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1 Feeder PTT User Manual


ABB REF615 V5.1 Feeder PTT

User Manual


© OMICRON electronics GmbH 1/8

OMICRON PTL ABB REF615 V5.1 Feeder PTT User Manual

1. General ...................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Supported Relays .................................................................................................................................3
2. Software and Hardware Requirements ...............................................................................................3
3. Hardware ................................................................................................................................................4
4. Functional Range...................................................................................................................................5
5. XRIO Converter ......................................................................................................................................5
6. Specific Protection Tests ......................................................................................................................5
6.1 Thermal Overload .................................................................................................................................6
6.2 Earth Fault Directional Test ..................................................................................................................6
6.3 Earth Fault Overadmittance .................................................................................................................6
6.4 Voltage protection functions .................................................................................................................7

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OMICRON PTL ABB REF615 V5.1 Feeder PTT User Manual

1. General
This user manual describes details of testing REF615 relays with the OMICRON
Protection Test Template. General information on the usage of OMICRON Protection Testing Library
items can be found in the OMICRON PTL user manual.

The template has been tested with the following relay:

Manufacturer: ABB
Model: REF615
Firmware Version: 5.1

1.1 Supported Relays

The following relays can be tested with the Protection Test Template:
• REF615 Type A
• REF615 Type B
• REF615 Type C
• REF615 Type D
• REF615 Type E
• REF615 Type F
• REF615 Type G
• REF615 Type H
• REF615 Type J
• REF615 Type K
• REF615 Type L
• REF615 Type N

2. Software and Hardware Requirements

To use this template, you must have a valid test license for the OMICRON Test Universe 3.20 software or
higher versions and the following test modules:

• Control Center
• Quick CMC
• Ramping
• Overcurrent
• Advanced Distance
• State Sequencer

A CMC test set with six current outputs is required.

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OMICRON PTL ABB REF615 V5.1 Feeder PTT User Manual

3. Hardware
There are multiple possibilities of wiring a REF615 relay to a CMC test set. The advised connections are
shown in
Figure 1. These connections are the default settings in the Hardware Configuration of the PTT.
Connection Diagram for ABB REF620
V1_N – V2_N – V3_N


IL1 - IL2 – IL3



CB aux. [52a]


*: If the CTs and the residual CT have different directions, please switch the
input of Io:
I1 of CMC’s current output B to Io_N and I_N of CMC’s current output B to Io

Figure 1: Connection for ABB REF615

Before starting the tests, please compare the Reverse polarity settings of the relay parameter blocks
Current (3I,CT) and Current (I0,CT). If they have different directions (e.g. Current (3I,CT) = True and
Current (I0,CT) = False or contrariwise), please switch the input of Io as following:
I1 of CMC's current output B to Io_N and
IN of CMC's current output B to Io.

Residual current is defined as current input of following relay terminals:

in configuration F as: Io = X120-13 and Io_N = X120-14

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OMICRON PTL ABB REF615 V5.1 Feeder PTT User Manual

4. Functional Range
Supported functions:
• Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, low stage PHLPTOCx
• Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, high stage PHHPTOCx
• Three-phase non-directional overcurrent, instantaneous stage PHIPTOC
• Three-phase directional overcurrent, low stage DPHLPDOCx
• Three-phase directional overcurrent, high stage DPHHPDOCx
• Non-directional earth-fault, low stage EFLPTOCx
• Non-directional earth-fault, high stage EFHPTOC
• Non-directional earth-fault, instantaneous stage EFIPTOC
• Directional earth-fault, low stage DEFLPDEFx
• Directional earth-fault, high stage DEFHPDEF
• Negative sequence overcurrent protection NSPTOCx
• Three-phase thermal protection for feeders T1PTTR
• Admittance-based earth-fault protection EFPADMx
• Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOVx
• Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUVx
• Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOVx
• Negative-sequence overvoltage protection NSPTOVx
• Positive-sequence undervoltage protection PSPTUVx

Not supported functions:

