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Clinical Pharmacokinetics 9: 136-156 (1984)

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Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone

Roberto Latini, Gianni Tognoni and Robert E. Kates
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche 'Mario Negri', Milano, and Division of
Cardiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford

Summary Amiodarone is an iodinated benzofuran derivative with recognised antiarrhythmic ac-

tivity in man. As yet, its pharmacokinetic behaviour has not been satisfactorily charac-
terised. Specific and sensitive high-pressure liquid chromatographic methods have become
available only recently and this partly explains the scarcity of pharmacokinetic data on
the drug.
Available evidence suggests that absorption of amiodarone following oral administra-
tion is erratic and unpredictable; oral bioavailability ranges from 22 to 86%. The drug is
eliminated largely by metabolism; less than 1% of the dose is excreted unchanged in the
urine. Biliary excretion may have a role in the overall elimination of the drug. Desethyl-
amiodarone is the only metabolite positively identified in the plasma of patients receiving
treatment with amiodarone; no data are available on its possible pharmacological activity.
Since it is a highly lipophilic drug, amiodarone is extensively distributed into tissues.
Adipose tissue and skeletal muscle accumulate large amounts ofthe drug during long term
treatment. Myocardium/plasma ratios of amiodarone are high both in man and in ani-
mals; peak concentrations in the myocardium are reached within halfan hour after admin-
istration of an intravenous bolus to dogs. Placental transfer of amiodarone has been dem-
onstrated in humans, while its blood profile is not modified by dialysis treatment. In vitro
protein binding of amiodarone has been reported to be 96.3 ± 0.6%.
The plasma half-life of amiodarone after single-dose administration has been reported
to be in the range of3.2 to 79.7 hours. However, after withdrawal oflong term amiodarone
treatment the half-life is as long as 100 days. Total body clearance ranges from 0.10 to
0.77 L/min after single-dose intravenous administration, and the apparent volume of dis-
tribution ranges between 0.9 and 148 L/kg.
Amiodarone disposition kinetics in patients with cardiac arrhythmias are not different
from those in healthy volunteers. However, the possible effects of liver and cardiac failure
on the drug's kinetics have not been studied.
Amiodarone potentiates the anticoagulant effect of warfarin, probably by inhibition of
its metabolism. Increases of steady-state concentrations of digoxin, together with the ap-
pearance of signs of digitalis toxicity, have been reported when amiodarone was given to
patients receiving long term treatment with digoxin. Amiodarone has also been shown to
interact with other antiarrhythmic agents such as quinidine and procainamide.
The time of onset of action of amiodarone after a single intravenous dose ranges be-
tween 1 and 30 minutes and its duration of effect between 1 and 3 hours. During long
term oral treatment, the therapeutic effect is observed after a delay of 2 to 21 days and
can last more than 1 month after withdrawal of therapy. The time course of amiodarone
electrophysiological effects after intravenous bolus administration to dogs follows its myo-
cardial concentrations.
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 137

The plasma steady-state concentration of amiodarone found to be effective in man

rangesjrom 0.4 to 11.99 pglml; however. even ifno therapeutic range has yet been defined.
there is good agreement on keeping steady-state levels between 1.0 and 2.5 pg/ml in patients
treated for arrhythmias.
Clinically relevant extracardiac side effects have been reported. such as corneal de-
posits. thyroid dysfunction. peripheral neuropathy. pulmonary fibrosis and. less import-
antly. liver toxicity. Many of these side effects seem related to the dose and duration of
amiodarone therapy. but information on their relationship to drug plasma concentrations
is not available.

Amiodarone was initially developed and mar- in its electrophysiological effects between intraven-
keted as an antianginal agent (Charlier et aI., 1968; ous and long term oral administration are among
Facquet et aI., 1969; Vastesaeger et aI., 1967), but those issues awaiting further clarification (Coutte
has more recently been employed successfully as et aI., 1976).
an antiarrhythmic drug. Based on in vitro studies, Due to the limited human data on the phar-
it has been categorised as a class 3 agent (Singh, macokinetic and pharmacodynamic characterisa-
1983; Singh and Vaughan Williams, 1970). It pro- tion of amiodarone, animal data are also discussed
longs the action potential duration in the atrial and in order to help clarify and support the limited hu-
ventricular myocardium, with a minor effect on the man findings,
rate of phase 4 depolarisation. The popular use of,
and considerable interest in, this compound is due 1. Physicochemical Properties
to its high efficacy in the treatment of supraven-
tricular, junctional and ventricular rhythm dis- Amiodarone is a benzofuran derivative with a
turbances (Marcus et aI., 1981; Podrid and Lown, molecular weight of 645.32 (fig. 1); amiodarone free
1981). base is 39.3% iodine by weight. The oral formu-
Amiodarone has unique pharmacokinetic prop- lation contains the chlorohydrate salt of amioda-
erties, with a very long biological half-life, up to rone; a 200mg tablet contains 75mg of iodine.
more than 100 days. Following the development The physicochemical characteristics of amio-
of reliable high-pressure liquid chromatography darone have been recently described in detail by
(HPLC) methods for the determination of amio- Bonati et ai. (1983a). The drug is amphiphilic with
darone concentrations in biological fluids and in both hydrophilic (tertiary amine) and hydrophobic
tissues, studies have been conducted to evaluate its (benzofuran and di-iodinated benzene ring) por-
absorption and disposition characteristics. As yet tions. It is highly soluble in chloroform and poorly
however, the pharmacokinetic behaviour of amio- soluble in water (Singh, 1983), which makes it dif-
darone is still not satisfactorily characterised. Its ficult to perform in vitro experiments. Its acid-base
protein binding, metabolism and the relationship constant (pKa) is 6.56 and its maximum lipid so-
between short and long term pharmacokinetics are lubility range is from pH 3.5 to 5.5 (Bonati et aI.,
not well elucidated. 1983a).
The drug's pharmacodynamic characteristics
pose major unsolved problems. The definition of 2. Analytical Methods
a therapeutic range, the explanation of the large
differences in time to its onset of action between The first published attempt to assay the con-
intravenous (l to 30 minutes) and oral adminis- centration of amiodarone in biological samples was
tration (2 to 21 days) [Rosenbaum et aI., 1976; that of Broekhuysen et ai. (1969). These investi-
Ward et aI., 1980], and the qualitative differences gators used 13lI-Iabelled amiodarone. They meas-
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 138

