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lingual cusp of mandibular 1st premolar occludes with nothing.


sphingosine – sphingomylein lysosomal storage disorder

- Most common skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma?

- Prion- brain
- Sphingosine – from palmatol acid and serine
- Germination and fusion in dental anatomy:

Concrescence: 2 completely formed teeth at their roots are confluent cementum

Fusion: confluent dentin, 2 tooth buds

Germination: development of 2 crowns from one tooth bud, sharing a single root and root

-Maxillary sinus – drain by semilunar hiatus

-When u cut trachea mid-saggital, what structure is not bisected- POSTERIOR
-Koplik’s spot- rubeola(measles was not in those options so know the word rubeola
-Melanocyte derived from NCC
-Very strange question – where is ulnar nerve the least protected? Elbow
-What travels thru diaphragm level T12- aorta? There was azygos vein in the options too but I
put aorta

-diabetes/depressiondry mouth, few general questions about diabetes

-old lady with Osteoartheritis, she also had some kind of Rheumatoid disease I’d never heard

- rest of the testlets that I remember were like Nadia’s

Random Questions:

 How is cholestrol synthesized? –one answer was HMQ-Acytl Oxidase which is not the right
 What would NOT cause hemoptysis- emphazyma, bronchiole infarct, few other things.
 What would happen if you increased the lingual curvature of the max centrals- nothing,
uncrease overbite, increase overjet
o Increase overjet
 Fumarase is what kind of enzyme or what does it do- I think hydrolizes
o Hydration/dehydration
 No glycolysis questions
 UDP reacts with what- something to do with sugars
o Ribose sugars, deoxyribose sugars
 There was a few questions on Ricketssia and after the 4th one I started getting confused.
Make sure you know the difference between the diseases they cause, and they try to trick u
by including typhoid with typhus
 Q fever---coxiella, single organism can infect, spores from animals, flu/GI, resolves
 A few of the angle of the mandle
 If your mand and max canines are edge to edge, where is the condyle
o Protrusion, should be anterior and inferior
 Like 3 on the mandibular lateral
 3 questions on the mandibular Y type premolar
 if your patient has a cut at T4, what do you have to worry about when the guy is in your
chair- he’ll pee himself, he’ll shit himself, his body temp??
 something with upper extremities parasthesia pain or change in body temp
 the embryonic development of the hard palate
o primary palate with maxillary process and medial nasal process
o secondary palate with formation of palatal shelves of 2 maxillary processes
 what arches make up the face—1-6
 Tricky question on what receptor Cytotoxic T cells go after, tricky because first answer was
CD8 (wrong) but last answer was MHC-1 (right)
 One teslet about a guy with alzeihmers- what are the predisposing factors, one answer
choice was depression, wasn’t sure on it AGE
o A related question was u mess up, what do you do? And the answer was to talk to
his caregiver spounce
 Like 5 freakin questions on Sjodgens
 You hygienist cuts the patient lingual to #3, it start bleeding, what artery is it (greater
palatine) but lesser palatine was also an answer- tricky tricky
 About 4 question on the sinuses of the max/frontal so know what teeth are below what
o 2nd premolar to 3rd molar maxillary sinus
 Diabetes Qs were pretty simple
 There was a tricky Q about herpes simplex and it asked how the majority of cases would
manifest- the last option I think is the correct one, which is that most cases are subclinical
o Asymptomatic or subclinical
 Your tooth hurts, what kind of neurotransmitters are being used by those nerves- NE, ACH,
Substance-P, no idea I think substance P because it causes pain
 A few questions about the spaces in the mouth
 What travels between the middle and superior constrictor to get to the pharynx?
 A LOT of questions about static occlusion, mostly rather simple
 What would you prescribe for candida: clotrimazole, topical nystatin, fluconazole, and
topical ketoconazole.
 What species of fungus is the most transmittable between people:
o Tinea?—dermatophans etc
 One on the different classes of lesions on teeth
o GV Black
1. Testlet – hygienist has thenar muscle atrophy- what nerve innervates: median nerve
- Thenar muscle: abductor pollicisi brevis, opponens pollicis (MEDIAN), flexor pollicis
brevis (MEDIAN<ULNAR) muscles on the palm at the base of thumb. Adduct pollicis
(ULNAR) is not thenar muscle.
- MEAT- LOAF (Median- lateral lumbic 2, opponens pollicis, abducot pollicisi brevis,
flexor pollicis brevis)
2. Know all muscles and nerves of the arm

3. Which msc is responsible for moving the thumb:

- extensor pollicis longus: extends IP of thumb (radial)
- Extensor pollicis brevis: extends MP and CMC of thumb (radial)
- Abductor pollicis longus: abducts thumbs at CMC (radial)
- Flexor pollicis longus: Flexes IP of thumbs (median)


