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pears SYSTEM YU Gare | TES) Ps Covqaou pe SYSTEM:> Meams OF transforming a Sigua) oA si BO function of one or More no-of Indepercient varibles. ey) Yur) oudpeck signa Cv) input signal x) Response: excitation CONT! S¥sTEM > A Cornel System Is-tnact means by Lonich Any Quantity of Intevest Is-mairtained orattereda desired marmmer- CONTROL SYSTEM Non- feed back cs Feedback cs (closed lop cs) Copen lopp cS) ios +e) =(vey Sensibie 2X~ Rubdmotic cant! > 1, Adaptabie S Uumancia / Android - SY¥YsTem security * SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION oF CONTRDL SYSTEM : —> emor Compotterr PLANT (OR) detector ate: ED FRR REHLE process. , . ets) Als) ra73) 09784236981 R- Reference input 5; c— £- WADE Sere - Feed bte- CoMtolles TF.) bbe = Be Feed back path TF, be: TOPIC P. No: Comte lied output back signet p= plant TF Fowward poth TF. “H — Loop(or) OLTF OVvewaU (OY) CLTF 3 A ~ actuating oF moderating aignal- 1 The cranges im output of tne system cannot be wrrected: 2 No-sensor i4 avaliable eur, 1 The change £4 output be comected & sensor is aAVvailobie- 3 NFes degeurally stable 2B. Due tO Feedback system tf can but can Mot be stablized Lf be stablized bewWmes un stable ‘ move. sensitive fer paramets 4 Legs semsit've. For parameter Naxations Yaration S simple and economical Sr Eemiftex ord cbetty: Db Before. Apter @ DEVCS) Mtn Z = muulé) o3vC%) ce) Exchange” us Galdiews > : RR xy (10) Shift an adder after tne take of¢ point -—> eS Sk c=Rtx : ee ye R4X : (1) _sniet gn addes befove tne take OFF Point :—> - J =R+ Cae > c= Rix sh x y= RERK % QDR OF stemrder Open loop ox closed loop System!—> o ney fous} —> fisyor (2). gis) CIA) cts) zs Z COLTF) eosy CeLtF) ee ts) ees) 2 yi) — aes) t+ Gis) Hes) CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 P. No: Porauet| Peed poxwasd a iS Ga, Sea ute 5. Shiet am adder after -tne Block = (R+X)& = Rort xe Rot xo ot > msilP. 7 M= CIP 5 Total No-of possible T men he perominator oF TF: OF Muti input ard mULlti-outpubsame Solr catled characterstic equation 418)= \FelsH(s)= 0. ‘CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 ee ee ee ee Ee (Ges 1243) ) 6 6 3 @2. ie Qs Qu. “C= (-H) x (U2 ) R \+GaH2. MAIL. 09784236981 12, Ry y= orp =2 Tote No of TE = 2x2=4 eee 4 R Ri Rs RD R, o Sa eee Ry I+ @y (-H2bH1) Ro 1+ (=GnHytai)-Hz_ 22 —SHab2 =e ule 14min) Hy 7 Po Jey ony He = os Met br16ta Hy ieH2-b12 ashen Gy=bIg=@ § H)= Srey Hy HD R a al OL - Qé-R: a ee c ive=3; o1P= Tee axes + Hr 5 Re tet 2 he 4 UE eS Be es cg Rg Vay re oy l4onbramyHe Y2 euye HH ‘CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 The condition to have no etect of N om = Ga-bebibts soe Oo T pk = Nt (-bree1 - neo) lag— Sie G13. =O Stes Ci Find Ou TF: s-! oe ae ele eee: Ur Sa te 1=—( Aja s+ ies (3) so o a3. origral Piogvam e = (c eguilent cet : eee Find k=9 