Agudo, Kaye - 7F-Judges - Module 1 CLF

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Module in CLF for Grade 7

(4th Quarter)

Module (1)
Power Competencies:
1. Define Decalogue and laws.
2. Explain why the commandments are guidelines towards relationship with God, His creation and


1. Give meaning of what is Decalogue and laws on their own words.
2. Identify life situations which tells about the Ten Commandments.
3. Express their own understanding the message of the Ten Commandments using their

Lesson Proper:
I. Life Experience:
What can happen when we are not governed by any law. What can happen in the
following instances if we are allowed to do anything we want?
1. During flag ceremony
It will be a disaster because if we do what we want during flag ceremony it will become
noisy, messy. Without instructions it will be hard.
2. When we are angry at someone
If we are angry at someone we will shout each other and sometimes we will have a big
II. Sacred Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40

When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a lawyer,
asked him a question to test Him. Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest? He said to him, “you
shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” this is the greatest
and first commandment. And the second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” on these two
commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

III. Concept: Life tells us that we are governed by Laws.

*Law of Gravity as part of the Law of Nature - if we throw anything up, the same will go down.
* If we do wrong, our normal reaction is to feel guilty since there is this unwritten law within our heart
telling us to do the good and to avoid evil and this is part of the Natural Law. * Divine Law - this is to love God
and our neighbors as we love ourselves. * Church Law - which guiding us inour relationship with God and with
one another. *Civil Law - protecting our rights and that of others by coming up with do’s and don’ts in our
human relationship.

For G7-A to H 1
In our Christian faith, the TEN COMMANDMENTS represent the great gift of God’s love. When we respect the
authority and power of God, the more we put into practice His commands. In the Old Testament, the word
“DECALOGUE” literally means “TEN WORDS” given and written by God His people in the holy mountain. The
“Ten Words” are pronounce by God in the midst of theophany (God shows Himself through fire) which reveals
Himself and His glory. The gift of the Ten Commandments is the gift of God Himself and His holy will, so that in
making His will known, He reveals Himself to His people. In the New Testament, Jesus invoke the necessity to
recognize God as the “One who is good” and said “If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” When
Jesus was asked, “What must I do?” then Jesus said, “You shall not kill, You shall not commit adultery, You shall
not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother” and He sums up the commandments
positively, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt. 19:16-19). When someone asked Jesus, “which
commandment in the Law is the greatest?” Jesus replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” The Church teaching is faithful to the teaching of the Decalogue.
The church teaches that the Ten Commandments belong to God’s revelation where the human person
inherently recognizes his/her humanity using the gift of reason as something given as natural gift. The human
person then has the moral obligation to follow the “Ten Commandments as engraved by God in his/her human
heart” (CCC 2072).

III. Exercises or enhancement activities

1. What are the greatest commandments?
The greatest commandments are “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and with all your mind. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

2. How are the two commandments interrelated?

On these two commandment hang all the law and the prophets.

3. How you will apply the message of the Ten Commandments in this present time of
experiencing Lockdown because of COVID-19?
I will apply it by sharing the word of God by posting it, telling our friends, families and
other people to be careful every time you come out.
IV. Summary
Jesus summarized the commandments into loving God and loving others as we love ourselves.
Knowing by heart the commandments of God will guide us all throughout our lives. We can
experience Gods’ love by sincerely following the commandments simple as what you can do as
grade seven. And by following our different laws with good will, because we can say that we
love God by loving others. And read your Bible everyday.

Lesson 2: FIRST COMMANDMENT: “I am the Lord your God, you shall not have other gods besides me.”

1. Identify correctly what the First commandment is calling us to do.

For G7-A to H 2
2. Recall clearly the prohibitions of the First commandment and affirmatively expound
their implications to daily lives.
3. Give concrete ways on how to obey God through the First commandment.
Lesson Proper:
I. Life Experience:
-Who introduce God and about Him to you? How often do you think God in this present
time of your life? Have a 5 minutes silence then prayerfully read the following reading.

II. Sacred Scripture: Exodus 20:1-6

Then the Lord spoke all these words: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of
Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for
yourself an idol. Whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth
beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them;
for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the inequities of parents, to the third
and fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousand
generation of those who love me and keep my commandment.