ured total radioactivity and made no attempt to a major amiodarone metabolite, could be meas-
separate unchanged drug from metabolites or lib- ured at plasma concentrations as low as 2 ng/mi.
erated 1311. In other subjects they simply measured Other methods have involved extraction at differ-
total iodine excretion in the urine after admini- ent pH values and with different solvent systems.
stering the unlabelled drug. The main pitfall of both The extraction of DEA is more efficient at a pH
methods is their lack of specificity, which limits of 7.4.
the interpretation of the results obtained. Though Other chromatographic systems involving re-
efforts were made to correct for decay, the short versed phase separation have been reported. Both
half-life of 131 I further limits the usefulness of this normal and reversed phase systems are suitable for
method. the separation and simultaneous measurement of
More recently, several HPLC methods for amiodarone and DEA. Four reported methods in-
measuring amiodarone and its metabolites in bio- clude procedures for extraction and analysis of
logical samples have been reported (table I). The amiodarone in tissues (Latini et aI., 1983; Lesko et
first HPLC method reported was that of Flanagan ai., 1981; Plomb et al., 1983; Riva et ai., 1982a).
et al. (1980). This method involved an extraction Despite their methodological differences, all the
of amiodarone into di-isopropyl ether at a pH of methods reported in table I fulfil basic require-
4.5. The ether was injected into a silica column and ments of sensitivity and specificity, which allow
amiodarone was separated from other components comparison of the data generated.
using a methanol-diethyl ether-perchloric acid mo-
bile phase. This method is sensitive to a lower limit 3. Fundamental Pharmacokinetic
of SO ng/ml and is specific for unchanged amio- Properties of Amiodarone
darone, but, in its last version (Storey and Holt, 3.1 Absorption and Bioavailability
1982), amiodarone and desethylamiodarone (DEA),
The available evidence suggests that absorption
of amiodarone following oral administration is er-
ratic and unpredictable. The time to reach peak
plasma concentrations has been reported to vary
from 2 to 12 hours (table III). A lag time ranging
from 0.4 to 3 hours and an oral absorption lasting
as long as 15 hours were found in healthy volun-
teers given 400mg of amiodarone orally (Holt et
ai., 1983). Oral bioavailability has been reported to
Amiodarone be highly variable, ranging from 22 to 86% (An-
astasiou-Nana et aI., 1982; Andreasen et ai., 1981;
Holt et ai., 1983; Riva et aI., 1982b). The large dif-
ferences in bioavailability might account, at least
in part, for the variability in steady-state concen-
trations observed during long term oral therapy (see
section 3.4.2).
The low solubility of amiodarone in aqueous
solution might be a reason for its unpredictable ab-
Desethylamiodarone (DEA)
sorption. Moreover, the relatively high extraction
ratio (0.49) found in isolated perfused rat livers
(Riva et aI., 1982a) suggests a first-pass effect which,
Fig. 1. Chemical structures of amiodarone and its principal me· if substantiated, could be partly responsible for the
tabolite. low and variable bioavailability.
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 139

Table I. HPLC methods for analysis of amiodarone and desethylamiodarone (DEA)

HPLC column Sensitivity Simultaneous Reference

(ng/ml) measurement
[cv%)a of DEA

Normal phase 50 Yes Flanagan et al. (1980, 1982)

(silica) [2.2 b/6.9 C]

Reversed phase 100 No Andreasen et al. (1981)

(C-18) [7.1/10.0J

Normal phase 50 Yes Lesko et al. (1981)

(silica) [2.6/4.9J

Reversed phase 20 Yes Riva et ai. (1982a), modified by Latini et al.,

(C-8) [5.7/10.6) (1983)

Normal phase 100 Yes Anastasiou-Nana et al. (1982)

(?) (?)

Normal phase 2 Yes Storey and Holt (1982)

(silica) [2.9/4.3J

Reversed phase 25 Yes Plomp et al. (1983)

(C-18) [1.9/3.8]

a Coefficient of variation
b Within days CV%.
c Between days eV%.

3.2 Metabolism and Excretion ± 0.06. This should obviously be taken into ac-
count when comparing drug concentration values
The metabolism of amiodarone has not been reported in studies which use analytical methods
completely characterised_ Several potential metab- based on whole blood or plasma, respectively. In
olites have been analysed (Flanagan et aI., 1982), 1 patient, DEA has been measured in blood im-
but only DEA (fig. 1) has been positively identified mediately after the ingestion of a single 8g dose of
in the blood of patients during long term oral treat- amiodarone taken in an unsuccessful suicide at-
ment. This metabolite accumulates to steady-state tempt (Bonati et aI., 1983b). DEA blood levels
concentrations which are comparable to those of stayed around 200 ng/ml for the 2-week observa-
the parent drug (Heger et aI., 1983; Holt et aI., tion period, while amiodarone had dropped below
1983). The significance of its presence in relation 50 ng/ml in 5 days. Holt et al. (1983) have recently
to amiodarone therapeutic and adverse effects is shown that DEA reaches concentrations compar-
now considered speculative. able to amiodarone within 3 to 5 days after an
Recently, DEA has been reported to accumulate intravenous bolus of the parent compound and dis-
in red blood cells to an extent greater than that of appears from plasma in parallel with amiodarone,
amiodarone; red blood cell/plasma concentration at least up to 58 days. This probably means that
ratios of 1.30 to 1. 76 for DEA and 0.38 to 0.48 for amiodarone elimination is the rate-limiting step.
amiodarone have been reported in patients treated Studies in normal subjects and patients with
long term with amiodarone doses of 200 to 600 cardiac arrhythmias have evaluated the extent of
mg/day (Heger et a!., 1983). Under similar con- excretion of amiodarone in urine after oral admin-
ditions, Holt et a!. (1983) have found a mean blood/ istration. Riva et a!. (l982b) collected urine for 72
plasma concentration ratio for amiodarone of O. 73 hours after administering single 150mg intraven-
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 140

