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Department of Education

Region II
Division of Isabela

Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 4



Grade and Section: FOUR- ROSE

I. Objectives:
a.. Use adverbs of manner
b.. Read words with initial I blends
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of english grammar and usage in speaking or writing
B. Performance Standard:
Uses the classes of words aptly in various oral and written discourse
C. Learning Competencies:
Use adverbs of manner in sentences ( EN4G-IIIf-6)
II. Content : Adverbs of Manner
III. Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Curriculum Guide
2. Teaching Guide K to 12 Curriculum p. 282-285
Learners’ Material p. 298-300
3.Materials: Powerpoint,charts
4.Values: Being thrifty

IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Review of A. Preliminary Activities
Previous/Presenting (Prayer/ greeting/ Checking of Attendance)
New Lessons Review
Who among you could still remember the
title of the story that we read yesterday?
Yes Althea, what is the answer?
The title of the story
that we read yesterday
was “ A Muslim
Holiday’ ma’am.
Very good!
Who among you can retell the story “A
Muslim Holiday”?
Will you do it Kenneth. (Keneth will retell the
Good job, Keneth!


I have here words, phrases and sentences for

you to read class.

Before I will let you read will you tell what

are the things that you should remember when
you are having your class, children?
( Setting of House Rules) Sit properly
Read with the class
Listen to the teacher
Behave well
Very well said class.
Now, let’s read these.

A. Read the words, phrases, and sentences

with l blend: bl, cl, fl, gl, pl

blank blue
blanket blister

flash flag
flute flakes

glass glue
globe gloves

clam close
clap club
clean cliff
new club big clam
steep cliff Claudia’s clothes
old closet clown

plant plane
planet platypus

(# 1/ Obj.#2/ MOV#3- Promoting Literacy)

Learn Some More

B. Read and draw each word in the box.

Clam closet

Globe blanket

(#1/ Obj.#1/ MOV #3 & 4)

C. Choose the correct word that will

complete each sentence. Write your
answers on your paper.
1. I will write the correct answer on the (blank,
blanket, black)
2. The maps of the different countries are
seen on a (glove, globe, glue).
3. The (club, clown, class) in the fair makes
the children laugh.
4. I can name the (planes, plants, planets) in
the solar system.
5. My camera has a (flag, flute, flash).
6. The dressmaker designs beautiful (closets,
clothes, clowns).

B. Establishing the
Purpose of the Lesson 1. Motivation

Class, do you celebrate holidays/ festivals

in your own town or barangay?
What festival do you celebrate?
Yes Kit? Binallay Festival,
Nuang Festival
Manok Festival
Very good!

How about here in the whole municipality of

Jones, class, what festival do we celebrate?
Yes, allysa? Pinilisa festival,

( Show the picture above)

Do you participate in celebrating the Pinilisa
festival, class?
What do you do during the celebration? We go and watch
the events in the
celebration, ma’am.
When celebrating those festivals that you
have mentioned children, what do people usually
do to celebrate?
Heart? People celebrate by
having some fun like
pageants, going to
the Perya, cook a lot
of different foods.
Yes, correct!
Do they spend and waste a lot of money
children? Yes ,they do!

Is it right to do such thing just to say that

you have money or that you just want to
enjoy? No, it must not be.
Why not, Kenlee?
( HOTS Integration) No because it is
Very good, Kenlee. not wise to spend
too much.

What attitude is being develop when you

don’t spend much? The attitude of
being thrifty,
(Values Integration)
Very nice answer Hijra!
You as a grade 4 children, do you practice
that attitude? Yes, we do!
How do you do it, Hera? By not spending all
my baon and I
always make sure
that I put 5.00 on
my alkansyang
baboy everyday,
Wow, very good children.
So if you keep 5.00 everyday, how
much do you save in a week?
( Mathematics integration)
Yes, Rica? I saved 25.00 in
every week ma’am.
Keep doing that and always spend wisely so that
when tough times comes you have something to
How about the others, how do you show
the attitude of being thrifty?
Jena? Instead of riding
on a tricycle in
going to school, I
just walk ma’am
because our house
is only few blocks

away from the

school.In doing
that I am already
exercising and at
the same time I am
also helping my
parents saving
money, ma’am.
What a nice answer, Jena!
You’re right if you walk you’re not just
saving money but also making your body ( Science/ Health
healthy. Keep doing that Jena. Integration)

C. Presenting New Presentation

Examples/Instances I have here some sentences taken from the
story that we read yesterday, class.
Before I will let you read, will you tell what
should you do if I tell you to read in unison
(Setting of House Rules) Read in unison
Read with the class
Very well said children.
Now, will you read the sentences and take
note of the underlined words.

1. Hari Raya Puasa was celebrated happily.

2. The people in the mosque pray silently.
3. The Grade 4 pupils walk quietly along the
4. They finished their work hurriedly.
5. Nilda cheerfully approached the principal.

