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Vol, 2 November, 1898 Coe OF aj .) Cone ExoHaNceD 2 ..¢ ft 5 ( RG ANIS” a ioe A Bimonthly Journal Devoted to pe iex the Pipe Organ and Reed Organ 3! ale ame $8 Pasinted by & 8. Lorene $1.50 per Year—36e, Single Cony Dayton, Ohio ‘AND ACL DEVOTI | =SIFTED WHEAT. ‘The new Some Hook, by. the well-eloved writer for, the Sunday-school and ‘Gospel Meeting, CHAS. H. GABRIEL. ssa eS a Liane a si Sancagrne asa eset se THESE BOOKS are wel prinwt an srongly Found, and ace unwautly leasing to reputable nadhoree =a cats po op pnp Ba i el Rot emmy ttt Examination Offer. sz-zon Sanz itn bw alowe Sse aanior at ASHFORO'S ORGHN VOLUNTARIES | No. Fasrasta i A Mixon, Paetuoe, DBL. Ashford, 181 (CH, Rinch, 188 OR Wegner, 8 “Alfred Restingss 186 BL Ashford, 188 Beethoven, 0 = Phe Satine, 41 WE CHOIR HERALD. Laven, Ch abr 2. ita DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO EASY cloiR MUSIC. shyt adele ata basi escent bette oa Sopa wea A a “rl be oda 3 ue ea "RES TAs Cnou Leanen, tntnng trains and pete or thee rae a oo ry 2 eon sates tag 2 ‘agone TAKE YOUR CHOICE. =< Fon USE IN SUNDAY SgHOOLS, YOUNG PEOPLE's SogucTIES, GOSPEL SERVICES, Ja pr dozen, oF 83.0 por mrad by eprom charges una OUR TWO NEW SUNDAY. SONG BOOKS. ‘SCHOOL [ONAL MEET —=RICHES OF aRACE. A phenomoval array of ahi wos propaga by the following famous wzters of popula crc later slave" ine Gabel Wek" Ogden, ‘SH Tonnes Adam Gelbel, De Ee ane cho Ph eat, Sng ge ttn pn ett oat wee sor Asketesay eaieee nota. carne tr sy seal handle, She ese are oe onal with oka of net mae For Sana ele by Ra” EEA aM a orth of tha more fx ean commas [ae Inrrourry, Oticer King, U2 By rae Riven, Bek dokford, WA ‘The Bartley Open Lancnerro Cow Moro, F dtarniy, 8 Book-Holder Prevog, Festa Mancin, Vexerian Boar 50x6, Lape it Bipon Tape 7,9 sefbre Wi a ‘Weettea, 2 rennet etic | ad i Tea tion tn) Sere Sgn saatowon Ys | gt ots Spat ta Reig comer: Fb, Betonan, 181 | ak ested Satoe Set 1. Scot, 182 Lance, Manette Posen: Lirrur Partonn, Momeser Mesteats Ein grofier Ex | “PS —_Dee Sirhenchor. ig Reg Bs eeni Reehe _eitwnCoas , apy Bi Ge manta egies oni ro Dhan Sten Chena. un rib ie erie ac ne he Bee eae "Sew wih ee we ar at ties wai es eae eae meee Se Hee er Se ees serie ork : eevee sere coe as NS rieonaonml J fhe Organist. ES Lonen7, pesitont Ba ‘Terms of Subscription som Single Number, 45 Cents Advertising Rates: $1.50 per Inch af Eounteen Agate Lines NOVEMBER, 1598. E orial. W. Ly BLUMENSCHEIN, ators ws great pleasure to present she portrait toa geatleman whose lie has heen steadily and com intently devoted whether secular or sacred, While not as widely known 38 some other composers of high class music Ihecanse of his location in cur litle inland city, he has, ater ll, wom high standing am ‘of igh at th Me. Blumensehein was bronghe up and educated in Pittsieg, Ps ng the devotees mghout the iy that enterprising city afordesl, Becanee of his remark site talent and love far masie te famous Conservatory Ta. 186) he entered 1 Mosie at Leiguig, Ger rang. where he enjoyed for some years the privilege ‘nf being instructed by sich giants in musical theory bs Wenvel, Ca Reinecke, Richter Wea easly imagine the posing man’s he best ul he hear nightly what is nose know as the New ‘Theater, The Gi is, Oscar Pl set havi ‘delight in these inspiring. sorroundings opens wsuhaus Concerts| tgave large opportinities for heating severer ev tans, inching the fist performances wf len works ly comps world-wide fame atmosphere Mr, Blume: schein’s mosical ideas were the highest and is aponiie of soot muse, bolding ay the standard. very high wherever he had! an opportunity to make bis In 1873 he begat his