ous doses to 3 normal subjects. No unchanged ments of iodine content, these investigators con-
amiodarone was detected. These same investiga- cluded that 5% of a dose is excreted unchanged in
tors collected 24-hour urine samples from patients the urine. This observation requires further study,
who were being treated long term with amioda- since urine was collected for only 2 hours, and total
rone, and similarly found no unchanged drug. iodine, not unchanged drug, was measured.
Anastasiou-Nana et al. (1982) collected urine for Broekhuysen et al. (\969) administered single
24 hours after administering single intravenous intravenous doses ofamiodarone labelled with 1311
doses (150mg) to normal subjects; they analysed to 2 subjects. Urine was collected for 24 hours and
the urine for unchanged drug, metabolite and io- analysed for 1311. Less than 0.7% of the admini-
dine content. Neither amiodarone nor DEA was stered radioactivity was found in this 24-hour urine
detected in the urine, and an amount of iodine fraction. These investigators also examined the re-
equivalent to only 0.5% of the content of the ad- covery of total iodine in the faeces of a separate
ministered dose was found. pair of subjects to whom amiodarone was admin-
More recently, Haffajee et al. (1983) had the istered for 1 month (300 mg/day). In this study,
same results when they gave a single dose of 800mg 131 1 was not employed, and no attempt was made

of amiodarone orally to 8 patients and collected to distinguish between amiodarone, metabolites, or

urine for 24 hours. free iodine. It was reported that a significant por-
The data of Andreasen et al. (1981) differ from tion of the administered iodine was recovered in
those reported by others in that they were able to the faeces. Whether this was a result of excretion
measure amiodarone in urine collected for the first of amiodarone in the bile, reported also in 1 sub-
2 hours after administration of a single 400mg ject by Andreasen et al. (1981), or a consequence
intravenous dose to 2 subjects. Based on measure- of poor bioavilability was not considered.

Amiodarone concentration (1"9/9 or 1'9fml)

10 20 30 40 50110 120
Adipose ~------~------~------~~------~------~~!I~----~
tissue pJ2§32J2l:2:JIT§2Jl2ZI2ElJIZEZIEI::S;;;ZITITiSIZ;§§2IBEIEISZIml§] \:}, ":"""':·"""""""'}"""I
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 120 125
Tissue/blood ratiO

Fig. 2. Blood/tissue ratiOS of amiodarone in autoptic material of a patient treated long term.
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 141

Two studies have dealt with amiodarone and rone in various organs at post mortem in a patient
DEA elimination in patients requiring long term treated long term with a low dose (200 mg/day)
haemodialysis. The disappearance rate in plasma maintenance regimen is shown in figure 2 (Mag-
of the two compounds was not altered by dialysis gioni et aI., 1983). Holt et ai. (1983) reported post-
periods; moreover neither amiodarone nor DEA mortem data from 9 patients who died on amio-
could be measured in the dialysate (Bonati et aI., darone; liver and fat had the highest concentrations,
1983c; Harris et aI., 1983). followed by lung, lymph node, myocardium, skel-
Amiodarone and DEA were also measured in etal muscle, thyroid gland and brain in decreasing
samples collected 8 to 12 hours after administra- order. Interestingly, DEA concentrations in all tis-
tion in 10 patients receiving long term therapy. The sues, except in fat, were higher than those of amio-
mean urinary concentration of amiodarone was 29 darone. Harris et ai. (1983) obtained a liver biopsy
ng/ml, that of DEA 149 ng/ml, while plasma con- for diagnostic purposes from a patient treated with
centrations were 2.08 and 1.48 Itg/ml, respectively amiodarone long term. The concentrations of
(Harris et aI., 1983). amiodarone and of DEA in the hepatic tissue were
1020 and 5050 Itg/g, respectively. High concentra-
3.3 Distribution tions of amiodarone (734 ltg/g) and of DEA (2551
ltg/g) were measured in lung biopsy samples from
3.3.1 Tissue Uptake a patient with pulmonary toxicity and similar con-
The characteristics of amiodarone distribution centrations were found in 1 without pulmonary
in man are not well delineated. toxicity at post mortem (Heger et aI., 1983). This
Broekhuysen et ai. (1969) gave 100mg of 131 1_ tendency of DEA to accumulate in tissues more
amiodarone intravenously to 1 subject and meas- than amiodarone is in agreement with the higher
ured the regional isotope distribution by total body red blood cell/plasma ratio of this compound as
scanning. Analyses were performed daily for 6 days described above (see section 3.2).
following administration. The radioactivity was In some cases it was possible to measure amio-
observed to decrease in lung, liver, heart, and kid- darone and its metabolite in specimens obtained,
ney, while it remained almost constant in limbs during cardiac surgery, from patients on amioda-
and steadily increased in the thyroid gland. rone. Myocardium accumulation ratios in the range
When a single dose of 1311-labelled amiodarone of 20 to 60 for amiodarone and of 100 to 260 for
was given orally to a patient during long term DEA have been reported in 21 patients as a whole
amiodarone therapy, 131 1 accumulated in the limbs; (Debbas et aI., 1983; Marchiset et aI., 1983). No
however only a transient accumulation followed by attempt was made to separate atrial from ventric-
a rapid decay of radioactivity was evident in the ular concentrations.
thyroid gland. These data suggest that amiodarone
accumulates extensively in the skin, subcutaneous Studies in Animals
fat and/or muscle. When iodine content was meas- More extensive studies ofamiodarone uptake in
ured at post mortem in tissues from 3 patients who tissues have been carried out in animal models.
had been treated long term with amiodarone, adi- Iodine was measured in tissues of mice, rats, rab-
pose tissue and skeletal muscle were found to be bits and dogs treated long term with amiodarone
the main reservoirs of amiodarone (Broekhuysen (Broekhuysen et aI., 1969); the highest concentra-
et aI., 1969). Using a specific HPLC assay, Haffajee tions were found in liver, lungs, spleen, adrenals,
et ai. (1983) analysed postmortem samples from adipose tissue and myocardium. One report de-
patients who had been treated long term with scribed the tissue accumulation of iodine in rats
amiodarone. They found high concentrations of during long term oral amiodarone administration
unchanged drug in adipose tissue, lung and liver. (Broekhuysen et aI., 1969). In this 24-day study, no
A profile of the blood/tissue ratios of amioda- further accumulation of iodine was observed after
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 142

the third day. While there was considerable vari- amiodarone accumulated extensively in fat. The fat
ability in the data, it appeared that steady-state was contained the highest concentrations among all the
achieved within 3 days. tissues analysed at the end of the study (16 hours
A later study (Riva et aI., 1982a), using an HPLC after administration of amiodarone) [fig. 3]. Adi-
assay, reported the distribution of amiodarone in pose tissue seems to behave as a reservoir or depot
rats after intravenous bolus administration. Dif- for the drug, and its role might become important
ferences in both rate and extent of uptake were during long term treatment.
noted for the tissues analysed. The brain showed The kinetics of distribution of amiodarone into
the lowest concentrations of amiodarone, while the myocardium has been extensively studied in

