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Points to consider:

1. The buyer should be a genuine buyer who really needs to buy.

2. Since this is a genuine buyer, you must act immediately to meet the buyer, show him
your existing property and one other property.
3. The buyer may call you with regards to an advertisement that you’re marketing on
that very day and therefore you may not be able to spend that entire day with the
buyer as you need to spend time selling the property you had advertised. However,
you still need to meet this buyer immediately.
4. A buyer may be genuine but not educated and therefore his demand may seem
ridiculous but that does not mean that he is not genuine.
5. You must let this buyer know what you are doing and tell them of all the sources that
you use to find the ideal property for him, including the newspaper.
6. You must master the script below, designed to help you lead a buyer to buy in 2 days.

Receiving an enquiry from a genuine buyer responding to advertisement…

Agent: Mr So & So, looks like you really need to get a property.

Buyer: Yes.

Agent: In that case, when is the earliest you can make for an appointment to see my property?

Buyer: My earliest would be about 7.00pm this evening.

Agent: Great. In that case, we will fix it at 7.00pm this evening. By the way Mr So & So, I also
have other properties available. Would you like to see them as well?

Buyer: Ah, great. Sure, why not?

Agent: In that case Mr So & So, we should be able to see a few more properties. Is it ok if it
may last about 2 – 3hrs?

Buyer: Sure.

Agent: Great, Then we will start at about 7pm and last till about 9 or 10pm. By the way Mr So
& So, don’t make any other appointments ok?

Buyer: Ok.

Agent hangs up and sources for one more property. Reason being you don’t know the needs of
this buyer so any more than two appointments may be a waste of time as this buyer may not
be really educated. Also fix the appointments about 45mins to 1hr apart so that you have time
in between the appointments to educate the buyers to buy a property that is within their
budget and also to make a commitment to buy the following day, understand their
requirements and their needs. Also bear in mind that this buyer is responding to an
advertisement which means that you will also have to show your property to other agents or
buyers who genuinely want to buy a property like yours. In this case, you’ll only want to
spend like an hour or so with this client, say from 7pm – 8 or 8.30pm and then from 8.30pm
onwards or before 7pm, all the other genuine buyers can come to see the property you

64 Rowell Road, Singapore 207438

Tel: (65) 6293-8874, Fax: (65) 6293-8875
After you meet the buyer and bring them to your apartment and show them around and as
you leave, ask them “what do you think of the property” and take note of what the buyer says
and then you say to the buyer:

Agent: Mr So & So, for whatever reasons I could only make one more appointment and
unfortunately for whatever reasons, the appointment can only be about 7.45 to 8pm.
Meanwhile, is it alright if we go to this property and this area and have a good look around
while we wait for the viewing.

Buyer: Sure.

After going to that place, sit down with the buyer…

Agent: Mr So & So, while we’re waiting for the viewing, maybe we can sit down and I can also
find out more about your requirements and I can also help you better.

Buyer: Ok.

Agent: Mr So & So, can I just ask what are the specific requirements that you must have, e.g.
freehold, MRT, location, ambience, etc.

After you have noted all the requirements of the buyer, now you have to take note and see if
his requirements can match his budget. In most cases, the requirements would normally be
much more than what they can afford to pay. Now you have to educate the buyer to ensure
that the price and their budget would match. To do so, you list down all the requirements of
the buyers then go through the list and show to the buyer that a property like that for e.g.
would cost a lot more. Then, show them the caveat or transaction prices of the property within
his requirement and how much it may be worth in the current market. You must have an
understanding of what property is suitable for his budget. But as he sits down, the first thing
that you should try to do is to see if he can increase his budget and not try to reduce his
requirement first.

Agent: Mr So & So, based on the requirements and budget you’ve given, unfortunately, it’s
impossible to find a property like that within the budget. Can I just show you quickly the
transacted prices of properties that are done here as well as what people are asking for
around here at this moment. So as you can see, based on your requirements, a property like
that would probably cost about $2.5 million at least. However, you mentioned that your
budget is about $2.1 million. Can I ask Mr So & So, are you comfortable to increase your
budget further, to maybe about $2.2 million? That’s the max.
Buyer: No.
Agent: In that case Mr So & So, it would be impossible to buy a property like that. You did
mention something like freehold in district 9 and 1600 sq ft and high floor. Mr So & So, can I
ask if it’s not 1600 sq ft but maybe about 1200 – 1300 sq ft and the development looks very
spacious and comfortable, would that be alright for you?