7. KTS SZ ANEAS 54 SFL Kean CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 me The condition tO have. no e+tect of N om C_ So Oe bebibig No 4-(-bie61, - Suen) " 9 = T Find Ou TF 5 U2 Qs. orignal Diageam R ea c_equilent cet Se Fae Find k=9 st! % Ko+T= stz Angi- 9 SH Sak Kea. RAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 RP — Tore P. No: ak Diagram 2 ee = ; & equilest BIQgzaM R {2} Se Find | 2,43 : Ponies eae Cite = ©x @® Pe 1+Gubr @@tL b> Vg; 2262 5 3>GL Ea cc atanocvancon 09784236981 lo * signal Flow timph —S-3 MASeN * Retination > signed Fie Gucpn As a graphical technique tret Deak utin tne Relation between Varibles of a eyStem olescribed im-me Form set oF Uneqy algebric equaton By oNgt Ra K=l,2,3 ---n 1 N= OF Forward path Pk = gain of KY Fosward path Sus i— (somor aut zndiviual Levp gain not touch K™ Feaward patn) + (sep oF 2- nm +oucniny Loop galntrat mot touch Km forward pod) Q= 414) = Determinant = 1-(sum of au individual (sop gen) + Csop of m0 hon touching LeoPp) 40 (niven igure. 4 Ket Ps Vere, 2. i ay Tisk= I-CUiteat ls) 4 Lbixs) eee: Sem Bees 1AIL.COM (09784236981 TOPIC P.No: Node:> NO OF Node= No-oF system variobles. (@ Imput Node :-> That Nede pas only outgoing brancnes: (») output Node: The Node. thet hah onty inkoming branches. path: The tine used te dein tw. Nodes. Fouward path ("tne path Join input ard output: Node s. but No Node are ‘repeated: clase path or LOOP '> 4 loop hak srarrentel erd have same Nede. No Node 1s Repeated: Non-“pucning AcoP:> When ANY Lop have No common Necie:s- es. wakes formula faite if input ard output Nede is net btiven. — Two Non-linear blecks ave censicierd as castacle tran equilertt ss ie R agp ean Sone of trem “pen.tineat tran. ‘CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL, 09784236981 fokis eRe = Gry (1-0) 4 bial ey + (et He) U0) — 11g Hy 1- Coney Hits) o clea BR Find rE: eg es] tees Ste 1- (auton) Qa Find TF, Tr TES Subta (1-0) t Sbight-6) I= [strats bata + on baingi ts J Hy Gu. Find TF: x __ | Aoi uae : toe ae : Te IP node Not btiven tren comsider a dummy Node lwitn Unity golly oS oS 1 = a 1-4, Se Sy OMe) * — cer . cs 3 2 - ne > = (tlt2) x(24143) = 36 a 4 L Ra = 3 09784236981 (a) N= @ L-= 3 a ae x N=Q “ues SS = =< Two Non touching \oop= + w CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 1 %& Feedback Chayacterstic + Neqative. Feedback !-> R Go t us generis BECH & H a effect o ative feedback _ Ke Overau F jen bv, Barelusioltn fh} exor , external distrubance + Semsiti vite) Stoitity Noise ¥. pan O12 (Without FB) G2 “(wine s) (461 619H Sod Reduces} Noise *K SENSTTINITY | 17x Fer better performance. sensitivity Mmoustless. * semsitivity ak tne Quartatives meausre 6F Amount of Charye. dy over performance of A system Far Change tt parameter ST; cok wane as er Se) st ae SS naN iS (87) SK—T * ol system:>. a SL SYSTEM - R e coe a { Sse Shia) se