1000 0-0 Adipose tissue
0----0 Kidney
A-A Liver

6----6 Skeletal muscle


o ,
·E '.
« 0.10

-'f- - -- -t- - - ___ _


2 4 6 8 16
Time (h)

Fig. 3. Blood and tissue concentrations of amiodarone after intravenous bolus administration (50 mg/kg bodyweight) to rats (after
Riva et al., 1982a; reproduced with permission).
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone {43

the dog (Latini et aI., 19&3). The uptake is rela- amiodarone in the newborn at birth were 0.15 and
tively fast; the peak is reached between 10 and 30 0.34 ~g/ml for amiodarone and DEA, respectively;
minutes after an intravenous bolus (fig. 4), and the newborn/mother ratios for amiodarone and DEA
myocardium/plasma partition ratio is very high in plasma were 0.27 and 0.53.
(mean = 89). A puzzling difference was found when Recently, two other reports have appeared. In
the animals were treated long term with oral drug; one, amiodarone was given to a woman in the last
the partition coefficient at steady-state was then less 3 weeks of pregnancy; the transplacental passage of
than half that after single-dose administration amiodarone and DEA was found to be of the order
(mean = 34). Other authors have also reported the of 10% and 2591 , respectively (Pitcher et aI., 1983).
myocardial uptake of amiodarone in rabbits and A similar passage was described in another case
dogs to be very high (Kannan et aI., 1981). treated with amiodarone towards the end of preg-
Some ultramicroscopic studies on tissues after nancy (McKenna et aI., 1983). Treatment with
prolonged amiodarone treatment, both in rats and amiodarone was continued while the mother was
man, suggest that the molecule (or a metabolite) breast feeding the infant. Amiodarone and DEA
interacts with constituents of the cell membrane, were present in the milk at higher concentrations
namely the phospholipids, causing alterations par- than in the mother's plasma. The estimated daily
ticularly evident in the Iysosomes (Bockhardt et ai., ingestion of amiodarone and DEA by the breast-
1978; Lullmann et ai., 1980; Meier et aI., 1979). fed infant was around 1.5 and 0.6 mg/kg body-
The histological characteristics of the lesions and weight, respectively. No effects attributable to
the biochemical effects closely resemble those amiodarone were noticed in the newborn.
caused by other amphiphilic compounds. Many of
these substances have been shown, in experimental
animals, to alter the phospholipid content of tis-
sues, causing a phospholipidosis (LiiHmann et aI.,
1975). This particular interaction of amiodarone 0;
with cell constituents might be a factor contribut- 0;
"- 0
ing to some of its side effects and to its long-lasting 0 lJ,
accumulation in body tissues.
~ 10 --lJ,- -_ A--"' __ A~b.

3.3.2 Protein Binding

0 "\
In vitro experiments using ultracentrifugation
have shown that the bound fraction ofamiodarone 'c"
to plasma proteins is 96.3 ± 0.6%. Such high bind- 0,

c 0'0
ing does not seem to be responsible, however, for .....0 ,
the reported potentiation of warfarin activity, as ~ o-o_o~
no displacement of warfarin was found (at least <t 0.1
in the in vitro situation) and different binding
sites could be demonstrated (Neyroz and Bonati,
0.01 +----.--r-.--,---..---r--
o 60 120 180 240 300 360
3.3.3 Placental Transfer and Secretion into Time (minutes)
Breast Milk
Transplacental passage of amiodarone and DEA
Fig. 4. Plasma (0) and myocardial (6) concentrations of amio-
has been shown in I patient treated with amio- darone after intravenous bolus administration (5 mg/kg body-
darone during the last trimester of pregnancy (Can- weight) to a dog. The lines represent the computer best fit of
delpergher et aI., 1982). Plasma concentrations of data (after Latini et al., 1983; reproduced with permission).
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 144

Table II. Pharmacokinetic parameters of amiodarone after intravenous bolus administration

Dose Terminal tv, Cl Vd last measurable No. of Reference

(mg) (h) (lIm in) (l/kg) sample subjects

150 17.4 0.60 12.9 32-40 hours 3 (volunteers) Riva et al. (1982b)
[12.1-20.7] [0.49-0.72]" [9.3-17.2]"

150 4.3 0.2 1.3 7 hours 8 (volunteers) Anastasiou-Nana et al.

[3.2-6.2] [0.12-0.291b [0.9-2.21b (1982)

400 '" 11 16-24 hours 7 (patients) Andreasen et al. (1981)

300 16.1 0.45 11.7 24 hours 3 (patients) Riva et al. (1982b)

[11.6-19.61 [0.21-0.771 [6.9-21.0)

400 24.8 days 0.14 65.8 58 days 6 (volunteers) Holt et al. (1983)
[9.3-44.1] [0.10-0.19] [18.3-147.71

Dose Dose
a Cl = ; Vd =
AUCo _ , AUCo _ 00 • f3

b Cl = 0.693 x Vd x 1/60; Vd = --

Abbreviations: Cl = total body clearance; Vd = apparent volume of distribution; tv, = half-life.

3.4 Blood/Plasma Kinetics Much shorter 'terminal' half-lives (mean 4.3

hours) were reported by Anastasiou-Nana et al.
The kinetics of amiodarone in blood or plasma (1982); the apparent volume of distribution and
has been studied in healthy volunteers, patients total piasma clearance were also much lower. A
with cardiac arrhythmias, and experimental ani- short sampling period of only 7 hours may account
mals. for some of the discrepancies between this and other
3.4.1 Intravenous Administration Andreasen et al. (1981) administered amioda-
A summary of the reported pharmacokinetic rone both intravenously and orally to patients. The
parameters of amiodarone determined after intra- plasma disappearance curves often had secondary
venous bolus administration is given in table II. peaks, between 4 and 12 hours after administra-
Amiodarone was given intravenously to healthy tion, which did not allow a reliable estimate of the
volunteers and patients with supraventricular kinetic parameters (fig. 5). These peaks were ten-
tachycardia by Riva et al. (l982b). The mean ki- tatively attributed by the authors to enterohepatic
netic parameters did not differ between the 2 circulation of amiodarone.
groups; both the apparent volume of distribution Recently, using a very sensitive HPLC assay
and total blood clearance were quite high. A com- (Storey and Holt, 1982), amiodarone and DEA
parison with results from other studies can be made, could be measured in the piasma of 6 healthy
taking into account that in this case the drug was volunteers up to 58 days after a 400mg intravenous
measured in whole blood, and that the blood/ bolus (Holt et al., 1983). A long terminal phase with
plasma ratio is 0.73 (Holt et aI., 1983). The dis- an average half-life of 25 days could be shown in
appearance of amiodarone in blood was biexpo- plasma. These values are more consistent with the
nential with a mean half-life of 16.8 hours. long washout half-lives estimated after long
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 145

