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After reading Tuesdays with Morrie, I realized so many things and those things have changed my

mindset on how I should view life. Professor Morrie is indeed the best teacher I never had, he taught me
the things that were never taught in school, he taught us how our life should be lived. And it makes me
sad knowing that if I die today I will not be ready because I know I’m not living my life the way we all
should be.

The story of Morrie and Mitch reminds me of the death of my brother just a few months ago, his death
makes me sad but what makes me more sad are the things that I failed to do while my brother was still
alive since it never crossed our minds that we’d lost him, we didn’t treasure the moments that we had
with him. I was never affectionate towards him, I was never the younger sister to him, I really hate
myself knowing that I haven’t hugged and kissed him even once while he was still alive. When Morrie
said we all know we are going to die but we don’t believe it, I felt that because if I’m certain that “it”
would happen to me, then I guess I would set aside every unimportant thing for those that really matter.

One part in the story that really hits me was the part where there was a competition, people were
cheering for their team saying “We are number one. We are number one” and then Morrie did
something that made them shut up, and that was when he said “What’s wrong with being number 2?”
Honestly, the moment I read those words, it made me stop because I know it was for me, I can relate
from it. I was used to being on top in terms of academics, in fact it makes me so sad every time I can get
a grade lower than my own standards. This is all because I want to feed my ego by hearing people say
some positive things about me even though the process of achieving those things might compromise my
own happiness. But while reading the book, I realized how important is your own happiness, how
important it is to enjoy every moment than to worry about the things that I couldn’t change.

I realized how different our life would be if we know we only have a limited time on earth. Yes we know
that we are all going to die but we don’t think that it can happen later or tomorrow and that’s the
reason why we chose to do the things that satisfy our flesh rather than the things that would satisfy our
soul. I admit that I invest more time on studying my lessons and scrolling on social media,
consequentially, I will not have enough time to invest more on building relationships with other people
especially my family and friends. Morrie mentioned about how important a true relationship is, if you
have one, you will not die alone fighting for your own battle. Meanwhile, if you have invested more on
achieving material things and you forget about the people around you, you will die unhappy thinking
about the moments you have wasted to achieve those things that won’t matter to you in the end.

Time is really our greatest enemy, because as days passed by, our time becomes shorter and shorter and
we don’t know when would be the end of that time. This is a warning for me not to dwell on the things
that stress me, because according to Morrie it is okay to feel sad or be negative sometimes but we
should not be stuck into it. The moment you recognize something that won’t be good for you, detach
yourself from it.

Lastly, I realized that we should not waste our time not believing the preaching about God because at
the end of the day, if we are already at the endpoint of our lives, we will realized that there really is a
God who saves. Just like what happened to Morrie, he only recognized God when she was very sick and
was already close to death. Now that we still have time, we should not waste it doing the things that
won’t please God.

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