T3 - Building A Model For A Saturated Reservoir Using CMG - IMEX Simulator (Blackoil Model)

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T3_Building a Model for a Saturated Reservoir using CMG –IMEX Simulator


1. Open CMG Launcher by double-clicking Launcher 2012.20 icon on Desktop.

2. On your screen, you will see a window asking if you want to install the program icons, sample
projects and user manuals. Check on the boxes as shown below and click OK if you want to
download them. If not, uncheck all the boxes and click OK.

3. Open BUILDER by double-clicking Builder Win_64 2012.20 icon

4. On your screen, you will see a Builder - Reservoir Simulator Settings window. This is where
you set up your model. In our applications, we will use black –oil simulator so check IMEX. Set
your working units as Field Units. Set your porosity system type as Single Porosity. Set the start
date as 2013-01-01, click OK.

5. You will now see the BUILDER main interface. There are 7 sections you need to complete
describing your model. (I/O Control, Reservoir, Components, Rock-Fluid, Initial Conditions,
Numerical and Wells & Recurrent). Some parameters/features are optional but you must input
all the required parameters to be able to run your model. When you input all the required inputs in
a section, the Red/White Cross Sign turns into Green Check Mark. If you see a green check mark
next to a section title, this means all required information have been input for that section. As you
can see I/O Control and Numerical sections are already GREEN as they were filled by default.
You may modify them as you wish but for this tutorial, we are going to leave them as they are.

6. In this exercise, we are going to do a simulation study on the following reservoir:


Now let’s start with the Reservoir section. Construct the grid system by going to Reservoir >
Create grid > Cartesian

Input number of grid blocks as:

I direction: 8
J direction: 10
K direction: 1
Input block widths as:
I Direction: 500,500,425,375,375,375,425,500
J Direction: 375, 375, 375, 375,375,425,375,500,500,500

7. Change display control to Probe mode by clicking on this toolbar button on left hand side.

8. Click on Specify Property button. You will see a set of reservoir parameters as columns. Input
the following parameters on the LAYER 1 row (Important note: the reservoir properties inputs
here are initialized values that do not make any sense. All of those values need to be modified in
the following steps):
Grid Top: 1000 ft
Grid Thickness: 200 ft
Porosity: 0.1
Permability – i,j,k : 10 md
Net pay: 200 ft
Click OK.

9. Input rock compressibility by going to Reservoir > Rock Compressibility.

Input rock compressibility as 0.000001 1/psi & then click OK.

10. Now, we can see that Reservoir button turns GREEN. Now it is a good time to save your dataset.
Save it under the name IMEX_tutorial.dat (or any name you like) to one of your personal folders
in your PC.

11. At this stage, the model built is a coarse rectangular-shaped reservoir. To modify the block
properties, click on Edit Reservoir Property button on the top panel.

12. In this mode, you can change the properties of any grid blocks. On the top panel, there is a
dropdown menu that includes all properties you can modify.

Click on the dropdown menu and select NULL BLOCKS. This is used to define the blocks which
do not exist. Our goal is to remove the grids to get the reservoir system shown previously. Click
on the blocks we need to remove and then change the current value to 0, to make them inactive.

You can also change other properties by going to the dropdown menu and selecting the property
you want to change. Then click on the block for which you want to change that property. You can
modify that property by replacing/multiplying/dividing/adding/subtracting the current by any
number you want.

In this exercise, we will change the net pay of each block. Another important note: the maximum
value of net pay changing here should be smaller than the thickness value input in Step 8.

Fortunately, CMG provides an easier way to input reservoir properties in matrix format. With the
help of this function, users can change the reservoir properties by importing a data matrix instead
of changing the properties block by block by mouse-clicking. In this exercise, the input of net pay
is taken as an example:

First of all, prepare the thickness in matrix form and save it in a .txt format file. Important note
here, the matrix has to agree with the dimension of the gridded reservoir. The grid unit set as null-
block unit should be given by some values. In this exercise, the net pay of the formation is typed
into a .txt file and saved as “netpay.txt”. The null-block blocks are set with a value of 0 (One may
type the data in Excel and copy them directly to the notepad).

Then go back to CMG. Select file->Import from another file->Spatial Properties from stand-alone

Find the file saving the net pay matrix and it will show up in the combo-box as “PROP-1” (shown
in red circle). Then select the CMG property to input, for this case it is “Net Pay” (shown in
purple circle). Click the “Add to Selected List” button and “PROP-1” will be imported to “Net
Pay” as a matrix. Click OK button to finish.

This method to import CMG properties applies to all the properties including null-block setup,
grid top, porosity, permeability, etc. It reduces the time and labor to build up the simulation
model significantly, especially for large reservoir with complex grid dimension.

13. Next we move on to Components option. Go to Components > Model. Select “Launch Dialog to
create a quick BLACKOIL model using correlations” and click OK. In the ‘Quick BLACKOIL
model’ window enter the reservoir temperature as 80 F, the gas gravity as 0.6, generate data up to a
max pressure of 5,000 psi and click OK. Then CMG will generate the PVT table automatically
using internal correlations.

