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maxDPUTools User's Guide 278597

Performing Offline Graphical Configuration........................................................................... 4-2

Overview.............................................................................................................................. 4-2
Getting Started ................................................................................................................. 4-4
The Sheet View................................................................................................................ 4-5
Context Menu Differences from maxVUE .................................................................. 4-6
Graphical Configuration Toolbar Differences from maxVUE .................................... 4-6
Graphic Drawing Toolbar Differences from maxVUE ............................................... 4-6
Shortcut Keys............................................................................................................... 4-6
Detail Display Editing.................................................................................................. 4-7
Browse Configuration Selection .................................................................................. 4-8
Recent History Selection.............................................................................................. 4-9
Find by TagName Selection....................................................................................... 4-10
Saving MN Displays .................................................................................................. 4-11

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maxDPUTools User's Guide 278597

Performing Offline Graphical Configuration

The maxDPUTools utility now supports performing graphical
configuration for a version 4.3 or later DPU 4F configuration.

The features of graphical configuration are largely identical to editing

using the maxVUE Editor as outlined below:

• The layout of an individual group’s content is drawn identically as a

sheet view, optionally spanning multiple contiguous pages.

• Toolbars and context menus, combined with the keyboard and mouse,
are used to accomplish various edit actions.

• Functions can be added, deleted, copied, pasted, repositioned, or moved

between sheets. Note that as before sheet position effects execution

• Wiring references can be drawn between input and output connectors,

with turns that can be manually or auto routed, along with the option for
adding additional pivot points.

• Tabular detail can be viewed and edited for an individual selected


• Sheet properties for the group can be viewed and edited.

• Panning and zooming can be performed to view small detail.

• Graphical elements can be added as backdrop to the sheet and saved as

an .MN file.

• Navigation to other sheets can be performed via reference following, a

find by tagname entry, a find by hierarchical tree selection, or recent
viewing history list selection.

Refer to publication 278606 entitled the “Graphical Configuration User’s

Guide”, for complete details of the editing features that are in common
with the maxVUE Editor.

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The distinct differences of using graphical configuration within

maxDPUTools vs. the maxVUE Editor are:

• Only one sheet is viewable at a time. Previously viewed sheets can be

recalled via a most recently viewed pop-up list rather than as part of a
File menu list, which does not exist.

• No main menu exists. Similar operations are all performed via the tool
bar buttons, pop-up context menus, or keyboard short cut entry.

• Live mode is not supported. Testing requires exiting the graphical

configuration view and performing an install operation.

• All edits are saved as they are made in the currently open configuration
file. Appropriately timed configuration file backups are recommended.

• All custom block instances appearing in groups are always locked, with
their detail inaccessible.

• The detailed editing of a custom block requires selecting it individually

for editing from within the Tree content under the Custom tab view.

• Tabular detail is viewed using a vertically split two-pane view, rather

than a floating window. The detail format is identical to the main
maxDPUTools tabular detail.

• The Browse Configuration popup is a custom dialog, different from the

Point Browser based version in the maxVUE Editor. Its content
represents only the current configuration being edited.

• A select by Tagname custom dialog is provided, different from using the

Point Picker dialog in the maxVUE Editor. Likewise, its content
represents only the current configuration being edited.

• Navigation by reference following works only within the content of the

current configuration being edited.

• Wiring edits made in the tabular view that affect the sheet drawing are
immediately refreshed in the sheet, and vice versa.

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maxDPUTools User's Guide 278597

Getting Started
The graphical configuration view is launched from within the tree view
of maxDPUTools. First select any node in the tree view under the DPU
tab or an individual custom block under the Custom tab view. Then right
click to access the context menu entry labeled as “Graphical
Configuration…”. Alternatively, the short cut keystroke “<Ctrl>-G” can
be used after selection.

Within the DPU tab, selecting the top level DPU node in the tree, will
result in a sheet view of the top-level group of the DPU with a path of
“/”. Note that the “/System” group is explicitly hidden from view, since
its content should not be edited!

Alternatively, selecting a group or a function within a group from the

tree will yield the sheet view for that group. Note that initiation via a
child function selection will show the selection within the correct sheet
page and in yellow highlight.

Lastly, selecting a custom block node from the custom tab view yields
the special version of a sheet used for custom block design, with Input
and Output shell connector blocks.

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maxDPUTools User's Guide 278597

The Sheet View

The graphical configuration sheet view appears as a full screen sized
modal dialog, typically with a set of toolbars visible as shown here:

The dialog title bar contains the name of the configuration file along with
the name of the group hierarchy represented by the sheet. Note that no
main menu is present as in maxVUE.