term treatment, and document the existence of a During long term administration, amiodarone
slowly equilibrating compartment (possibly adi- accumulates in the blood or plasma. Steady-state
pose tissue). was not reached for at least 30 days (Andreasen et
aI., 1981), with a 2- to 3-fold increase occurring
3.4.2 Oral Administration from day 1 to day 30. More irregular patterns of
Data from single- and multiple-dose oral studies accumulation were reported in 3 patients by Riva
with amiodarone are summarised in table III. et al. (l982b).
Irregular plasma concentration-time curves and Two studies have reported significant correla-
variability in the time to peak concentrations and tions between amiodarone daily dose (mg/kg) and
in absolute bioavailability were reported by 4 its steady-state concentrations in small groups of
groups (Andreasen et aI., 1981; Haffajee et aI., 1983; patients (Haffajee et aI., 1983; Staubli et ai., 1983).
Kannan et aI., 1982; Riva et ai. 1982b). Similarly, However, the variability is too large to make ac-
elimination half-lives after single doses were also curate predictions. A relationship between total ad-
highly variable, ranging from 3 to 80 hours, with ministered dose and steady-state concentrations has
no differences between patients and volunteers. The been reported in larger numbers of patients (Bop-
erratic and long lasting absorption (Haffajee et ai., pana et aI., 1983; Heger et aI., 1983; Siddoway et
1983; Holt et ai., 1983; see also section 3.1) ac- aI., 1983).
count to a considerable extent for the high varia- The profile of the steady-state blood concentra-
bility reported. tions of amiodarone and DEA in a controlled ef-

100 100

10 10

c: ,,,......... -e...•...• _ _____


a. 0.1 0.1
« 0.01 I I I I I 0.01 I I
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (h) Time (h)

Fig. 5. Plasma concentrations of amiodarone after oral (---) and intravenous ( - ) bolus administration (400mg) to 2 patients (after
Andreasen et al .• 1981; reproduced with permission).
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 146

Table III. Pharmacokinetic parameters of amiodarone (mean and range) after single- and multiple-dose oral treatment (single doses
except where specified)

Dose Time to peak Bioavailability Terminal tv. Last measurable No. of Reference
(mg) (h) (%) sample after subjects

200-400 4.5 17.1h 30h 5 (volunteers) Anastasiou-Nana et al.

[3-6) [10.2-25.0J (1982)
400 2.3 58 35.9h 50h 3 (volunteers) Riva et al. (1982b)
[2-3) [22-86J [12.1-79.7)

400 7.3 42 "" llh 16-24h 7 (patients) Andreasen et al. (1981)

[4.2-12.0) [29-80]

300 13.7 days 37 days 1 (patient)a Andreasen et al. (1981)


400 8 9.2h 24h 3 (patients) Riva et al. (1982b)

[6-10] [6.9-12.8]

1400-1800 4.9 7.2h 24h 6 (patients) Kannan et al. (1982)

[3-6.2] [3.0-16.9)

400-800 29 days 60 days 4 (patients)" Kannan et al. (1982)

daily [20-58)

200-400 4.5 34 17.1h 30h 8 (patients) Anastasiou-Nana et al.

[3-6] [23-50] [11.7-24.0] (1982)

200-1200 52 days 70 (patients)" Harris et al. (1981)


400 35 6 (volunteers) Holt et al. (1983)


200-600 52.6 days 138 days 8 (patients)" Holt et ai. (1 9S3)

daily [26-107]

800 5.2 4.6h 8 (patients) Haffajee et al. (1983)


200-1600 19.3 days 180 days 3 (patients)" Haffajee et al. (1983)

daily [13-30)

200-600 41.1 days 12 (patients)" Staubli et al. (1983)

daily [21-78J

a Long term treatment.

ficacy study of Lown class 3 and 4 patients receiv- huysen et al., 1969). Several groups have studied
ing 400 and 200 mg/day over two 28-day periods, the time course of disappearance of amiodarone
respectively, is shown in figure 6 (Italian Collab- from blood following discontinuation of long term
orative Group on Amiodarone, 1984). oral therapy (Andreasen et aI., 1981; Haffajee et aI.,
In 6 patients treated long term with amiodarone 1983; Harris et al., 1981; Holt et al., 1983; Kannan
who received a single oral dose of 13lI-labelled et al., 1982; Staubli et a!., 1983). Amiodarone half-
amiodarone, the washout of the radioactivity from lives during the washout period ranged from 14 to
the body had a mean half-life of 28 days (Broek- 107 days. This is definitely longer than that re-
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 147

ported after most single-dose administrations and tentiation of warfarin lasted 2 to 16 weeks after
more consistent with the slow disappearance rate discontinuing amiodarone administration.
of the therapeutic effects described in many clinical Warfarin concentrations in plasma were meas-
studies (Nademanee et al., 1982a; Rosenbaum et ured in 1 patient. The total plasma warfarin con-
al., 1974, 1976). centration increased after amiodarone therapy was
The observed discrepancy can be due to time- started. By the fourth day of concomitant admin-
dependent kinetics of amiodarone and/or to ana- istration, the warfarin concentration had doubled
lytical limitations. During long term oral treat- and the prothrombin time tripled. However, pro-
ment, the body clearance of amiodarone may tein binding of warfarin was unchanged, since the
decrease (possibly due to impairment of liver free fraction remained constant (Serlin et al., 1981).
function) [Holt et al., 1983; Siddoway et al., 1983]. These findings have more recently received sup-
It is also likely that in many single-dose studies the port from the in vitro study of Neyroz and Bonati
assay for amiodarone was not sensitive enough to ( 1984) who showed that amiodarone does not dis-
allow for an accurate characterisation of the ter- place warfarin from its binding sites (see also sec-
minal half-life (Storey and Holt, 1982). This big tion 3.3.2). Inhibition of warfarin metabolism by
difference between half-lives calculated after single amiodarone or a direct depression of vitamin K-
and multiple doses makes pharmacokinetic pre- dependent coagulation processes are more likely
dictions impossible. (Hamer et al., 1982; Richard et al., 1983). Poten-
tiation of acenocoumarol and heparin action by
The pharmacokinetics of amiodarone in coex- amiodarone has also been reported (Richard et al.,
isting disease states such as liver and cardiac fail- 1983).
ure have not yet been studied; the same is also true
for the effect of age on the drug's disposition. 4.2 Digoxin

