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—_ FLOWSERVE “~~ FLOW CONTROL DIVISION | | Page 1 of 11 | UTAH OPERATIONS i ‘SPP-4012 | Hydrostatic Testing Title Signature Date Prepared by: E,4— 4 /3)o4 Reviewed by: Ss | Quality Manager 4 12/3x/0 Approved by :Director of Quality hfe ee = REVISIONS No. Description Date | Approval 117 | Revised Table 2a ~ MIC 208 from M/G# 2.3 to 2.2 ‘See signatures above ‘SPP's &/or SPP-NP's are lo be signed by the Director of Quality and applicable Department HeadiVendors. Al revisions must have the same level of approval as the Original Procedure. QAD-NF-007 Rev 0 SPP-4012 Rev. 17 Page 2 of 11 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 HYDROSTATIC TESTING SCOPE 4.1. The intent of this procedure is to ensure that the following valve components have been hydro tested: bodies, three-way adapters, cast bonnets, external pressure balance sleeves, and fabricated assemblies. 1.2 Allfabricated steam jackets shall be hydro tested at Class 150 for the applicable material of construction. If the process conditions (temperature and pressure) exceed the allowable hydro static testing pressure of Class 150, a note must he added to the detail drawing defining the hydrostatic test pressure. A metal tag exhibiting the applicable pressure rating at 100°F shall be spot welded to the body. 4.3. The minimum test duration and the test pressures are as defined in ISA- $75,19.01. This procedure exhibits test pressures for materials identified in ISA S75.19.01 and ASME B16.34 as per pressures in ASME B16.34, namely, 1.5 times the working pressure at temperature -20°F to 100°F. For those materials not identified in the specifications cited above the test pressures have been determined by Flowserve Corporate Engineering. WATER QUALITY, Water used for hydrostatic tests shall be potable water, unless otherwise ‘specified by customer specifications, HYDROTEST GAGES 3.1 The test gauge shall have dials graduated over a range of about double the maximum test pressure, but in NO CASE shall the range be less than 1 1/2 times or more than 4 times the required test pressure. HYDROSTATIC TESTING 4.1 The required valve component(s) shall be hydro tested prior to painting. When completed valve assemblies are required to be hydro tested, they may be retested without removal of the paint. 4.2 Suitable closures shall be attached to the valve component end connections. 4.3 Air pockets shall be purged while the valve component is filing 4.4 The plug or disc shall be open half way (applicable only for valve assemblies). ASPP-POPISPPISPP’sWOT2WO12 RAT-Toxt SPP.4012 Rev. 17 Page 3 of 14 4.5 The valve component or assembly, shalll be pressurized to the appropriate pressure exhibited in the applicable table for either Standard or Special Class valves. 