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J. Exp. Zool. India Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 801-803, 2018 www.connectjournals.

com/jez ISSN 0972-0030


Ashok Kumar Verma
Department of Zoology, Government Post Graduate College, Saidabad, Allahabad - 221 508, India.
e-mail :
(Accepted 11 May 2018)

ABSTRACT : The Indian sarus crane, Grus antigone antigone is the ‘State Bird’ of Uttar Pradesh. It is the monogamous, non-
migratory and world’s tallest flying bird. This is the only resident breeding crane of Indian sub continent, prefers open habitat
like marsh areas, abundantly irrigated paddy fields, grass land and wetland. It has been categorised globally as ‘vulnerable’ by
International Union for Conservation of Nature in its Red List because of its rapid population decline, which is projected to
continue, as a result of widespread reductions in its wetland habitats. The cranes are well known for their faithfulness and
living togetherness. A positive correlation was observed between the crane occurrence and the wetland.
Key words : Sarus crane pair, wetland, habitat, vulnerable and conservation.

INTRODUCTION from local people were also made to ensure the estimate
The sarus crane belongs to phylum: Chordata, class: of existing population and their perceptions about the
Aves, order: Gruiformes and family: Gruidae. There are existence of the crane. All the observations were made
three subspecies of sarus crane namely the Indian sarus while moving through the chappu boat and walking along
crane Grus antigone antigone, Eastern sarus crane the croplands, mud lands, natural areas using binoculars
Grus antigone sharpii and the Australian sarus crane (7x35 and 8x40-BEZIF BM-9) and canon cameras.
Grus antigone gillae. Sundar et al (2003) gave the Study area
literature review of sarus crane in detail while Archibald The Alwara lake is a natural lake and a part of
et al (2003) gave the first comparative review of these perennial wetland and is situated between the latitude
three subspecies. The Indian Sarus Crane, Grus 25 0 24’05.84"S – 25 0 25’10.63"N and longitude
antigone antigone (Linnaeus, 1758) is the largest of the 81011’39.49"E-81012’57.95"W with altitude MSL – 81.08
crane species found in India and prefers to inhabit close meter. It is surrounded by agricultural fields and
to human habitation. Its population density is inseparably connected to the river Yamuna and covers more than
associated with wetland habitats. 1750 hectares. It is located in Sarsawan block of
The sarus crane is now listed as globally threatened Manjhanpur tahsil of Kaushambi district of Uttar Pradesh.
i.e. vulnerable avian species (Bird Life International, The lake is skirted by villages like; Ranipur, Dundi, Hatwa
2017) because of its declining number. The name “Sarus” and Bhawansuri in east, Paur Kashi Rampur, Alwara and
has its origin from Sanskrit word- ‘sarasa’, which means Gaura in the north, Shahpur, Umrawan in the south and
‘lake bird’ and the dance of the sarus has undoubtedly Mawai, Tikra and Dalelaganj in the west.
led to the species getting the name. The skin of this bird Population scenario
was first studied and described by Carolus Linnaeus who
Globally the population of sarus crane is decreasing
named it as antigone in 1758.
at global level but Verma et al (2015, 2016a, 2016b, 2017b
MATERIALS AND METHODS and 2018) found its increasing trends during their
Author used binocular, camera, motorbike, chappu exploration from 2011 to 2014 in and around the Alwara
boat, field stick etc. for various purposes. Since sarus lake of Kaushambi district of Uttar Pradesh (India).
crane is a huge bird and visible from a distance hence Verma et al (2016c) told that ecological and
sarus crane survey was easy. The study area was visited environmental condition of this lake is nicely supportive
regularly during first and third Sunday of every month in for the survival of vulnerable Indian avian sarus crane,
the year 2016-2017. Besides actual sightings, inquiries Grus antigone antigone. These are mostly seen in pair
802 Ashok Kumar Verma

Fig. 1 : Sarus crane in pair. Fig. 3 : Sarus crane in single.

and water source. The family group occurs in whole year

but during non-breeding season, cranes are seen in
congregation for mate finding or pair formation.
The sarus crane pair shows selective behaviour in
choosing plant species for nest construction (Verma A.K.
and Prakash S., 2016e). Prakash S. and Verma A.K.
(2016c) found that they use local medicinal flora in nest
building in and around Alwara lake of district Kaushambi
Fig. 2 : Sarus crane pair with juvenile. As a result of widespread reduction in the extent
and quality of their wetland habitats, exploitation and the
(Fig. 1) or in pairs with juvenile (Fig. 2) and rarely in solo effects of pollutants, unplanned farming, irrigation and
condition (Fig. 3). non-adoption of wild life rules and regulations as well,
The author and his team visited the villages concerned the number of sarus cranes is gradually decreasing at
a number of times, contacted the people and told as well global level. Due to its declining number, Indian sarus
as convinced them not to kill or hunt the sarus cranes, crane has been now listed as globally threatened i.e.
their eggs and juveniles. The authors organized vulnerable avian species (The IUCN Red List, 2017 and
awareness programme with group of local people and Bird Life International, 2017).
continued, it even when 1 or 2 villagers were there However, Verma et al (2017b and 2018) found its
(Prakash et al, 2016b). gradual increasing trends in and around the Alwara Lake
Marital fidelity of Kaushambi district of Uttar Pradesh. The Alwara Lake
is an old marshy natural wetland situated in the tropical
The sarus crane pair is an eternal symbol of
part of India. Its wetland has valuable biotic resources
unconditional love, devotion and good fortune with high
and a favourable site for sarus crane distribution. During
degree of marital fidelity (Verma and Prakash , 2017a)
population census in and around Alwara Lake, Verma et
as they mate for life (Prakash et al, 2016a) and made
al (2017b and 2018) found that the presence of inundated
for each other (Verma, 2016). The sarus is friendly to
paddy fields, land under irrigation, vegetation at the edge
human beings and likes to live close to them. Sarus is a
of the crop field, type of crop grown, wetland and the
social and omnivorous bird and they make congregation
openness of habitat are the major factor for the existence
at particular and pre-decided sites, preferably in wetland
and survival of sarus crane. Author thus observed a
area or adjacent agricultural fields having adequate food
Positive correlation between Indian sarus crane and agriculture 803
positive correlation between the crane numbers and the Sundar K S G and Choudhary B C (2003) The Indian Sarus Crane
area of agricultural land, e.g., paddy field, sugarcane Grus a. antigone: a literature review. J. Ecol. Soc. (India) 16, 16–
field, kharif field etc.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2017-2.
Author is highly grateful to Dr Shri Prakash, Verma A K (2016) The Sarus Crane Pair: Made for Each Other. Int. J.
Department of Zoology, KA P.G. College Allahabad for Biol. Sci. 7(2), 87-89.
positive motivation and assistance. Author is also obliged Verma A K, Prakash S and Kumar S (2015) Status and Ecology of
to local Gram Pradhans and authorities of district Sarus Crane, Grus antigone antigone in and around the Alwara
Lake of District Kaushambi (U.P.). Int. J. Environ. Sci. 6 (2),
administration Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh for their co- 331-335.
operation during entire survey programme.
Verma A K and Prakash S (2016a) Demographic studies of Indian
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