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What does a safer future mean to you and your society?

A safer future to me as a child means that I can walk on my streets without the fear of
being kidnapped or sexually exploited like Zainab a six-year-old girl who was sexually exploited
and then thrown away like a piece of rubbish.

Another thing that is very important to me for a safer future is education. Education is a
necessity of nowadays as it teaches a person the difference between good and bad. It makes a
person curious about his own surrounding environment like “Why is there day or night?”
Education gives us an answer to all such questions.

A secure future also means that I am well-settled. Well-settled does not mean a big house,
good job etc. It means that I live in a secure community where my self-respect is safe, I have a
secure source of income and a secure source of education. These factors describe a safer future
for me. A safer future for my community means that my religion’s self-integrity should be
respected and not harassed. Recently, an individual in the UK released a day known as the “Beat
a Muslim Day”. Although the British government took actions against it, it still harms the self-
integrity of my religion. A safer future for my community also means that there should be a
better system of transport, hospitals and technological advancements.

A better system of transport means the roads are built properly, the traffic police should be
corruption free, there should be strict traffic rules and the people who break these rules should be
punished and there should also be a strict issuance of driving license so that only the people who
need a driving license should be given one.

For a safer future our cities should be safe. A safe city means 24/7 CCTV monitoring of
our city, our police should be corruption free and there should be necessary drills in case of a
natural emergency like tsunami or earthquake.

The pollution in our country is increasing day by day it is injurious to our health so our
government should take some steps to control the pollution factors as health is wealth. Our
sewerage systems are old fashioned and choked with plastic bags and garbage. This causes the
filthy water and the waste to overflow to the surface and it also causes air water and land
pollution. This is one of the major pollution problems and should be controlled.

Also, in our community there is a strong bribe based job opportunity system so those who
have the money get the opportunity. This should be stopped and there should be a more merit
based job opportunity system.

We Pakistanis should stop dividing ourselves based on languages and start thinking and
acting as one nation. By dividing our thinking we divide our knowledge and ideas due to which
our country does not develop. WC: 475

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