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International Journal on Agricultural Sciences 7 (2) : 164-166, July-December 2016 Research Paper

ISSN No.: 0976-450X

Hydrobiological Studies of Muntjibpur Pond of Allahabad (U.P.)


Department of Zoology,
Govt. P.G. College, Saidabad Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Received: 30 August 2016; Revision: 11 October 2016 Accepted: 25 October 2016

The purpose of present study is to understand the hydrobiological properties of Muntjibpur pond. The
study was conducted during all the three seasons over a period of one year from Jan 2014 to Dec 2014.
Various hydrobiological parameters viz, temperature, pH, transparency, DO and BOD are analyzed with the
help of hydrobiological kits and standard chemical methods. Seasonally analysed samples indicated that the
water quality of the said pond is although having some pollution but is more or less suitable for aquaculture
and agricultural purposes.
Key words: Hydrobiological parameters, Muntjibpur pond, Fish biodiversity, Agricultural purpose.

INTRODUCTION study of fish biodiversity and physico-chemical factors

in a fresh water body. The said pond has rich fish
Limnology is the study of the physical, chemical, diversity too.
geological and biological aspects of all naturally
occurring fresh water while hydrobiology is the study Present study is undertaken in all the three seasons of
of life in water. Freshwater habitats such as lakes, year 2014 to analyze the hydrobiological properties of
ponds, dams, reservoirs are known as lentic (still) while Muntjibpur pond.
running water such as rivers, mountain streams are
known as lotic (flowing). The term 'pond' refers to a STUDY AREA
relatively shallow body of water usually smaller than a
lake, contained in an earthen basin retaining sewage or Muntjibpur pond is a natural pond, located on north
organic wastes. side of village Muntjibpur. This pond (Photo 1) is
surrounded by agricultural fields and covers more than
In India, a number of ponds, lakes and reservoirs 5000 square meters. It is located in Pratappur block of
are naturally found but they are not being utilized Phoolpur tahsil of Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh.
properly due to lack of insufficient study of their This village is surrounded by Miraipur in east, Fatuhan
hydrobiology. The study of different water parameters in west, Saidpur in north and Fulahan in south. The
is very important for understanding the metabolic month of March marks the start of summers and it lasts
events in the aquatic ecosystem. One of the most
till June. Monsoon generally starts in the month of July
important features of ponds is the presence of standing
and lasts till September. December to February is the
water, which naturally provides habitat for wetland
plants and animals. A large number of invertebrates winter season in and around this village.
feed on the decaying plants and these invertebrates in
turn provide food for wetland species including fishes. MATERIAL AND METHODS
Prakash et al (2015a and 2015b) and Verma et al
Water samples were collected monthly i.e. 12 times in a
(2016a, 2016b, 2016c, 2016d and 2016e) conducted the
year from the pond in all the three seasons viz. summer,

Corresponding author:

International Journal on Agricultural Sciences 7 (2) ASHOK KUMAR VERMA 165

monsoon and winter during the year 2014.The parameters were analyzed by using portable water
collection time was late morning. The pond water was quality analyzer. Hydrobiological kits were tested by
collected in a flask and brought to laboratory for further using some chemical methods of water analysis.
examination. Hydrobiological parameters were carried
out in accordance with Golterman et al, (1978) and RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste
Water described by American Public Health The results of the hydrobiological properties of
Association (APHA, 2005). Hydrobiological Muntjibpur pond in all the three seasons during the year
2014 are presented in table given:

Water temperature is an important parameter because it

not only influences the physical and chemical
characteristics of water but also the biota in a water
body by affecting activities such as behavior,
respiration and metabolism. The maximum
temperature was recorded during summer and
minimum value was recorded during winter. In the
present investigation, lower temperature recorded in
winter may be due to high water level, less solar
radiation, low atmospheric temperature and the higher
temperature in summer because of low water level,
high solar radiation and clear atmosphere. Almost

Table showing hydrobiological parameters in Muntjibpur pond in the year 2014.

