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By Tonny Abet
Kampala. A high class consultative meeting of environmentalists and
economists from seven African countries held in Kampala this week,
has ended with a strong warning to Uganda and other countries to step
up the fight against environmental degradation and build more green
business or risk major economic disruption.
With important water bodies in the country enormously polluted by
industrial wastes, forest and wetland cover dwindling at unprecedented
rate amidst fast population growth, the experts advised there is strong
need to cease business as usual.  
Green business is that which strikes a good balance between making
profit and caring for environment through effective waste management
and recycling, according to experts. 
Mr Frank Turyatunga, the Deputy Regional Director of UN Environment
Africa Office, said some of the damages caused by the industries and
business are irreversible and that cleaning up those like the toxins in
Lake Victoria will cost government more money than revenue earned
from them.
“Often we hear from economists from ministry of Finance that
economy is rising fast. The problem is that they only look at numbers,
forgetting irreversible damage that has been caused to environment in
the production process,” Mr Turatunga said.
He was speaking on Tuesday in a three-day conference organised by
United Nations Environment for experts, civil soceity organisations and
government officials to discuss the progress and challenges Africa faces
in making the best use and conserving it's fast depleting natural
Mr Turyantunga warned that if government continues to focus only on
one side of taxes that come from industries, ignoring destruction
caused to nature, serious consequences await.
“A lot of toxic and untreated wastes are discharged to water sources
and if you analyse the tax they pay against the money required to clean
up the wastes, then as government you are not be getting any profit,”
he said.
The UN envoy said these toxic substances cause enormous public
health problems that increases spending on health and affect the
productivity and production of the population in the long run.
“These wastes pose health risks to our children, mothers, and the rest.
If you avoid people from falling sick you save a lot,” he said.
He said any procedure that is meant to reduce waste pollution is critical
to sustainable jobs and economic development.
"Measures that fight pollution is essential to cutting our spending on
health, protects environment and planet at large," he said.
The UN regional director for Africa said the vast resistance that National
Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) faces in enforcing
regulation on waste management by industries is due to poor
understanding about environmental economics.
3.3 million green jobs to be created
Mr Pavlos Evangelidis, the Head of Section of Inclusive Green Economy
at European Union (EU) Uganda office, citing a study, said the notion
that saving environment is mismatch to development is wrong.
“We have so far invested 2.5 million dollars (approximately Shs9.1b) in
greening Uganda. The underlining study shows that with an investment
of $11b in the next fifteen years, will result in $65b and 3.3million new
jobs created,” Mr Evangelidis said.
Government in right direction
Mr Evangelidis said the government of Uganda is moving in right
“Uganda established green growth development strategy in 2017 and it
is in the National Development Plan,” he said.
 Mr Evangelidis said that this move besides making Uganda a very
attractive zone to foreign investors, is also serving as a better guide for
development and competitiveness of economy for more sustainable
However, according to Mr Turyatunga, Uganda is one of the first
countries to have national cleaner production center.
A clean production center is that which regulates waste generation in
industrial production processes and promotes strategies that increases
efficiency through limited input and more output.
“Uganda has embraced this transition in almost all sectors with very
enabling policies compared to other countries. It has also embraced
green procurement,” he said.
Green procurement means purchasing products and services that cause
minimal adverse environmental impacts such as furniture made from
trees that are not harvested from natural forest.
Finance for green businesses
One of the critical challenges to business development in Uganda is
access to capital to finance the ideas or scale up. 
However, the situation is worse for green businesses such as those
engaged in recycling because financial institutions understand less
about these ventures.
Mr Turyantunga says UN environment is working with partners to
increase access of affordable loans for these micro and small business.
“A number of financial institutions in Uganda don’t understand some of
these businesses that are involved in recycling and they are relaxed to
fund them. This is making these entrepreneurs have big problem
scaling up,” he said.
He said government should put in place more innovative funds for
ventures that protect and rid of environment of wastes.
"Scaling up green business is essential and this will need sustainable
finances from government," he said.
Other recommendations from participants
The experts said government should put in place policies that
encourage allocation and access to finance services towards
green business.
They also recommended that a program to teach financial institutions
about green businesses should be put in place.
The resolved that putting in place "polluter pays principle" will be
effective in stopping malicious discharge of toxic wastes into water
bodies and other damages to environment.
They also said government should more sustainable markets should be
created for green products such as organic farm products that tend to
cost. Consumption of green products is still very low in Uganda