musical career inthis country fof the Harmonie 80 “Pabiiders | Aske by the Phifhagmonic Society, af Basten, Ohio, | 818, tosncceed Ono Singer ts ity direc, be vemoved tev our ety where fe fas ever since resided, | ae among the choral sicieties of the ks stds ind rendered Iand, al the Fist f classical during this peri i would Le dif to euplieate any where ee inthe state. It includes twelve choral works with orchestral arsompaniment, seveineen vate wih grand organ accomsiniment. snl fieen with piano a companiment. fourteen symphonies and overtures by ‘rehesrs, with an innomerable host of lesser selections hth voral and instrament, al immediately under Mr. Dlumenschein’s direction In addition to this general influence on Dayton’ tnsieal culture, he hos had the shaping vhroughout Unite | these years of me development of the best talent, vocal snd snstrmentl, thatthe city and meh of the sue ing vountey has produced, AS a teacher, he has heen care 10 ultivate a taste for only the best whether standard or modern, and the re ituence has heen of his ‘ery marked in the steady support all efforts 10 produce the hest muse have heen given Tint Mr, lamiensehein’s sauence has by ne wveans been confined to our city. He has been dis rector of the Lyra Soviety ta), Indianapati, Indiana of Springied, Ohio: and of the 1wo Ohio Saenger fests held at Dayton and Springfield. Mis most important laurels have lien won in connection with the Cincinnati May Festival Chorus, of whiel he had charge trom 1848 to 1890. asthe chon aul orctes ‘of the Orpheus Chorus, follow such famous dlitertors as Singer, Mees, Brand, Ehygott and Foley in this work, avd to wit 80 great a victory over aiverse eitcutstances as he did in 1893, shows ima to be one of the strongest condictors in the ind. has brought hms the national recognition he had tong ago deservel, and he is hecoming more widely ad favorably known every yea As a conductor, Mr Blumenschein combines enialiey with » marked degree of cunscientiouspess snd masterilness, He knows just what resis he wishes to reach ann makes his point, no: matter hat amount of labor and patience may be require. Sometimes severe {8 cetamy, he ie often lavish in He has an exceedingly acute ea, and etects He ie careful of detsils and gives all his numbers the ost existe Anish saul les the slightest eror in a large conus As an organist. Me won a high place Blumenschein has deservedly That he has heen organist of the Fest Presiyterian Church of this city for over twenty not only the high standing he occupies in the field uf music, but also his gifts of stay applica years, indicate tion and continvance. Wis playing is characterized by reat delicacy of expression, resouroetilness in the regis tration of his muse and discriminating adaptation tothe needs of the service. ‘Mr. Blumenschein bas byen so occupied with teach ing and directing, that he has not given 2s much site tion to componition as his talents in this ine would have Amply justified, “He has writen many one voice songs, iano pieces, anthems, choruses for male and mixed ‘voices, which have been eagerly accepted by the leads ing publishers of the country, and, in some cases, have licen reprinted alzoad. His compositions are of high fade, most of them demanding silat performers for their proper rendition. Iie to be hoped that he will “stir ap the git of Goul which is im him”, and produce some great work that will give him cosmopolitan fone and inspite ether American composers to aid in developing an American musical literature that will dessmnd the respect of the word WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO Do. When the publication of ‘The Organist was ist contemplated, ane ofthe prinipal