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Assessment Cover Sheet and Feedback Form 2015/16

Module Code: Module Title: Module Lecturer:

BS4S16 Leadership & Management
Assessment Title and Tasks: Assessment No.
Summative Essay 1 of 1
No. of pages submitted in total including this page: Word count of submission:
Completed by student (if applicable) Completed by student
Date Set: Submission Date: Return Date:

Part A: Record of Submission (to be completed by Student)

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Part B: Marking and Assessment

(to be completed by Module Lecturer)
Assessment Task:

Summative Essay: Critically evaluate the application of leadership theories to a

leader in an organisational context (e.g. a company of your choice) and
management theories to a contemporary organisation.

Learning Outcomes to be assessed(as specified in the validated module


LO1. Critically evaluate the development of leadership and management theories;

LO2. Critically appreciate the nature of leadership and management theories and
their application in a range of leadership and management settings.

Grading Criteria:

A strong essay must use the key themes addressed in the module to develop the
analysis, namely:

 Classical to Contemporary Management Theories

 Behavioural Management
 Masterliness
 Culture & Leadership
 Leader-centric and behavioural Theories of Leadership
 Contemporary Theories in Leadership

Essay marking criteria:

Element Weight %
Presentation, structure, style and referencing 10
Contextual discussion of the broader development of 10

Information on exclusions to this rule is availablefromthe appropriate USW Advice Centre

leadership or management theory as
appropriate to the chosen topic for critical
Critical evaluation of literature 30
Critical discussion of practice relating to leader or 30
Commentary on the fit between theory and practice 20

Student Name(s):Faith Shingayi Chiware

Feedback/feed-forward(linked to assessment criteria):

 Feedback from this assessment to help you to improve future assessments:

Mark: Marker’s Signature: Date:

Work on this module has been marked, double marked/moderated in

line with USW procedures.

Provisional mark only: subject to change and/or confirmation by the Assessment


Part C: Reflections on Assessment

(to be completed by student – optional)
Use of previous feedback:

In this assessment, I have taken/took note of the following points in
feedback on previous work:

Please indicate which of the following you feel/felt applies/applied to your

submitted work
 A reasonable attempt. I could have developed some of the
sections further.
 A good attempt, displaying my understanding and learning, with
analysis in some parts.
 A very good attempt. The work demonstrates my clear
understanding of the learning supported by relevant literature and scholarly
work with good analysis and evaluation.
 An excellent attempt, with clear application of literature and
scholarly work, demonstrating significant analysis and evaluation.

What I found most

difficult about this The most difficult part for me was linking all the
assessment: management theories to other mobile network
operators and the fit.

The areas where I How leadership theories developed over time.

would value/would
have valued feedback:

Table of Contents

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..8

I. Telecel Zimbabwe’s Organogram (Fig 1)


2. Main


2.1 Development of leadership


II. Evolution of Leadership Theory (Fig 2)………………………………………….10

2.1.1Evaluation of Leadership theories in relation to Telecel




III. Traditional theories vs Modern theories (Fig 3)…………………………………


2.1.3 Behavioral


2.1.4 Contingency or Situational Theory…………………………………………………


3. Evaluation of Management theories in relation to Telecel Zimbabwe………………


IV. Evolution of Management Theories (Fig 4)………………………………………


3.1 Classical management theory by Henry Fayol……………………………………..17

3.1.1 The Scientific Management Theory by F W Taylor………………………………


3.1.2 Bureaucratic Management Theory by Max


3.1.3 Behavioural Theory by Elton Mayo…………………………………………………


4. Transformational Leadership…………………………………………………………..21

4.1 Justification for choosing and reflecting on Transformational Leadership with

regards to Telecel Zimbabwe and its leader Angeline


V. Elements of a Transformational leader (Fig 5)


5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….24

6. References……………………………………………………………..27

Critically evaluate the application of leadership theories to a leader in an

organisational context (e.g. a company of your choice) and management

theories to a contemporary organisation.

