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Current Affairs Topics 2014

(By Falik Shair Rana)

1) Pakistan America Relations with respect to War on Terror.

I. Drone attracts Issue.
II. Economic Aid.
III. War in Afghanistan.
IV US Relations with India- Indo US Nuclear Deal and its implications on pak
V. Issue of Nuclear Proliferation.
VI. Pak Iran Relations (IPI which US does not like to be implemented)
VII. Pakistan China Relations with respect to USA
2) Pakistan India Relations
I. Kashmir Dispute
II. Water Dispute with India (Baghlihar and Kishan Ganga Projects)
III. Siachen and Sir Creek Disputes
IV. Trade with India
V. Counter Terrorism agreement with India
VI. Composite Dialogue and Confidence Building Measures
3) Pakistan China Relations
I. Economic Relations
II. Defense and military ties
III. Cultural relations
IV. Religious relations (Issue of Islamic fundamentalism in China)
V. Pakistan relation with India w r t China
VI. Pakistan’s police in War on Terror
VII. War in Afghanistan and interests of China in Central Asian Republics.
4) Energy Crisis in Pakistan
Kalabagh Dam issue
Causes of Energy Crisis
Potential Projects like Basha Munda Akori etc
Nuclear Energy
Wind, Solar ---Renewable Energy Sources
Circular Debt
5) Economic Crisis in Pakistan
Agricultural Issues
Industrial Problems
Foreign Aid Implication
Friends of Pakistan
Cost of War on Terror
7) Overpopulation
8) Corruption and Good Governance
9) Role of Women in Our Society
10) Education in Pakistan Past, Present and Future
11) Political Instability and Democratic failure in Pakistan
12) Pakistan’s Relation with Iran
Economic Relation Trade and ECO
Religious Relations
War on Terror Afghanistan
Sectarianism in Pakistan
Iran’s Nuclear Issue with USA and Pakistan’s Stand on it
13) Regional and International Organizations (Historial Background and present working)
14) Water shortage in Pakistan
15) Local Government System good and bad points and how to improve it?
16) Pakistan’s relations with Russia
17) Pakistan’s relations with Islamic countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
18) Pakistan’s relations with ASEAN Countries
19) Nuclear proliferation
20) Global war on Terror
21) Global Oil Crisis
22) Global Financial Crisis
23) Role of Media in the current Scenario
24) Judicial Activism in Our society, Rule of law.
25) 17th Amendment and future of Pakistan’s Constitution
26) Lawyers movement
27) Provincial Autonomy and NFC award issue
28) Baluchistan Issue
29) Swat and Tribal Areas Military operations
30) Militancy and Extremism in our society
31) Madaris Reforms.
32) Ethnicity (Karachi MQM Vs Pashtuns Punjabi Vs Sindi, Balochi)
33) Sectarianism (DI Khan, DG Khan, Para Chanar etc )
34) Middle East Peace w r t Palestine, Iraq, Syria
35) National Integration

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