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Tom Anthony A. Tonguia, RMT




Endocrine gland and digestive system are one of the major organ system in our body that have an
important role for the body to function well. These are a major organ system that contribute on
having a normal development of body function. Endocrine gland is ductless glands of
the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood. The
major glands of the endocrine system include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries,
testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus and adrenal gland and the digestive
system consists of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion, the tongue,
salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. Digestion involves the breakdown of food into
smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body.

This portfolio is made in order:

 To know the importance of endocrine gland in the human body.

 How does the endocrine maintain homeostasis in our body
 To know the importance of digestive system
 To know the function of digestive system in our body.


Endocrine Gland
Digestive System





Reading Assignment Topic: Endocrine System

Endocrine gland is a collection or group of gland that make a hormones to help cells talk or give
signal to each other. As I read this topic it quite interesting to know the different parts of this
system, and it is difficult to understand the term that is uses. I learned that our endocrine gland
consist of pituitary gland, adrenal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, and pineal gland. And
the endocrine gland are classified based on the chemical nature of the hormones, there is so much
to know more about the endocrine gland. In our pituitary gland is located in the base of our brain
that size and weigh about 1x1-1.5x0.5 cm, 0.5 gm, it has a two major part the posterior and
anterior lobe. The neurohypophysis or the posterior lobe where the median eminence,
hypothalamus, and infundibular stem belong and the adenohypophyisis or the anterior lobe that
the pars distal, pars tuberalis, and par intermedia belong. In the thyroid gland, I learned that it
produces thyroid hormones that helps our metabolism to work properly if this gland don’t
function well, there will be a slow motion factor in the different system in our body, and amazing
to know that our thyroid gland, weighs 25-40 g and it is located on the anterior part of the neck,
below the laryx. In our parathyroid I also found out that it is a small ovoid bodies attach in the
posterior surface of thyroid gland and this gland control the level of calcium and phosphorus that
helps to maintain bone health. And pancreatic islet that helps in secretion of insulin and
glucagon. and as I read this topic it is good to learn and know that our adrenal gland is located in
the upper poles of each kidney and consist of adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla, our pineal
gland that is a small, pined cone shaped organ that helps our body to go to sleep and secrete
melatonin that regulate body activities rhythms. It is astounding to know that these small organs
located in our body gives a lot of help in maintain bodies function properly.

Reading Assignment Topic: Digestive System

Digestive tract or system it main function is to breakdown large molecule to make it small. It is
astounding to learned that our digestive system consist of long muscular tube and have a
accessory gland that to break down large molecule. And how the process that is being done to
spread or absorb nutrients in our body. I learned that our oral cavity serves as an entrance in our
digestive tract that has a mucus membrane that is line in the stratified squamous epithelium and
has a layer. And our lip has divided into 3 parts the oral side, skin side, and the vermilion border,
where the oral side is the inner portion, skin side is outer portion that has hair follicles, sebaceous
gland, and sweat gland, and the vermilion border that is the red free edge of the lips. Our tongue
that has an important function for as to taste the food that we eat whether they are sweet, sour,
bitter and salty. The tongue has a four types of lingual papillae. The filiform papillae that is
numerous, elongated conical shape and heavily keratinize. The fungiform papillae that is less
abundant, high keratinized, and well vascularized, and have pink color. The foliated papillae is
poorly developed and located in the side of the tongue. And the circumvallate papillae is the
largest and contains numerous of taste buds. I learned as I read this topic digestive system it
consists of teeth that has different characteristic soft part to the hard part, and milk teeth to the
permanent teeth it amazing to know that thing has a major role to breakdown large molecules.
And how the food passes from chewing it and went down to the esophagus and to the stomach
where the food is digested and stored to the small and large intestine where it is being separated.
It is good to know that part of system in our body how the we eat is being process and how
important each part of our body.

Our endocrine system that is one of the major organ system in our body that make a hormone
that helps our body system to function properly. It so important that of system cooperated with
each other for the human beings body to function well. Endocrine system also regulates the
release of hormones in our body. And it the hormones that being release by the endocrine helps
to maintain the bodies growth, metabolism and sexual development. The endocrine system plays
an important role in homeostasis because hormones helps to maintain the activity in the body
cells. And by releasing of hormones it helps maintain homeostasis in our body. Our digestive
system is a system that breakdown food for as to absorb the nutrients that is in the food.
Digestive system plays an important role in our body without this system we will not be able to
digest and absorb the thing that is needed in our body. And the main function of our digestive
system is to digest food, absorb nutrients that have in the food that we eat and eliminate solid
food waste in our body. These organ systems that has in our body each one of them play an
important role, that we must take care of the organ in our body.

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