1. Introduction

This report looks at the leadership and management theories with a special focus on

their application to Telecel Zimbabwe. The reports adopts an essay format and

consists of three sections. The introduction section looks at summarizing the

structure of the report and the main body involves the critical evaluation of leadership

and management theories. It also involves the application of critiqued theory to

evidenced practice. The methodology that I will use is Qualitative Research Method

where I focus on open ended communication. This report does not only focus on

what the leader did but also show her actions helped or did not help employees The

conclusion section highlights the key points raised in the main body. Leadership and

management are superflos aspects in any organizational setting.

Through effective leadership, efficient management practices are hightened and

have a positive impact to the subject organization. This paper will use Telecel

Zimbabwe, a mobile network operating company in Zimbabwe as the controlled

corporate setting. All aspects of this research are limited to the Institution.

Furthermore, the aspect of leadership, as per the requirements, are also limited to

the Current Leader, Angeline Vere. Furthermore, this research paper aims at

determining the application of management theories in a contemporary organization.

Telecel Zimbabwe (TZ) is the third largest mobile network operator in Zimbabwe. It

offers voice services, data services and value added services (Telecel, 2019). Its key

competitors are Econet and NetOne. Telecel Zimbabwe was established in 1996 and

has average annual revenues of US$50 million per month. It has around 700

employees. Telecel has a strong culture evidenced by strong work ethics, team work

and learning.

I. Telecel Zimbabwe’s Organogram (Fig 1)

2 Main Body

This section looks at the development of leadership and management theories,

evaluation of the theories, application of the theories and evaluation of fit.

2.1 Development of leadership theory

II. Evolution of Leadership Theory (Fig 2)

Some researchers endeavored to establish the importance and relevancy of

leadership and management theories in an organizational setting. In this principle,

they reasoned that such arguments would only be valid in instances that they were

found to be relevant (Bass & Bass, 2009, p.28). Accordingly, they determined that

different approaches expedite leadership. Therefore, for a leader to be considered

efficient and effective, order and reason must be used to rule. On the same note, the

primary purpose of leadership theories, especially in an organizational setting is

merely to develop leadership (Nohria & Khurana, 2010, p.88).

Business managers and other corporate leaders are familiar with such theories, such

that they can make better approaches and decisions. More details on leadership and

management theories and their applicability get discussed in the proceeding sections

of this research. This study presents the history of dominant leadership theories and

research, beginning with the Great man thesis and Trait theory, to the

Transformational and Transactional leadership styles to various leadership


2.1 Evaluation of Leadership theories in relation to Telecel Zimbabwe:

2.1.2 Trait theory

Trait theory of leadership is focused on the characteristics of leaders. It is used to

predict the effectiveness and efficiency of leadership that are later compared to

leaders and access their likelihood of being success or failure. This is the reason

why most of the leaders agree that they hold definite qualities that are exploited in

the period in their life. They help to increase the organisational productivity or lead

the people with their certain objective [ CITATION Ber90 \l 2057 ] . Trait leader’s

effectiveness states the amount of inspiration and the influence to individuals, groups

or followers to acquire their common objective. However, scholars have argued the

fact that leadership cannot be developed or emulate. It is unique to certain

individuals who possess leadership qualities by born. Over the years, scholars

criticize the fact that whether the “leaders are born or made [ CITATION Ste04 \l 2057 ].”

Various research has shown that successful leaders are different from other

individuals as they have certain traits and core personality to succeed. By

understanding the qualities and personal traits great leaders help

organisations or followers to lead even in unconditional situations, this is clearly

illustrated by our leader here at Telecel Zimbabwe. She has stood firm and strived to

move the organisation forward regardless of the fact that the company has been

suffering a number of blows and losses. In 2018 Telecel suffered losses of about 21

million dollars yet our competitor Econet Zimbabwe made huge profits. Regardless

of hi situation, she continued to look for investors, to promote the Telecel brand and

to keep paying the employees.

