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Chapter 6 discusses four types of perceptual distortions: stereotyping, halo effects, selective

perception, and projection. Define each of these and provide an example. This assignment is
due by midnight Sunday and will be graded based on depth and clarity.

Four types of perceptual distortions

Stereotypes is not to be mistaken with prejudice because both are not same but just as
prejudice,stereotypes are grounded on prior assumptions or preoccupied beliefs. It’s a belief
shared commonly in public or some community. This is sometimes drawing conclusions even
without knowing them.
Some famous stereotypes of community, racial, gender and sexual are always present in
the world.
● Jehovah’s Witness don’t believe Jesus Christ.
[A stereotype: But the fact is they believe]
● Blacks are good at sports
[A stereotype: the fact is true but anybody who masters also will be good is the truth]
● Man is smarter than woman.
● All teenagers are rebels.
● Any feminine man is gay
[The stereotype: the facts are not always true]

Sleep on point: Stereotyping is sometime true but not always. If we continue it may reap bad
results too. We can subject someone to fear or can be subjected to hatred.

Halo effects
It’s a phenomenon psychologically. It tends someone to make believe or make assume to
form opinion drawing out of one. For example, if a hair dresser cuts a nice haircut, mad to
believe or analyze as it is true with all cases or all haircuts.
It is observed an annual review by a company proves that employees are appeared to be
in relaxed approach, though, they are proficient in some elements. The previous would be the
result of hallo effect.
● Halo effects have its own influence on Academics and Intelligence. It is rated 1 to
9, best essay by the eye-catching author established an average of 6.7 whereas
the unappealing author received a 5.9.
● Halo effects have penetrated to politics too. Some attractive leaders have
influenced initially and proved passive in the works.
Sleep on point: Halo effects is not the only truth for somebody initially. It’s an illusion truth
beginning. Imagine a company, initially ruled in profits and later in losses. It’s only possible
because of halo effects. We can’t simply trust a single employee that they are good at
something as initially seen and can fare badly in the next or after good.

Selective perception: Consider only the selected, the name itself says it. Ignoring the negative
views and penetrating messages in media of what is selected to reach the targeted audience.
Blocking on contradictory, cooperating on necessary.
● Imagine Electra has other name. For some years, she has been suffering for
name calling. Family and friends who know her, calls by her loo, which she
doesn’t like it always. Recently, she has been to a party. She started avoiding her
own friends and family and stated socializing new party of friends.
Sleep on point: Take a new book published recently in the market. It is criticized with a
statement ‘errors crept in’. Why do you think these errors run over the head of proof readers?
Because our mind only perceives the errors only our eyes see.
Figuring out his own attributes of one’s but this time in others and disliking those in others.
Having a feeling of humiliating to accept that other possess those.
● Recent survey statistics stated that individuals who suffer from negative traits
treat others very high on the same traits having them inside in other words,
projecting them.
Sleep on point: One church clergy always mess with the other members in the group stating all
negative traits out but he too has it. Never sees a rafter in his own eye, yet tries to remove
speck of sawdust in neighbor’s eye.

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