 Invest more money in creating awareness among people on the

importance of shifting to green businesses
NEMA reacts
Mr Tom Okurut, the Managing Director of NEMA, said government is
working along with private sector and development partners to build
more green business.
Referring to among other efforts, the Switch Africa Green project that is
being implemented by NEMA, Okurut said more business operators are
paying better attention to environment.
Mr Tom Okurut, the Managing Director of National Environment
Management Authority (NEMA), said Switch Africa Green is a project
that promotes sustainable production and consumption of goods.
He said the project funded by European Union (EU), started in 2013 and
Uganda is one the seven countries that implemented the project.
“The project was conducted in two phases. We had among others,
banana project that focused at increasing efficiency in production, and
reduce and recycle its waste as much as possible,” Mr Okurut said.
“Ministry of trade submitted a list of fifteen manufacturing companies
that we have trained to increase efficiency in production. For instance
producing bear used to need 9 litres of water but after being trained,
they are now using only 3 litres of water,” he said.
He said NEMA is also working to reduce use of toxic pesticides in
“We are also working in coffee industry. We are promoting organic
production of coffee that eliminates the use of toxic pesticides. This
allows the farmer to produce at minimum cost but get higher yield,” he
He said this intervention has greatly contributed in coffee from Uganda
picking up better in world market.
“And ever since we started promoting organic coffee production, our
coffee has also gained much in international market,” he said.
State minister for environment speaks out
Ms Beatrice Anywar, the State Minister for Environment said under her
leadership, the ministry is putting fresh efforts to conserve and
preserve the country's precious natural resources.
"My ministry has very sound management in sustainable production
and consumption
We cant guarantee trade locally and regionally without practicing green
business," the Minister said.
She said government is committed to achieving 2030 sustainable
development goals which among others centers on sustainable
She said the country still has a number of challenges in nuturing green
business and green economy.
"The shift to green economy requires a number of technological
innovation and mindset shifts that we still lack.
We also have challenges in capital finance for green businesses and
knowledge gap among people on green businesses," Ms Anyway said.
She said switching Africa green will require a lot of behavioural change
to ensure that greenness is restored and environment is saved.
She sounded fresh warning to envroachers.
"The people who are having titles in wetland where they should not be,
it is time up. We need to switch to green. We need to stand up and act
for the good of the future generation. All the wetlands, those with fake
titles, if you planted your vegetables, harvest and leave before we
reach," she said.
She also said the ministry is enforcing a total ban on plastics in Uganda.
She bashed the claim that the agenda of fighting climate change and
green movement is the ideology of developed countries.
"Switching Africa green is not the agenda of developed countries.
Everyone needs fresh air and this what we are doing. Anyone who says
this is the agenda of someone is causing diversion and should be put
down," the Minister stated.
He said the project that was conducted among 15 com
He said NEMA is enforcing that every investment in the economy
should take environment as essential part of their operation.
“Industries need to establish their own regulation processes and
monitoring of compliance to set standards
sugar factories are turning bargas, sugar waste into electricity all that
waste is being recycled
a lot of them are also capturing carbon dioxide during sugar making and
tselling to bottling companies
them up costs more than minor  caused to environment by industries
and business costs said government is making more losses as they keep
being blinded by the small taxes the industries and businesses pay,  to
underlook plea to save environmen in Uganda pay taxes but their
operations have more enormous impact on the health of people, and
rainfall for agriculture that is needed by more Ugandans.
He said it is a terrible risk to devastate the environment because it is
the major source most of the raw materials originate from these
sources suc
“Industries need to establish their own regulation processes and
monitoring of compliance to set standards
sugar factories are turning bargas, sugar waste into electricity all that
waste is being recycled
a lot of them are also capturing carbon dioxide during sugar making and
tselling to bottling companies
He says UNEP is working with government and other partners like
European Union to provide innovative funding for people already
engaged or intending to engage in recycling.
There more your business turns wastes it generates into value, the
more profit you get
That is why bodies like EU is channeling funds to
There are a total of 18 countries that have been supported
Uganda is doing very well in embracing transition to green economy.
Uganda is one of the first countries to have cleaner production center.
Uganda has embraced this transition in almost all sectors with very
enabling policies compared to other countries.
It is doing very well compared to other countries
It has developed green procurement
Where the product is labelled with how environment sensitive it was
Furniture that are made from trees that have been grown and
hrvestyed not those from forests
These wastes were going to be put in places that would pose health
risks to our children, mothers, and the rest. If you avoid people from
falling sick you save a lot.  Any procedure that is meant to reduce waste
pollution is very important because it saves our spending on health,
environment and planet at large.
When we say green we don’t mean colour green, it meant to show that
way we produce and cioonsume is more efficient. Quality of technology
that use less input to produce products and making sure
Sometimes when you
Sometimes when you hear from the econmists minsutry of finance, it
talks of the economy has grown quickly buyt the only look at numbers
not they don’t talk about the irreversible damage that has been caused
to envt in the process. If u look at taxes that come from industrial
production that revenue autjhority measures and jobs created. When
nema has tried as they have and these factories are generating a lot of
wastes that are being untreated and maliciously discharged to water
bodies. If you analyse the amount of tax and the money required to