4.6 Duration of testing shall be per ISA $75.19.01 as exhibited in Table 1 below. TABLE 4 Minimum Test Duration (in minutes) Nominal Valve | Class 150 | Class 250 | Class 900 } Class 2500 Size and Lower | thru600 | thru 1500 | and Higher and Smaller 1 2-4/2" thru 4” 5” thru 8" 10" and Larger For classes not shown, use next higher class 4.7 _ Ifthe valve has a backseated bonnet and plug the following test shall be performed: With the disk or plug in the fully backseated position against the bonnet and with the stem packing loosed sufficiently to identify leakage, the pressure shown on the assembly traveler shall then be applied to the valve. After 3 minutes, any leakage shall be noted on the traveler. 5.0 MATERIALS 5.1 Table 2a and 2b exhibits materials by Flowserve Material Code and their corresponding Material Group Number (taken from ISA $75.19.01 & ASME B16.34). Those materials not identified in the Material Groups cited have been assigned a Flowserve Material Group identified by a two letter designation; eg. AA, AS, BN, etc. 5.2 Table 3a exhibits the hydro test pressures for Standard Class components of materials exhibited in ISA $75.19.01 and ASME 816.34. Table 3b exhibits the test pressures for Standard Class components of materials assigned Flowserve Material Group letter designations. INSPP-POFISPPISP F's MO12MO12 RIT-Text SPP.4012 Rev. 17 Page 4 of 11 6.0 7.0 8.0 5.3, Table 4a exhibits the hydro test pressures for Special Class components of materials exhibited in ISA $75.19.01 and ASME B16.34. Table 4b exhibits the test pressures for Special Class components of materials assigned Flowserve Material Group letter designations. DETERMINING THE CORRECT HYDRO TEST PRESSURE 6.1 6.2 To determine the correct hydro test pressure: a. Using the part number of the component determine the Flowserve Material Code. b. From Table 2a or 2b locate the Flowserve Material Code and its assigned Material Group. c. Ifthe component is Standard Class, Table 3a or 3b will exhibit the hydro test pressure. If the component is Special Class, Table 4a or 4b will exhibit the hydro test pressure. As an example, to determine the test pressure for a component with Material Code 276 do the following: a. In Table 2a, locate Material Code 276. The assigned Material Group of Material Code 276 is 2.1. b. Assume the component has a Standard Class 600 rating, From Table 3a (for Standard Class) the test pressure for a Class 600 component belonging to Material Group 2.1 is 2175 psi. c. Ifthe component had a Special Class 600 rating, look in Table 4a d. Ifthe assigned Material Group is given as ENG then Flowserve Engineering must be contacted to determine the test pressure. ACCEPTANCE REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Leakage through the pressure retaining wall shall be cause for rejection. 7.2 For assembled valves, leakage past the gaskets shall be eliminated and retested per this procedure. 7.3 Weepage past the packing is acceptable provided the test pressure can be maintained TEST RESULTS 8.1 When test results for valve assemblies are required, they shall be recorded an the valve assembly traveler, or final inspection check list (SPP-817). AASPP-POFISPPISPr'sMO12M012 R17-Text ‘SPP-4012 Rev. 17 Page 5 of 11 8.2 After the component(s) (bodies, fabrications, cast bonnets, etc.) have satisfied the hydrostatic test requirements, the components will be physically stamped with a low stress "H" stamp. 