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Geo- Strategic means importance of a country or a region as by virtue of its
geographical location.Geo political is defined as, stressing the influence of
geographic factors on the state power, international conduct and advantages it
derives from its location.When a state learns how to exploit its geography to the
best of its political and strategic interests the study which comes in shape is called
geostrategic and geopolitics.

Brief Geographical Description of Pakistan:

The Geography of Pakistan is a profound blend of landscapes varying from plains
to deserts, forests, hills, and plateaus ranging from the coastal areas of
the Arabian Sea in the south to the mountains of the Karakoram Range in the
north.Pakistan is located in South East Asia, 24.35 North and 37.05 North latitude
and 61 East to 78 East longitude. Its area is 796096 sq. km stretching over 1600
km from North to South and about 885km from East to West.
in East, Pakistan meets India. In the West is Iran, China is located in the North,
Afghanistan in the North-West and there is a narrow strip of Wakhan that
separates Central Asian state, Tajikistan, from Pakistan. In the South is the
Arabian Sea where Pakistan shares marine border with Oman.

Geo-strategic and Geo-political Importance of Pakistan:

Pakistan is located at a region which has a great economic, political and strategic
location. It has been the hub of great activities for the past twenty years. From a
strategic and economic point of view, Pakistan enjoys a key position in South Asia.

1. Proximity of great powers:

Pakistan is located at the junction of great powers. In its neighbor’s, one
world power Russia and the other emerging power China lies. Any alliance
among world powers enhances its significance or any conflict also enhances
the importance of Pakistan such as the Cold War and the event of the 9/11.
USA also interests in the region because of many factors: To contain the
growing China as China has earned all the qualities to change unipolar
world into bipolar world, its relationship with nuclear Iran, the terrorism in
Afghanistan and to benefit from the market of India and Central Asia.

2. Proximity to the Gulf States:

The Middle East has attracted the whole
world because of its wealth of oil resources.
Pakistan through Arabian Sea is linked with
the oil rich Middle Eastern countries. The
belt started from Iran and extended to Saudi
Arabia. Gulf States possess 63% of world’s
oil reserves. Pakistan’s Gwadar Port provides
access to the ‘Gulf of Oman’ which extends
to the ‘Persian Gulf’. This gulf is surrounded
by Iran, UAE, Saudi Araba, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Iraq. Access to the
Persian Gulf via Gwadar port means access to all these countries most of
which are rich in energy resources.

3. Gateway to Central Asia:

Pakistan is a principal gateway to the
energy-rich Central Asian Republics
(CARs) for oil and energy trade.
Afghanistan and the Central Asian
states are too far away from coastal
areas and they are landlocked
countries. These countries have to go
through the land of Pakistan to reach the sea. They are also among the
agriculturally high productive countries. Thus they are important in regard
to our future needs.Gwadar, being the nearest warm water deep-sea port
to the landlocked Central Asian Republics can influence the shipment of oil.
Pakistan’s North Western Border can be used as an access to the Central
Asian Republics. It is a narrow strip of Afghan Territory between Tajikistan
and Pakistan which if used as a transit route can benefit all the countries in
trade. Hence, Pakistan can be the one to make a way from resource
efficient countries to resource deficient countries.
4. Important Link in the Chain of Muslim Countries:
Geographically, Pakistan is located at the centre of the Islamic countries of
Asia and Africa. It is linked to these states through land and sea routes and
thus not only it’s ideologically background, but its geographical centrality
necessities that it supports the unity of Muslim World. In this way, Pakistan
can actively participate in the activities of Muslim world-economic
development, transport of resources and most importantly combat and
minimize terrorism. Moreover, Pakistan’s strategic position in the world has
been considerably increased ever since it has achieved nuclear capability,
which has made it the only Muslim country armed with atomic weapons.

5. Natural Resources:
Pakistan is a world’s populous country due to its natural resources.
Balochistan is one of the richest resource states in the South Asia. Pakistan
has the world’s fifth largest gold mine in Balochistan, world’s second largest
salt mine in Punjab and world’s sixth largest coal mine also in
Punjab.Pakistan has three of the biggest mountains of the world. It is said
that these mountain ranges serve us safe from Siberia winds. The huge
glaciers supply water in the rivers. These glaciers make up about 75% of the
stored water supply of the country.

6. Marine Border with Oman:

Pakistan has good friendly relations with
its nearest Arab country, Oman.
Pakistan shares a maritime boundary
with Oman under an agreement in
2000; adhering to the International Law
of Sea. This sharing of a maritime
boundary with the brotherly country of
Oman can interpret Pakistan's
geographical importance in the sense of
access to Oman's undersea energy
resources. The sea route can also be
used to have access to the Persian Gulf and its littoral states.

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