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maxDPUTools User's Guide 278597

Using maxDPUTools to Create a Configuration ..................................................................... 2-2

Getting Started ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
Using the maxDPUTools Main Window......................................................................... 2-2
Understanding the Tree View .......................................................................................... 2-3
DPU Tab Tree Directory.............................................................................................. 2-3
Hardware Tab View..................................................................................................... 2-4
Custom Tab View ........................................................................................................ 2-5
Template Tab View...................................................................................................... 2-7
Understanding the Tabular Detail View ...................................................................... 2-8
Buffer Type Tabular Detail.......................................................................................... 2-8
Accessing Pop-up Menus............................................................................................... 2-10
maxDPUTools Grid Editing Features............................................................................ 2-11
Editing Records.......................................................................................................... 2-11
Using Tab Key ........................................................................................................... 2-11
Using Auto Editing Features...................................................................................... 2-11
Using Column Editing Features..................................................................................... 2-12
Changing Grid Column Width................................................................................... 2-12
Reordering Columns .................................................................................................. 2-12
Changing Sorted Order of Records............................................................................ 2-12
Copying a Column Entry ........................................................................................... 2-13
Using Grid Toolbar ........................................................................................................ 2-13
Using Grid Toolbar Navigation Buttons.................................................................... 2-13
Canceling an Edit....................................................................................................... 2-13
Saving an Edit ............................................................................................................ 2-14
Tree View Editing Features ........................................................................................... 2-14
Moving a Single Function block or Group ................................................................ 2-14
Copying a Single Function block or Group ............................................................... 2-14
Selecting and Moving Multiple Function blocks or Groups...................................... 2-15
Selecting and Copying Multiple Function blocks or Groups..................................... 2-15
Randomly Selecting and Moving Function blocks.................................................... 2-15
Moving and Copying Function blocks between Two Configurations ....................... 2-15

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Using maxDPUTools to
Create a Configuration

Getting Started
Use maxDPUTools to create a configuration specifically for the
maxDPU processor. Configuration always begins with creating a copy of
a master configuration assigning it a unique name typically matching the
desired maxDPU name. This base copy provides a self-contained
framework definition of all of the available intrinsic function blocks and
related attributes associated with the maxDPU.

Use the context pop-up menus and displays included in maxDPUTools to

instance functions and configure their attributes.

In addition to basic configuration creation, maxDPUTools includes

utilities for:

Graphical layout and wiring of a group of controls.

Importing libraries of preconfigured custom functions and templates.
Downloading configurations to a target DPU.
Validating the soft-wire referencing.
Finding duplicate group and tag names.
Performing database searches.
Performing global search and replace.
Finding points by tagname.
Copying and pasting all or part of a configuration within and across
Transferring locally defined custom functions to other configurations.

Refer to the later chapters to learn how to use most of these utilities.
Consult this chapter to become familiar with the main maxDPUTools
two-pane window, from which a configuration is built.

Using the maxDPUTools Main Window

maxDPUTools uses a hierarchical Explorer-style user interface. See
Figure 2-1. Its main window consists of two panes, a tab selected tree
view, and a coordinated detail view, along with a title bar at the top of
the window and a menu bar just beneath the title bar. The full path name
of the selected configuration appears inside the title bar.

Multiple configurations may be opened at one time on your display for

concurrent editing. Select Tile Vertical, Tile Horizontal, or Cascade from

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the Window menu to support side-by side viewing. Or use the Window
menu dropdown to switch between them.

Figure 2-1. maxDPUTools Main Window opened to the DPU tab view.

Understanding the Tree View

The left pane contains four tabs at the top labeled DPU-x.x (where x.x is
a DPU software version), Hardware, Custom, and Templates.

DPU Tab Tree Directory

Figure 2-1 shows the tree directory pane opened to the DPU tab. The
DPU tab displays a hierarchical tree view organized by groups, which
when the group functions are expanded shows all the elements of a
configuration associated with a single DPU. Eight levels of groups are
allowed. A DPU tree consists of three elements: a single DPU icon,
group nodes, and individual function icons representing function blocks,
buffers, and custom controls. Expand the DPU icon at the root of the

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directory to reveal group folder nodes, representing group function
blocks, which can contain other function blocks. Expand a group folder
node to reveal function blocks, custom controls, and buffers associated
with the group. For example the tree in Figure 2-1 shows a partially
expanded tree for a configuration. The top-level icon represents the
individual DPU and shows its name. A multi-level group hierarchy is
associated with this DPU. Each group has a Gname, which is shown
beside its folder icon. Selecting a node in the tree allows viewing its
attribute tabular detail in the right-hand pane.