- Thenar- flexor digiti minimi brevis, flexor policis bravis, abductor pollicis brevis,
abductor digit minimi (median), hypothenar (pinky)-opponens pollicis, opponent
digit minimi (ulnal), adductor, central

Cutaneous innervations: all 5th and ½ 4th ulnar nerve, palmear cutaneous median,
back of the hand radial

4. Can’t extend wrist - which nerve: wrist drop radial nerve (triceps, branchioradialis,
Siminan (ape)hand, thenar wasting sensory loss, median nerve, carpal tunnel (thenar
atrophy, thumb affected)
5. 3rd year dental student can’t rotate arm or turn head to right. Which msc rotate the arm
- Medial rotation: teres major, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, subscapularis,
- Adduction: pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, triceps, coracobrachialis
- Lateral rotation: infraspinatus, teres minor, deltoid
6. Mscls of mastication- pt bruxes what muscle will be sore masseter (and post fibers of
7. Inferior and sup borders of the tmj’s inf and sup synovial spaces
8. Which ligament is attached to medial and lateral of condyle Which attached to post ant and
only anterior etc

- Medial: sphenomandibular

- Lateral: lateral (TMJ) ligament,

-Intrinsic: capsular ligament, lateral (TMJ) ligament (prevent excessive lateral movement and
post dislocation.

-Extrinsic: stylomandibular (prevent protrusion) and sphenomandibular (passive support of the

mandible)  accessory, not attached to any part of the joint

9. Which ligament attaches to condyle and pulls it fwd: Collateral ligaments

TMJ innervations: auriculotemporal, nerve to masseter, posterior deep temporal (V3)

What kind of medium u need to grow a fungus- Sabourauds

No vitamin questions

patient w anemia which of the following- low o2 conc in plasma; low arterial p02 or o2
saturation of Hb;

few Qs of rickettsia ( which of the following for vector) – know they are obligate intracellular

which of the following is by lice ( typhus)

parathyroid- def’ know

know ADH where its produced( hypothalamus); person urinating a lot ( ADH)

which of the foll is not a polypeptide or AA – ans was cortisol

know all the innervations inside the mouth , lingual, IAN, buccal, mental etc

Lingual side of tooth 31, which nerve innervates? LINGUAL NERVE

Max PM2 which nerve for anesthesia MSA or PSA

Eye muscle- eyelid is dropping what muscle ??? and which nerve OCULOMOTOR NERVE


Vit D- where its converted Kidney ( from 25 calciferol to 1,25 calciferol)

One testlet- only medical history was allergy to penicillin - two surface amalgam on max PM2-
patient got a swelling on lower and upper lip- whats the Dx? PENETRATION TOO DEEP, hit the
pterygoid venous plexus and caused an infection

Testlet Lady w/ CD, candidiasis – C albicans. Also, what caused crepitus in her muscles. How will
her occlusal relationship change (class 1 to 3)

-OSTEOARTHRITIS or autoimmune

Dysphagia- ability to swallow (know the weird path words, it will help eliminate choices)

Different types of necrosis- coagulative( infarct) liquefative( brain); caseous (TB)

Nodule beneath the skin and can move it around what is it? (lymph node I think)

Lipoproteins- LDL100 Match which apolipoprotein will bind to hdl (just 1 q)

LDL B100

HDL APO A-1 and APO A-2

What difference b/w uracil and thymine (phosphate?, methyl?)

Thymine is uracil plus a CH3---methylated uracil

a.a metabolism-

formed from keto acids and aminotransferases

Synthesize triglyceride what’s the source of the glycerol??? ( dietary glycerol


Nothing on glycolysis

One Qs on gluconeogenesis- which of the following enz regulates gluconeogenesis etc…


Pentose phosphate pathway- major source of NADPH for glucuronic acid

Protons are pumped into where – inner mitochondrial membrane

Henderson hasselbach- ph=pka so conc of acid= salt

Alanine- put something about glutamate

Alanine transaminase gives PYRUVATE AND GLUTAMATE

One very easy on krebs cycle

Mitosis- which stage does the stage commit to replication? S, G1 M? (I put S)

G1 phase

Meiosis- where in the following does meiosis takes place- tissues of reproductive system- find
out where exactly it takes place in male/ female epididymis, vas deferens etc


Testlet- 6 weeks pregnant- first calcifications of teeth see it or not? Not

When is it most sensitive to teratogens? FIRST TRIMESTER, TORCH ORGANISMS

1 calculations questions- take dna sample 22% adenine, what is the % of Guanine (28)

A+T = G+C

if you make cdna which of the following enz u don’t use- reverse transcriptase, telomerase, etc

you do use reverse transcriptase or dna polymerase, and you do use telemerase

defect in the tricuspid valves- backflow from right ventricle to right atrium

which vessels have the slowest blood velocities? Capillaries

diabetic angiopathy is b/c of what? 2 much insulin, 2 much blood glucose find out mechanism
sensitivity to insulin… prolonged high glucose levels?

