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TPC 2 Tour and Travel Management


1. Promote a tourist destination either within Philippines or International through

blog/video presentation. And make itinerary and brochure of the chosen tourist
destination. This is an individual exam.
2. The blog or video must consist:
 How to get there (transportation and time)
 History of the place
 Top tourist spots (history and how it become one of the top tourist spot)
 Food and delicacies
 Do’s and Don’ts

3. Student may send their blog/video through alternative means below, whichever
is convenient, accessible and/or practical:
a. Email to or through to my messenger account
as soon as you’re finish; OR
b. Submit through USB/CD on April 1, 2020 or as soon the classes
4. Should there be any concerns and/or clarifications, please do not hesitate to
PM me in our group chat or in my messenger account!


General Instructions:

1. Student shall answer each Course Works during the implementation of the
class suspensions;
2. Each Course Work is worth a total of 30 points. While essay is worth of 15 pts.
each. Refer to the Rubric Scoring below.
3. Student may send their Course Works through alternative means below,
whichever is convenient, accessible and/or practical:
a. Email to or through to my messenger account
as soon as you are finish; OR
b. Submit through hardcopy (computer printed or handwritten) on April 1,
2020 or as soon the classes resume.
4. Should there be any concerns and/or clarifications, please do not hesitate to
PM me in our group chat or in my messenger account!

Course Work No. 1:


1. Make a reflection paper consist of 1000 words excluding
prepositions (is, as, at, for, in, off, on, over, and under) about COVID –


Please answer the following questions below.

1. How government shutdowns affect travel agencies?

2. What are the sectors in tourism industry mostly affected in COVID – 19
and how they are affected with the situation?


30 points Interesting content and presentation with ideas well-conceived and
developed with sufficient examples. Logical progression of ideas with well-
executed transitions. Appropriate level of complexity in syntax with very
few errors, if any.
25 points Some interesting content, points not sustained or not fully developed.
Logical progression of ideas but often lacks transitions. Confined to
simpler sentences or structures with very few errors that do now affect
20 points Conventional ideas or clichés, little supporting detail included. Gaps in
logic or no transitions. Errors frequently affect comprehensibility, or very
basic types of errors (subject-verb agreement; noun-adjective agreement,
15 points Cursory; gives the impression of writing just to complete the assignment.
Disorganized; appears to have been written as thoughts occurred to the
writer. Message is largely incomprehensible due to inaccurate grammar,
which alters or obscures it, OR reader must know English to comprehend
much of the message.
0 point Student left the item blank.


15 points Interesting content and presentation with ideas well-conceived and
developed with sufficient examples. Logical progression of ideas with well-
executed transitions. Appropriate level of complexity in syntax with very
few errors, if any.
11 points Some interesting content, points not sustained or not fully developed.
Logical progression of ideas but often lacks transitions. Confined to
simpler sentences or structures with very few errors that do now affect
8 points Conventional ideas or clichés, little supporting detail included. Gaps in
logic or no transitions. Errors frequently affect comprehensibility, or very
basic types of errors (subject-verb agreement; noun-adjective agreement,
5 points Cursory; gives the impression of writing just to complete the assignment.
Disorganized; appears to have been written as thoughts occurred to the
writer. Message is largely incomprehensible due to inaccurate grammar,
which alters or obscures it, OR reader must know English to comprehend
much of the message.
0 point Student left the item blank.

Chris Beer
March 17, 2020

No industry will be left untouched by coronavirus. And no industry is likely to be more

affected than travel.

Usually the first to feel the impacts of any global crisis, airlines around the world have
issued urgent calls for government intervention.

Faced with exceptional circumstances, the travel and tourism industry has found itself
grappling with an unprecedented level of disruption, as more borders close and travel
restrictions mount.

It’s impossible to anticipate how the rest of this year will pan out. But we can provide some
insight into how vacationers are thinking about the crisis, the more long-term impact
COVID-19 will have on travelers, and what sort of tactics will be needed to reinvigorate the

Uncertainty and restrictions around travel plans are growing.

Analyzing consumers’ current travel plans gives some sense of the gravity of the situation.

In the UK, only 32% of vacationers (defined as those who usually take at least one vacation
a year) haven’t had their travel plans affected by coronavirus.

In the U.S., this drops to just 8%. Almost half of U.S. vacationers have canceled plans
because they were forced to, and even more have done so of their own volition.
There’s no hiding from the fact that this year, vacationing throughout the summer will be
off the cards for many people.

But, by asking consumers who’ve delayed or cancelled travel plans when they expect to
plan trips again post-crisis, we can at least tease out their readiness to jump back into
travel, or gauge whether their behavior has profoundly changed.

There’s a noticeable split between U.S. and UK markets here. U.S. travelers tend to be more
conservative in predicting when they’ll be traveling again. UK consumers, however, appear
keener to reinstate their travel plans as soon as they can; the majority anticipate returning
to vacation planning in the next 6 months.
This data has to be read carefully; as governments are now dictating what travel is even
possible, the timeline here isn’t as important as the intent behind it.