III. Traditional theories vs Modern theories (Fig 3)

Scholars have criticized trait leadership in many ways. Generally, people are

convinced that traits do not change over short period. Traits of leaders do not

necessarily change in different situations, as it stays same. In my own opinion I

agree with the above notion especially looking at Zimbabwe and seeing that the

same rule that applied 38 years ago is still applying now. Some leaders don’t change

and neither does the situation. Many researchers believe that trait leadership

approach is too simplistic [ CITATION Nor15 \l 2057 ]. It is mainly focused

on the effectiveness of leaders how they are observed by their followers. The way

we view a person does not really say much about the way that person acts. The

effectiveness of leaders is unexplored as it is only predicted through the personality

of individuals. Alan Bryman (2013) has explained that, trait leadership has low

clarifying personal traits and low prediction power over their job performance. It does

not help organisations to select effective leaders who will perform the job well to

achieve organisational goals. Moreover, the predictable nature of leader’s behaviour

is less effective and their traits do not necessarily effective and consistent in all

situations and cases [CITATION McC \l 2057 ]

2.1.3 Behavioral theory

Behavioural theory of leadership based on the specific behaviour of leaders. The

behaviour of leaders helps to predict whether they can be influential leaders or not

which later determines their leadership success or failure. This notion however in my

view tends to be biased because if we judge a leader due to their behaviour then we

might get wrong perceptions. A person might argue that the CEO of Telecel is a

woman therefore she is bound to act or behave in a certain manner compared to

Strive Masiwa the CEO of Econet , in reality I have personally seen our leader at

Telecel make strong decisions that men do not even have the guts to make.

According to Derue et al., (2011) the criticism of trait leadership theory has led to

behavioural theory of leadership. It can be stated that leadership qualities are not

inherited, however it can be learned. Angeline Vere CEO of Telecel started off as in

the legal department, she then became a general manager and is now the CEO, and

it clearly shows that indeed a person can learn or groom themselves

to become a leader.

Ohio State University and university of Michigan had researched about behavioural

theory of leadership. katz & Kahn (1978), Likert (1961) was developed to study

Leader’s Behaviour Description through questionnaires. With the rigorous research,

scholars has recognised four styles of leadership behaviour: Concerned Tasks

Oriented, Concerned for People empowerment and development. Directive

Leadership and Participative Leadership [ CITATION Sto04 \l 2057 ]. The contradictory

nature of the Trait Theories, lead the researchers to focus on the behavioral aspect

of organizational leaders and as a result of which the Behavioral Theories were

formulated that are primarily based on studying the varying leadership styles.

McGregor’s X & Y Managers Theory has been widely publicized and it states that the

leader’s assumptions about human nature greatly influences the overall

organizational leadership stratagem. McGregor’s theoretical model, the theory X

managers feel or believe that their team members dislike work or need to be

persuaded to do a certain task. According to McGregor you are likely to use

authoritarian style whereby you have to manage people thoroughly as a manager. At

some point around 2016 Telecel’s high value department was not performing so well

due to the fact that NetOne the 2 nd largest network operator in Zimbabwe had

launched a product that as similar to Telecel. The downside for Telecel however was

the fact that Telecel’s network coverage is minimal as compared to the other 2

competitors hence employees lost all hope and motivation to see the current

products that we have. On the other hand, theory Y managers believe that their

subordinates take pride in their work and see it as a challenge. They

trust their people to take ownership of their work and produce results. Telecel CEO

then introduced incentives such as commission when a person sells a certain

number of lies. This helped motivate employees especially those in the high value

department regardless of the fact that our competitor was offering something similar

but with a bigger margin in terms of connectivity. Looking deeper into the McGregor’s

theoretical model, it can be noted that the theory X mangers support the domineering

style whence theory Y managers support a participative approach of leadership. The

domineering leaders have strict control over their employees categorized by their

decisiveness conversely, the participative leaders are much more considerate and

are found to behave sympathetically towards the employees and thereby, develop a

sense of affiliation and trust (Pratti et al, 2003, p. 40).