Too much glucose being at the cells that normally don’t even absorb it in the blood
vessels. The glucose blocks their function and when it gets metabolized it actually
causes them to lyse

Intracell ular chlamydia – how does it cause disease

Obligate intracellular parasites

questions about PGE2 bradykinin cytokines etc which causes vasodilation and vasoconstriction

bradykinin causes vasodilation

PGE2 causes bronchodilation and smooth muscle constriction

Know hormones VERY WELL!!! Which of the following will stimulate gluc uptake etc? easy
questions but a lot of them

ADH- not synthesized anywhere in the pituitary

Osteoblast- stains either acidic or basic why? Have to do w protein content or something check
it out

Basophilic stain because they are making a lot of shit

Patient broke ML cusp on lower mand molar, which cusp caused this one to break- ML of M
( upper)

If you’re moving the mand to the right what direction do the left mand molars take- medial and
fwd and have to pick whether it goes up or down as we move the mand . I picked medial fwd
and down (even though eventually it goes up…who knows!)

Which root is designed best for rotation of the tooth? ( the most oval??? Mand CI or Mand LI or
Max CI

Do primary teeth have cingulum


Eruption resorption and exfoliation- primary teeth (place in right order)

Tooth A resembles what?

Maxillary first molar

Know eruption times- when do you lose primary max K9

How much of the root is formed when the tooth erupts- 50%

New permanent tooth develops lingual to primary

Pt protrudes tongue and tongue deviates to right- R hypoglossal lesion (this q came up twice)

Biochem- what is imp virulence factor for strep mutans

Glucosyltransferase and ability to make a dextran or levan

Every third a.a in collagen is glycine, but you use HYDROXYPROLLINE to determine how much
Look for hydroxy proline to determine collagen content

Chondroitin Sulfate- check it out which of the following


One woman w osteoporosis and taking bis Phosphoantes for 6 years- take mri and scan look at
iliac crest- which of the following will be most decreased – trabeculation, bone marrow,
cancelous bone- CRAZY questions!!!! Less trabeculation

Osteoclast- easy one (what activates) pth

Testlet about a guy and a prostate cancer that metastazied to mandible ( acid phosphatase is
high and PKA( prostate Ag)

Take a biopsy of nodule- take from lingual side and what the order of the tissue u cut through
( mucosa, submucosa, corctical etc… )

Definition of metaplasia—cell type conversion, one tissue replaced IRREV with another

Ortokeratinized layer missing what layer (stratum basale, lucidum etc)

Stratum lucidum?

Which cell in the gastric gland most resembles pancreatic acinar cell-??? I put chief cell because
it also creates zymogens. Other options were Mucous and parietal cells.

Chief cell

Legs some stuff covered- some nerves for pelvic muscles (nerves for pelvic muslces come from

IAN block- have to remind the patient not to chew b/c they can bite the cheek. If they do, what
msc is responsible for it buccinators-(kind of had to reason it out, wasn’t as simple as picking

Kleinfelter syndrome – karyotype


Trisomy 21- which of the following not found- simian cris, slanted eyes etc etc
Plummer- Vinson syndrome

Dysphagia, glossitis and iron deficiency anemia

Webbed esophagus

No exophthalmos vompared to graves disease

A lot about lung compliance- is it increased with fibrotic or obstructive disease

Fibrotic—decreased, obstructive like emphysema---INCREASED

Testlet- smokes so u have emphysema which of the following will increase lung compliance

Loss of alveolar and elastic tissue

DA- whats the difference b/w rods and interrods in mineral? Orientation of hydroxyl apetite;
presence of rod sheath?

PATTERN is different---both meet at the rod sheath though

Internal elastic lamina separates what layers- this is the tunica media and tunica intima I believe

TM and TI

Qs about abdominal arteries which art supplies blood to the diaphragm.

Inferior phrenic or internal thoracic

Which vein will communicate in pterygoid venous plexus etc ( ans deep facial vein)

Thyrocervical trunk- where inferior thyroid art came from.

For pyogenic disease which mediates it- IL

One Qs on brachial plexus- which are the smallest part of brachial plexus. (trunks, divisions,
branches?) roots, trunks, divisions, cords,

Which 3 go through jugular foramen- 9, 10, 11

Where do the fibers come from to supply the mylohoid- ans inferior alveolar, mental, fibers
from ganglion of trigeminal.

