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My Recipe for a Common Future

My recipe for a common future will be mostly sweet and will look much like a cake after all the
ingredients are mixed together. The whisk will be the best ‘kitchen’ tool to make the recipe
perfect, no dark clots no dark clouds, just a center of peace.

My first ingredient will be sugar as it will make the people in the world much more pleasant and
sweeter than they are now. There will be no violence, no crime and no corruption, that has taken
over our world and made it hell for all people.

A little bit of salt will be the second ingredient as it will represent parents and teacher and some
other people who guide and instruct us not to make any mistake. And there will be no one to tell
us what to do and what we should not do! What fun! What freedom! Like breaking an egg or two
and letting the yellow yolks trickle into the bowl! Then, some flour will be a trap for corrupt
people because as we add water to the flour it becomes thick and sticky and it will trap all those
who have damaged our world! How wonderful my recipe is…as it slowly combines and
strengthens to the right consistency!

Some drops of various food color will do the rest as it will make the people looks alike as it
brings an end to all the problems related to caste, color, culture and racism and everyone will get
a fair share. Hopefully, almost like magic, but in the real baking process, it shall bring an end to
the deadliest of poisons which set people apart – the basis of color.

An egg will do the trick as it returns peace to our world and no war will take place after to keep
the brotherhood together. A pinch of the sweetest of vanilla essence will be good which will end
all fights and wars that are taking place nowadays. Milk will bring justice to our world and no
one will suffer injustice which is so prevalent now, as courts are not providing justice to the
people. Finally, yeast will be added to make all the people rise to the same level without any first
or second; everyone will be equal! Everyone will be at par with each other! Equality shall reign
in our common future! To end, this a beater will mix everything up leaving the world without
clots, with a similar and equal consistency!

I will finally bake my dish and within a limited time, it will be all ready. Now, I am no Gordon
Ramsey or Jamie Oliver of cooking, I am but a young boy interested in cooking. No matter how
my cake looks, what it turns out must matter to me, the creator, but all I really wish for is that it
tastes sublime. As long as my world is peaceful, no wars will take place, no corruption, no
injustice, no racism. That’s how I want my world to be like. My common world, shared with
people all around the globe and especially the Commonwealth, a quiet sea with a big world
under these waves as we rest in peace after a day of impassioned ‘cooking’! I wish that it could
come true and peace returns to our world. Perhaps, I shall trhy my hand at a pizza next time!

(563 words)

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