objects in the minds of the editors was to make the book thoroughly pace tical, not only in regard 10 yioper registration, wnaehs of expression, and correct mietronoie movement, Int also with a view to meeting every wont of the average ‘chusch organist, For this purpose selections have he made, stable for opening and close of publie worship, ‘oluntaries dignified, cheerful and yrave, short preldes for filling up. at occasional gap that ma ‘occur, communion numbers. stitable for rendering while the sacrament is being administered, selections especially appropriae far fimera} aceasiuns, arrange ments of well known and popular hymns and gospel sags, that ate sure to prove iseful daring revival se ices and last tat not Teas, the church wedding, has been carefully considered, "an oceasion when i is most important that all should be bright and gay, yet Aigoiied and churehly — a time, (and really the only proper time), when the organist may with perfectly food taste, display the full power and beauty of the frgan, and render a clss of muse that would be ately fot of place exeept for this joyful event. ‘To meet this ‘want, a number of beautifil Garages dave heen seevter and carefully arranged, also several Minuets. ‘These umabers, while more graceful than the march move: iment, ate stil dignified and imposing if played in the proper tempo, and adapt themselves to the organ with ‘much beter effect than many of the poplar aits of the day, which, (sith a few rollicking “twosteps"), 100 freyuenily form the entire repertaie of the average ‘organist. We shall make an effort ofl all yeasu able reuests sent in ly our subscribers, Sometimes ove imay appear litle Slow in earrying ont aber wishes 28 in the cxse of the “Chopin Funeral March’, whieh appears in this number. ‘The lett containing the re- ‘quest was by some means mislid, and came to our notice only a few weeks ayo, Weare always glad to receive helpful sug and comininications of this sor, addresed 10 the editor, cae ot Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Ten, will meet with most kindly consideration, If we ceed in helping you in your church work, let us have an. ‘encouraging line 10 that effect, we are failing in any degree, lo us the kindness to point ont the failure in ford that we may roreet i fn short, help us to make he Organist” the most pleasing, andl at the same time the most practical organ serial in the market. * Miscellany. * STORIES OF DR. GARRETT. stories of the Inte Dr, Garrett ate beginning t ap ear in print, It is probably not generally know at least om this ide of the water, that Garrett possessed decided git for puiblie speaking. He ata a ready ead of saraste wit, whieh he was not always eateil about sing ‘One sors rs that a eerain young minor feanon once vomplained to the old organist of his being obliged to chant the Litany with a lay clerk kneeling at the same desk with him, “I's Tike harnessing horse and donkey together", he said. “Which is which ? remarked Garrett Garret studied for a time under Samuel Sebastian Wesley, and had many entertaining reminiscences of his famous teacher, One of them is as follows ; Dur ing a performance of his (Wesley's) fine anthem, serie ars the Lady the basses sang thie reita ‘Nones have they, and smell not,” in vulgar, nasal tone, when Wesley remarked. i his_most sar caste manner: “*No, they keep dheir noses to sing At the age of sinteen, young Ciarrett wis ‘organist of one of the parish churches at Winchester, audition wo his cathedral work: at that time he often sed to play at sig sersices on a Sunday they must have fad in those day aod nerves Nowadays most organist are pretty well used up by three services on a Senda OVER-ELABORATION. The