1 about leukemia
Where would u find basal cell carcinoma- upper face

Not benign and not metastatic- which of the following wouldn’t be found- see anaplastic,
hyperchromatism, but NOT invasion of basal lamina.

Peptic ulcer- that’s slowly bleeding which is the most likely complication? Anemic

Which one Abducts mscles of vocal cords- post circoarytenoid? Didn’t know this one


Dental hygienist thumbs not working- she continues to work which ethical prinicipal is she
violating- non malifecence ( check) or veracity.

Dentist found prostate metastasized to mandible- not treat the tooth send to follow up! Follow
up question, which ethical principle is this- beneficence.

Which of the following make the roof of the mouth- embryology premax plate and palatine

Which nerve to first arch- trigeminal

Notochord- mesoderm, forms the primitive backbone in the embryo, causes neural plate

Which not/ does formed by NCC- melanocytes, chromafin cells adrenal medulla etc ans was
some bogus cell. Same q came up again ans was microglia.

Ligamentum arteriosum embryological remnant see which nerve runs with it.


Nasal palatine nerve from which foramen- incisive

10 year old healthy child tmj is covered- by dense fibrous CT

Infection control- ethylene oxide for heat sensitive instruments

Disinfection to reduce number of organisms from chairs, but not ALL, that’s sterilization

Almost No questions on joints- which muscle works on shoulder and elbow joint- biceps

Infection in the ethmoidal sinus goes through lateral wall ends up in the orbit ( other options
were like nasal cavity etc)

Type 3 what reacts w immune complex- COMPLEMENT

In AIDS which T cell attacked CD4+

Ab- from plasma cells

Know T cells-mhc1, cd8, general t cells,

Protein cant get immune reaction- hapten

Pt problem swallowing- esophageal stricture

Testlet- Sjorgen syndrome- Ab to cell membrane ; tricyclic autodepressants can contributeto

xerostomia but from the testlet you know its autoimmune

How sulfa works- PABA?----inhibits normal use of PABA so folic acid cant be formed

How aminoglycosides works- inhibits 30S binding, cant translate and make proteins

Know pdl and gingival fiber groups

Know anug---necrosis, pseudomembrane, red marginal gingiva, halitosis

Pt has six mm depth what bacteria would u find?? A.A

Questions on line retzius- incremental growth line

Anatomy- perikarya ( cell body of the neuron). Perikaryia of some nerve is located

Which tract carries info for conscious pain? LATERAL Spinothalamic

What is the relay information for all sensory info? Thalamus

One of the testlets was about MS (in the CNS)- Demyelenation; what happens when u lose
myelin sheath (conduction velocity); what cells make myelin sheath—schwanna or oligo (PNS
and CNS)

Patient with Alzheimer- what would u see in the brain? Brain shrinks…


Denture - If she won’t wear it over time-Pt occlusion what changes- class 1 to class 3

Muscle with 2 letter second word erector spinae…nerve is the posterior branches of the spinal

Blood from liver sinusoids drains to- central veins

Nothing about retroperitoneal structures

ACE inhibtors stop COX1 or COX2? COX 2

Aspirin is cox1

Receptors Qs reduce HR, vasodilatione etc. I had a few. Just know alpha 1,2 and beta 1,2 and
nicotinic vs muscarinic

S. aureus catalase positive or neg

Lingual inferior alveolar etc where they innervate what. All the nerves in the mouth, know them
really well.

Superficial to hyoglossus all except- lingual art or lingual nerve?

Which won’t lead to cancer-asbestosis, gardners syndrome, familial adenolapy, ulcerative colitis
all do, the answer was some bogus thing

Renal anatomy=- not found in cortex- loop of henle;;; decrease filtrate- constrict afferent
arteriole; definition of clearance- how much plasma cleared of the substance;

Liver passive congestion is secondary to what? Cirrhosis, Blood flow was slowing down

HepA- what’s the body reaction curative or not? Yes long lasting or not?

Amelogenesis Imperfecta- whats the problem with the protein of amelogenin- know which part
of the gene. Answer choices were **** like missense mutation in middle of gene. Or non sense
mutation at end. Or 9 nucleotides added to middle. Detailed much? I think so!

