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Japan vs Colombia

Name: Danna Valeria Zapata La Rotta

What cultural differences we can find when you compare two

countries that are each at the other side of the world? First
at all, it must be clear that Japan is a developed country and
Colombia is in the process of development, having this we can
discuss about cultural differences, for example, if you go to a
restaurant in Japan is common to see people eating with
chopsticks, or making a lot of noise (This is a way of saying
that the food is delicious), on the other hand, in Colombia the
people use a fork or a spoon, and never make noise. About
clothing, we see that Japanese girls do not usually use
necklines, instead, they can wear miniskirt or shorts, they see
necklines as something vulgar, unlike, Colombia, that girls are
not restricted by culture to wear whatever they want, this
show us that Japanese still being conservatives. When we talk
about punctuality the country that stands out is Japan, the
are very punctual, they always arrive to the agreed time, not
like in Colombia, the invitations are set an hour before it
starts. To sum up, we can describe a lot of difference between
those countries, after all these differences lie in the history,
development, geographic location, religion and even the
philosophy that resides in them; we are not saying that a
country is better than the other cause each one has something
good to highlight, that could be the restaurant etiquette,
punctuality or whatever.

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