2.1.4 Contingency or Situational Theory

No single theories or leadership is the best way in every situation. Successful

leaders adopt different leadership styles depend on situations, objectives and their

followers. It concludes that leaders have more cognitive ability in order to adapt and

implement different leadership styles depending on the situation [CITATION Rog12 \l

2057 ]. Storey (2004), states cognitive theories consist of Fiedler’s Contingency

Model (1967), Yukl (2002), Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1957). These theories

evaluate the two factors model of behavioural theory that divides leader into

concerned with tasks and motivated groups or followers. It suggests that leaders are

placed in those situations that they are comfortable of their leadership styles.

Contingency theorists examine that potent leadership is liable on various

independent factors of an individual leader. Theorists predict that potent leaders who

have personal traits and behaviour should match the need of the

situation in order to manage chaos or unconditional situations. Fielder’s contingency

model provides the in-depth interaction of leadership and situational conditions. Fred

Fielder created fielder Contingency Model in 1960s by studying leader’s personality

and characteristics. The model addresses that leader’s effectiveness is relied on the

leadership style and situation [ CITATION Fre67 \l 2057 ]. It emphasizes on leader’s

personality, ability to lead, task involved, and management and if the leader can

execute the objectives with control over their followers. Scholars criticize the model

is being too rigid. There is the lack of flexibility. However, Fielder believes that

leadership styles are fixed. The effective way to handle different situations is to

change leader as flexible leaders bring more chaos and unstable situation in the

organisation [ CITATION Han12 \l 2057 ]. For example, the leader with low LPC is in

charge of an organisation, they tend to have weak relationship with group and weak

position. According to Fielder, the best way is to replace the leader with high LPC,

instead asking leader to use another leadership style [ CITATION Min16 \l 2057 ].

Mitchell, et al., (1970) has said that, even in best situation the LPC scale has only

50% reliable variance. It means, LPC is not a reliable tool to measure leadership

capability. It brings confusion, unpleasant environment in work place.

3. Evaluation of Management theories in relation to Telecel Zimbabwe:

IV. Evolution of Management Theories (Fig 4)

According to Enock. K Management takes place within a structured organizational

setting with prescribed roles. It is directed towards the achievement of aims and

objectives through influencing the efforts of others. More approximately,

management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which

individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims (Koontz

and Weihrich 1990, p. 4). In its expanded form, this definition means a number of

things. To begin with, as managers, people convey out the managerial occupations

of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Secondly, management

smears to any kind of organization. Thirdly, management relates to managers at all

organizational levels. Fourthly, the purpose of all managers is the same that is to

create surplus. Finally, managing is apprehensive with productivity and this implies

effectiveness and efficiency. Thus, management discusses the development of

bureaucracy that originates its status from the need for planned

planning, co-ordination, directing and controlling of large and complex decision-

making process. Basically, management involves the gaining of managerial skill, and

effectiveness in the subsequent key areas: problematic solving, management,

human resource supervision, and organizational guidance.

3.1 Classical management theory by Henry Fayol

Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925), France dug deep into this theory and I do agree with him

to a greater extent that this theory works very well in most organizations. Fayol

commends that work be divided and in doing so it breathes contempt and when a

person is familiar with a certain piece of work he is she tends to perform better.

Looking at Telecel, tis strategy has actually worked well in getting the desired

results. This is o because we have different departments such as the IT department

which handles all the technical work that happens within the organization and

outside the organization, we have the HR department which focuses on the

grievances of the employees and is also responsible for hiring the right people for a

specific job , we have the Marketing department which deals with all the products

that we put out there in the marker, we have the High Value Sales department that

focuses on the Corporates, the Pre-paid services department which then takes care

of all our pre-paid department. Putting these departments in place helps people to

focus more on their key result areas. On the other hand Fayol does mention the

matters relating to the understanding of a patient’s needs, ie initiative and 'esprit de

corps', he viewed them as issues in the context of rational organizational structure

and not in relations of putting up structures and changing people's performance to

achieve the best fitting between the organization and its clients.