CRAZ" 09784236981 Ca) pi ity > oO/p A ip LP: pl + byath) = T [az (+b matH] U4) = mxly) > Linear aoe gh = Mxt)+¢> NU vt) cu) = =ASinwet Gis) BSin[ Mot tO] Be 4-Gw)] Li R 2V=zR = Leriw) LINLIL > W= LOlAt Lni:c @ wat fiat Nt : piede NL Transistor. YU) =-sint ety 27 = BSin( wot t &) B= A: low =| Se ee = ton!) wttiwea Ne wore = -us® Sere ae Sin (t-us*y Ce) ities oe SEP. “> fe ole: gtay. sion es a thoy * Asymptotic Stability '- 0) p toward ze» clbsense op input: * Relative Stability: 2 1m +Hme Domain Depend. gettilug time ara Frequency Response. peperd tim § PM aeons Cees CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 *- ampulse Response |—> Si Sc) EH) ze “Ws sD Yi = $4) #h ly =hW) = yo =2hG) 9SWeo GF #0 HU) SUH) = ov ot t #0 tee cl try] ; (ee ga Impulse Response Tee LCER] = Ltere) = Liza) LUze) £ ls Vee /s3 * : —— When 2R abSolutety rntegroble tran system 1s stable: +00 f hub. dt < co Heo Standerd closed loop TRI OCS) (4 rls) His) cnoracterstic eq4 Gls) = [+ ls) H(S) =O; Root of ZIs) = pole of CLTF CONCLUSION | > * A system Stable Ail CL pole Lie Left side of s Plane Ff: TR70 ab +> > stable a * A SYSTEM maginaly Stable if has Non-mulHple pole on Imag Als 2F_4R9 coNstemt at 17% % A SySTEM UnStoble IF hag repeated Pole en 1M9g- Axl& or pole in eigud S-Phne >@ at t+ Real a exp” sznesoudial | __exp*xsine zaxt_| (CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMA\ [OM 09784236981 a es ep set bes ae t bes elec ‘CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 TIME RESPONSE ANALY SI ¢ % Time Respopse Analysis « Tl) —yProcoss |-> cl) Sudden enock> 80). Sudden change > UU) tonstant vel ockt a! vy) 5 Wwnstant actderohen > PH) TOPIC P. No: Using TE me-med :> St Se output: TRAY frequercs, Respee COStODL SINUS! & ULH, YU, PCH castles! tramgient Response Kime Resparse pmalysis of 4S* pyder system :-> fa spe Moll) Yisea ales yt Tr = =e: Nyt) RAMS vi) Vo 4) =e Te+me wnst eRe so - | Tee Teer WitR: ssi go ci) A ee ey Sen Pats (ee J, (ER aK <00 fo Ltoble system. sR ALUgFIA oY (iD step gor pense utt):> YA i Saeneie so See SOW) = Ver 4 Jtst 4 SE cy 2 Clee T/T) uw eG) = FU) ect) = ut wl) + uty en YT. elem es oT ute) 0 sR ete), Tronsient Response CRAZYCOOL. MAHAN@GMAIL.COM (09784236981 * Time Domain specifications of 48> Order system! geo belay time ) ot Sov OF Cl) of bee el SS cera & I are ko |jta= Lp(a). T = ©-693T Q Rise tHme (ty) Jot aox oF fit attet, S cleleviy S ioe tUT lo Ot) cout at t=to => ct) = 9020) > ye MIT 209d tg =2-ar Jty=ta-ti =a oT-Olt = a oT eee ¥ peed . ee tives aoe ty = gre = SB age) T=AC= one | 3. Acting time ts) OWb3*% of. clt. > ot att=t. » cli = low) =4 > Joe a4 > [ts eT] jada 47.637. aT > Buy SX ctapinity Br 7 357. (Ev ewer) 5 uT>987. (2% error) * Ramp Respense 1? tule) > Var : : eee Sale = dass 2 ae Ee Pete §E_ Tie Ur yuu Sele = T= cu) = tu) —tums TU eT) uty = TU e Yay CW) [pew = T #0 : OY psiv % Parabolic aesomse :> t> y(t) <> Vo3 : a, : ° £ Cis)= itsT & ees cae : cigs f tet = TU oUt) vuw % 42 eW. =H ct) > aud Buch + [tere Gey oP RADAR fis LAAT Ue e'T) yuo a ew | © : ’ Bee ee CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 SS : ee | owcex System: > : \ es Nitty) ae vr) R+8l a 4 ES eee het Tram siectionas / mechanical System ( Rotational metion)'s 2. | Fis MOK) OF. AlXtO exe) | lea ee oe : Mtb) 4 =e as FIA) MS>+ Fstk St FS + o Tn beuva TE oF standerd 24 Oreer CL Lystem. Wy = Natural or unclamped Prequeme S= Damping Factor or Roto es compare equation @ wlth one aay F oy = Ve eo a ey i sae Stanclerd 2° order sytem Qisd= st+asgwns + wy2 S125 + SUn + wy I< $t,2 = FI8) = ~6Hmy town |I- Le 650 —> Undamped 2: 048% 1 > Underadamped ae Sc ey Critically odlamped 7? +: S>1-> OVerDamped. CRAZYC MAI 09784236981 P. No: Conjugate pairor Pes Axis Ju, = -JWy Response ts a but No stablity, a. [eese4] s12= Gai eotniex en: sien) = SWy Damping aonstant Wd= Wy Ji-s? = Damping a oe = Seo (veal arel ve pated) ee ea = arbre uy. |4<6<0 S12 = ree td Wn, Sa =i Bia beet Ad Sais see “pet “ane te Best Rang eS 8348406 | §=5-15 Faster legs Stable ° eee ef inmese vreed Geta Gans ereset umanaane CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 BIECT “TOPIC P. No: Time nomain speciPication:> L tel Rise HME) > time taken by veseonteto vise Prom o te 1087, OF me Fina! value or steady stote value, incase of unoexdamped 2ystem. but in case df overpamped system 4St Order system wise time taken by -ne ‘Respmée 104-0 907 oF ~ne Pinal value. ab tbat oo clea jo en Sentry ai-s= __ sin Lwdtr+oyoo > Wdty + $= NH Gin(wWodtrt+P] = 4 Fer n=4 in Rodiang. &- peak time (tp) !> +Hme taken byte Resprnge te rise From Zervoto peak Value OY Maximum Value of RESPMse- ot t2t ; cllsyso cl=o dt ech 1a ee ewer ey = Eh [is se -5Wntp SW aie ' Sunt Pa eee i = cos (Wate t+ 6 )- wd + Sin(ued te+d) & Cn | p = eT Serta in [wate tb 4) =o f=5> sin (Wate) =o Wdtp = na i ead «maxima or oVershaot “neve: minima ex undeysheot CRAZYCOOL. MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 ct ToPIc P. No: ce Analysis For Second Oder system | ~> Rt =30, Step Respmse > RIS) HVA = & SS ioe Se i RIA) S24 8SWyS + Wyr SrIswoynstOyr S using partial frictton :- 2 eI) SS Oo eee a ea ee : CstewnPtwg? Tis (S+awy)* +9? = cus fin ee cpgwat = Be SMt pinuatt 3 uu ase it ~ d= ? fea SS PPO a Jizs* steady stecte tremsiegrt state. Response Response. = el = Ti] oly = ews etent i hued $b] wlins — euy= o Vee t tien tsary 09784236981 EE jxecr-—— Fone Pets 22 ° MUM peak (Mp): Mp 46 defined ad-+tne ciffererce between peck Valle ©f ne RESPMse ane stesdy state yale. Mp = Cltp)— <6) oF Y.Mp = cl tp)-Cl®) x joo ies ct) mp = t= eT sintwate+o)o1 : e Mp =. eS / [irae | Few step 7" sek iug time (ts) i> time toxen by Respmnse to vise From. zero and to srey usith in a tel rance bard of 2-mLly Obey tat, > cu= 