I0 Written Production Activity Units 2-3

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Intensive Remedial English

Written production activity units 2-3

Topic: Register Today!


Step 1:
What information is important in an advertisement for a language school?
Have you read this https://www.upc.edu.pe/ingles-en-la-upc/#?

Step 2:
Get ready to write an ad for the online English courses at UPC.

In your ad include:
 the name of the program
 courses the program offers
 when classes are and schedules offered
 what the address of the college is/what the website is
 how you can get information
 phone numbers or any other way to contact them

 vocabulary and grammar from units 2 and 3 (vocabulary about personal information,
numbers, countries, pronouns review)
 correct spelling
 correct punctuation

Word limit: from 25 to 35 words.

Assessment criteria:
 content
 grammar
 vocabulary
 spelling and punctuation

This task is due on Sunday, January 19th 2020 at 23:59 p.m.

Intensive Remedial English

Written production activity units 2-3

Student’s name: _________________________________________


This task is due on Sunday, January 19th 2020 at 23:59 p.m.

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