Peg laterals- max lateral incisors

Main protein in enamel- amelogenin or collagen

Dental hygienist- thenar anthropy of right and left- if she can’t extend the wrist which nerve is

Couldn’t rotate medially the right arm and rotate head to the right- Dx - polyneuropathy,
mononeuropathy? MONONEUROPATHY (Axillary nerve)

Aflatoxin- Aspergillus

Cells that make synovial fluid- located where? Synovial membrane

Fungal infection like meningitis- cryptococcus

Lower lip what innervates lower lip mucosa- mental nerve

Know diff b/w oral mucosa and cutaneous skin….. do they both have glands/ submucosa etc

Orthokeratinized which layer is missing, basale, lucidum spinosum etc

Main fuel to brain- glucose

Which virus transmitted by insects- arbovirus,

Rickettsia and virus in common- obligate intracellular parasites

Typhus sustained fever backache, Typhoid short, abdominal headache

Interproximal gingiva- COL made by junctional epithelium

Primary incisor vs perm central- do they have cingulum (YES)/ shorter roots (NOPE)etc

Shorter root trunks, but longer roots

Which type of cell not from neuroectoderm- microglia( macrophages)

Pt w Hydrocephalus there’s 2 much fluid where? Ventricle or space behind the eye or sub
arachnoid etc

Subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma recheck it again.

Blood clot- person had it in their head where did it come from? Thrombus in the elg embolus
from leg embolus from mural thrombosis

They incorporated hematoma in the ans but it wasn’t a hematoma just something stuck in

GH takes affect through which hormone- somatomedin---same thing as IGF

Which promotes gastric movements/ doesn’t inhibit gastric emptying…. Secretin CCK
somatostatin—none of these.

Check a.a metabolism!!!!

Need for blood clots- vit K

Hypertension –renin Angiotensin etc

Control HR what would u try to affect- not just alpha 1 or 2. Know nicotinic and muscarinic

Nicotinic in the postsynaptic membrane, muscarinic on the actual tissue

Greater and lesser petrosal nerves – what fibers are they carrying???

Greater carries taste and parasympathetic PREGANG from 7, lesser carries

parasympathetic POSTGANG fibers to the parotid gland from otic ganglgion

Tensor veli palatini is with trigeminal

Which of the glossopharyngeal innervated know its not for taste for ant 2/3 of tongue; know
just where it went and you could figure it out

Which msc would help in opening the mouth….Suprahyoids contract and both lateral
pterygoids contract mandible- opens or protrudes? I picked open

Different pathology words atelectasia;, about a dozen words I didn’t know so when doing past
exams look them up…I did but I still forgot, hopefully you guys wont.

-Pupillary constrictor muscle: innervated by oculomotor 

-Meissner’s plexus: Parasympathetic 
-Macula densa lining distal convoluted tubule
-Muscle that loops around hamulus: tensor veli palatini
-Biceps innervated by musculocutaneous

- where do facial muscles originate---originate on BONE, insert on skin

- treatment of rickettsia
Mycins vs cillins for typhoid
- if a pt aspirates a tooth, where would you find it? RIGHT BRONCHUS
- asbestosis can cause...bronchogenic carcinoma
- difference between antiseptic and disinfectant---antiseptic on living tissues only
- red infarct occurs? Loose tissues, occlusion of vein, LUNGS/ SI
- axillary sheath contains...? axillary artery, vein, and brachial plexus
- testlet as a forensic dentist, you see a piece of flesh from coronoid notch, which muscle?
- 2phosphoglycerate --> 3phosphoglycerate by which enzyme PG MUTASE
- embolism blocks at smallest vessel, thrombus blocks at origin
- necrosis liquefactive (brain) vs coag vs caseous
- vitamins needed for differentiation and development of bone---ADC, NOT E
- lots of qs about primary teeth: like comparing different primaries and one was comparing a
primary to a perm tooth (don't remember which though!)
- which structure goes through the superior and middle constrictors? i thought it was the
glossopharyngeal n. but that wasn't an answer
- which artery supplied the thyroid—superior and inferior thyroid, both come off different
arteries(inf from thyrocervical superior from external carotid)
- basal cell carcinoma is most common skin cancer—MOST COMMON ON FACE
- pharyngeal arches
- embryology
- emphysema
- alcoholism
- what goes through incisive canal---nasopalatine nerve

> Make sure to know the metabolic processes (TCA, Glycolysis). You don't need to 
> really know the direct enzymes, but know the major players and what each one 
> produces and works for. Also I had a lot about muscle contraction/the 
> difference between smooth muscle and skeletal and quite a few questions on the 
> heart and systole/diastole/BP regulation and the lungs. I felt like a lot of 
> this section involved thinking, but you could always narrow down the answers 
> by what made sense and what didn't (for example, you wouldn't have edema if the 
> blood vessels were constricted, etc.) This was a lot more general than I was 
> expecting it to be and coming from someone who hasn't had biochem/physio in two 
> years, I wouldn't stress out too much about this. 