Buyer: Well, if they layout is nice. It looks spacious and not cramped, then yah, I think so.

Agent: Good, in that case I guess we’ll have to look at something about 1200 – 1300sq ft.
Also, Mr So & So the premium for high floor will also be quite a bit. Instead of high floor, can I
suggest something which is like no lower than 8th floor and at the same time unblocked?

Buyer: Er… I guess I have no choice.

64 Rowell Road, Singapore 207438

Tel: (65) 6293-8874, Fax: (65) 6293-8875
Agent: Well, Mr So & So based on the adjustments that we’ve made, it looks like now we have
to find a property at $2.2 million in District 9 as long as it’s no smaller than 1200sq ft, no
lower than 8 storey. Isn’t that true?

Buyer: Yes.

Agent: Mr So & So, therefore can I say that if I can help you find a property in District 9 no
smaller than 1200sq ft, no lower than 8 storey and the layout is nice, can I say you’ll be more
than happy to call this place your home?

Buyer: Yes.

Agent: In that case, Mr So & So I’m glad to say that your home hunting should come to an
end tomorrow. Congratulations!

Buyer: Er. Ok. That’s nice.

This is the end of the 1st part on the education process to the buyers. You should understand
how this is done if you’ve taken down the notes in class and you would also have the diagram
in which we systematically cancel a particular requirement and reduce that requirement. The
next part is to get the buyer to understand why to accept three more viewings.

Agent: Oh by the way Mr So & So, don’t you agree that somehow no matter how many
properties you see, it’s only that one or two that will interest you enough to want to make an

Buyer: That’s true.

Agent: Well, do you want to know why?

Buyer: Why?

Agent: Well, as you can see. There may be a hundred units for sale which meets some of the
basic requirements you have here. However, half of them is not suitable for you because the
layout is poor, so you’re only left with 50. And even in this 50, probably half of them is not
suitable for you because it is all dark and gloomy, so you’re left with 25. And of the 25 that
may fit into the basic criteria, half would not be suitable for you because it is blocked, so
you’re only left with 12. Of the 12 that may fit the basic criteria, half may not be suitable for
you because it’s overpriced, so we’re left with 6. And of the 6 that may fit the criteria, half
may not be suitable for you because it may be facing the highway, or garbage collection
centre, etc, so we’re basically left with 3. And even in this 3, there may be 1 or 2 that may be
suitable for you and when you’re faced in a situation like that, you will have to make a
decision to make an offer for a unit like that. As you can see, for whatever reasons, no matter
how many properties are available in the market, probably only 1 – 3 you will find suitable
enough to make an offer, isn’t that true?

Buyer: That’s true.

Agent: Knowing that the other 97 properties are not suitable for you, Mr So & So, do you still
want me to show them to you?

Buyer: Er. I guess not.

64 Rowell Road, Singapore 207438

Tel: (65) 6293-8874, Fax: (65) 6293-8875
Agent: That’s good. In that case, Mr So & So, now that I know your requirements better,
understand your budget and everything else, I’m happy to say that there’s a good chance,
tomorrow, your home hunting will come to an end. Well, congratulations to the both of you.

Buyer: Well, that’s cool.

That’s the end of part 2 of the script on how to lead a genuine buyer to buy in 2 days. As you
can see, firstly, you need to understand the buyer’s requirements and what they can afford /
buy, the second part is to condition them mentally to expect no more than 3 viewings. And the
third one that we’re going to do now is to condition the buyer to make an offer.

Agent: Mr So & So, I’m glad that you can see all these points that I’ve laid here for you.
Tomorrow when we view the properties, I’m going to ask you how you feel, how you find them
and so on. I you were going to say anything like ‘not bad, can do, quite good’, it’s a signal that
we should go ahead and make an offer because by nature we ARE conservative, so even
though when we go and see something and you like something, you would never get carried
away with your positive response. You would discover that most people would actually buy
something after saying ‘not bad, can do, quite good’. Well, unfortunately after going through
your requirements, I realize that the next property that I’m going to show you may not
necessarily be suitable for you. In that case, I guess we should still go and see since I’ve
already made the appointment for you and it’s also good as at least you can see one more
property to give you a good gauge and a comparison of the things we’re going to see
tomorrow. Is that ok?

Buyer: Ok.

Take the buyer to see the next property, after you’ve done that, say this to the buyer:

Agent: Well Mr So & So, how do you find this property?