48x%W) -sMyts I= eT BUMS gin (wd ts+6) = O98 Se gr bo Phas sonts = Soe similanty firriecwm => tly = 4576) ei Se cesetesiae Senos Kv. OF tolerance St tyt, teh Mpv,tsv petrer transient Res pmse As = OK 2X bee Woh 5° Noof Ydeg= 5% aie CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAILCOM 09784236981 aD v0 bho: i * Steady state Responge analysis» CoN To estimate enter (Ess) ee ee © 4 ss = Steady stute ewer = elt) |t=0 Sy 7 ews ripe = + €gg= Lim et4)= Lim sets) Sf = tls) 420 4>0 RE tu nes) <= GE — [ess = F[ RW), Gils) Hts) ] = Lim ett) im SEls) es $00 feuy ke Bi) = Cee Hts) * Type of system '- Onty For OLTF) PEM lopp-ransrer function No OF pole ot prigin valid For ol TF #OT bist Pees book Create. unity i *© OMdey Of system! OLTF/CLTF Tetat No of pele fu a system Oxdey > TYPe exe | = ee See le ara =e eer ort isi (Baca ieee TMPe OF secore| order starcerd system isa. | C = ©LTF) Soe eu ____ Cette) > enters) = Wu Ps) 6 *+2Sunstwy2 SA DSUs S+ Uoy>—WY2 Gls) Hts) = oy wpe. a. S Us + a5un oh ee te z ae ep as | oer eg Bileer ee ee é oe st4 _ st ones SAT Ceuta) jy) OUP Sane Ss mse ea Q pare 4 aet 13: ste esta ‘(CRAZYCOOL. MAHAN@GMAIL.COM (09784236981 P.NO: 3 y GrisyHis) = KUSt21) : Se US +P) =| -ess= tim sets) a) @ls)= Vs Sie aE SS eh Sean ge = ttm | Sy. tS BS VOSA Bey : 490 1g KGB) Trkp 7 Kee Sm Gusts) SH) . b) QI4)= V2 (Ramp) ess = Lim s- Vcr Sle = Se ee ey = seo &4+SKU) 14k) “oT t) © tS = Ire3 (Parawelay Esso @ [ess 1. es 32 ee an Se) = Um SRS) 5 T = = 7 $90 Teast = ee = dim ew T=1 ° Tew co feo =e eS Yea. Tes. £ £ 2 steady state emesconst 4 s[kp = Lim Gils)HIs) ok Postional error instant :| Kp ae : oan Conan i = Um sayy | oR Velodty emer stant | Ku = 23) i ieee e on Acceleration envy Costani{ka = Lim Seals) Hes) | | 2° need galn : Steody state gain * Whem +ype of system t Steoely stecte enor ard steblity c pe t , S65 Ny, Sthy 2 que Lo se type-a > Gist omer system: TF= Test! ST. ess = Vey i ky = Ait somes) = Um Soy = Yr so [ess > second onley {ess = 4h = 28.) 5 kv = im stn? cee H s a=. en S20" Sis4 zw) 25 CRAZYCOOL.MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981 3-2 ~Iso =! Xx[s0 xs Os Sie eS K OS . (s+2) a(tst1) KE O-c y) Zero Freq. (or) a Aa ee State nj; T= Hme conste e-2 FRM Time CONST: Poem doin i Ty Himes. a en Pole Near to crigin catled Significart Pole (Represent V sign) Distance bIW sigmiricant pole te o+mer pole 2S catled insignificant pole. 5 \ * moins significant Pele concept applicable +o time const: Form Not e Pole -zer0 Form. a y= Hime CNStTant = 1 © pole value (fn) 1 TRANSPeRTATZON | LAE OY DEAD time bea. ylet to )= UY) vides wey Er Se * *« CS) Je [=4 unagtected e-Ste = wtp Yodions = — Wtox Ide = 54-3 WH ~ te 2 SHB Wt em Sas P| 8S a 1-48. K Due te tana portation Delay Stabiity of system clecreass. Ee CRAZYCOOL,MAHAN@GMAIL.COM 09784236981

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