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“Regrets are always there.

But nobody knows until there comes a time when we

feel fatal for a wrong decision or for having done something wrong. For me, both at
home and at work, I have made decisions that have sometimes led me to make an
unintended mistake. We are only human and imperfect. "What we do is think hard
and take more time before speaking or acting."

As child care, I wanted to be calm or relax at any synthetic moment, sure that I
can give my students the same good attention, as I do with my own family. It is not
about money but about gratitude and helping children and the co-worker to do the
job well. I apologize to my superior when I'm wrong and I do it wrong. I apologize
and be taught how to do it well. "Because there are times when I despair when
everything seems like chaos and I don't act in the right way. I always have in mind
that I take care of people and that their education and safety are in my hands. You
have to be careful and aware.
My wish is that I always feel the joy, responsibility, emotion and illusion, that I am
as a craftswoman that I am weaving with each student the design or the plot of the
canvas or tapestry of humanity. Because teachers are difficult that our contribution
to the world is very large and transcendent, because in our classrooms the future
builders of the new civilization are being formed.

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