III. Concept:
The God we worship is a liberating God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of history. He is the
creator all things, the most powerful yet loving God. Give God your Father His rightful place at the center of your
lives. Live in faith, hope, and love in God, the father of all (CFC 878).
For Jesus, God is a Loving Father or an Abba, a just, compassionate, merciful and forgiving Father. In His life,
Jesus adored, respected and honored God above all. He confirmed the first commandment in His teachings
about the Kingdom of God. The first call of the Kingdom is to acknowledge the uniqueness of God as the hope of
human unity (CFC 881). Faith means loving God voluntarily and the opposite of faith can be doubt and fear.
Doubt because the person pretends or ignores the importance of believing God. Fear because the person is
afraid, indifferent or even rejects the belief of God.
Sins against loving God:
Idolatry is to substitute God with other things, these includes the following: (superstitions, divination, magic,
sorcery, irreligion, atheism and agnosticism). Superstition is a substitute to believing God when we deviate from
practices that do not conform with our true faith. Divination, magic or sorcery is faking the faith such as
consulting horoscope, astrology, palm reading, clairvoyance, the use of mediums or interpretations of bad
omens and the use of occult powers or even spiritism of magical practices. These contradict the honor, respect
and love we owe to God alone (CCC, 2116). Irreligion includes simony which is the buying an selling of spiritual
things. It can mean stealing relics in Churches then selling these sacred objects to other people for reason of
money (CCC, 2118-2121). Atheism is the total rejection of God. Agnosticism is refraining from denying the
existence of God.

IV. Exercises or enhancement activities

For G7-A to H 3
Direction: Choose what you want to do from the choices for your activity and follow the given instruction. Use
the provided space.
1. Poem - Compose a fifty (50) words poem expressing what you personally understood about the first
commandment. Come up with a title to your poem.
2. Song - Compose at least Two (2) to three (3) stanzas with four (4) lines expressing what you personally
understood about the first commandment. Come up with a title to your song.
3. Drawing/Paint - illustrate into a drawing or sketch or painting expressing what you personally understood
about the first commandment. Come up with a title to your illustration.
Criteria: Sense of Christian response - 20
Content from the 1st commandment - 10




Lord our only God the one who created the heaven and earth

The one who created us by forming Adam and Eve

Who have disobeyed our Lord by eating the tree of knowledge

Whom God have punish them by sending them out from the Eden

Now we are here living with our family that our broken

Here we are talking about the first commandment

Lord is our only God and we should not have other God’s beside him

Why? Because our Lord created us to live in the planet he created

And we should not disobey the ten commandment we should respect it

V. Summary
Adoring God, praying to Him, offering the worship that belongs to Him, fulfilling the promises and vows made to
Him are acts of virtue which fall under obedience to the First Commandment. Calling Him as our Father is a great
privilege, it is an opportunity to prove that we are worthy of His love. Acknowledging God everytime, anytime,
anywhere in everything we do in difficult or happy moment of our lives is already a time of showing how we
recognize God as our Father and creator. Better to avoid the actions or behavior against the first commandmnet
to please God and for us to be happy, its hard but its the safest way to do.

For G7-A to H 4
Lesson 3: Second Commandment: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”
1. Identify correctly the do’s and don’ts of the Second Commandment.
State why respecting God’s name is respecting God Himself.

Lesson Proper:
I. Life Experience:
- Why do we need to have a name?
- Sit and ask your parent now to tell about how they come up and give you that name.
II. Sacred Scripture:

Judges 20:7
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who
misuses his name.

Philippians 2:9-11

Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the
name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and tongue should
confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of the Father.

III. Concept:
God’s name then was considered as the “shekinah” or presence of God Himself. The name of
God was God’s gift to His covenant people. To swear falsely, using God’s name was to break the
covenant (CFC 895). The importance of one’s name was emphasized during the time of Jesus.
The sign of the cross is our distinguishing mark as Catholic Christians. It all began when we
were baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The name we
received in baptism is very special because it carries with it our identity as members of
Christ’s body. The name is an icon of the person and it demands respect as a sign of the
dignity of the person who bears it (CCC, 2158). The name of the Lord is holy, meaning we need
to revere, honor, and respect the name of God through good speech.
*the second commandment forbids false oath, swearing or making use of God to sffirm our
misdeeds or to use God as our witness. Furthermore, it prohibits perjury which is making a
promise under oath with no intention of keeping the oath. False oath call on God to be witness
to a lie.
IV. Exercises or enhancement activities:
Direction: Answer the following question:
1. Why should we respect God’s name?
We should respect God’s name because he created us, our world and the living thing
things we see.
2. Why do you think that your first or given name is very important?

For G7-A to H 5
It is important to know my identities.

3. From your daily experience of different religious activities in the school from August until
February, a) for Catholic Christians, what is the importance of making the sign of the cross?
b) for the non-catholic , what is your great experience joining us in our religious activities?
What is the impact of that experience in your life.
The impact of my experience in my life is: a). the importance of making a sign of the
cross is to respect Lord our God. b). my great experience for joining religious activities is
learning the words of God, learning the thing we should and should not do in every
4. Cite one concrete example of how you can obey the second commandment.
I can obey the second commandment by not taking the Lords name in vain and by obeying
the Lords commandments.