14. Now we can see that the Components button turns green. The next step is to input the rock- fluid
properties. Go to Rock-Fluid>Create edit rock types. A window opens & and hit the play button
and select ‘new rock type’ as shown in the screenshot below

15. Click the Relative Permeability Tables tab and Go to Tools > Generate Tables Using Correlations.

16. In the relative permeability correlations window, select the “Sandstone and conglomerate water
wet”. Enter the values of the endpoint saturation and relative permeability as shown below &click

17. Now the Rock-Fluid button turns green. Go to Initial Conditions > Initialization Settings and enter
the information for Pressure, Depth and Water-Gas Contact in their respective fields. The initial
Conditions button turns green

Next step is the most important part of building the model is to include wells in the system. In this
practice, we are planning to add three producing wells with different specifications.

No. Specification Value unit

Well-1 bottomhole pressure 50 psi
Well-2 oil flow rate 50 bbl/day
Well-3 gas flow rate 10,000 scfd

18. Go to > Wells &Recurrent > Well New. In the “Create New Well” window the default well
name is Well-1, choose the Type as Producer

19. Click the Constraints tab (shown in red circle) , check the Constraint definition check box (shown
in blue circle) and select
Constraint: OPERATE
Parameter: BHP Bottomhole pressure
Limit/Mode: MIN
Value: 50 psi
Action: CONT

& click OK.

20. On the tree view on the left, Click on Wells > Well-1 > 2013-01-01 PERF. Double click on 2013-
01-01 PERF, click on Properties.

21. On the Well Completion Data window, go to Perforations tab. To add perforations with mouse,
click on the BEGIN button. This will allow you to define the location of your well, and add
perforations to your well. First make sure you are on the IJ-2D Areal View. To put your well,
click on BLOCK 5 2 1.

Click the stop button (same as the begin button) to complete the perforations.

22. Now again go to Wells&Recurrent > Well New to create Well-2 and Well-3.

For Well-2, click the Constraints tab and check constraint definition and select

Constraint: OPERATE
Parameter: STO
surface oil rate
Limit/Mode: MAX
Value: 50 bbl/day

Complete the well in block (6,7,1) by following the same procedure as done for the Well-1.

For Well-3, click the Constraints tab and check constraint definition and select

Constraint: OPERATE
Parameter: STG surface oil rate
Limit/Mode: MAX
Value: 10,000 ft3/day

Complete the well in block (3,6,1) by following the same procedure as done for the Well-1.

23. To set the well schedule, on the tree view, double-click on Dates. Click Add a Range of Dates.

From 2013-01-01, To: 2023-01-01.

Now that you have the dates are generated, scroll down until the bottom. Find the last date, which
should be 2023-01-01. Check the box next to it, which sets that date the simulation stop date.
Click Close.

24. Now Go to Numerical > Timestep control. Change the maximum time step size dataset value to 0.5
day. Click OK.

25. To validate your model such that it has an meaningful input set, you can click Validate with IMEX
on the top, then click on Validate (Run to validate dataset only) and hit Run button. If no error is
given, your dataset is ready to be submitted for a simulation run.

There are two ways to run the model.
First way is to run it in the builder directly. Click Validate with IMEX on the top, then select the
option “run normal immediately” and hit the Run button.

The other way to run the model you have just created, go to CMG Technologies Launcher

Look for IMEX_tutorial.dat, then drag that file and drop it on top of IMEX Win_x64 2011.10
icon. Click on Run immediately with mx2012.20.exe and OK.

26. After the run is finished, CMG will automatically generate output files, which are .irf, .mrf, .rst and
.out files. There are several ways to view the results. One of them is through the graphs. You can
make the plots through CMG by dragging .irf file and dropping it on top of Results Graph Win_x64

After the file is loaded, you will see a Plot 1 title on the left section. Right-click and select, Add a

In the window that is popped up you can select the well and the parameter you want the plot of.
Now, select Gas Rate SC for Well 1 and click OK.

The gas production file will show up:

If one would like to add other curves in the same plot, right click Plot 1-> Add curve(s). For this
case we add the water production rate of Well-2 as an example.

Now another curve is showing in the same plot.

One can also add new plots by right click Plot 1-> Add plot. Plots drawn in CMG can be exported
as picture files (such as .jpg, .gif etc.). Use Tool->Save Image to save the picture.

The data points from the runs can also be exported top excel or plain .txt file. Use Tool->Export
directly to Excel or -> Export to ASCII TXT file to achieve those goals.

27. Another way of viewing your results is 3-D representation. Drag .irf file and drop it on top of
Results 3D Win_x64 2011.10 icon. This interface is similar to Builder's. You can select the 2D
Areal or 3D views. Instead of Block Fill, you can use Contour Fill for a smoother distribution of
reservoir properties. You can also change the reservoir properties from the menu.

For example, you can how reservoir pressure change versus time. Change the IJ-2DAreal mode to
3D View model and select Pressure. Click on play button to see the pressure change over time.

It is also possible to export the grid values (including pressure, saturation etc.) to make surface plots. Use
Tool->Export properties values to export the values to matrix form. The following figure shows the
pressure surface at the 2013-1-1.


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