Hardware Tab View

Figure 2-2. maxDPUTools window opened to the hardware tab view.

Figure 2-2 shows the left hand pane opened to the Hardware tab. The
hardware tab consists of only the I/O related buffers organized in a three-
way hierarchical tree view:

Sorted by location consisting of cabinet, rack, and card hierarchy.

Sorted by function type and address within type.
Sorted by address only.

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Use this view to quickly configure only hardware or to access only the
hardware content of a configuration. Use a context menu, accessible after
a right-click over a tree element, to add and delete buffer types. Selecting
a buffer node in the tree allows viewing its attribute tabular detail in the
right hand pane. See the next section.

Note: Buffer types are also listed in the DPU tree directory view with all
the other configured function block types.

Custom Tab View

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Figure 2-3. maxDPUTools Opened to Custom view

The Custom tab shows a tree view displaying custom block definitions
hierarchically by source, category, name combined with description, and
function block contents. The source can be local or imported from a
library. Note that library custom blocks cannot be modified and are
displayed as locked. See Figure 2-3.

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Template Tab View

The Template tab shows a tree view displaying template definitions by

source, category, and name combined with description. The source can
be local or imported from a library. Library templates cannot be modified
and are displayed as locked. NOTE that templates are only a feature of
DPU version 3.0 and later.

Use the template feature to create reusable functionality in terms of

preset attribute values for any existing intrinsic or custom function. In the
example above a template for the DEVLOG has been created and a
description entered to define it as having preset attributes matching a
Device A. Also note the presence of the Standard library templates along
with a variety of categories and templates.

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Understanding the Tabular Detail View

Access the tabular view, which opens in the right view pane, to display
the tabular details of each function block. This view works in
combination with the tree view in the left pane. Click on a group or a
function block within a group appearing in the tree directory to open an
associated grid view appearing in the right pane. All function blocks are
configured from this tabular grid.

Figure 2-1 shows a tree directory with the DPU tab selected. Notice that
when you select a group or specific function block in the tree directory
pane, its full path name appears in the title bar of the tabular grid view.

The tabular detail pane lists the attributes for a function block selected in
the tree directory. The first column of the grid view shows most of the
associated attributes for the selected function block or buffer typically
needed for configuration. To view more of the available attributes for a
selected function block, select either the Expert or the All view in the
combo box in the tabular detail title bar at the far right. Expert view adds
attributes that are normally hidden as their values are infrequently edited.
All view adds Status and Output category attributes, which likewise
cannot be edited except for the special case of creating an exposure via
the reference field. Refer to the section on reference editing for details.

The remaining columns display the associated category for each

attribute, the value assigned to the associated attribute, reference
pointers, and the type of data that may be entered into the Value column
for each attribute. Only the Value and Reference columns, highlighted in
a white background, are configurable. The remaining columns,
highlighted in gray, are informational.

Buffer Type Tabular Detail

In addition to the standard tabular detail available when you click on an
object listed in the DPU or Hardware tab tree directories, the Hardware
tree directory also features a special tabular detail, which lists only
several key attributes per buffer type. This view makes it easier to
quickly configure only hardware. Simply add new buffers from the tree
directory and configure the attributes that appear in the associated tabular
grid or replace these attributes with other attributes of your choosing.

To access this tabular grid:

Open the Hardware tree directory and expand the By Type folder to view
an alphabetized list of buffers.

Click on a buffer type folder icon to open a tabular detail for all buffers
of that type. See Figure 2-4.

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Figure 2-4. By Type tabular detail accessible from the hardware tree directory.

For instance, click on the AIB folder to display the tabular detail in the
right pane for only AIB types. See Figure 2-4. Click on the AOB folder
to display a tabular detail for only AOB types, and so forth.

Buffer types appear in the tabular detail organized as rows. The first
column of the tabular detail describes the HID location of each listed
buffer. The next seven columns list hardware related attributes which
you may edit. By default, the following attribute types appear:

maxPAC option,
Failover type,

Click the Reconfigure button on the tabular grid toolbar to customize the
column configuration and select other attribute types.

Right-click in a row to filter grid records three ways:

Filter by selection
Filter excluding selection
Filter by entry

Click the Remove Filter button, also on the tabular grid toolbar, to
remove any applied filtering.

