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3€ IDRC | CRDI Cane ducer pourie ceeppenertaentons December 16, 2019 Foundation for Information Technology Education {and Development, Inc. (FT-ED) 3/F Oreel i Building 1611 Quezon avenue Brgy West Triangle, Quezon City Prilippines, 1108 tention: Ms. Vitoria L Til, Executive Director Dear Mada ‘Thank you for the proposal “Scaling the TPD@Scale Approach in Three Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Countries", submitted by your organization tothe International Development Research ‘Centre {IDRC} in sponse tothe Global Partnership for Education’ Knowledge & Innovation Exchange {Kix Globo! Call for Proposols “Strengthening Education Systems with Proven Innovations”, Following the review process by the Independent Assessment Panel nd IDRC | am very pleased to inform you that the research project proposed by the Consortium af the Foundation fr Information Technology Education and Development, nc, Worldreader, and Summa has been recommended for ‘nding. This eter outlines next steps in proceeding toward a rant agreement. ‘Your proposal has been assigned to Mr. Horencio Cebalos (fceballos@ircca,Senlor Program Specialist ith IDRC. He wil be your primary contact and wil provide you with detalled feedback on your proposal ‘and budget. Its expected tat some changes to the research proposal wil be needed and Mr. Ceballos ill dscus those with you. Revisions to the budget may also be required to accommodate for changes ‘made in your proposal and/or compliance wit IDRC policies and procedures Neat steps “+ Revise your proposal according to the comments from your Program Officer (PO) and resubmit directly to your PO. This should include all amended documents, including workplan team ‘members and budget Please advise your team to set aside time in thelr schedules to work on this proposal in December asthe timeframe i short. Your Senior rogram Specialist will contact you directly withthe deadline forthe revision and you can contact them wit questions on content and process. ‘Engage with your PO and grant administration representative regarding the countcesin which You intend to conductor fund research. Many countries have clearance requirements with respect to research r specific agreements with IDRC that must be respected in oder to conduct research activites, COFTAWA + ANDIAN = DAKAR » MONTEVIDEO + NAO + NEWDELI See Canad Please note that inal project approval wl be contingent upon satisfying IDRC requirements Uni final project approval and signature ofthe grant agreement (by both IDRC and your organization) IDRCIs. under no legal obligation to fund your proposal We very much look forward to working with you to refine your proposal and move toward a grant agreement Inthe interim, IDRC would ike to tak tis pperunity to congratulate you and to ‘acknowiedge the quality of your proposal and your contribution to the larger community of institutions committed to strengthening national education systems and accelerating education progressin the ‘Global South. We look forward to working with you in shaping an impactful projec. Sincerely, Est Ms. Tria Wing Program Leader knowledge and Innovation xchange c<:D__ Mr. Florencio Ceballos Ms. Vilma Gamero

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