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“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in nation where they will
not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character..” –
Martin Luther King, Jr.

In a world full of racism, corruption and injustice we live! And when this beautiful
speech was delivered in 1963, no one had the slightest of ideas what the earth was
going to be in later years. Now, in 2018, as I write this essay, all I see nearby are
advancements in science and technology, but where is the love, the kindness and

It has been 55 years since Dr King made his speech, but till this date, what we see is
discrimination, corruption, poverty, and the list goes on. No one is willing to take up
the responsibilities, the agenda to fight for a safer future. I am a proud Pakistani and
from that day from 1947, at Pakistan’s birth, why has Kashmir not been declared as an
independent state or added as a province to either India or Pakistan?

We can see the seas of illiteracy, poverty and despair and what more.. Do we still need
another 55 years to solve these problems? As the rich become richer and poor become
poorer…as the weak grow wearier and die and as those with guns and weapons grow
more powerful..

In my mind, a safer future mean a world full of love and affection, a world with
humanity, equality and a sense of justice, a world full of educated people and no
poverty. And, a world where life is valued! Better health care and education facilities
must be provided by the government. These should be the measures taken by the UN
to support any country in case of any crisis so that all countries become allies and
work towards a common goal which must for a safer future! If all these things are
done right, why would there be any problem?
We ourselves are the ones responsible for creating what is now called the earth, our
“Home”. We ourselves are the one to be blamed because we are not right. How can
this world be our home, when we do not care for it and nurture it?

If everyone in this world including me is shaping our lives in our own ways in which
we feels comfortable enough, would this save our Earth? We don’t seem to care
what’s happening in the world. And even if we do, we won’t take a single step against
it. Until and unless we ourselves are affected. If we do the right thing, our homes,
communities, country and eventually our world will become a better and safe place to
live in.

‘A 5 year-old-boy was given an assignment on what he wants to become in life. All he

wrote was “happy”. The teacher told him that he did not understand the topic but the
truth was they did not understand life.’ – John Lennon.

If we do not plan for a safer future from now, from this very minute, our children in
the future would probably curse us for giving birth to them in this hideous place full of
crime, injustice and discrimination.

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but those who watch then
without doing anything” – Albert Einstein.

Taking Einstein’s wise words to heart, I conclude that from this day onwards I will
take an oath to make this world a better place for me and my future generations to


WC: 592

23rd November 2005

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