to answer the questions.

Absolute Zero is -2730 C

The Pressure in gas cylinder is 850 KPa when the temperature is 200 C

(a) Convert the temperature 20 °C to the kelvin scale.


Temperature = ...................... K (1)

(b) Calculate the pressure in the gas cylinder to the nearest 10 kPa when the temperature
rises to 40 °C.




Pressure = .......................... kPa (3)

(Total 4 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q16: The diagram shows the structure of one type of bicycle pump.

(a) Circle two words in the box which best describe the motion of the molecules in the
air in the cylinder.


(b) Explain how the molecules exert a pressure on the inside of the cylinder.




...................................................................................................................................... (3)

(c) (i) The pressure inside the pump is 150 kPa when the volume of air in the cylinder
is 90 cm3. Use the equation p1V1 = p2V2
to calculate the pressure in kPa when the air is compressed to a volume of
50 cm3.



Pressure = .......................... kPa (2)

(ii) What assumptions did you make in order to answer (c)(i)?

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 .............................................................................................................................

(iii) Name the unit which is represented by the symbol kPa.

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(Total 9 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2007 Nov
Q5: (a) Two students make a two-dimensional model of a liquid.

Give one criticism of the arrangement of the particles in this model.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) When the temperature of a liquid is raised, evaporation takes place.

(i) What happens to the particles during evaporation?


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Describe what has happened to the position and motion of the particles after all
the liquid has evaporated.



............................................................................................................................... (2)

(Total 4 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q15: (a) A student reads in a science text book that

molecules in a gas exert a force on the walls of their container

(i) Describe the motion of the molecules in a gas.




............................................................................................................................... (3)

(ii) Explain how molecules exert a significant force.




............................................................................................................................... (3)

(b) The student also reads that

the relationship between pressure and volume for a gas is p1V1 = p2V2

A weather balloon is elastic. On the ground the pressure of the gas inside the weather
balloon is 500 kPa and its volume is 1.2 m3. As the weather balloon rises its volume
(i) Calculate the pressure in kilopascals inside the weather balloon when its volume
has become 6.0 m3.



Pressure = .................................. kPa (2)

(ii) State two assumptions that you made.

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. (2)
(Total 10 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2008 June
Q5. (a) The kelvin scale of temperature starts at the absolute zero of temperature.
(i) Describe the motion of all molecules at absolute zero.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) What temperature in degrees Celsius is equal to absolute zero?

..................... °C (1)

(iii) What temperature in kelvin is equal to 100 °C?

...................... K (1)

(b) Read the following passage.

In 1827 Robert Brown, a Scottish botanist, was using a

microscope to view a suspension of pollen grains in water.
He noticed that the grains were moving about randomly.
At first he thought that this might be caused by life hidden
within the pollen grains. However when he studied
particles of dye in water, he found the same erratic motion.
Robert Brown could not explain the movement of the
particles. However, because he was the first person to
describe the movement, it is now called Brownian motion.

How do scientists now explain Brownian motion?



...................................................................................................................................... (3)

(Total 6 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q15: The gas in a large container has a temperature of 300 K and a pressure of 100 kPa. The
temperature of the gas is increased to 450 K.
(a) (i) Calculate the new pressure of the gas.


............................................................................................................................... (2)

(ii) State two assumptions made in this calculation.

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. (2)

(b) A student wrongly says that

“The speed of every molecule in the gas in the container has been reduced.”
(i) Correct the student’s statement.



............................................................................................................................... (2)
(ii) Write a correct statement linking the kelvin temperature of the gas and the kinetic
energy of its molecules.



............................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2008 Nov
Q7: (a) Use the relationship between area, force and pressure to explain why it is easier to cut
with a sharp knife than a blunt knife.



...................................................................................................................................... (2)

(b) The diagram shows a point in a gas. Two arrows representing some of the pressure
at the point are shown.
(i) Add two more arrows to the diagram to show how pressure acts at the point.