3.1.1 The Scientific Management Theory by F W Taylor

At the crack of the 20th century at a time when the potential of science to improve

productivity was becoming clear, Frederick Taylor developed the scientific

management theory. This method looks at data and measurements to make

organizations more productive. By spotting and evaluating processes in numerical

relations, managers are able to refine information that helps them run their

businesses more competently and profitably. The process of compiling data led to

calibration and a management strategy grounded on punishment and reward. This

tactic worked for mechanized operations, but it did not do righteousness to the

human element, the part that personnel play in invention, and the importance of

keeping staff pleased and involved so they do good work. Taylor’s method works

very well especially for managers though it has a lot of disadvantages for the

workers. According to Taylor, it enabled employees to be paid by results and to take

advantage of incentive payments. This is very good especially looking at Telecel

sales structure where a person earns a basic salary plus salary. This motivates a

person to attain his or her targets and get extra money but the downside is when the

market is slow and sales are generally low then you fail to reach your target,

automatically you will not get a reward and you would have put the desired effort for

the job within that particular month. Grapevine says that Econet wireless rewards

everyone when they sell any company product which is a good initiative as it

motivates everyone to participate.

To summarize this theory, while the scientific management technique

has existed to increase output and effectiveness both in private and public services,

it has had the disadvantages of discrediting many of the social aspects of

employment.  Taylor’s ideas on management and workers validates reasonableness

for both parties (employer and employee).Taylors triumphed in the '30s up to the

early '60s, in many governments considerably later than this. Peters and Waterman

in the 70s and Senge late '80s/early '90s drove us towards what we call 'systems

thinking' where the privileges and potential wider charities of employees

acknowledged considerably greater emphasis.

3.1.2 Bureaucratic Management Theory by Max Weber

Weber described bureaucracy as the most efficient way of working. According to

Weber authority is distinguished from power. Power is a one-sided thing as it

enables a person to force another to act in a certain way, whether by means of forte

or by rewards. Authority, on one hand, implies taking rules by those over whom it is

to be exercised within bounds agreeable to the minions that Weber refers to in

discussing legitimate authority. Weber alludes to the fact that roles must be

distinctively explained and a person should know how the boss is. Some pros of

Webbers theory are that appointment, promotion and authority were reliant on

technical ability and armored by written rules and actions of promoting those

extremely able to manage rather than those favored to manage. We take a lot of this

for granted in Zimbabwe’s telecoms industry today. Anything else is regarded as

favoritism and bribery. One writer notes that another advantage of Weber’s theory is

that, “It cannot be stated strongly enough that the Weber theory has the advantage

of being used as a 'gold standard' on which to compare and develop other modern

theories”. On the other hand, Weber's theory cannot be downsized

simply to a mechanical, arranged approach to handling human beings. He also

composed the dangers natural in unchecked hierarchical bureaucracy and

emphasized the role of emotion in a business setting subjugated by technology.

3.1.3 Behavioural Theory by Elton Mayo

The key researcher under this category is Elton Mayo. The source of behavioralism


the human relations drive that was a product of the Hawthorne Works Experiment

carried out at Western Electric Company, in the United States of America which

started in the early 1920s (1927-32). Elton Mayo and his companions’ experiments

contradicted Taylor’s beliefs that science dictated that the top productivity was found

in ‘the one best way’ and that way could be gotten by meticulous experiment. The

Hawthorne studies endeavoured to define the belongings of lighting on worker

productivity. When these tests showed no clear association among light level and

productivity the trials then started observing other factors. These factors that were

considered when Mayowas functioning with a group of women encompassed no rest

breaks, no free meals, and more hours in the work-day/work-week which highly

demotivate the human mind and cannot think further. At Telecel Zimbabwe an

employer works 8 hours a day and these 8 hours include tea breaks and luncheons

so as to relax the mind-set. These experiments proved five things. Firstly, work

fulfilment and hence performance is mostly not economic as it then depends more

on working situations and attitudes, communications, positive supervision response

and inspiration. Secondly, it rejected Taylorism and its prominence on employee self-

centredness and the claimed over-riding motivation of monetary rewards. Thirdly,

large-scale experiments concerning over 20,000 employees exhibited

highly optimistic responses to, for example, improvements in working environments