tendeney towards over elaboration is by mean the exrlaive property ef this entry. ht has toa thonghierehmen fn every age, Xetimes the excess ha ed to reaction wTich ha criously ht dered the progres of oor art In (Queen Elraeth's feign, 4 sety semble couse Was advocated by the a Ehores apne to emune ito the condon of pa ewarship. Inthe Injunctions of Arshhishop Hokgste {0 the Deny and (hapter of Vork ater the Ration of theatre hoch August #5, 133.7 we rel "Aho we wll and comma iat theve Le one other notesngenr tua nthe sa chute at anservice there tobe hae wining nqare mote playne so that every yl ake may be payocs and datncle protounced 0d Understand and without any reports of epee whieh thay indice any oesrenes to the Hera! and father the lesns tobe dstnetie and playnee and pertie sta lowe voce rede. so hat which shall be songe Sin ree thay he well heeded understand of te ay fd aver peoples» Registan Holgate Here we have provision made for retaining due ine icy the majo partof the service. Bu th Sllon Ing eeu Grom ueen BlosberhsTajunetions, 1569" sows that it was no means Tntendel Yo probit al time of aficertype, bt only retein it win ise Intends. “Oe of these “Tnjnetions" rns ths “And thar there hes modest and distinct song so sed in all pats the Cowsinon Drayers im the Chie that same may be aa plainly undersunded 9 store read wihowt singing! and vet nevertheless forthe Comforting nf auch a8 delight fn mie ft maybe tite that in the beginning oh the end Common Prayers ether at morning or evening there ay be sing an hymn a ac ke song tothe paseo Almighty Gat inehe best ot of melody and. taste that may be eons ena devned having fespect thoy ie sewece Ihe iymp muy be nderoot ad peresived lowing duly for the advances mate ciyng tree centries of sisieal progress, this "“Tajunetion ight well be repeated tony 131 (Gt. Diapasons, Principal & 12th. Sw: Full. 15Sn44 Mea. Bourdon coup. to Sw. FANTASIA IN A MINOR. ei E. L. ASHFORD. Man. de, > Man, ae = ritenuto 1n2, poco accel. atempo £ ‘Se. Couple Si: to Gtyand Bav— 7S) 4 {Sw Soft 8! [fa Soft 16. PRELUDE. Largo. ¢ = a Ty cH H. RINCK, Great. Full to 15th. Sirol. Full PILGRIM CHORUS. {e Bourdon, Coupled to Sw. Andante maestoso. = 69, wos YASEER 3S yer 354ed closed 3 2 ve a a t poo | a ——— i hed. —| +—s— 136 {Gt Op. de stopped Dia, Flute & Principal Sw Soft 8 & Aft, stops coupled to Gt ALLEGRO CON SPIRITO. {@a, Bourdon coupled to Gt. oe wy. ALPRED RAWLINGS. ae .o| fee 2 | Meee 2 Man. i) Pin Allegro oo serif ( Ml fan. ‘ ~ " rytt t ware 138 Gt Op Dia.Gamba, Flute & Principal CHRISTMAS VOICES. Sw Stopped Dia,Flute & Obve a, Bourdon EL. ASRFORD slower Andante.d. = 50, ‘Sw_closed. “Ze 139 eel- tis | De -| 0. [Gloria in ex4 cet-sis [De Tenpo iim. gs e BOTT Se ‘empe Bi ‘ —~ Open Sit and \adid Salicibral and Gemshorn ga Reduce St. to Salicionah. 140 ANDANTE. Voix Cain Clarabella ——— oS BEETHOVEN. = 1 a ot i, —= == y Gt. fall without reeds. Svofull coupled to Gt. 141 Seta, THE VOICE OF TRIUMPH. a. Op. Dia. som at mare sant For Pipe Organ. TH. SALOME, Op.08. empo Al marcia ma poco animate. «<1 a ‘ ne: nt iW + “| ear ete alg) 71" Git to Fa, i xz bee et al 142 {Gt Motodia or St, Din ‘Sw. Full without Reeds. IMPROMPTU. (aa, 16ft Bourdon coupled to Sw. This number requires jreat rorety of treatments iti the Futasia style, The alleertio movements shoul be flayed ina light and cheerful manner, while he choral strains formu cided contrast, being stm aed Wel sustained. “The short recitatice showld also be taken slocly and with eet: OLIVER KING Allegretto. wd = 96 Sr. } - Qspeteed | ™ || 143 Recitative, petting, tempo 5 Tempo 12 “Flo, feshy flow dark steam, below. omen Wie gro lish aoe ree a stops BY THE RIVER. E, L, ASHFORD. ; J add Geyshorn. Stempo Gemshorn off. 146 Si Seffeloal & Violin LARGHETTO CON MOTO. 2a, 161. Bourdon coupled to Sw: . J. BARNBY, Dopple Flute ‘Sw. Salicional, Flageolet & tort. Bourdon. 