V. Summary
Names gives us identity and speaks of who we are as persons. Through one’s name we were able to
know the owner of the name and response in good terms. God introduce Himself with a name,that
we usually speak every now and then, whatever situation we are in. Remember, using the name of
God in vain was equivalent to refusing to follow and obey God.

Lesson 4: Third Commandment: “Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath Day”

1. Identify properly what the Third commandment commands us to do.
2. Provide concrete examples on how to show obedience to the Third commandment.
Lesson Proper:
I. Life Experience:
Direction: what is your comment on the following situations?
1. We do not have a common official day to worship God. Some say Monday is the true worship
day, others insist it is Tuesday, others Wednesday and so, on.
I think the common official day to worship God is Monday to Sunday because we God is
always with us even though we cannot see him with our own eyes.
2. You must go to school from sunrise to sunset seven days a week.
We always go to school from sunrise to sunset five days a week not seven days a week to
II. Sacred Scripture:

Exodus 20:8-11
Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy. For six days you shall labor and do all your work. But
on the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work-you, your son or
your daughter; your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns. For six
days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day;
therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and consecrated it.
For G7-A to H 6
III. Concept:
The Sabbath Day was a time to recall the message of creation, for God worked for six days
then rested on the 7th day. Rest on Sabbath is not the absence of work; when God stopped
working He created something which was not there before - REST. Rest here means much
more than withdrawal from labor and exertion, more than freedom from toil, strain or activity
of any kind. To rest therefore during Sabbath is all about energizing ourselves through
prayers, worship and rest so that we can be productive again in the next six days of the week.
Jesus was faithful to the Sabbath by attending services in the synagogue. He maintained that
Sabbath was made to worship God and to rest after six days of work. He emphasized that the
Sabbath day was made to benefit human beings since we are given mandatory time to rest and
worship as a community.
The Sabbath is “the day of the Lord of mercies, forgiveness and the day to honor God.” The
Sabbath was made not to make life difficult but to serve it. The commandment ensures that
the gifts of rest and worship will not be taken from us.
IV. Exercises or enhancement activities:
Direction: Complete the phrases.
1. All my works during weekdays are offered to God and I rest on Sunday because…
Because it is the Sabbath day the day that God rested after his work is done so we should
keep it holy by not working. And to rest therefore during Sabbath day is all about
energizing ourselves through prayer, worship and rest so that we can be productive again in
the next six days of work.
2. The day of rest and worship is important because…
It is important because it is the day of the Lord of mercies, forgiveness and the day to
honor God.
3. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath because…
Jesus is the Lord of Sabbath because Jesus was faithful to the Sabbath by attending
services in the synagogue. And because all of our work during weekdays are offered to
God and we rest on Sunday.

V. Summary: The Sabbath is… Day of worship

Day of Charitable works
Day for the family

Cultivation of
Cultural and
social leisure

Day of the Lord

For G7-A to H 7
Day of Rest
Relaxation of mind and body
Direction: Fill in the chart with the information concerning the first three commandments. Look
for the answers from the choices given. Use letters only.
First Three Commandments

1. I. 2. Q. 3. M.

4. R. 5. X. 6. P. 7. H. 8. A. 9. J.

10. We should be faithful to our Sunday obligation.

Guide Questions J. Sincere prayer and worship

1-3 =The first three commandments K. Loyalty to Yahweh
4-5 = Themes of the first commandment L. Avoidance of greed and learning to give with all our
6-7 = Themes of the second commandment hearts
8-9 = Themes of the third commandment M. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath
10 = Summary of the first 3 commandments N. Purity of speech and decent use of words
(State completely) O. Commitment in telling the truth
P. Not taking what is not ours
Choices Q. You shall not use the name of the Lord your God in
A. Faithfulness to our Sunday obligation Vain
B. Respect for parents and the elderly R. Love God
C. Being happy over the material goods and success S. Refraining from wrongfully accusing others
of others T. Respecting all genders
D. Purity of mind concerning our body U. Faithfulness in marriage
E. Safeguarding our life and health V. Only God has the right to take life
F. Monotheism: the worship of one God W. Providing support to senior citizens
G. Commitment in telling the truth X. Avoidance of malicious thoughts and imaginations
H. Respect for Yahweh’s Holy Name Y. Respect for other people’s property
I. I am the Lord your God, you shall not have other
God’s beside me.

For G7-A to H 8
For G7-A to H 9

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