(e.g., high revenues t Telecel and increase in the number of subscribers), and

expressions of cheers and encouragement as opposed to pressure from managers

and bosses. Fourthly, the influence of the noble group is very extraordinary hence,

the significance of informal groups within the office. Finally, it criticised ‘rabble

hypotheses’ that humanity is a throng of chaotic individuals (acting) in a way

calculated to safe his or her self-preservation or self-interest.

4 Transformational Leadership

4.1 Justification for choosing and reflecting on Transformational Leadership

with regards to Telecel Zimbabwe and its leader Angeline Vere:

V. 4 Elements of a Transformational leader (Fig 5)

Looking at Telecel Zimbabwe and its leader, I personally the author chooses

transformational leadership for critical analysis by reflecting different theories,

models, and examples in this part. From this part, i want to explain

the overall concept, importance and its implication of leadership studies. To create a

better relationship, trusts, change, motivate and inspire people, transformational

leadership would be the best mechanism for any organisations or groups.

The idea of transformational leadership came around 1970s. It was first introduced

by James Downton. Avolio & Yammarino (2013) has defined transformational

leadership as an approach where leaders inspire their followers for change through

motivation, their perception and common objectives to pursue their common goals.

According to Bass & Riggio (2006), transformational leadership includes various


 Motivating the followers and bring positive attitude and development.

 Raise cognizance, uplift their self-assurance and moral standards

 Highlight urgencies and focus on positive objective.

 Create decent environment through division of values.

 Training, mentoring to groups.

 Liberty of speech and optimal for followers.

Transformational leaders hold positive attitude towards their expectation and believe

they can do best. Telecel CEO Angeline Vere exhibits this major characteristic. On

20 February 2013 Telecel launched a game changing product in the market which

deals with high corporates. In order to ensure the continuity and growth of this

product our leader created a separate budget to deal with these clients. There was

no budget for such high level customers in the pas as Telecel has been greatly

motivated by their pre-paid subscribers who hold a huge percentage

of about 74%. The reason for this is because these were the customers that were

bringing in instant revenue as they top up a minimum of a dollar everyday translating

it to roughly $1 000 000 in revenue sales daily. Vere could have easily brushed the

idea of having a budget for the corporates but because she believes in the

capabilities of the employees and the growth of the company she executed her

transformational leadership skills and saw the project through. Currently, the

corporate product has shook Econet and NetOne and they have not been able to

fully math this product. They have tried to do something similar, NetOne launched

One Fusion but the downside of this product is that it uses scratch card and yet our

big bosses do not intend on buying a scratch card. The other factor that contributes

to the fact that Angeline Vere is a transformational leader and that this theory works

is the fact that he introduced an open door policy hereby employees can freely

approach her office or the HR Directors office and see their views about the growth

and development of the company. According to Vere, ’a motivated employee

surpasses his or her target’’.Transformational leaders put their passion and energy

what they think is ideal for the overall benefit of the organisation or nation. They only

care for positive change and succeed [ CITATION JMB78 \l 2057 ]. Regardless of the fact

Telecel according to Potraz has suffered huge losses in 2018 Vere has done her

level best to ensure continuity of the organisation. In previous years I believe that

Telecel made a number of profits and also managed to increase its subscriber base.

Vere motivates us as employees ie we are given cell phone benefits and also lunch

and bus services are available to all employees. During the fuel crisis in December

2018, Telecel made it easier for its employees by offering fuel coupons though 1 had

to pay for them over a period of time as a way of easing the long queues because

with that coupon a person would simply get access to Telecel fuel

without standing in the queue. This move greatly helped employees as we could now

arrive to work early and not worrying about being exhausted in the queue and then

having to do your job after.