Otherwise the above example sheet has an identical look and operation to
maxVUE Editor. As shown, the Editor view and Graphical Configuration
toolbars are optionally docked at the top, along with the Thumbnail view
floating. Excluded from view are the Graphic Drawing and Control List
toolbars, which can be enabled using the context menu checkbox
selections as shown.

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maxDPUTools User's Guide 278597

Context Menu Differences from maxVUE

Note in the previous example, that the context menu has a Delete entry in
place of the Cut entry present in the maxVUE editor. The Cut and Paste
operation is not supported by maxDPUTools. Only a single selection
Copy and Paste operation is allowed, the same as in the maxVUE Editor.

Graphical Configuration Toolbar Differences from maxVUE

The Graphical Configuration toolbar also has some variation from its
maxVUE Editor counterpart:

• A recent history button, shown as has been added. This provides

similar functionality to the File menu recent file list via a popup selection

• The Browse Configuration button, , has also been duplicated from the
Graphic Drawing toolbar to avoid the necessity of showing the drawing

• The Freeze check and Values/Names buttons have been removed and are
not supported by maxDPUTools.

Graphic Drawing Toolbar Differences from maxVUE

The Graphic DrawingConfiguration toolbar also has some variation from
its maxVUE Editor counterpart:

• The Alternate language and test mode related buttons have been removed
and are not supported by maxDPUTools.

Shortcut Keys
The following shortcut keys are available, even with the toolbars not

• <Ctrl>-R to view the recent history selection dialog.

• <Ctrl>-T to view the Find by Tagname selection dialog.

• <Ctrl>-H to view the Browse Configuration selection dialog.

• <Ctrl>-L to return to the last sheet view.

• <Ctrl>-W to restore the worldview to the 100% zoom level.

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maxDPUTools User's Guide 278597

Detail Display Editing

As previously stated the tabular detail is viewed within the lower part of
a sizeable vertically split two-pane view, rather than a floating, point
browser detail window as in maxVUE Editor. The detail display is
launched identically as in the maxVUE Editor, via either the Detail
Button, , in the Graphical Configuration toolbar or double clicking on
a function block within the sheet, (except for a Group, in which double
click navigates to the group detail).

The tabular detail layout and operation is identical to that in the main
editor display of maxDPUTools. Once open, the detail persists and
follows the selected point, until closed via the button shown at the
top right of the detail. Note the splitter bar in between the sheet and
detail panes, which allows resizing of the detail pane via mouse selection
and drag movement

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Browse Configuration Selection

Selecting the Browse Configuration toolbar button, , or using the
shortcut key <Ctrl>-H brings up a modal selection dialog to allow
navigation to any sheet in the currently open configuration’s hierarchy:

The selection dialog is a tree view of the Group and function hierarchy.
Navigate to and select a group or function within a group to view,
completing the selection with the OK button, or a double click. The
initial display always navigates to and selects the currently viewed group
as a starting reference. Note that a selected function within a group will
show as initially selected in yellow highlight within the correct sheet
page of the group.

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maxDPUTools User's Guide 278597

Recent History Selection

Selecting the Recent History toolbar button, , or using the shortcut key
<Ctrl>-R brings up the modal Recent History selection dialog to enable
quick navigation back to a recently viewed sheet:

The selection dialog is a scrolling list of the recently viewed sheets in

hierarchical sorted order. The initial display always navigates to and
selects the currently viewed group as a starting reference. The current
and last sheets are annotated. The option for selecting a list entry is
completed via the OK button or a double click on a list entry.
Alternatively the Last sheet can be quickly re-selected. Note that the
shortcut key <Ctrl>-L directly entered from the sheet view exists to
return to the last sheet without requiring the viewing of the selection

Alternatively, an immediate switch to the Browse Configuration

selection dialog can be performed via the Browse button.

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Find by TagName Selection

Selecting the Find toolbar button, , or the shortcut key <Ctrl>-T brings
up a modal selection dialog to allow navigation to a sheet containing a
function with a tagname within the currently open configuration:

The Find by Tagname selection dialog is a scrolling list of tagnames in

sorted order. The option for selecting a list entry is completed via the OK
button or a double click on a list entry. Note that the selected function
will show as initially selected within the correct sheet page in yellow
highlight of its parent group.

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Saving MN Displays
The Graphical Configuration view implicitly keeps track of the editing of
a sheet when it includes any optional graphical elements or controls.
Upon adding, editing, or deleting graphical elements or controls, the
following prompt will appear upon closing the sheet if a File Save using
the Graphic Drawing toolbar button was not performed:

An initial save also confirms the file name and folder location desired:

The default folder where group sheet files are saved is named after the
configured DPU name: with a pathname of

The default folder where custom function sheet files are saved is named:
C:\Custom\Configs\Operating\Library” and is intended to be shared
among configurations.

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