> Micro/Path
> I think the hardest part about this section was that they through in a lot of 
> names that I just didn't really know and so it wasn't as easy to narrow down 
> answers as some of the other sections. Definitely make sure to know 
> strep/staph and some of the predominant viruses that they talk about, 
> especially in relation to cases and what they might cause to happen in the 
> mouth. There were some fungi ones that I didn't really know the answers to, 
> but you can narrow down those too. Also know the drugs and how they generally 
> work... what destroys cell walls, interrupts transcription. And know the 
> different types of cancer. There was a lot more about cancer than I thought 
> there would be. Be prepared to just not know some things in this section and 
> have no clue what they are talking about (maybe 3 or 4 questions that I 
> literally just guessed). 

> Anatomy
> This was the section I was most nervous for because there seemed to be a lot of 
> info. Truth be told, it was a lot more general than I thought it would be too. 
> Know the triangles of the neck and the cranial nerves and what they innervate. 
> Know the foramens that things exit from, but even that isn't too bad... it's 
> kinda obvious from the choices and if you just go over it once you'll be fine. 
> I didn't have anything about the brachial plexus, veins, arms, or legs, which 
> was nice because that was what I was scared about. Know infrahyoids, 
> suprahyoids, and definitely the attachments of the muscles of mastication 
> (there were a lot like this). Also know about bone formation. 

--be prepared for testlets- reading them takes up some time as you'll want to read the
scenario again with every new question and you kinda have to resize the screen and
all...that's where I think I used up some of my extra time.
Almost all my testlets had people with a history of fractures( different types and healing),
depression(medication)  or abuse ( depressing world out there)
know the ethics terms.. they're ALMOST freebies ( i still got confused with beneficence
and autonomy in one)
other topics-
collagen synthesis.. look at this well.. i got really confused after the 5th question on this
hypersensitivity rxn (differences and similarities between types)
emphysema,asthma and medication
alpha blockers, beta blockers
gag reflex
lots of questions on the TMJ ligaments
non gonococcal urithritis
spingomyelinase def disease
calcitonin mechanism, parathyroid hormone
action potentials
axillary sheath
Larynx mm and innervations
thrombus from femoral vein will lodge into the pulmonary artery
circle of willis
southern blot
lots of questions on amino acids
oh Dental Anatomy!
 how does the tmj get nutrients?.... 2 choices... diffusion through synovial fluid OR
venous system of retrodiscal tissue

- what part of the tmj is most sensitive to pain... the disk, the surface of the disk,
synovial epithelium, or articular surface of the condyle-----anything about the
retrodiscal tissue

- know that janeway lesions = infection endocarditis

- rice water stools... cholera

- adduct the scapula... trap

- muscle innervated by radial nerve... biceps, triceps, brachialis,

coracobrachialis, one more choice

- benefit of dry heat over autoclave... "corrosive metal" was not an option... put
"preserves sharp tips of instruments"

- while a tooth is ERUPTING, what is the epithelial attachment derived from... oral epi,
hertwigs, ree, epi rest of mal

- difference btwn root dentin and crown dentin---covered by enamel on crown,

cementum on root

- what bone makes up the pterygoid plates... greater wing of sphenoid

- what drains into the inferior hiatus... nasolacrimal duct

- virtchow's triad—hypercoagulability, hemodynamic changes, endothelial injury

- best diagnosis of TB (x ray was not an option).... blood test, ppd, sputum culture

- contents of the axillary SHEATH, along with the axillary artery... cephalic vein, brachial
vein, axillary vein & brachial plexus cords (one choice), axillary vein and brachial
plexus roots (one choice), and one more choice she forgot

- bones that make up the superior orbital fissure—lesser and greater wings of the
sphenoid bone

- a few questions on glands in general... type epithelial is one question, she forget the

- wolfes law or rules or something—bone will adapt to the loads placed on it, bone
will remodel itself over time increase trabeculation
- antibiotics that inhibit prokaryote translation but not eukaryotic... the question basically
listed 5 choices, four of the drugs inhibited something other than ribosomes—
Clindamycin, mycins,

- 3 questions on necrosis (liquid, coagulative, and catheus)

- know EVERYTHING that happens at 6 weeks of pregnancy

- during a metriotrusive movement, what contacts the MB cusp of 19... outer/inner

guiding of 14, outer/inner supporting of 14... that's 4 choices in total NOTHING
- what does IL-2 do----secreted by T helpers cells and can stimulate CD8 cells and B
cells to p

- know the different heads of the lateral pterygoid superior power stroke close,
inferior opening/protrusion

- what in the gut does the vagus innervate---Asc colon and transverse

- where are juxtaglomwhatever cells located in the nephron DCT

- nucleus for pain for CN V... trig nucleus, spinaltrig nucleus, stellate nuc,

- B1 -  beri beri

- similarity btwn cardiac and skeletal muscle--STRIATED

- what's deep to hyoglossus muscle in the suprahyoid region-lingual artery

- boundaries of submandibular triangle... upper is lower mandible, lower is post belly

of digastric

- what makes up the retromandibular vein superficial temporal and super maxillary?