clean up the wastes, then as government you are not be getting any
Sugar factories had been producing a lot of wastes but through the
intervention……efficiency is changing that waste into value. The damage
they cause to clean up will re
To challenge is that when the
Those who are dealing in agricultural commodities products like making
mango juices, wastes mango peelings and seed can be burned to
produce steam and that steam can be used to produce electricity
After production of electricity you cut cost and even sell to other
We just need to study the processes and know what to say where can I
add value and make more money
Md nema
This was meant to promote the aspect of sustainable consumption and
production. When you produce, you must increase efficiency, reduce
waste by recycling as much as possible. It is meant to make
entrepreneurs take environment as part of the business.
In Uganda the
Ministry of trade submitted 15 companies that we have trained to
increase efficiency in production. For instance producing bear used to
need 9 liters of water but after being trained, they need only 3 liters of
water. We are also working in coffee industry, we are promoting
organic production of coffee, without use of toxic pesticides at
minimum cost but higher yioeld. And ever since we started promoting
organic coffee production, our coffee has also gained much in
international market. they were using We are having such practices,
Kakira sugar factory
the fast increase in population it is critical that Uganda makes the best
use of its remaining natural resource base through sustainability
consumption and production.
Uganda’s economy is led by small and medium size enterprises that
account for 80% of employment.
Emerging middle class consumers will place stronger demand on goods,
thus will likely cause more damage to environment.
Scaling up green business is essential. This will need sustainable
finances from government.
Mainstream environmental for sustainable considerations in financial
Government policies that encourage finance services toward green
Put in polluter pays principle
Create more sustainable markets –consumption of green products is
still very low in Uganda.
There is also very low level of awareness among people, development
standards and certification
Promote cooperation
Create new markets and regional harmonisation
Encourage shift from linear to circular economy
All countries should establish greener production center
Train financial institutuions on supporting investments in green
My ministry has very sound management in sustainable production and
We cant guarantee trade locally and regionally without practicing green
Govt is committed to achieving 2030 development goal.
The shift to green economy requires technological innovation and shifts
We still have challenge in capital, finance, knowledge and technology.
Switch Africa green is behavioural change to ensure that greenness is
restored and environment is saved.
The people who are having titles where they should not be, there is
time up. We need to switch to green. We need to stand up and act for
the good of the future generation. All the wetlands, those with fake
titles, if you planted your vegetables, harvest and leave before we
reach. We are enforcing a total ban on plastics in Uganda.
Switch Africa green is not the agenda of developed countries. Everyone
needs fresh air and this what we are doing. Anyone who says this is the
agenda of someone is causing diversion and should be put down.
Develop a platform for green micro and small scale enterprises taking
into account their capacity issues.
Create a portal for showcasing green businesses
Identify opportunities to create new markets through the introduction
of circular practices. Circular practices refer to efficient production,
consumption and waste management.
Harmonise regional standards and create more market.
Invest more in vocational training
Incooperate these in curriculum
Put more money in research and development
Provide more innovative funds for recyclers
UN envoy tips Uganda on profits recycling electrical items
By Tonny Abet
Kampala. As newer technologies get introduced daily, obsolete models
of computers, phones and other electronic equipment get discarded.
An expert from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), says
there is a lot of money in making use of these new breed of wastes.
The Deputy Regional Director of UN Environment Africa Office, Mr
Frank Turyantunga said they have refocused their programmes on
making people understand the value and take advantage of the wastes
in their surroundings.
He says through this approach, UNEP is enabling government to solve
the pressing issues of waste pollution cheaply whereas creating jobs for
“Take your phone or computer for instance, when it gets spoilt beyond
repair where do you throw it? Inside these items are high value
minerals including gold that can be sold at high prices,” Mr Turyantunga
said on Monday during a UN conference dubbed “Switch Africa Green”
in Kampala.
“For instance if your car battery stops working. Do you know you can
sell the casing, then the acid for manufacturing fertiliser? Then you also
sell the terminals separately and the lead inside it. You just need to
know how to deal with it,” he added.
There is huge market for these electronic wastes in Asian countries,
according to the UN environment expert.
Mr Turyantunga said UNEP is working with government and other
development partners to enable people understand how to reap from
these items.
“We are teaching people and owners of micro and small enterprises
what is valuable and what is not in these components. We are also
connecting them to other companies where they can sell to,” he said.
 He said that it has become very expensive to go and mine new
minerals because of scarcity and costs involved.
Finance for green businesses
One of the critical challenges to business development in Uganda is
access to capital to finance the ideas or scale up. 
However, the situation is worse for green businesses such as those
engaged in recycling because financial institutions understand less
about these ventures.
Mr Turyantunga says UN environment is working with partners to
increase access of affordable loans for these micro and small business.
“A number of financial institutions in Uganda don’t understand some of
these businesses that are involved in recycling and they are relaxed to
fund them. This is making these entrepreneurs have big problem
scaling up,” he said.
He said government should put in place more innovative funds for
ventures that protect and rid of environment of wastes.
"Scaling up green business is essential and this will need sustainable
finances from government," he said.
Other recommendations from participants