4. Pharmacokinetic Drug Interactions An interaction between digoxin and amioda-

rone has been reported by several groups (Achilli
Relatively few reports have appeared dealing et aI., 1981; Furlanello et al., 1981; Moysey et al.,
with amiodarone interactions with other drugs. 1981; Nademanee et al., 1982b). In 1 study, a sharp
There are two interactions which probably have a increase in digoxin plasma concentrations after
pharmacokinetic basis: one with warfarin and the administration of amiodarone was observed in 7
other with digoxin. Both of these were documented patients (Moysey et al., 1981). This rise was ac-
for the first time in 1981. companied by the appearance of extracardiac dig-
oxin side effects (neurological and gastrointes-
4.1 Warfarin tinal). The 2 drugs are highly taken up by the
myocardium and, since the onset ofthe interaction
Potentiation of the anticoagulant effect of war- was very fast (within I day), displacement of dig-
farin has been reported by a number of authors oxin from cardiac muscle by amiodarone was sug-
(Hamer et aI., 1982; Martinowitz et al., 1981; Rees gested as the mechanism (Moysey et al., 1981).
et aI., 1981; Serlin et at, 1981). In another study, a positive correlation between
Several patients have experienced serious side amiodarone and digoxin steady-state concentra-
effects due to excessive hypocoagulability, which tions was reported in 33 patients (Furlanello et al.,
necessitated either a drastic reduction in the dose 1981). However, no signs of digitalis toxicity were
of warfarin or suspension of amiodarone. The time observed. Achilli et al. (1981) could not show any
course of onset of this interaction was highly vari- change in digoxin steady-state concentrations or ef-
able, ranging from 1 to 28 days; in most cases, the fects in 5 patients who were given amiodarone con-
delay Was longer than 6 days. Moreover, the po- comitantly for 30 days.
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 148

Day Amiodarone
dosage 58 patients


2 deaths (ventric-
ular fibrillation,
day 11 and 28)

48 patients

8 drop-outs


35 responders
13 non-responders

A = 0.80 ± 0.38 A = 0.91 ± 0.34

DEA = 1.23 ± 0.52 DEA = 1.20 ± 0.99

" i 1 " I
1 death (ventric- 24 responders 10 non-responders
ular fibrillation,
day 56) A = 0.67 ± 0.31 A = 0.68 ± 0.47
DEA = 1.26 ± 0.05 DEA = 1.26 ± 0.66

10 responders

A = 0.97 ± 0.62
DEA =1.52 ± 1.58

Fig.6. Efficacy profile of amiodarone in a multicentre controlled study (Italian Collaborative Group on Amiodarone, 1984). Steady-
state blood concentrations (,ug/ml) of amiodarone (A) and desethylamiodarone (DEA) in responders and non-responders are shown.
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 149

4.3 Other Drugs the loading dose regimen up to 1400mg of drug for
4 weeks. The high variability obtained is probably
Recently, amiodarone has also been reported to due to differences between patients, dose regimens,
increase the steady-state concentrations of quini- and methods of evaluation of therapeutic effect.
dine (Tartini et aI., 1982), procainamide and N- Nademanee et al. (l982c) studied arrhythmia
acetylprocainamide in 23 patients (Saal et aI., 1982). suppression, change in QTc and change in rT3 in
Interactions with other antiarrhythmic agents 18 patients. Continuous measurements of the latter
have been reported to cause 'torsade de pointes' 2 variables, which relate to the drug's therapeutic
(Marcus, 1983). action, facilitated a better definition of the time
course of amiodarone action. The time of onset
5. Relationship Between the Pharmaco- ranged from 14 to 21 days, the maximum effect
kinetics and Pharmacodynamics of being reached after 2 to 5 months of therapy. When
Amiodarone amiodarone was stopped, in 9 patients, arrhyth-
mias returned after 2 to 20 weeks, at which time
The scarcity of reliable data, already noted for both QTc and rT3 also returned to baseline.
the pharmacokinetics of amiodarone, is even more The efficacy profile of amiodarone in the Italian
relevant when one tries to understand the phar- Collaborative Study mentioned above (section
macodynamic characteristics of amiodarone in re- 3.4.2; fig. 6) is suggestive of a dose-effect relation-
lation to its kinetics. ship in responders; however, the study failed to
document a blood concentration-effect relation-
5.1 Time Course of Antiarrhythmic Action ship for both amiodarone and/or DEA (Italian
Collaborative Group on Amiodarone, 1984).
Since the early use of this drug, its peculiar time Coumel and Fidelle (1980) reported data from
course of action during long term oral administra- 135 children (fig. 7) treated with amiodarone for
tion has been noted. Rosenbaum et al. (1974, 1976) various arrhythmias. A slightly different course of
evaluated the time of onset of action of amioda- action was observed in children. The time of onset
rone in 263 patients who were being treated for tended to be shorter (mean 4.1 days) than in adults.
various arrhythmias. Despite the administration of After withdrawal of amiodarone, relapses of chronic
loading doses (600 to 800 mg/day), the onset of arrhythmias also occurred earlier than in adults.
effect ranged between 4 and 8 days. Once a thera- These differences between children and adults
peutic effect was achieved, it was shown to last for might be due to a faster clearance of the drug by
more than I month after discontinuation of amio- the children.
darone administration. A longer duration was as- A few authors have reported on the onset and
sociated with longer treatment. Another group duration of action of amiodarone after a single
(Ward et aI., 1980) reported a time course of onset intravenous bolus (Cabasson et aI., 1976; Coutte et
of action ranging between 2 and 21 days in patients aI., 1976; Holt et aI., 1982; Touboul et aI., 1976).
with various types of arrhythmias. The effects measured were either a modification of
Kaski et al. (1981) studied 20 patients with sus- electro physiological parameters or suppression of
tained, recurrent, symptomatic ventricular tachy- arrhythmia. A very rapid (1 to 30 minutes) onset
cardia and observed a mean time of onset of 9.5 was observed and the duration of effect was short
days, with a maximum of 16 days. The protection (1 to 3 hours). This rapid onset of action after an
from relapse after therapy was discontinued lasted intravenous bolus has prompted some authors to
up to 90 days. Rakita and Sobol (1983) were able use intravenous loadings before starting long term
to progressively decrease the time to achieve con- oral treatment. Preliminary experiences show a
trol of ventricular arrhythmias with amiodarone, more prompt antiarrhythmic action (Holt et aI.,
from a mean of 17 days to 10 days, by increasing 1982; Mostow et ai., 1983). On the other hand,
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 150

