Daku Ten

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Dakuten Hiragana

Thereʼs not too much to this worksheet - the goal is to help you learn and remember
how a kana changes when dakuten are added to it. Refer to your hiragana chart if you
have to, but try to answer these without looking!

When Dakuten is added, how do the following kana change?

か ka  → が __ga__! ! き _____ → ぎ _______

さ _____ → ざ _______ !! せ _____ → ぜ _______

は _____ → ば _______ !! ば _____ → ぱ _______

へ _____ → べ _______ !! つ _____ → づ _______

ki _____ → gi _______ ! ! te _____ → de _______

to _____ → do _______ ! ! ke _____ → ge _______

chi _____ → dzi _______ ! shi _____ → ___ _______

ki _____ → ___ _______ ! su _____ → ___ _______

ko _____ → ___ _______ ! hu _____ → pu _______

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