- tmj pain is... auriculotemporal nerve

- insulin receptor--- ILGF receptor

- what do stept. pneumonia and some fungi (either cox or crypto something) have in

- blastomyces question (fungi)—respiratory disease

- candida

- what does muco(fungi) do to blood vessels—CAUSES THROMBOSIS, ulcers

- drugs for candida... NYSTATIN choice

- what connects something to posterior abdominal wall... greater ommentum, lesser

ommentum, falciform ligament, mesentery

- what kind of enzyme is this: an enzyme that makes another enzyme which
IMMEDIATELY inhibits the first one... suicide, end point, allosteric, competitive and
- Type 2 DM, what wouldn't (or would, she forgot) you find... seizure, syncope,

- tay sachs—storage disease, hexoaminidase a def, glucocerbrosidase

- what lymph vessel drains TIP of tongue--SUBMENTAL

- what areas in the stomach have what glands—fundic has chief and parietal, all
have mucous and enteroendocrine

- artery to larynx... ascending pharyngeal, costocervical trunk, facial artery, or

thyrocervical trunk (inferior thyroid)

- what nerve innervates the lesser palatine artery (trick?—sympathetic or just lesser

- difference btwn portal vein and other veins... no valves in portal

- NOT a symptom of cerebral infarct... thrombosis of anterior cerebral artery, 2

different types of aneurisms (one was berry)... she put the ACA bc it's part of circle of w

- sensory up upper lip... CN V

- myoglobin and that oxygen binding curve compared to hemoglobin S for Hb, flattens
out for MB

- what amino acid is an intermediate in the urea cycle... alanine, ornithine, 3 other

- purine metabolism makes... urea, NH4, uric acid, beta-something

- anatomical path of the parotid DUCT

- 17 year old girl with aggressive perio diease, what bacteria... she put AA (juvenile

- emphysema, what's not common... hyperventilation, respiratory alkylosis, hypoxia,

increased chest width... alveoli breakdown so you aren’t able to make up for it with

I had a lot of questions on enamel calcification and root calcification times of the teeth
especially the premolars and canines.
know which teeth could have two canals, and know the tooth abnormalities
Gemination: 1 tooth bud splits to form 2 teeth, common root/canal
Concrescence: roots of 2+ unique teeth united by cemetum
Fusion: 2 adjacent tooth germs fuse—2 roots, 2 teeth
I had alot of questions on the relationship between vertical/horizonal overbite/overjet
and cusp height 
INCREASED OVERBITE, taller cusps, Increased overjet, taller cusps

I also had a few questions on bone fracture and the healing process after (these were
part of a case) was a boy a year after his knee fracture (what stage is bone at now)
and the other a lady 5 yrs after hip fracture (again, what stage is bone at)...
-1 year after is woven or trabecular bone, 3-5 years after COMPACT BONE
I had an SLE case which was a bit difficult.. It talked about erythrocyte sedementation
rate increasing in an SLE patient and what that indicate (the ans I realized after is
inflammation since apparently inflammatory proteins bind to RBC making them  heavier
and more likely to sediment).—INFLAMMTION ESR
I had a gunshot victim case.. two bullets (one goes through his rib cage between 7 and
8.. which lobe of  lung is that.. I still don't know if it's middle or inferior).. other bullet
goes through his head ..which bone is that based on the description they give ( I think I
put temporal).
-middle if on right, lower if on left
I  had a question on what nerve pathway is blocked in general anesthesia? ( I don't
know the answer)---Ach? Na?
I had some questions on intracellular signalling pathway... (know that glucacon signals
through cAMP and  insulin signals through phospholipase C)...
Glucagon CAMP, Insulin PL C
nerves respnsible for swallowing...Vagus, Trigeminal Glossopharyngeal
The micro/path.. there were some stuff outside of decks.. cholera, listeria
Cholera---ricewater stool
Listeria monocytogenes: intracellular, GI symptoms
I had a few questions on the relationship between lingual artery with nerve, submand
duct, etc..
most of my cases were a culmination of things.. like the person had emphesyma and
hypertention and had had bypass surgery and had many dental problems so they would
ask different things from different areas.. or the patient had different kinds of ulcers and
u had to say what the most likely cause was:eg: white removable plaque on palat or
growing ulcer under the tongue.
biochem, I had some questions on protein structure, not alot on the metabolic
pathways..some on cell membrane transport (what needs a carrier protein: lidocaine,
methanol, glycine, albumin)

Boards part1 taken 2.12.10

-Know the innervation of the thenar (median n) and hypothenar (ulnar n)- thumb and palm
muscles hypothenar ulnar nerve little pink muscles (3)—digiti minimi flexor, ab, opponens

Thenar, median nerve, policis flexor, abdctor, opponens

-know urea cycle! They ask where are the nitrogens coming from? Its aspartate and
ammonium. Know ornithine, citrulline, and know were its going on in the mitochondria and
the cytsol. 1st from aspartic acid, 2nd from ammonia, starts with citrulline and ends with
ornithine---citrulline mitochondira, orinithine cytosol

-what does the anterior cerebral artery supply? The options were frontal and temporal, parietal
and frontal….frontal and medial parietal, MCA does parietal and temporal, PCA does occiptal

- What tract is pain? Lateral Spinothalamic.

