Title: 12 - Popular Digital Marketing Jargons Learning Objectives

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Title: 12 - Popular Digital Marketing Jargons

Learning Objectives:

Understanding the most common technical terms used by Digital Marketers


Digital Marketers in the industry use a lot of technical words that common people do not
understand. Most common of these include

1. Conversion Rate: How many people have done an action that was planned for them to
2. Call to Action: An action you ask people do to in your marketing
3. Engagement Rate: count of no. of comments, replies, likes, shares etc. by the customers
on your posts
4. Impressions: No. of times your ad has been displayed (could be several times for one
5. Reach: No. of people who have seen your ad
6. Affinities: Topics, pages, interests that your customers like
7. Trending topic: A topic being shared a lot by people on social media presently
8. Sentiment: What do people think about a particular topic
9. Paid Media: Ads that are paid
10. Owned Media: Ads displayed on your own website/ social media page
11. Social Media Influencers: People who have become extremely famous on social media,
so much so that they receive the status of being a celebrity
12. Keyword: Words used to search for something on Search Engines
13. Meme: A funny picture that has been shared by a lot of people
14. Viral: A post/picture that has been shared by a lot of people in a very short period of
15. API: A software code for social media that you can place on your website
16. Historical Data: Past data of your website
17. Analytics: Using statistical techniques to gain insights from data

Further Reading:


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