D. Discussing New
Concepts and Presenting From the first sentence, how was Hari Raya
New Skills S#1 Puasa celebrated? happily
How do the people pray in the mosque? silently
How do the Grade 4 pupils walk along the
corridor? quietly
How did they finish their work? hurriedly
How did Nilda approach the principal? cheerfully
Very good!
What do you call the underlined words,
children? Adverbs of
manner, ma’am.
What do adverbs of manner tell? Adverb of manner
tells how things are
What question do they answer? It answers the
question How

Is there anything you want to ask or want

to know more about adverbs of manner, class? Are adverbs of
manner form
through adjectives,

Thank you for asking that question,

(Encouraging Learners to ask question/
allowing learners’ active participation)

Most adverbs of manner are formed from

adjectives class that’s why they look like

Now, can you give your own examples

of adverb of manner?
Joy? Slowly
Very good!
Can you use that in a sentence, Jane?
The turtle crawls
Will you use it in a sentence. The exam was
easily done by the
genius boy.
The meeting ended
Correct! silently.
The little girl
answered the police
officer honestly.
Very good!
How about you Reina, can you give an
example of an adverb of manner and use it in a
sentence too? Beautifully!
Miss Catriona Gray
answered the
question beautifully.
Nice answer, Reina!

(Praising the learners / Giving positive

feedback/ Allowing learners to express their
opinions and ideas)

This time let’s divide the class into seven

groups. Each group will get a chart. You will read
the stanza assigned to you on the poem “One
Happy Holiday”.

What should you do again if you are told to

read, class?

One Happy Holiday

One happy holiday

When Mother was away,
A girl named Annie Lee
Didn’t want to play
Father asked merrily,
“What can the matter be
You look so sad today
On a happy holiday.”

“Where is Mommy, Daddy?”

Annie Lee asked sadly
We’ll go to the fair
To buy something there.”

“We will go to the fair,

My pretty little girl,
But please remember this,
Don’t buy everything you wish.

Annie Lee’s eyes twinkled,

And her little nose crinkled
Then she shouted, “Hurray!”
“What a happy holiday!”

Annie Lee wanted to buy

Two little dolls that cry
But she remembered this:
“Don’t buy everything you wish.”

So one happy holiday

When Mother was away,
A pretty little girl,
Had a fine day at the fair.

In the second stanza of the poem that you

read, how did father ask what could the matter
Father asked
merrily, ma’am.
How did Annie Lee ask where her mommy
was, Althea? Annie Lee asked
Right! sadly.

E. Making What are adverb of manners, class? Adverbs of

Generalizations manner tell how
things are done.
What question do they answer? They answer the
question “how.”
Most adverbs of
manner are formed
from adjectives.
Very well said children!
F . Finding Practical
Application of Concepts A. Differentiated Activities
(Abstraction of the ( Group Activity)
Lesson) Who among you loves doing art works?
Raise your hand. ( They will raise their
Ok, you will be group 1. hand when they are
How about those who love singing? asked)
Will you raise your hand!

You belong to group 2.

And the rest, you will be group 3 because I know
you want to become a broadcaster.

Before I will give the mechanics of your activity,

will you tell what should you do if you are given
task to make?
(Setting of Standards)

Here’s the direction.

Group 1- Pick the word that shows an adverb

of manner and then you will think of a song
where you could inject the your answer.Be
able to sing it during the presentation of
(MUSIC Integration)
1. Joy- happy- angry- lovingly
2. Easily- hard- fair- little
3. Heavy- hardly- light- big
4. Quick- instantly- narrow- wide
5. Honest- diligent- truthfully- faithful

Group 2- Read the following sentences and

underline the adverbs of manner used.Be able
to act- out your answers through body
language during the presentation of outputs.
( MAPEH- P.E. Integration)

1. The performers changed costumes quickly

2. They excitedly prepared the paper


3. Martha welcomed the visitors warmly.

4. People prayed silently before the festival


5. The street dancers danced gracefully.

Group 3- Cut out from the newspaper five (5)

words that are adverbs of manner then use
them in a sentence.
( Newspapers will be distributed to the group)

B. Individual Activity
Box the adverbs of manner in the
1. Mila joyously watched the fireworks.
2. Mother prepared the food well.
3. Our visitor speaks softly.
4. The children happily go from house to
5. The victorious performers marched
triumphantly down the street.
C. Write a sentence using each of the
following adverbs of manner.

1. happily
2. beautifully
3. well
4. quickly
5. calmly

G. Evaluating Learning Evaluation

This time let us see if you really understood
our lesson by getting your mastery level
through this evaluation.

A. Directions: Read the paragraph below. Be

able to identify the adverbs of manner used
by underlining them. (5points)

Grade-4 Rose Joyfully Embraces the

School Garden Beautification Program

The pupils of Grade 4- Rose happily clean their

assigned garden. They are working harmoniously
with each other. Some of them cleaned efficiently
while some sing sweetly until they are done
cleaning. The children finished their task quickly.

B. Directions: Tell something about each of the
following pictures. Use adverbs that tell how.
Write your answer on your paper.

V. Assignment
Use the following adverbs of manner in a
1. Hopefully
2. Peacefully
3. Patiently


Name of Observer Name of the Teacher

Noted by:
Principal I

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