9.0 STARPAC VALVES 9.1 Body castings shall be hydro tested to this specification prior to valve assembly. 9.2 When assembled hydro testing is required, the valve shall be hydro tested at a minimum of 90%, to a maximum of 100%, of the pressure sensor rating. Care must be exercised to ensure that the test pressure does not exceed the maximum pressure rating of the sensor. 10.0 SPECIAL CLASS COMPONENTS AND VALVE ASSEMBLIES 10.1 Special Class components and all Special Class assembled valves shall be hydro tested to the pressures exhibited in TABLE 4a or 4b. 10.2 Components that pass the hydro test requirements of paragraph 10.1 shall be stamped “B16.34 SPL" in compliance with the requirements of ASME B16.34, SAFETY NOTE: WHEN PERFORMING HYDROSTATIC TESTING USING BLIND FLANGES. IT IS MANDATORY THAT THE CORRECT SIZE AND NUMBER OF STUDS AND NUTS BE USED TO BOLT THE FLANGES ON. JASPP-POFISPPISPP'eMOIZMOI2 RIT Text ‘SPP-4012, REV I PAGE 6 OF 11 TABLE 2a FLOWSERVE MATERIAL CODES AND ASSOCIATED MATERIAL GROUPS [wel _wor [we] wcr_[wc]_wicr [wc] wr wc] mice [mic] wick [wc] wGr [iwc] “wicr | sortase fae 2 ENG o06| AL —I[caR|—-AC [cov] 25 ccs] 3.17 oz] ENG |[ta7 [4.1 [2x5 | aa s69|— 1.12 oro] AL —l[oax| ENG cee] 2.7 |fc.7[ Enc. Dre[ 14 wes] ENG fear | As —I[sra[ ENG _fert| am [ca Aa] Cer| ENG [ots] ENG. oe] ti [reo 28 [eas] 3.0 Ifsro] a. fers] aa fosc| 12 |cea| 22 “fous ens tao] 7.13 [131 ENG[ea2 2. [ se] a5 ere | aa [csr [aA [[cee| 2.5 [cir] “ene tee[ 18 [tae] ENG [zee] 2.2 Paso] ENG foes [aA ose] as] ces] Ae [uu] 2+ cas} 1.13 120] aa 205 | 22] 900[ 3.17 Pose | 1.4 l[osal Aa _l[cet| enc ems | 21 Ges [11 ta | ENG Jos | ENG —I[3a0| 3-17 ose [eng ose] 34 — Jces| ENG eva] Ens 026] ENG] 742] enc || 255 31] s01[ 2.1 [ooo] aa [fess] 34 Icey] aS wo ENG. cor[ 1.3 _I[ta7| eng fase [2.1 | 903] ens [708 | As lfesr| “an _[cez| AS owal Goa tt |e] ENG _I[261| ak Ifo enc ve0| 21 —|[esu]| AA Ifcra] ene _lfow) 28 353 [AD || ENG 26¢] 24 I s05 | 21 soo | 38 Icev| 28 Ifcrr| ene — ew] enc osr[ 19180] 22 Jae} 21] o07| enc foot] 38 foe] 4.1 Jcre] 1.3 Jew] a 46 [ 14751] 24 oer] 21 Pato] a5 | eos | “30 fces|_aA_Jicre[ aa Jew 21 ‘oat | aA 154] — 31 —|[ 268] 2145] 1.9 —lfo09] 37 l[cat [ENG [Cro] ENG few 22 az | 1.1 se [AA] 260] eng —|az2| Enc lfois | 3.8 |[oem| 2.1 —Jcrk| 25 [ona] 115 oat] 14 | tee[ aA fart] ENG] 420] ena —[ero[ 38 _[[Gor| et _l[crm| enc [CNA] ENG. wap 49 teo] 24 fare] ens | aa2 | ae Perr encI[cor| at Yorn] enc INU — ENG. os [45 ter] 25 —]}27a [eno | as6| Ene fezr| 237 Icon] 24 |[cre| ene Jcpal 17 oso [414 tea | 23 Jara] — 22 | aar| ar Peas | “ens|[cov] 24 [G0] enc _|CPN| ENG. oes [_t4 [lee] ENG—]275 [ENG | aso] ENG fora enGl[cse| 25 _]ccs| enc f[cpal a7 oer | 1.14 |[fes[ 22 fara] 21 faa] eng oe [ENG [ors] ENG |[ece[ ENG |[co5| enc ‘ose[ 1.1 Iter[ 23 Jerr —28 Jaen Aa Ifaos| 12 _[or7| 2.5 1067] ENG lfoas| ens 060} 1.3 [ies | AA 27e | s.r Jar] ac laze] 11 lonc| Enc foc] eng [Coal enc ‘ors[-42 p70 22 —fzre| aa] 450] aa —l[az0| —axllore| 22 — [eGo] — aA _[eac| ens ore] 12 Pre [ Aa —|[ 261 | Aa [456 [Ae lf c00| ae cry] 2.3 JeGe| ENG _lfor7| ENG ‘o7s| 42 |e | 21202 aA 457 | ENG |[cos| 28 [cas] aa —_Ilccr| ENG oRU| 22 ‘ore| 42 —]p1et | 22/203 aa [aes] AF —|[con| 25 ['ce5| ENG [CGN] ene —JcRw] ENG #7 [ENG |[te2| 22200] 38 [aes “11 _|Gov| 25 Jfoe7| AB [eco] ene [csi] enc ‘o78| AD [ies | 22 I] 205] AA — [400 | an l[ cox] “AA oar] ENG _[@Gu]— 4.1 —er7] Ens. ‘or 14 te6| ENG _]}206| 3-17 [506 | “25 —Ifoxs] 25 [ese] eng ocv| Aa _[cre| enc. ‘oer] 12 ter | enc | 207[— ae —[[si2[—as cr] sce] 22 lieov] 22 [crx] “en. aS [17 [100] ens 2e5 [3.1 sr7[ ens [cic] eno |[cee] — Ae [ona] “end [ers| ene Ger [ENG [oor | Ak Jom] eng foie] ak Jor] — 34 —|caal 2a |one| ene Jeru| eno oaat 8 I[202]| 22 | 205 | AA [624 —22 [org] as _l[ces| Aa [CHG] ENG [ous| ENG ose [15 [aoe] 22 296 | aa [529 AP oak] AA Jcar| AG [ICH] —o8sl}cus] ena |[oer[ Ee |[o0s | —25—2er| 28 Isr] “eng_forw] as [cas] enG|iou{ eng our] eng 052 | ENG] 206 | 22] 200] 22 [sse|— as [ort] ~an_[oav| 25 [Grn] AA —lfeuz| enc. 0as[ ENG [208] 22 —s00| + [sao] ae [2a] — 11 lloar[—eng_oral 12 [ove] — enc. 054] ENG |[200[ 23 | saz = [sar 3.6 Jozs| 1.1 Jcaa] _enG—|[crl Bs [eve] enc. 035 ENG_|[210| aa — sos] 22 — [54234 fo2x| ENG _Ican| ~ENG_|[cHT| eno [evel ENG. a6 [ENG [211] 22 [ste ENG sea [eng _|cen] 11 _||cawl enc Jfcrz|~ 27 eve] “ene car| “ENG |[213[ aa [317 [ ENG [550 34 loss ad__l[oaa| aa [cur | ENG |Jcvn| 2.8 @ | ENG [ore] 21 JPser]—_1.1_]/s52] ens ]cs7| ae [ces] Ar cve| ENG —Jowol eng yes] 18 2is|_25 [sm] enc [ssa] 35 oss} —an_l[oac|_28[cve[ enc Jewr| 20 Toe] ENG | ate] 25 —[-s23|— 22 [ss | ena [cs0| — lca] ENG uc 7.10 [owl ENG. TOo[ ENG] 220 [ENG [ea [ENG Jfser| ma 03] ENG ccs] ENG _|[CiE| ENC Jewel ENG TiO ENG a2] 3.1 ase[ 11 ][ss8] 38 Jcse|~ enc llocs| ENG [Gux] AO [xa] ENG Tit] ENG 225] aa [a0 [ ENS s60] Eng Jesk| “ENG _|/ccal enc [cin] ENG oxn| “ens trap 21 [os] 21 Poa] 1.9 IPsei [36 osv| 23 _Jcca|—enc—licwn] ene l[oxv| enc. Te[_ENG_|2ar[ 2.3] os0| ENG [sos] AB Gea [COX] AN [up| ENG Jov2 [enc traf eng | 228] 23 [351] ene —['se2[ ao [ows] eng [coz] —enG_[Gva[— Ae —|eve] ens war 1120] aa 361] ENG _I[s05] as —oa[ 23 [opal aA J Gut| enc [evs [ ens. T2a[ ENG] 2s2| 2.2 —}ss6| ens [sso] a2 _[c[_ eng [co] ENS [cxs| Aa — faze |“ ens. Tas] ENG] 2323 _|pse7 [ENS 573] AP |fCaL | ENC ]ICOX] AE is fezt[—-ar ENG= Contact Enginesring for pressure test information on this materia * Refer to ANS! standard 616.42 for hydrotest information for ductile iron fer to ANS! standar! 818.1 fr hydotest information for cast ion. Page 1 JASPPISPP's\4012\4012r17\4012R17-Tableza SPP-4012, REV (7 PAGE 7 OFT TABLE 2b FLOWSERVE MATERIAL CODES AND ASSOCIATED MATERIAL GROUPS: Mic] WiGF [Mic] wiGe [wc] MiG? [WiC] wGa wo] Mice [Mic] wic# [wc] wor t LOG] ENG. Tas [ENG tar| ENG tox [ ENG Lvs| ENG tee ct Ta uk WV: is a 1 tr ts u ENG= Contact Engineering for prossure test information on this materia * Refer to ANS! standard 618.42 for hysrotest Information for ductile ron, “Refer to ANS! standard 818.1 for hyarotest information forcast iron. .18Spp-POFISpp\Spp'sMO12AO1ARIT Tabiez SPP-4012, Rev. 17 Page 8 of 11 TABLE 3a MATERIAL GROUPS & ASSOCIATED HYDRO TEST PRESSURES (PSIG) FOR STANDARD CLASS COMPONENTS Weterial | Standard | Standard | Slandard | Standard ] Standard | Standard | Standard Group | Class | Class | Class | Class | Class | Class | Class 150 300, 600, ‘900 1500__| 2500 _| 4500 50) 1125 | 2025 3350, 5575_| 9275] 16675 450, 1125 2250 3375 5625__| _9375__| 16875 400, 1050 2100__| 3150 5225 | 8700 | 15625 375 ‘950, 1875 | _2775. 