other studies have shown that the electrophysio- active metabolite, during long term therapy is an-
logical effects of intravenous amiodarone also differ other hypothesis to be considered. However, the
qualitatively from long term oral administration. relationship between amiodarone pharmacokinet-
Surface ECG after intravenous bolus administra- ics and its time course of action in man has not
tion shows prolongation of the P-R interval, but yet been elucidated.
no change of QTc, which is always increased dur- In a recent study in dogs (Latini et aI., 1982), it
ing long term oral treatment (Nademanee et ai., was shown that the time course of amiodarone
1981; Pritchard et aI., 1975; Singh et aI., 1976). electrophysiological effects after intravenous bolus
Effective refractory periods of the atrium and administration follows its myocardial concentra-
ventricular and H-V interval were not found tions better than its blood concentrations. The ex-
to change after intravenous administration, but trapolation of this observation to long term oral
were significantly prolonged after long term therapy is only speculative.
oral administration (Coutte et aI., 1976; Wellens In 9 patients, QTc prolongation was found to
et aI., 1982). correlate with plasma slightly better than with
Pharmacokinetic differences could explain some myocardial concentrations of amiodarone (Debbas
of the above discrepancies. The delay in onset after et at, 1983). This probably means that tissue con-
oral administration might be due to a slow uptake centrations of the drug at steady-state do not add
of the drug into the myocardium or any effector any further information to the understanding of its
site. The slow accumulation of DEA, or of another pharmacodynamics.

z 5

Time (days)

Fig. 7. Onset of antiarrhythmiC action of amiodarone in 91 children on long term oral treatment (after Coumel and Fidelle, 1980;
reproduced with permission).
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 151

Table IV. Blood steady-state concentrations of amiodarone vs pharmacological-therapeutic effects

Arrhythmia Concentration (/Lg/ml) No. of Reference

non- responders

Atrial fibrillation 1.2-3.0 8.8 7 Andreasen et al. (1981)

Ventricular tachycardia 0.92-11.99 10 Nademanee et al. (1982a)

Ventricular tachycardia 0.44-4.10 10 Saksena et al. (1982)

Ventricular extra systoles and tachycardia < 1.5 > 1.5 22 Mostow et al. (1982)

Ventricular extrasystoles and tachycardia 0.84 1.05 10 Giani et al. (1983)

Atrial tachyarrhythmias 0.4-0.6 9 Haffajee et al. (1980)

Ventricular tachyarrhythmias 0.6-1.2 17 Haffajaa at al. (1980)

Atrial fibrillation 1.02 1.02-2.73 16 Staubli at al. (1983)

Ventricular extrasystoles

Ventricular tachycardia 0.68-0.80 0.67-0.97 58 Italian Collaborative Group on

Amiodarone (1984)

Atrial tachyarrhythmias 1.7 ± 0.7 8 1.5 ± 0.6" 54 Haffajae et al. (1983)

Ventricular tachyarrhythmias 1.9 ± 0.7 8 1.8 ± 0.7" 68 Haffajaa et al. (1983)

a Mean ± SO

5.2 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring No systematic study has been carried out to de-
Considerations termine whether these differences in dosage are
based on real differences in the dose-response re-
The relationship between amiodarone steady- lationships for different arrhythmias. Haffajee et
state blood concentrations and its therapeutic al. (1983) reported a range of effective concentra-
action has been investigated in several studies. tions of amiodarone in supraventricular tachycar-
The currently available data are summarised in dias of 0.5 to 2.8 ~gjml, as compared with 0.4 to
table IV. 3.3 ~gjml in ventricular arrhythmias. No differ-
A plasma concentration range between 0.5 and ence in amiodarone plasma concentrations was seen
2.5 ~g/ml seems to be the most generally observed between responders and non-responders (Haffajee
in treated patients who respond to the drug. How- et a\., 1983; Italian Collaborative Group on Amio-
ever, efficacy has been shown for amiodarone darone, 1984; Staubli et aI., 1983), even if the re-
plasma concentrations as low as 0.1 and as high as sponse could be shown to vary with plasma con-
11.9 ~g/ml. centrations in individual patients.
Besides the variability in the drug assay meth- In trying to establish the significance of amio-
ods, the broad spectrum of arrhythmias treated darone blood level monitoring in clinical practice,
(both type and severity) is a major confounding one must take into account 2 other factors. Firstly,
factor. Lower dose regimens (200 to 400 mgjday) the uptake ofamiodarone into myocardium is very
tend to be used with success for supraventricular high (partition ratio with plasma between 22 and
arrhythmias, while higher dosages (400 to 1000 mgj 134) and quite variable (Latini et ai., 1983), and
day) are employed for life-threatening arrhythmias. this might have some pharmacodynamic rele-
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 152

