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“What does a safer future mean to you

and your community”

When we are safe we feel secure and comfortable. This helps us to relax and divert our
minds from the worries of the world. Nowadays, this is only an imagined idea for every person.
We are always hearing disturbing news of the horrible crimes being committed every day so
much so that one feels that it is just impossible to feel secure no matter where we are. What do
we need to do to pave the way for a safer future for our community? The people need to realize
that what things they do wrong, now, will affect the community’s future.

If there are a lot of police stations and if the officers go around the city (patrolling) every
day at night, one might feel safer. This would help to secure the people from any robberies at
night so the people could sleep peacefully.

In present times, some do not motivate their daughters to study. If they study, they either
punish them or make them stay at home. This is not right as the children are not educated and are
forced to labor. Due to this, they will not be able to get good jobs.

We cannot blame the parents for this because after the incident in Rawalpindi, Pakistan at the
“Army Public School” (the attack by terrorists) many parents were terrified to send their children
to school. If similar situations continue, the number of educated children will decrease by a high
percentage. Every religion teaches its followers that they should take care of others rather than
holding another person’s neck and throttling him just for some minor reasons.

Let us talk about something that is a trend nowadays. Everywhere you find that nearly
everyone will have the most expensive smart phones. Children are also using adult applications
like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram. So, I find it necessary that people should be aware of what
they post on the internet as little children are being influenced by such things.

However, most of all, I feel the biggest threat to the future is global warming. In his book
“Six Degrees”, Mark Lynas writes about complicated and horrible effects of global warming on
the world which affect our future. Keeping these things in mind we need to pave the way for a

safe, comfortable and peaceful future .


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