4650 7725 | 13800 400) 7050__| 2100 3150_| 5225 | 8700 | 15625 ‘350. 900 1775 2650 | 4425 | 7350 | 13225 450. 1125 |_2250 3375__| 5625_| 9375 | 16875 375 960, 1875 2775 | 4650_| 7725 | 13900 450 7125 | _2250 3375 | 825_| 9375 | 16875 450. 4125 2250 | 3375 5625 | 9375 _| 16875 450, 1125, 2250 | 3375 5625 9375 | 16875 375) EE 1875 | 2775 4650 7725__| 13900 450, 1125 | 2250 3375 5625 | 9375 | 16875 450) 1125 | _2250 3375 5626 | 9375 | 16875 450, 1125, 2250 3375_| 5625 | 9375 | 16875 350 900, 1775 _| 2675 | 4425 7375 | 13275, 450, ‘900, "2250 | 3375 625_| 9375 | 16875 425 74100 2175 | 3250 5400 ‘9000 | 46200. 425, 1100 2175, 3250 ‘5400 ‘9000 | 16200. 350, ‘900, 1800 | 2700. 4500 | __7500 | 43600 425 1100 | 2175. 3250 5400__| 9000 | 16200 435 1100 | _2175 3250 5400__| 9000 | 16200 400 1025, 2025 3025 5050 8400_|_ 16125 400 1025 2025 3025, 5050 8700 | 15125 ‘450. 1125 2250 3375 5625 9375 | 16875 425, 4100) 2475 | 3250 5400 ‘9000 _| 16200 400, 1025__| 2025 3025 5050 | 8400__| 15125 425, 100 | 2175 | 3260 ‘5400__| 9000 | 16200 400, 1025 | 2025 3025 | 5050__| _8400__| 15125 350, 900) 71800 2700__|_4500 | 7500 | 13500 225) 550 1100 1625 | 2700_| 4500 8100 150 375, 725, 1100 1800 3000 5400. 350, ‘900 71800 2700 | 4500 7500 | 13500 425, 41100 2175 3250 5400 ‘9000 | 16200) 425 100) 2175, 3250 5400 ‘9000 | 16300 450, 1125 2250, 3375 | 5625 | 9376 | 16875 450, 1125 | 2250 3375 | 8625] 9375_| 10875 450, 1125 | 2250 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 310] 425 1100 | 2175 3250 5400 ‘9000 | 16200. 3.1} 375 975, 1925 2900 | 4825 2025 | 14425 3.12; 400 1025 | 2025 | 3025 5050 ‘e400 | 15125 3.13 | 450 1125 2250, 3375 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3.14 [425 4100 2175 3250 ‘5400__| 9000 | 16200 3.15 350 ‘900, 1800 2700 ‘4500 7500 | 13600. 3.16) 425 1100) 2175 3250__| 5400 | ~9000 | 16200 3.17] 380, ‘806, 7800 2700 | 4500 7500 | 13500. 3.18] 425 1100 | 2175 | 3260 5400 ‘9000 | 16200. JiSpp-POFISepSpe's4oTZMOI2RI7-Tabless ‘SPP-4012, Rev. 17 Page Sof 1 TABLE 3b MATERIAL GROUPS & ASSOCIATED HYDRO TEST PRESSURES (PSIG) FOR STANDARD CLASS COMPONENTS: Standard | Standard ] Standard | Standard ] Standard | Standard | Standard Class | Class | Class | Class | Class | Class | Class 150 600 1500_| _2500__| 4500 1125] 2250 3375 5625 | 9375 | 16875 1100__| 2175 | 3250 5400 |_9000 | 16200 1050 | 2100 | 3150 5250 8750__| 15725 ‘950, 1875 2800 | 4650 7725 | 43900 ‘200, 1800” | 2700 | 4500 7500 | 43500, ‘900 1775__| 2675. 