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Referring to time in the past

During: Is used to referrer to an event that occurred in that time period.

During the 70s Disco music was very popular = 70,71 72 up to 79

During World War II Germany invaded many countries = This means the time World War II lasted.

In: Is used to referrer to a specific period of time.

In World War II Germany invaded many countries.

I was born in June.
I was born in 2001.
I started to study Advanced 2 in April.
It always rains in April.

Ago: Is used to referrer on how much time has passed since an event has begun.

Advanced 2 started a week ago.

It started to rain two days ago.
I was absent a month ago.

From and to: Is used to referrer to when the event began and when it ended

I will be in Advanced 2 from April to May.

I was on vacation from June to July.
I will be in class from 9am to 11am.

For: Is used to referrer on how long the event has lasted.

I was I Highschool for 3 years.

I will be in Advanced 2 for two months.
I was married for 10 years.

Since: Is used to referrer to a specific time of an event.

I haven’t seen you since you got married.

I have been waiting for you since 5 o’clock.
I have been studying since I got up.

For: Is used to referrer to a non-specific time

I have been waiting for 10 minutes.

I have studied in that school for 5 years.
We have been dating for 2 months
Use During / For / Since to complete the sentences

- since - if the starting point is given (two o'clock, last Friday, 1998)
- for - if the period of time is given (twenty minutes, two days, one year)

1.His grandparents died during the war.

2. Tom and his family lived in England for three years.
3. My parents have played chess together every Saturday for 5 years.
4. During the summer, she worked as a waitress in England.
5. I have known about their problems since April. I will help them.
6. I haven't played football since I left school.
8. I'll eat this lemon cake during my break.
9. I have loved reading books since I first went to the library.
10. His parents didn't usually call the night.

Decide whether to use »since« or »for«.

1. I have been waiting since 4 o'clock.

2. Sue has only been waiting for 20 minutes.
3. Tim and Tina have been learning English for six years.
4. Fred and Frida have been learning French since 1998.
5. Joe and Josephine have been going out together for Valentine's Day.
6. I haven't been on holiday since last July.
7. Mary has been saving her money for many years.
8. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.
9. You have been watching TV _______________ hours.
10. We have been living here _______________ 2 months.

11. He has worked at this big company _______________ten years.

12. Many tourists have visited this old palace _______________last year.
13. I can't use my cell phone _______________my lessons. I'll call you later.
14. Martin and Eva have been learning French _______________two years.
15. Tom and his family have lived here _______________ a very long time.
1. ago, From, to, since
2. ago, in, in or during, to, since
3. |




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