• Phase discontinuity protection PDNSPTOC
• Wattmetric earth-fault protection WPWDEx
• Transient / intermittend earth-fault protection INTRPTEF
• Phase undercurrent protection PHPTUC
• Three phase inrush detector INRPHAR
• Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF
• Frequency protection FRPFRQx
• Harmonic based earth-fault protection HAEFPTOC
• Load shedding and restoration LSHDPFRQx
• Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN
• High-impedance fault detection PHIZ
• Multifrequency admittance-based earth-fault protection MFADPSDE
• High-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection HREFPDIF
• Reverse power/directional overpower protection DOPPDPRx
• Autoreclosing

Although the functions listed above are not supported by the Protection Test Template, the
Relay Parameter Section of the XRIO Converter includes all protection parameters of the relay.

5. XRIO Converter
The Test Object contains the ABB REF615 XRIO Converter, which includes setting parameters of the
modelled protection relay. The setting parameters are built as an image of the PCM600 V2.6 software.

The Standard Filter for XRIO Files can be used for importing settings into the Relay Parameter

6. Specific Protection Tests

In this chapter any existent test specialty of the ABB REF615 Protection Test Template is described that
differs from the explained in the OMICRON PTL user manual.

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OMICRON PTL ABB REF615 V5.1 Feeder PTT User Manual

6.1 Thermal Overload

Trip times of the thermal overload protection function are tested with the Overcurrent module. Test points
are predefined at 1.33 the minimum trip value.
The overcurrent protection can interfere thermal overload testing. Overcurrent protection stages are
displayed together with the thermal overload element to show possible interferences. If the predefined test
point will cause tripping of an overcurrent element please remove it and set the point below the operating
threshold of the lowest set overcurrent element.

6.2 Earth Fault Directional Test

The REF615 relay series offers multiple possibilities of setting operating ranges of directional earth fault
elements. Therefore it is difficult to automatically set test points for checking directional borders in all
The directional test is performed with the Overcurrent test module using two test shots: one in forward
direction (at the characteristic angle) and one in reverse direction (opposite the characteristic angle). If
the directional behavior is correct two different trip times will be measured.

6.3 Earth Fault Overadmittance

The Overadmittance protection is tested with the Advanced Distance test module. All admittance
elements are modeled as circles in the impedance plane. No tests points are predefined for this test. Set
the test manually before starting the test (Figure 3). It is recommended to set one check line for each
active element either at R and X axis or regarding its tilt angle. You may have to increase the test voltage
VTest in the settings tab of the test module if the test current is too small (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Setting of VTest in the Advanced Distance module

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OMICRON PTL ABB REF615 V5.1 Feeder PTT User Manual

Set test

Figure 3: Overadmittance protection on admittance and impedance planes and recommended test points

6.4 Voltage protection functions

Pick-up and Drop-off
The pick-up and drop-off values are tested with the OMICRON Ramping test module. A separate module
is available for testing each of the following voltage protection functions:
• Phase overvoltage (PHPTOV)
• Negative sequence overvoltage (NSPTOV)
• Residual overvoltage (ROVPTOV)
• Phase undervoltage (PHPTUV)
• Positive sequence undervoltage (PSPTUV)
For these tests the necessary voltage (phase or residual) is ramped and two ramp states are generated.
The pick-up value is tested with the first ramp, the drop-off value with the second ramp.

Figure 4: Pick-up and drop-off ramps for phase undervoltage protection

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OMICRON PTL ABB REF615 V5.1 Feeder PTT User Manual

Trip Time of the Voltage protection functions

The OMICRON State Sequencer test module is used for the trip time test of the voltage protection
functions. A separate module is available for testing each of the overvoltage and undervoltage protection
stages. These tests are divided into three sequencer states: pre-fault, fault and post-fault. The pre-fault
and the post-fault states are defined with nominal voltage values. In the fault state, sufficient voltages are
applied to trip the stage under test.

Note: The voltage calculated for the test is a multiple of the pickup voltage. Check the test points and
adapt them if necessary. The multiplier factor can be adjusted in the converter (under Additional
Information --> Test Configuration block, parameters Overvoltage factor and Undervoltage factor). By
default they are set to 1.10 and 0.90.

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