vance. Secondly, the role of DEA, which is present ent cannot satisfactorily be related to a mechanism
in blood at concentrations as high as amiodarone of toxicity (Zaher et aI., 1983). The report of a su-
during long term treatment, is currently not known. icide attempt with 8g ofamiodarone which was fol-
lowed by an uneventful clinical course seems to
5.3 Adverse Effects exclude acute toxicity for the most likely target or-
gans -liver, heart and thyroid (Bonati et aI., 1983b).
For many years the therapeutic index of amio- Due to the suspected relationship of the most
darone was considered very broad (Marcus et aI., serious side effects with amiodarone dose, Wax-
1981; Nademanee et aI., 1981; Simpson, 1979); se- man et aI. (1982) suggested a maximum safe main-
rious side effects and cardiac toxicity were rarely tenance dosage of 600 mg/day. The unusually high
reported to occur in patients treated long term. incidence of side effects associated with high doses
However, in the last 2 years there has been growing (Heger et aI., 1981), and the relatively low toxicity
concern about the drug's long term toxicity due to with low dose regimens (Italian Collaborative
the frequency of appearance of serious side effects. Group on Amiodarone, 1984), could be seen as
These initially may not manifest until after more support for this recommendation.
than 1 year of therapy (Harris et aI., 1983; Heger Attempts to use plasma concentrations to pre-
et ai., 1981; Marchlinski et aI., 1982; Sobol and dict side effects has not yielded anything more than
Rakita, 1982; Waxman et ai., 1982). general recommendations. In most cases, an upper
Harris et ai. (1983) classified the reported side limit of 2.0 to 2.5 ILg/ml for safe treatment with
effects of amiodarone based on their hypothetical amiodarone is suggested (Boppana et aI., 1983;
relationship with dose and duration of therapy. Haffajee et aI., 1983; Mostow et aI., 1982). Re-
Elevations of serum aminotransferases are dose re- cently, it has been suggested that the red blood cell
lated. Almost all patients receiving 600 mg/day or uptake of amiodarone and DEA correlates better
more show increased liver circulating enzymes. The with some adverse effects than do plasma concen-
same authors were able to find a correlation be- trations (Heger et aI., 1982). However, this finding
tween amiodarone blood concentrations at steady- has not been supported by a more recent paper from
state and aminotransferase concentrations. the same group (Heger ct aI., 1983).
Corneal microdeposits and facial pigmentation
are classified as both dose- and duration-related. 6. Perspectives and Future Research
Effects on the thyroid gland, which could be con-
sidered the most clinically relevant because of their From the studies reviewed above, we conclude
high incidence (with an estimated average of around that much has still to be done before the clinical
13%) and their implications for therapeutic behav- pharmacokinetics of amiodarone can be satisfac-
iour (Beck-Peccoz et ai., 1983), are complex and torily defined. Several areas need further attention.
not easily related to either dose or duration of These include:
therapy. The reported effects on the peripheral 1. Oral bioavailability, which is highly variable,
nerves are even less satisfactorily documented and has not been studied in a sufficient number of
explained, but do not seem to be dependent on dose patients. Whether single- and multiple-dose bio-
and duration of treatment. availability are the same needs to be determined,
The relationship between amiodarone and the taking into account the possibility of a time-de-
observed pulmonary toxicity is not clear, even pendent kinetics.
though it has been shown to occur in several 2. The implications of the high degree of pro-
patients on high doses of the drug (Heger et ai., tein binding of amiodarone should be evaluated in
1981; Marchlinski et aI., 1982; Sobol and Rakita, interaction studies specifically in those few patients
1982). The protective effect of corticosteroid who require combined antiarrhythmic therapy.
administration needs to be confirmed, and at pres- 3. The current understanding of the metabol-
Pharmacokinetics of Amiodarone 153

ism and excretion of amiodarone is incomplete. References

Only the monodesethyl derivative (DEA) has been
positively identified in the blood of patients. Achilli, A.; Giacci. M.; Capezzuto, A.; DeLuca, F.; Guerra, R. and
Recently, a new metabolite, the di-N-desethyl de- Serra, N.: Interazione digossina-chinidina e digossina-amio-
darone. Effetti sulla concenlrazione ematica del glucoside car-
rivative has been identified in the myocardium of dioattivo. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia II: 918-925 (1981).
dogs treated with mUltiple doses of amiodarone Adams. P.C; Nicholson, M.R.; Storey, G.CA.; Holt. D.W. and
(Latini et al., 1984). Whether other metabolites are Campbell. R.W.F.: Amiodarone tissue distribution: Relation
also present and which of them have some to adverse effects. British Heart Journal 43: 297 March (1983).
pharmacological activity awaits further research. Anastasiou-Nana, M,; Levis, G.M. and Moulopoulos, S.: Phar-
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4. Since amiodarone is often used in very sick administration. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacol-
patients, the effects of main organ failure (heart and ogy, Therapy and Toxicology 20: 524-529 (1982).
liver) on its disposition kinetics need to be eval- Andreasen, F.; Agerbaek, H.; Bjerregaard, P. and G0tzsche, H,:
uated. Pharmacokinetics of amiodarone after intravenous and oral
5. The overall consideration of available data administration. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
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does not support a positive correlation between Beck-Peccoz, P.; Volpi, A.; Maggioni, A.P.; Cattaneo, M.G.; Pis-
blood or plasma concentrations of amiodarone (or citelli, G.; Giani, P.; Landolina, M.; Tognoni, G. and Faglia,
its metabolite, DEA) and antiarrhythmic efficacy. G.: Further evidence that the effects of amiodarone are me-
6. The relationship between dose and duration diated in part by an inhibition of the metabolic action of thy-
roid hormones (Submitted for publication, 1983).
of therapy and therapeutic effects should be further
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noni, G.: Acute overdosage of amiodarone in suicidal at-
maintenance doses and thus providing the best
tempt. Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology 20: 181-
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lished between dose and duration of treatment and Tognoni, G.: Amiodarone in patients on long-term dialysis.
side effects, with the notable exception of those seen New England Journal of Medicine 308: 906 (I 983c).
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In conclusion, amiodarone has been shown by maceutical Sciences (In press, I 983a).
many independent groups to be a very powerful Boppana, V.K.; Greenspan, A.; Swanson, B.N.; Spielman, S.; Fer-
antiarrhythmic agent, with unique features. Its guson, R.K.; Belhassen, B. and Rotmensch, H.H.: Clinical ef-
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic behav- ficacy and serum concentrations of amiodarone. Clinical
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fact that it has been used clinically for more than des benzofurannes. XXXVII. Etude comparee du transit et
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an open challenge for the combined efforts of males et chez I'homme. Archives Internationales de Phar-
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International Fellowship in Clinical Pharmacology. diologia 12: 79-82 (1982).
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Charlier, R.; Deltour, G.; Baudine, A. and Chaillet, F.: Pharma- Harris. L.; McKenna, W.J.; Rowland, E.; Holt, D.W.; Storey,
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5th International Meeting of the

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Physiological and Pharmacological Control of

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Date: 24-28 June 1984
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