4425__| 7375 _| 13275 825) 7625_| 2425 | 4025 | 6700__| 12075 650, 1300 1950__| _3275_| 5425 | 9726 650, 4300 1950__| 3225 5375 | 9650 ‘550 7100 1650_| 2760 | 4575 | 8200 500, 975, 1450__| 2425 | 4025 7250 500, 7 : - 7 325) = = = = = 800) 1625 | 2400 | 4025 | 6700 5 675, 1350) 2025 | 3350 5575 5 550, 1100 1625__|_2700__| 4500 | 8100 1125_| 2025 | 3325 5500 9250 | 16625 1025 | 2025 | 3025 ‘6050 8400__| 15125 ‘900, 1800 = 5 = = 1025_| 2075 | S075 5150__| 8575 = “Those materials are otto be used for pressure classes for which there is notes pressure given. .J8Spo-PDFASpe\Gpp's\40124012R17-Teble 3b ‘SPP-4012, REV (7 Page 1008 11 TABLE 4a MATERIAL GROUPS AND HYDRO TEST PRESSURES (PSIG) FOR SPECIAL CLASS COMPONENTS ‘Special | Special Class | Class 4150. 300, Special | Special | Special) Spocia Class | Glass | Class | Class ‘g00_|_1500_|_2500_| 4500 3375 | 9625 | 9375_| 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9575 _| 16875 ‘31s0_| 5226 | 8700 | 19625 2000 [ 4825 [8050 [14475 ‘31605225 | 8700 | 15625 2650 | 4495 | ~7350_| 13226 3375 | 6625 | 9375 | 16875 2000_[ 4825 [8050 [14475 3375 | 6625 | 9375 | 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9375_[ 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 2900 [4825 [8050 | 14475 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9375__|_ 16875 '3a75_[ 5625 | 9375 | 16875 26754425 | 7375 _|_13275 3375 | 8625 | 9375 _| 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3375 | 5625 _| 9375 [16875 3025 | 5025 | 6375 | 15050 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3375 | 8625 | 9375 | 16875 3150] 5225 | 8700 | 15625 3150_| 5225 | 6700_| 15625 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3375 | 5625 _|_9375_|_ 16875 3150 5225 | _8725 | 15675 3375__| 5625 9375__[ 16875 _| 3150_| 5225 | 8725 | 15675 3025 | 5025 | 8375 | 15050 1825 [3025 | 5025 | 9050 1225 _|~2025 | 3360__|~ 6050 3025 | 5025 | 8375 | 15075 3375 | 8625 | 9375_| 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875. 3375_| 5625 _| 9375 | 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3375_| 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3225_| 5375 | 8950 | 16100 3575__| 9625 | 9975 _[ 16875 3375 | 9625 | 9375_| 16875 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 3025 | 5025 | 8375 | 15075 3375 | 5625 | 9375 | 16875 ‘3000 | 5000 | 8325 | 14950 3375_| 5625 | 9375 | 16875 JASpp-POPISpp\Spp's\OT2MO12RI7-Tablosa ‘SPP.4012, REV 17 MATERIAL GROUPS AND HYDRO TEST PRESSURES (PSIG) TABLE 4b FOR SPECIAL CLASS COMPONENTS Page 11 of 11 ‘Special | Special | Special | Speciel | Special | Special | Special Group | Class | Class Class | Class | Ciass | Class 4150 300 900 41500 2500__| 4500 AR 450, 1125 | 2250 3375 5625 9375 | 16875 _| 450, 1125 |__2250 3375 _|__5625 9375 | 16875 Xx x. xX x x x x 375. ‘O75, 7950_|__2900 | 4825 B050_| 14475 AE ‘400 1025 2025 | 3025 | 5025 | 8375 | 15050 AF x x x x x x x AG x x x x x x x AM x x x x x x x Al x x x x x x. x AS x x x x x x x AK x x x x x x x AL x x x x x x x AN x x x x x x x AN. x x x x x x x AO x x x x x x x AP. 250 600, 1225 1825 | 3025. 5025 | 9050 AQ x, x x x x xX x AR 400, 4050_| 2100 3150 5225 ‘e700 | 15625 AS 450, 1125 2250 3375 5625 9375 | 16875 AU X x x x x x x x These materials are not to be used for special class components. INSpp-PDF\Spp\Spp's\or24Or2R17-Tebledd

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