(ii) What assumption did you make?


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) The density of some sea water is 1025 kg/m3.

Calculate the increase in pressure in pascals from the surface of the sea to the bottom
when the sea water is 25 metres deep.
Show your working.



Pressure = ........................... Pa (3)

(Total 8 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q10: The diagram shows a syringe. The volume of the air in the cylinder is 150 cm3 at a
pressure of 100 kPa.

A student places a finger over the open end of the syringe and then pushes the piston
down. He reduces the volume of the air in the syringe by 30 cm3.
(a) Calculate the new pressure in kilopascals of the air in the syringe.



Pressure = ......................................... kPa (2)

(b) One assumption that is made in this calculation is that the temperature of the air does
not change. State one other assumption.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) If some of the energy used in moving the piston is transferred to heat energy, the
pressure of the gas would not be the same as that calculated in (a).
(i) Would it be bigger or smaller?

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(ii) Explain your answer.


............................................................................................................................... (2)

(Total 6 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2009 June
Q3: The first hot air balloon to cross the Pacific Ocean did so in 1991. It took 46 hours to
travel 10 700 km.

(a) Choose words from the box to complete the sentences.

Each word may be used once, more than once or not at all.

conduction contracts convection expands

increases less more radiation reduces
In a hot air balloon the air inside the balloon is heated.

The heated air ............................................ and becomes ............................................

dense. Some of the air is pushed out of the balloon.

This ........................................... the mass of air in the balloon and the balloon
rises. The hot air inside the balloon rises and hence transfers heat energy by a process

known as ............................................. Two other processes of transferring heat

energy are ............................................ and ............................................. (6)

(b) A hot air balloon carries a mass of 3500 kg.

Calculate the weight in N of this mass.


Weight = ....................................... N (2)

(Total 8 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q7: (a) Particles in both a solid and a liquid are close-packed but the particles move in
different ways.
State how the particles move
(i) in a solid,

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) in a liquid.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) State one difference in the arrangement of the particles in a gas compared to those in
solids and liquids.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) Name a process by which a liquid changes to a gas.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 4 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q10: (a) A deep-sea diver descends into deeper water. The pressure on him increases as the
height of the water above him increases.
(i) State the equation which relates the density of the water, the acceleration of free
fall, g, the height of the water above the diver and the pressure difference.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) The diver descends from a depth of 15 m to a depth of 135 m.

Calculate the increase in pressure and give the unit.
The density of the water is 1025 kg/m3.



Increase in pressure = .............................................. (3)

(iii) The water is not moving. In which direction does the pressure act on the diver?

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) A pressure is exerted on everyone on the Earth. Explain what causes this pressure.



...................................................................................................................................... (2)

(Total 7 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
14: A gas-holder is designed so that it can change the volume and the pressure of the gas that
it holds.

The pressure of the gas in the gas-holder is 250 kPa when its volume is 450 m3.
(a) The volume is changed to 200 m3.
Calculate the new pressure in kPa and give its value to the nearest 10 kPa.
Show clearly how you get your answer.



New pressure = .......................... kPa (3)

(b) State two assumptions which you made to answer part (a).

Assumption 1 .................................................................................................................


Assumption 2 .................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................... (2)

(c) Name the unit for which kPa is the symbol.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 6 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q16: (a) Complete the sentence.
There is an absolute zero of temperature which is ............... degrees Celsius

or ............... kelvin. (1)

(b) State the effect that increasing the kelvin temperature has on

(i) the average speed of the molecules of gas in a sealed container

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) the pressure of the gas in a sealed container.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(c) State the effect on the average kinetic energy of the molecules of gas when the kelvin
temperature is doubled.

...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(Total 4 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2009 Nov
Q8: (a) Absolute zero is –273 °C.
(i) Describe the movement of the particles in a substance at absolute zero.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Convert 30 °C to the kelvin scale.