-know functional residual capacity = RV +ERV


-type 1 diabetes does not involve; gangrene, glaucoma, splenomegaly, atherosclerosis.

-type of cartilage in the tmj? Type 1 cartilage, type 2 cartilage, from meckels cartilage, the
other options didn’t make sense. Meckel’s cartilage gives rise to sphenomandibular

-not in seminiferous tubules; leydig, sertoli, spermatogonia, spermatids, spermatocytes.

-ovulation-secretory phase with follicular phase? Don’t remember the other choices but go
over. LH is ovulatory

-pregnant woman 6weeks along. What has not fused? I answered the palate, other options
were fusion of lateral nose with maxilla, …

-think this was a case study bc more questions on this.

-which arch is the hyoid bone from? 2/3

-Where is the lower part of parathyroid from? 3rd pouch

-difficulty speaking=dysphona, disphagia, painful, smokes a ton. Cancer, laryngitis, pharyngitis,


-tetracycline would not be given to prego lady to prevent; discolored teeth, cardiogenic
problems, webbed appendages/feet.

-sulfur drugs? I think they mimic PABA.

Rifampin. What does it prohibit? Protein synth, dna synth, rna synth

-know southern blot is dna, northern blot is rna, and western blot is protein (immunoassay and

-Soap cells=fat necrosis!

-how does Ach work in axons? It opens voltage gated sodium channel, opens chemical channel,
….opens ligand gated sodium channels

-typhoid fever-know its from Salmonella typhi, not rickettsia typhi.

-what do interlukins do? Cell signaling between white blood cells

-parasymphathetic innervation- how does it effect saliva? Watery, mucously, more protein,

-what innervates upper lip? Infraorbital of trigeminal (maxillary V2)

-What fungi is cutaneous rashes? Know fungi well!!!

-had one on CML and ALL, other options were granulomas disease...question was long and
annoying- super high number of neutrophils, normal blood, but little in marrow?

If neutrophils macrophage high#’s then CML or AML, if high T or B cells—then ALL or



-x-linked immunoglobulinemia… MALE LINKED, NO B CELLS/Ab’s

-haemophilia influenza and diphtheria toxin both have what? Polysacch capsule, don’t
remember the rest.---coupled together to make a conjugate vaccine, capsule of influenzae
plus toxin of diptheria
-moms IgG’s passed through to placenta for some disease, what type of immunization is this?
Natural active, natural passive, artifical active, artificial passive.

-apoptosis; non-dividing stage, a hormone induced physiologic involution

-what protrudes the hyoid? I had no clue in protrusion. options were suprahyoids, infrahyoids,
stylohyoid, and geniohyoid. Think I put geniohyoid bc the rest didn’t really make any sense.

-borders of the axilla

Superior by the posterior border of the clavicle, medial serratus anterior, lateral—
corachobrachialis and biceps, floor is skin

-esophagus is located- lower part of cricoid cartilage

-presynaptic cell bodies of lower motor tracts go thru? White rami, gray rami, sympathetic
tract, ..—none of those, theyre only for sympathetic system.

-few questions on carotid body and carotid sinus


know necrosis. One was weird…dead body with snake bite on forearm. What type of cell death
is this? Necrosis, apoptosis,

what kind of teeth would the snake have? HAPLODONT

the bite is on the lateral forearm, this would effect which? Ulnar, radius, etc. I assume they are
going with anatomically correct positioning with palms up, so lateral would be radius—RADIAL

-trauma to the supraorbital, what artery would this be? Post auricular, superficial temporal,
supratrochlear, etc.

-hypertension case. Trouble breathing when lying patient back down.

-this patient didn’t take his meds before as prophylaxis. What do you do? Give meds and wait
an hour, call doctor to make sure meds, just do procedure, give him meds.

-what nerve would effect speaking?? Facial or recurrent laryngeal or Trigeminal

-hapten- needs a carrier. Not immunogenic on its own.

-the norm questions you’ll get on tmj…fibrocartiage, etc.

-what posterior tooth is congenitally missing often? Choices were first molars, mandibular
central, 2nd mandibular premolar. Asking for posterior teeth, so know it’s the second premolar.

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