Chem Assets and Capex Data Strategy

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Capex Internal Order transfer Strategy for Project Reshape.

 Business to identify which AUC's will be transferred to G144 , G313, G312.

 All internal orders should be settled before transfer.

 No new interal order should be created after 22 Feb 2010.
 Create Internal order master data in new company code , specify old order
number in External Order no field for future reference.
 Create new AUC in new company code.
 Create Final asset (if any) in new company code along with the balance.*
 Post consolidated Expense Journal to new Internal order?
 Settle Internal order in New company.
 Old history will be available in old company only one line balance will be
brought in new company code.

*Tranfer of Final asset will have following posting :

Assets are transferred that existed as on 27/03/2010 .For example, the

Accounting entries will be

G149 (Sending Company)

Plant & Machinery Acquisition value CR: $10,000
Accumulated Depreciation DR: $5000
Intercompany Suspense A/C DR: $5000
G144 (Receiving Company)
Plant & Machinery Acquisition value DR: $10,000
Accumulated Depreciation CR: $5,000
Intercompany Suspense A/C CR : $5000

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