Temperature = ...................................... K (1)

(b) (i) For a fixed mass of gas

Explain fully what the term T represents in this equation.


............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) The pressure in a gas cylinder is 1250 kPa when the temperature is 30 °C.
The temperature falls to 15 °C.
Calculate the new pressure in the gas cylinder to the nearest 10 kPa.




Pressure = ......................................... kPa (3)

(Total 6 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q16: (a) Three quantities are given in the box.

area force pressure

(i) State the equation which relates them.

............................................................................................................................... (1)

(ii) Use all three quantities from the box to explain why it is easier to use a knife with
a sharp edge rather than the same knife with a blunt edge.



............................................................................................................................... (2)

(b) Area can be measured in square metres (m2), force in newtons (N) and pressure in
pascals (Pa).
Give a pair of values for force and area which would result in a pressure of 5 kPa.



...................................................................................................................................... (2)

(Total 5 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2010 June
Q8: The diagram shows a large irregular-shaped block of ice floating in the sea.

(a) Everything is made of particles.

Which label in the diagram fits the description in the following box?

The particles vibrate about fixed positions

within a close-packed regular structure.
Put a cross ( ) in the correct box.
A air
B ice
C seawater
D water vapour in the
(b) Complete the sentences.

(i) The ice changes to water by the process of .................................................. . (1)

(ii) Water molecules in the sea usually become water molecules in the air by the
process of .................................................. (1)

(c) Complete the sentence.

In a liquid, the particles are in a .................................................. irregular structure

and their motion is .................................................. (2)

(Total 5 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q17: (a) The temperature of absolute zero is –273 °C.
What is a temperature of –73 °C on the kelvin scale?

Temperature = ............................... K (1)

(b) Some gas at a temperature of –73 °C and a pressure of 100 kPa has its temperature
reduced by 50 °C.
(i) Calculate the new pressure, in kilopascals.




Pressure = ............................ kPa (2)

(ii) State two assumptions that you have made in your calculation.

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. (2)

(c) The graph shows how the average speed of gas molecules varies with temperature.

(i) Mark the value of absolute zero on the graph. (1)

(ii) What feature of the graph shows that average speed and temperature are not
directly proportional to each other?

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(iii) State a property of gas molecules that is directly proportional to the kelvin


............................................................................................................................... (2)
(Total 9 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
2010 Nov
Q7: (a) There is a lowest possible temperature.
It is known as absolute zero.
(i) State this temperature, in degrees celsius, to the nearest whole number.

Absolute zero of temperature = ........................ °C (1)

(ii) The air in a room is at 20 °C.
Calculate its temperature in kelvins.


Temperature = ......................... K (2)

(b) Complete the sentences.
(i) Increasing the temperature of a gas results in an increase in the average

................................................ of its molecules. (1)

(ii) A metal cylinder contains hydrogen gas. The cylinder is sealed.
When the temperature of the cylinder increases the

pressure of the hydrogen gas ............................................................ and

the mass of the hydrogen gas ............................................................ . (2)

(Total 6 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks Scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Q12: The diagram shows part of the apparatus for investigating Boyle’s Law.

The volume V of the trapped air can be changed by changing the pressure p exerted on it.
(a) Suggest a way in which p could be increased in this experiment.


...................................................................................................................................... (1)

(b) The relationship between p and V is given by p1V1 = p2V2

(i) When the pressure acting on the trapped air is 380 kPa, its volume is 130 cm3.
Calculate the pressure, in kPa, acting on the trapped air when its volume
is 520 cm3.



Pressure = ........................ kPa (2)

(ii) State two assumptions made in this calculation.

1 .............................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................. (2)
(c) The trapped air exerts a force on the surface of the liquid.
(i) Describe the motion of the air molecules.


............................................................................................................................... (2)
(ii) Describe how the air molecules exert a force on the liquid’s surface.

............................................................................................................................... (1)
(Total 8 marks)

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi
Marks scheme

Khalid Mazhar Qureshi

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