Parameters Summer season Monsoon season Winter season
Temp (oC) 33.5 26.3 15.6
pH 8.1 7.9 8.2
Transparency (cm) 34.7 19.3 28.4
DO (mg/l) 7.5 8.1 10.4
BOD (mg/l) 7.2 8.5 6.2

similar results have also been reported by Anita et al areas of lakes where the sun light penetrates. Water
(2005), Narayana et al (2008), Jawale (2009) and transparency depends on the amount of particles in the
Prakash et al (2015a). water. The more particles mean the less water
transparency. The water transparency is measured with a
The pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of an Secchi disk. The transparency of water body is affected
aqueous solution. Its different values at different areas in by several factors like planktonic growth, rainfall, sun's
all the three seasons of the year were significant. The position in the sky, angle of incidence of rays, cloudiness,
variation in pH is due to the presence or absence of free visibility and turbidity due to suspended inert particulate
carbon dioxide, carbonate and planktonic density. The matter. In the present investigation, the maximum value
maximum pH was recorded in winter season while was recorded in summer and minimum value was
minimum in monsoon season. recorded in monsoon. Low value of transparency in
Transparency describes how easily light can pass through monsoon may be due to influx of rain water from
a substance. In ponds, lakes this means how deep catchments area, clouding, less penetration of light and
sunlight penetrates through the water. Plants and algae high turbidity due to suspended inert particulates matter.
need sunlight to grow, so they are only able to grow in However, high value of transparency in summer may be

166 Hydrobiological Studies of Muntjibpur... JULY-DECEMBER 2016

due to clear atmosphere and high light penetration. This Jawale A. K. and Patil S. A. (2009). Physico-chemical
investigation is also close conformity with finding of characteristic and phytoplanktons abundance of
Kumar et al (2015) and Prakash et al (2015a). Mangrul Dam, dist-Jalgoan, Maharashtra., J. Aqua. Biol.,
24(1): 7-12.
The oxygen supply in water comes mainly from
Kumar Uttam, Chaudhary S., Kumar M. and
photosynthetic activity of plants but also by atmospheric
Paswan R. (2015). Physico-chemical parameters of
diffusion. The dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most
Gomhi water body of the Kaula Chaur (wetland) of
important and limiting parameter of water quality
Begusarai district (Bihar). . Proc. Zool. Soc. India. 14(1):
assessment, which maintains aquatic life. It regulates the
metabolic process of aquatic organisms. The maximum
dissolved oxygen was recorded in winter and minimum Narayana J., Puttaiah E.T. and Basavaraja D. (2008).
dissolved oxygen was recorded in the summer season. Water quality characteristic of Anjanapura Reservoir near
The highest dissolved oxygen in winter may be due to shikaripur, 54 Pawar and Shembekar Dist. Shimoga,
low temperature and minimum dissolved oxygen in Karnataka J. Aqua. Biol., 23(1): 59-63.
summer may be due to high metabolic rate of organisms. Prakash S., Verma A.K., and Prakash S. (2015a).
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the amount of Limnological Studies of Alwara Lake of Kaushambi
dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological (U.P.). International Journal on Biological Sciences.
organisms to break down organic material present in a Vol. 6 (2). pp. 141-144.
given water sample at certain temperature over a specific
time period. The study showed that BOD ranged from 6.2 Prakash S., Verma A.K. (2015b). Studies on different
mg/l to 8.5 mg/l i.e., minimum in winter and maximum in fish genera in Alwara lake of Kaushambi. Bioherald: An
monsoon. During monsoon, higher BOD values International Journal of Biodiversity & Environment.
attributed to the enhanced biological activity at higher 5(1-2):60-62 pp..
temperature. Singh P.R. and Verma A.K. (2016). Observations on
Hydrobiological Conditions of River Ganga at Daraganj,
CONCLUSION Allahabad. The Journal of Zoology Studies. 3(4). pp. 81-
The present study shows hydrobiological characteristics
in the water of Muntjibpur pond. The summer, monsoon Verma A.K. and Prakash S. (2016a). Fish biodiversity
and winter season show different seasonal fluctuation in of Alwara lake of District Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh,
various hydrobiological parameters. The water present in India. Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and
the said pond is useful for irrigation as well as fish culture. Fishery Sciences. 4(4): 5-9 pp.
Seasonally analysed samples indicated that the water Verma A.K. (2016b). Dominancy of Cypriniformes
quality of the said pond is although having some fishes in Alwara lake of District Kaushambi (U.P.).
pollution but is suitable for agricultural purposes also, as International Journal on Agricultural Sciences. 7 (1). pp.
it is rich in organic humus, planktons and nutrients. 89-91.
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