 Develop more government policies that encourage finance services

toward green business
 Teach financial institutions about green businesses  
 Put in place polluter pays principle to stop malicious damage to
 Create more sustainable markets -consumption of green products is
still very low in Uganda
 Invest more money in creating awareness among people on the
importance of shifting to green businesses
 There is also very low level of awareness among people,

About “Switch Africa Green”

Mr Tom Okurut, the Managing Director of National Environment
Management Authority (NEMA), said Switch Africa Green is a project
that promotes sustainable production and consumption of goods.
He said the project funded by European Union (EU), started in 2013 and
Uganda is one the seven countries that implemented the project.
“Every investment in the economy should take environment as part of
the conservation. In Uganda the project was conducted in two phases.
We had among others, banana project that focused at increasing
efficiency in production, and reduce and recycle its waste as much as
possible,” Mr Okurut said.
He said the conference was called to share experiences among the
seven countries including Ghana, Kenya and other countries that
implemented the project, as the project comes to it closure.
Mr Pavlos Evangelidis, the Head of Section of Inclusive Green Economy
at EU Uganda office, said they invested a total of 2.5 million dollars
(approximately Shs9.1b) in the project.
He says UNEP is working with government and other partners like
European Union to provide innovative funding for people already
engaged or intending to engage in recycling.
There more your business turns wastes it generates into value, the
more profit you get.
That is why bodies like EU is channeling funds to
There are a total of 18 countries that have been supported
Uganda is doing very well in embracing transition to green economy.
Uganda is one of the first countries to have cleaner production center.
Uganda has embraced this transition in almost all sectors with very
enabling policies compared to other countries.
It is doing very well compared to other countries
It has developed green procurement
Where the product is labelled with how environment sensitive it was
Furniture that are made from trees that have been grown and
hrvestyed not those from forests
These wastes were going to be put in places that would pose health
risks to our children, mothers, and the rest. If you avoid people from
falling sick you save a lot.  Any procedure that is meant to reduce waste
pollution is very important because it saves our spending on health,
environment and planet at large.
The wastes require small investment to make profit out of them. The
industries now produce their own electricity from the waste and sell
others to national grid.
Sag has focused on small
Green growth devt strategy in 2017 in ndp that guides devt
competitiveness of economy for more sustainable jobs
The underlining study shows that with an investment of $11b in the
next fifteen years, will result in 65eurios and 3.3million jobs. This
demonstrates that environment conservation is not predevelopment.
This will include recycling of agriculture wastes like rice husks and
We are now supporting to develop green cities, green industrial parks
that reduce waste. We need private sector coming on board to make
this happen as public funds can’t be sufficient.
 +

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