5 Conclusions

This report looked at the theory of management and leadership theories with a

special application to Telecel Zimbabwe and it current leader. The dominant

leadership theory was transformational leadership as it greatly applies to Mrs.

Angeline Vere and the organization as a whole.

In the report, diverse leadership theories have been planned. The debated

leadership theories afford the brief replication of the leadership perspectives and

styles that has been assumed by pronounced leaders, organizations, enterprises

and nations. Many academics and scholars views has been key elements for the

literature part of this report. They have differences in opinions for the leadership

theories, its impact, benefit and criticism. Some researchers believe in the traits of

leaders which cannot be transformed. Even the behaviour of the front-runners

remains unchanged through years. Depending upon the condition and nature of

industry, the report is able to create genuine opinions, support and defend where

compulsory. From the trait theory of leadership, it can be determined that leaders are

either duty oriented or affiliation oriented. Task focused leaders are not good in

relationship with peoples and relationship oriented leaders are less likely to complete

duty in given time.

In the report I have managed to deliver the detailed summary of

transformational leadership. I trust that transformational leadership style is factual for

total development of organisation. It has helped Telecel Zimbabwe in so many way

also considering the fact that we are moving to a totally digital era hence we need

transformational leaders to drive us to those goals. Transformational front-runners

motivate, invest and surpass ordinary level of repetitive to high end. They put their

aspiration and energy with what they think is picture-perfect for the complete benefit

of the organization. Further research needs to be done expansively for the

belongings of each authority theories and their presumed leadership styles. People’s

styles towards their profession have been greatly altered due to a travel from

handbook to information based work stratosphere in the modern-day globalized

judicial structure. The fast-paced labor atmosphere linked with highly reactive

employee’s behavior has improved living standards and employee’s forecasts thus,

successful and integrated leadership has become indispensable and this greatly

applies to Telecel Zimbabwe.

Taking a closer look at behavioural leadership theory, scholars and theorists

considers behavioural leadership stems through education and experience. Blake

and Mouton behavioural leadership model attempts to elucidate that the behaviour of

leader’s vagaries when it arises to different level of management. I have noticed that

the way top management at Telecel is treated is way different than the way the

middle management is treated for example top managers can take work vehicles

home whereas sales people who need the cars even more do not even take them

home. Ongoing to contingency or situational theory of leadership, it is generally

approved leadership style by different leaders in recent years. Fundamentally, no

single leadership is appropriate for all situations. Some situations require the leader

to react differently due to certain circumstances at that given period of

time. I strongly support contingency theorists who believe that dissimilar leadership

styles are embraced in different situations as it coincides with the above example.

Theorists foresee that effective leaders who have individual traits and behaviour

must tie the need of the situation in order to manage commotion or unqualified

situations. Fielder’s contingency model offers in-depth collaboration of leadership

and situational conditions.

Although women have made progress in earning great and prestigious positions

such as Angeline Vere a woman CEO in a male dominated industry, they still have a

long way to go. The goal of all managers is to create an excess and to be industrious

by achieving a constructive output-input ration within a precise time period taking

quality into consideration and never compromising on anything. Yield implies efficacy

(achieving of objectives) and efficacy (using the least amount of resources).

Managing as practice is art; planned knowledge about management is science.

The expansion of management theory involves the progress of concepts, principles,

and practises. There are a number of theories about management, and each adds

something to our knowledge of what managers do exactly. Each approach or theory

has its own features and pros as well as cons. The operational, or administration

process, approach magnets on each theory" and thoroughly integrates them.

Lastly, the organization is an unspoilt system that runs within and networks with the

environment. The systems method to management contains feedbacks from the

peripheral environment and from supplicants, the conversion process, the statement

system, outward factors, outputs, and a way to reactivate the system. Without any

disbelief, a manager who makes solemn attempts to decipher theory into reality is

guaranteed to upsurge throughput more than a manager who picks to

use the ‘fire brigade’ or trial and inaccuracy approach.

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