Looking through the lens of intent, UK consumers seem optimistic about planning future
trips, whereas U.S. consumers appear more pessimistic about their future travel prospects,
and will need particular nurturing back into travel planning. 

Travel providers are expected to be on the front line for advice and guidance.

Even if consumers can’t travel, it doesn’t mean they can’t engage with travel brands during
this time. Staying close to customers is extremely important for any company during this
Our most recent coronavirus research provides insight into engagement with travel
brands, and who consumers see as the authorities for information. 

While flight bookings have plummeted, data from travel price comparison service Icelolly
has shown more volatility in searching behavior, with consumers at least eyeing up
locations still relatively unaffected.

Consumers might not be booking trips, but that’s not to say they aren’t thinking about

One way of assessing where travel brands stand is seeing where consumers turn to for
travel advice. The majority of consumers see travel as a public health issue, which is
another sign of how deeply coronavirus has affected the market. They’re turning to the
World Health Organization and government bodies for travel guidance in the first instance.

But travel brands play a role, with airlines commanding a decent audience of vacationers
looking for travel advice in both the U.S. (18%, above trending posts on social media) and
the UK (19%, above trending posts on social media and even medical websites).

Airlines and other travel companies need to be mindful of the role they’re playing for
consumers at this point.

Consumers are deciding where to reallocate their vacation funds. 

With so many consumers altering their travel plans, the obvious question is: where will
their money go instead?

The picture here is virtually identical in both the U.S. and UK: just under half plan to save
the money, while a third intend to re-book their vacation at another time.

By comparison, not many plan to invest in a “staycation” or day trips instead.

With so many potential travelers saving, brands wanting to entice these consumers back
will have to keep them engaged, so they don’t become too withdrawn from planning to
travel at all.

Our data also suggests that despite reports of hoteliers turning to staycation packages, at
the moment, consumers are more willing to save than travel domestically.

Even as budgets are understandably hit, there needs to be more cut-through in the market
to make consumers aware of enjoyments to be had in their home country – as long as this
remains a safe and viable alternative. 
There are clues to be found on how the travel industry can rebuild.

Looking at how press coverage about travel has developed shows just how quickly – and
how far – the goalposts have shifted.

Just two weeks ago, newspapers were reporting on the bargain deals available in Italy and
South-East Asia, before widespread restrictions were put in place. Due to greater imposed
travel bans and heightened consumer awareness, that sort of approach quickly became
inappropriate. You only have to look at the negative press coverage campaigns in the vein
of “keep calm and carry on” have received. 

Our latest wave of research into coronavirus looked into what might persuade vacationers
to travel during the outbreak. But as attitudes to international travel are changing so
rapidly, this data is probably best understood with a long-term perspective.

So, not as a clue into how travelers can be targeted now, but to identify which consumers
can help invigorate the market once the worst has passed. 
A third of vacationers could not be persuaded to travel at all during the coronavirus
outbreak. But a strong travel insurance policy (26%) and flight discounts (19%) would
attract some travelers to book during this time.
So long as flights are operating, there are some consumers who could be persuaded to

It’s likely the outbreak has generated more awareness and interest around travel
insurance, and even in the long-run, insurance will likely be on the front-line of travel

Many airlines have already sought to provide more flexibility for new and existing
bookings, something which is likely to resonate with around a fifth of vacationers in these

These more opportunistic vacationers – who could be persuaded to travel under some
circumstances – skew young and male, and have been frequent travellers up until this

We have to offer caution here though.

Consumers looking to travel in these present times tend to be less worried about
coronavirus and are more likely to think governments are overreacting, which puts them
out of step with most people in the marketplace.

Looking at how the situation (and its subsequent press coverage) has changed, targeting
these consumers too openly during this time is likely to be branded irresponsible. It may be
more productive to think of them as consumers who can help restart the market once the
overall outlook is more optimistic. 

In challenging times, staying informed is key

No-one knows exactly how the coronavirus outbreak will pan out.

Even a few weeks ago, the thought of the Western world extensively closing its borders was
unlikely to have crossed anyone’s mind.

We can’t disguise that the implications for the travel industry – between government bans
and waning consumer appetite – are fairly bleak.

But there are signs that consumers in the UK are still thinking about vacations, even if they
can’t or choose not to book them right now.

U.S. vacationers appear to have been hit harder, and will likely need more nurturing to
come back on board later on.

Some vacationers are deferring or rebooking vacations, but many plan to save the money
instead. If these funds are to be accessed, more could be done in promoting domestic trips –
as long as they remain a safe option.
It seems many travelers would rather not spend the money at all than travel domestically,
and won’t think of staycations or day trips without some extra nudging.

This year, the summer vacation as a concept may simply not exist. But eventually, some
kind of normality will be restored. Although it’s not yet known when, the insights here can
hopefully shape strategies in rebuilding the travel industry after one of its most cataclysmic

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