Ass2 05 List Ad Labour Cost Enhancement

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FT228-3 Software Engineering Assignment 2.

Due date Friday, 9-12-2005.

Enhancement for assignment

Extend the ISD and class diagram for the revised use case “List Advert Labour Cost”
to incorporate the following extensions:

• A task can be undertaken by more than one staff member. The original
specification assumed that one task was assigned to one and only one staff
member. The labour cost of a task will now be calculated by summing the task
duration multiplied by each of the staff members “labour cost per hour”
attribute, for each task associated with the advert.

• When the total labour cost of the selected advert is calculated, the system is to
compare the advert’s total labour cost with a new attribute of advert named
budgetLabourCost. If the advert is over budget then its status is set to “over
budget”. This status is stored in a new attribute of advert named budgetStatus.

You are required to produce a revised ISD and class diagram including any new
classes that are required.
All class attributes and operations that are necessary for the calculation should be
shown on the class diagram.
Use a contrasting colour to highlight the new classes and messages on the ISD.
This lab-work work will contribute 30% of this assessment and is to be undertaken on
an individual basis.
The hand-up process will now be a collect, at the end of the lab, from a sub-folder in
your main folder named SEAS2 (Soft Eng Assignment). Copy the Rational Rose .mdl
file and the screen layout file, to this folder at 2pm today.

You may include documentation explaining the design, which can be imbedded in the
Notes feature of Rational Rose.

Original Specification
The use case “List Advert Labour Cost” involves the usual selecting an advert from a
list of adverts from a chosen campaign belonging to a chosen client. The system
should then calculate and display the sum of the total labour cost for each of the tasks
for the selected advert. Individual tasks are not to be displayed.

The fragment of the class diagram below shows the class Task which stores the
allocation of one staff member to each task and details of the person-hours to
complete that task within an advert. The task labour cost is calculated from the task
duration multiplied by the cost per hour of the staff member assigned to the task
(staffMember.costPerHour*Task.duration). The total advert labour cost is the sum of
this cost or each task making up an advert.
You are required to design a prototype of a suitable screen design, the interaction
sequence diagram, and the revised class diagram for the use case.
The actual screen layout could be drawn using a forms package or a visual
environment such as Visual Basic. The type and functionality of the controls (list
box…) on the screen(s) should be outlined. This design will be copied form your
directory along with the Rose file at the end of the lab test.

All required collection classes and secondary control classes should be added to the
class diagram. All operations referenced on the ISD should be shown on the class

1 0..n

StaffMember Campaign
empNo title
name startDate
startDate +worksOn endDate
qualification 0..n 0..n estCost
LabourCostPerHour actualCost

calcBonus()() listAdvertsTaskCost()
1 1

0..n type
Task targetDate
duration 0..n 1

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