Buyer: Yah, you’re right, it’s not quite suitable.

Agent: I agree. Well Mr So & So, tomorrow, same thing I’m going to the property that will be
suitable for you so what it the earliest possible time that you can make it?

Buyer: 7 o’clock.

Agent: Good. In that case, let’s fix it at 7. I will show you 3 properties, good chance is one of
them will be the property that you might want to use as your home.

Buyer: Well that’s good.

Agent: Well I will call you again in the morning around 10am just to tell you of all the
appointments that I’ve made. Is that ok Mr So & So?

Buyer: Sure.

Agent: Ok, see you tomorrow then. Bye.

After your buyer leaves, you continue with your viewings with other people and in the evening
when you go back, you have to leave no stone unturned, i.e. search in Classifieds, Infotools,
all the areas in which you can find properties, etc. Once you’ve made the appointments for the
buyer, before 10am you must call the buyer. While you are making calls, please qualify the
property properly with the agents and ensure that all the requirements are met and also

64 Rowell Road, Singapore 207438

Tel: (65) 6293-8874, Fax: (65) 6293-8875
condition the mind of those agents to prepare their seller to sell when you make an offer. Net
day, after making all your appointments, you call the buyer up.

Agent: Mr So & So, this is So & So again, yesterday I showed you 2 properties and enquired
more about your requirements, etc. Good news is I made the 3 appointments for you, I went
home last night, and I firstly went to the Teletext to scroll through it a few times I went to the
Internet and scanned through many times and I went through the Classifieds advertisements
in the newspapers from as far as 2 – 3 weeks back and I also went to the Internet where all
the properties that agents are marketing are listed and I managed to find 2 existing properties
marketed that would fit your need. This morning I woke up early at about 7 or 8 o’clock and I
went to the newspaper Classifieds to try to find a suitable property for you, fortunately I found
one and I made the appointment with the agent there, if you want to check in the newspaper
Classifieds today, it’s on page C35, third column and 5th row down. That unit I also made an
appointment for you. Now, all I have to say is congratulations and I think your home hunting
would come to an end today. I’ve made the appointment starting from 7 o’clock as requested
by you. Is that all right with you?

Buyer: Sure.

Agent: Ok, so I’ll see you at 7 o’clock tonight. And don’t forget to bring your cheque book ok?

Buyer: Sure, no problem.

Do not forget to try to qualify the property properly so that you will understand which of them
would be the best, 2nd best and 3rd best. Then you organize your appointment in the sequence
which you show he best property first, 2nd best and then the worse of the 3. Now when the
buyer comes and you show them the first property, you finish viewing, there’s a good chance
this property, if you have done your homework property, this property will be the best
property. The script will go like this:

Agent: Mr So & So, how do you find this property?

Buyer: Not bad.

Agent: In that case, it’s an indication that we should make an offer Mr So & So. But no hurry
Mr So & So, we still have 2 more properties to wee. Why don’t we go and see those 2
properties 1st and if those 2 properties are not as good as this one, then we’ll come back and
make an offer for this one. Ok?

Buyer: Ok.

2nd viewing…

Agent: Mr So & So, how do you find this property?

Buyer: Not bad but I think the 1st one is better.

Agent: I also think so but no hurry, we still have 1 more to see, if we see the 3rd one and it’s
not as good as the 1st one then we’ll go back to make an offer for the 1st one ok?

Buyer: Ok.

3rd viewing…

Agent: Mr So & So, how do you find this property?

64 Rowell Road, Singapore 207438

Tel: (65) 6293-8874, Fax: (65) 6293-8875
Buyer: Hehe. Mmm. Not very suitable…

Agent: I also think so. I think the 1st one is still the best, isn’t that true?

Buyer: Yes.

When the buyer says yes, without having to ask for the buyer’s permission, you pick up the
phone and call the agent of the 1st property and in front of the buyer you say this:

Agent: Mr So & So, give me a second. Hello, are you the agent for the 1st property?

Co-broke Agent: Yes.

Agent: We came to see just now, are you still there?

Co-broke Agent: Yes.

Agent: Good, I’m coming over with my buyer who will like to make an offer for this property.

Then you take that buyer there and make him commit to that property. That’s the end of
Leading A Genuine Buyer to Buy in 2 days!

64 Rowell Road, Singapore 207438

Tel: (65) 6293-8874, Fax: (65) 6293-8875

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