2a. Soft Iolt. PRELUDE. LEFEBURE - WELY. ni a eerie Andante quasi_Allegretto. 4 dete |t Gt & - Zz = wy THbo Le — a Pin ley 148 eed FESTAL MARCH. . a. Bourdon Sw. a BYRON C. TAPLEY Se, p 150 |Sw. Salicional, Oboe, Picoolo & Bourdon. ta, Bourdon VENETIAN BOAT SONG. B, L. ASHFORD Andante. J. so, 4 se Man. i enters healt! | Tt Pap an Ted mS rit, eR? f Q of a Sfower. |. vided 2. del Man {ge Stopped Dia & Flute PRELUDE. a, Bourdon, Cantabile. de —=— <—————_ rr FF | Graleaily rhegce fo Saline Pl Lento r LEFEBURE - WELY. 152 gt. Fall to. 38th. BAAL, WE CRY TO THEE. a. Bourdon Gt Andante grave e maestoso. 4 = 5 in ' om MENDELSSOBN, From Blk si Gt. Full to 15th. aoe) {sw Pull des, Op. Dia. PROCESSIONAL MARCH. W. HAYNES. Hl on ——— — =>====¥ —=—_ —— atempo et 155 d couple Sw. to Gt. 3 3 y 22, gree zee 2 TE i = 166 Si Full Sopled 10'S KYRIE FROM THE 12th. MASS. wozans |#a. Bourdon. Adagio non troppo. ° f Ty spr? Gihto a. ogf Gt to Bes. 58 Sw. St. Dia, Mel fe St Dia, Melodia & Gemshorn, LARGO. Con gran espressione. 4. = 52. BEETHOVEN, y of Man" Sig rg A> Reduce to St. Dia Gt Dopplo Flute or Melodia 159 ‘Sw Salicional, Lieblich Gedackt, 5 (aa, Bossdaa coupled to Sw MARCHE FUNEBRE. F CHOPIN. lento. ¢ = 50. + see Sm P Man. 160 sud Fate, Ste Flute off. ” p add Oi, | as | == Bourdon, LITTLE PRELUDE. J. b. BATTMAN, Andante 4 = 6. Sw Stopped Dia,Salicional & Flute, MOMENT MUSICAL. fia Soft sit. 2 — — oo —~ HH. SCHOLTZ. = Sy es P atenpo “© Andale ja 200. A at = x. “fons Ler fd ote Ladies’ Choir Music. Tettoragotarsa crc ttn peony LIST OF 2 SuerT MUSIC. oven mt re 0, eee TS Hina ty rn et 2 anal a fern ER suey ees st PARKS'S: QUARTET BOOKS. ——es_ See eae: SESH ara eet ee eer a eat A BieMowrity Jounnat DEVOTED 70 THE OnoAn. Gaeta a Sonn Ee tag smart Me, soa copy rani 996 reared satlea i ceil packing tab, potpaa 204 accepted, and ‘enreion aot ent within Sy dap, ‘The onan tmusic whieh has appeared during the lant Lei ease now erin pam ASHFORD'S ORGAN VOLUNTARIES NO. 1. ‘abt baat pe Pm et” ft el? ea herter ‘Amel yen Tain kek hs ore to ner ‘id entaiatially reotve and Som iy amu ining HOLDS ALL BOOKS OPEN! sevkear ap im deur ae ANTHEM BOOKS “388005 THE BEST VOLUNTEER CHOIRS USE THEM! | The Anthem King. (ae 45 Your cwoim UP To DATE? 1 SI ee arc pane ne on ya | DOS 1 Need Now Raspretion? ‘Shc Mca eats auaeaetann, | ever er sa Dees It Nout « New start? | ‘Does It Want First-Class New Musio for Little | enrol id ef say mi tt | Small Easy-Anthem Book. OLEATE SRUIRTSRMER TES! | sua stm sett ev a, pan eben ea thea caf aim eS cl ees" ss te, a ‘Money? THE CHOIR LEADER. Pere "The King of Choir Journals, ‘The Young People’s Choir. | An Anthem for Every Sunday. ‘A OOK OF BASY ANTHEMS | Twenty to Thirty Pages of Music in Each Iemue, Bul ge Mealy De WH | 1 MS Low Paice, | ht ioese Pooler wi be a hatte Youse Poon’ Sci Stunrao ne Be anPORD. | sti pod th shia nn (0 snaaiae afr he oe ‘out dso the sce mek ‘re sronge, let, ot ortieae ared wat Srp hag anew hat ‘hola, Ail thee wants aro mt tn the Yona Paar Gnove at 2 pages, lang cetavo; will be yetatad on | Dries that should pat tbe bonk within reach of all Sue nomenon | Pf nl cutie pines iat poe age tao tm, 1. 1 contributor late th bert athem writers fr shart a eee : The Anthem Prize. | seh oat aha or ore cng | Pee en Fo tf tro ow ha hn re ars charmingly wpe toe cael yr hecton ie comm with ober a aud taro etn hn wernt tt seen iy fot oh ac opr sabre SUSTANTIAL | rm terion ernie 308 avr i a aio, | “ho rinse wat veo i of ee

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