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Accessing Pop-up Menus

maxDPUTools features the familiar pull-down menus accessible from
the main Menu Bar. However, many key maxDPUTools functions, such
as adding new groups and controls, viewing the graphical configuration
layout of a group, and performing full and incremental database
installations, can only be done through menus accessible after a right
click which are known as context or pop-up menus.

Refer to this section to acquaint yourself with some of the right-click

context menus you will need to access to create a configuration. Main
Menu Bar functions are explained individually in the next chapter.

While both the tree directory and tabular grid panes support right-click
accessible context menus, tree directory context menus assume the most
importance when you are creating a new configuration and installing
(downloading) to a DPU.

As noted, a DPU tab tree directory consists of a single DPU icon, group
nodes, and individual functions. Each of these types of tree element
support their own right-click accessible context menu. When you begin a
new configuration, only the DPU icon and the preconfigured System
folder (Containing implicit DPMS, Backup, and Timesync controls) are
available. Right- click on the DPU icon in the tree directory to open a
pop-up menu. As you add groups and then other functions, the other
right-click context menus become available. Refer to the following

In the DPU tab tree directory, right click on a DPU icon, group node, or leaf
function node to open a context menu. The figures below show menus for DPU,
group nodes, and individual functions, respectively.

DPU: Group: Function:

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maxDPUTools Grid Editing Features

To make it easier to move through the tabular grids, manipulate columns
and records and enter data, maxDPUTools uses several common
navigation and editing features you should be aware of as you create and
edit a point database.

Editing Records
Notice that the first column on the left of a grid view contains a Record
Select Box for each record in the grid. When a record is selected in the
grid, an arrow appears in the Record Select box. When you edit a
record, the arrow in the Record Select box changes to a pencil.

Using Tab Key

When the cursor is in a cell, use the <Tab> key to move the cursor from
one cell to the next. When the last cell is reached, the <Tab> key moves
the cursor to the first cell in the record.

When you leave the mouse pointer over the cell for several seconds each
cell will display a fly-over indication to show the complete contents of
the cell even if the column width is too narrow to make the entire cell

Using Auto Editing Features

Point detail displays and grid views feature automated editing features
that help you quickly look up the appropriate entries for many data entry
fields and reduce keystrokes. You may enter or modify data in any field
at any time. Use the <Tab> key or click the field with the mouse to select

maxDPUTools provides several auto entry features for fields that require
a specific entry from a known list of choices. These are:

Drop-down arrow button , appearing in Value and Reference columns

F4 function key
Auto entry based on closest match
Clicking field to scroll through a list
Ellipsis button appearing in Value and Reference columns

When you click on certain entry fields in the Value column, a Drop-
down Arrow button appears at the right of the field. When you click
on certain entry fields in the Reference column, an Ellipsis button

Click on the down-arrow button to display a list of appropriate entries for

the field you're editing. Click an item on the list to select it. You may
also press the <F4> key to access the list.

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If you know the correct entry, type the first few characters.
maxDPUTools looks for the closest match from its list of known choices
and fills in the rest.

Alternatively, you may click the field repeatedly to scroll through a

known list of choices.

Click on an Ellipsis button, for example in a Reference field, to access a

selection pop-up.

Using Column Editing Features

Several editing features are available that specifically relate to columns
in tabular views. You may change column widths and the order of
columns. Additionally, records may be resorted in ascending and
descending order and a record from a previous row may be easily copied
to the next row using a keyboard shortcut. Refer to the following for
discussions of each feature.

Changing Grid Column Width

In tabular grid views, you may change grid column widths and the order
of columns in the grid.

To change a column width:

1. Rest the mouse cursor over the vertical border between two columns
until the pointer changes to a vertical bar with a horizontal arrow in each

2. Click and drag the mouse to move a column border left or right. This
feature always adjusts the width of the column to the left of the pointer.

Reordering Columns
To change the order of any column in the window:

1. Click and drag the column heading to the left or right.

2. Release the mouse button after you move the column to its new, desired

Note: the double bar to the right of the left-most column indicates that
the column is fixed if the view is moved with the horizontal scroll bar.

For example, the Attribute column in the point grid view would still be
visible if the window was resized and the view was scrolled to the right.
It would also be visible if the width of the other columns was increased
and the view was scrolled to the right.

Changing Sorted Order of Records

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To change the sort order of records in a column:

Click on the desired column header. This causes the tabular view to be
sorted by that column in ascending order.

Click on the column header a second time to sort records in descending


Copying a Column Entry

To copy the data entered in a column cell to the cell immediately beneath
it, such as Reference column data:

Press<Ctrl> plus the single-quote character <'>.

Using Grid Toolbar

Tabular views for function blocks and buffers contain a four-button
toolbar, allowing you to easily navigate between records in the grid, save
records, cancel and edits. Tabular views for custom controls also contain
a button bar with two additional buttons for adding and deleting records.

The Grid Navigation Toolbar, shown in the following figure, appears at

the bottom of a grid view. When a record is selected in the tabular grid,
the toolbar buttons become available. Additionally, the name of the
selected attribute appears at the center of the toolbar as shown in the
following figure.

Using Grid Toolbar Navigation Buttons

Function block and buffer grid views contain buttons on the Grid
Toolbar that allow you to move to the next and previous records.

Previous Record

Click this button to move the active record up to the previous record.
Note: hold the button down to continue to move backwards.

Next Record

Click this button to move the active record down to the next record.
Note: hold the button down to continue to move forward.

Canceling an Edit
To cancel an edit for the active record:

Click the Cancel button on the Grid Navigation Toolbar, or press the
<Esc> key on the maxSTATION keyboard.

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Note: The first column on the left of a grid view contains a Record Select
Box for each record in the grid. For the record you wish to cancel, an
arrow should appear in its Record Select box, indicating it is the
active record.

Saving an Edit
The first column on the left of a grid view contains a Record Select Box
for each record in the grid. When a record is selected in the grid for edit,
an arrow appears in the Record Select box, indicating it is the active

To save an edit for the active record:

Click the Update button on the Grid Navigation Toolbar, or press

<Ctrl> + <S>.

Note: The first column on the left of a grid view contains a Record Select
Box for each record in the grid. For the record you wish to save, an
arrow should appear in its Record Select box, indicating it is the
active record.

Tree View Editing Features

A single function block or groups of function blocks may be easily
moved or copied to be used in other parts of a configuration.

Moving a Single Function block or Group

To more a single function block or group to a new location in the tree

Click on the function block or group as it appears in the tree directory

and while holding down the left mouse button drag the selected function
block or group to a new location in the directory tree and release the

Copying a Single Function block or Group

To copy a single function block to a new location in the tree directory:

While holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on the function block as it
appears in the tree directory and while holding down the left mouse
button drag the selected function block to a new location in the directory
tree and release the button.

Notice that as you drag the selected object to a new location, the mouse
cursor includes a plus sign (+) to indicate a copy operation is in progress.

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Selecting and Moving Multiple Function blocks or Groups

To select multiple function blocks or nodes in succession and move them
to a new location in the directory tree:

1. While holding down the <Shift> key, click on the first function block or
node in the tree you wish to select. Then click on the last item in the list
you wish to include to highlight the entire selection.

2. Continue to hold down the <Shift> key and while holding down the left
mouse button, drag the selected function blocks or nodes to a new
location in the directory tree and release the button.

Selecting and Copying Multiple Function blocks or Groups

To select multiple function blocks or nodes in succession and copy them
to a new location in the directory tree:

1. While holding down the <Shift> key, click on first function block or
node in the tree you wish to select. Then click on the last item in the list
you wish to include to highlight the entire selection.

2. With the selection highlighted, hold down the <Ctrl> key, and while
holding down the left mouse button, drag the selected function blocks or
nodes to a new location in the directory tree and release the button.

Randomly Selecting and Moving Function blocks

In addition to selecting function blocks in succession as they appear in
the directory tree, you may also select function blocks randomly within
the same group.

To make random selections and move them to a new location in the


1. While holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on each function block you
wish to include in the move to highlight then.

2. With the random selections highlighted, continue to hold down the

<Ctrl> key, and while holding down the left mouse button, drag the
selected function blocks or nodes to a new location in the directory tree
and release the button.

Moving and Copying Function blocks between Two

In addition to moving and copying function blocks within a single
configuration, you may also move and copy function blocks between
tiled views of two open configurations, provided the two configurations
were created for the same DPU software version.

If you attempt to copy function blocks or groups from one configuration

version and paste them into a configuration of a different version, the

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copy operation is disallowed and the following warning message

To move or copy function blocks or function block groups between two

configurations of the same version:

1. From the File menu, select Open to open a configuration, if one is not
opened already.

2. Select Open again to select a second configuration.

3. From the Window menu, select Tile Horizontal or Tile Vertical. When
you make your selection, both configuration windows appear, one
beneath the other or side by side, depending on your tiling choice.

4. With both configurations open on your display, you may now perform
drag and dropped operations between the two windows. Use the same
move and copy techniques you would perform within a single
configuration. Review the previous sections.

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