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Strength and

Conditioning for
Competitive Rowers
Frank J. Nugent, PhD,1,2 Eamonn P. Flanagan, PhD,3 Fiona Wilson, PhD,4 and Giles D. Warrington, PhD1,2
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, University of
Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; 2Sport and Human Performance Research Centre, Health Research Institute, University of
Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; 3Sport Ireland Institute, National Sports Campus, Dublin, Ireland; and 4Discipline of
Physiotherapy, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

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ABSTRACT boats can comprise of 1 rower (single associated with the sport of rowing.
scull or 13), 2 rowers (double scull or This is vital information for designing
Strength and conditioning (S&C) is an
23), or 4 rowers (quadruple scull or appropriate S&C programs for rowers
essential component of performance
43), and sweep rowing boats can com- competing at the elite level (i.e., senior
enhancement and injury reduction for international rowers) and nonelite level
prise of 2 rowers (pair or 22), 4 rowers
competitive rowers. However, infor- (i.e., junior rowers, club rowers, masters
(4 or 42/4+), or 8 rowers (8 or 8+).
mation regarding the practical appli- rowers, etc). Thus, the aim of this arti-
Rowing is classified as a strength-
cation of appropriate S&C cle is to provide an evidence-based
endurance sport as high levels of
programming for competitive rowers is need analysis of the biomechanics,
strength are needed to generate the
limited. The aim of this article is to force necessary during the early stage physiology, and injury epidemiology
provide an evidence-based needs of a race and during the final sprint to associated with the sport of rowing.
analysis based on a review of the lit- the finish line, whereas equally high After this, practical considerations
erature in the area of biomechanics, levels of endurance are needed to last and guidelines for the implementation
physiology, and injury epidemiology in the duration of a race (60). High levels of appropriate S&C programs for com-
the sport of rowing. Practical consid- of strength may also be important for petitive rowers will be provided.
erations and guidelines for the imple- injury reduction as rowing is a repetitive
mentation of S&C programs for NEEDS ANALYSIS
sport where high training volumes are
competitive rowers will be provided. common (26,105). Subsequently, there BIOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS
is a risk of overuse injury (79,86,104). Rowing is performed in a narrow boat
An appropriately designed S&C pro- with a sliding seat. The rowing stroke
INTRODUCTION gram can help to develop a strong (both sculling and sweep rowing) is
owing is one of oldest sports in and robust rower capable of tolerating a cyclical movement that involves the

R the modern Olympic Games

and has been part of the sum-
mer Olympic program since the 1900
high training volumes (100). Previous
studies in this journal have discussed
the S&C program design for collegiate
sequential contributions of the legs,
body, and arms to propel the rowing
boat forward through the water. Row-
Olympic Games (1). There are cur- female rowers (45) and S&C goals for ing performance depends on the pro-
rently 14 Olympic events which are pulsive force generated by the rower(s)
rowers (69). However, both studies
all competed over a 2,000-m rowing to overcome the drag or resistive
were published nearly 15 years ago,
course. There are 2 technical disci- forces that act on the rowing boat,
and numerous updates are required
plines: (a) sculling, which is performed rower(s), and oars as they move
because of emerging evidence in this
with 2 oars and (b) sweep rowing, area (10,24,55,57,58,104,111). In addi-
which is performed with 1 oar. Sculling tion, both studies (45,69) provided lim-
rowing; needs analysis; physical prepara-
Address correspondence to Dr. Frank J. Nugent, ited discussion on the biomechanics,
tion physiology, and injury epidemiology

6 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association

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through the water and air (9,87). Pro- (28,47,87,101,107). Throughout the (18,87); however, this may take place
pulsive force is generated at the foot drive phase, EMG activity indicates earlier in the drive phase as the boat
stretcher (where a rower straps their the trunk and arm muscles—primarily velocity and skill level of the rower in-
feet into the boat or rowing ergome- the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, deltoi- creases (87). A number of studies have
ter), primarily in the horizontal plane, deus posterior, biceps brachii, and bra- found asymmetries in the EMG activ-
and must be efficiently transferred chioradialis—are active during what ity of the knee, hip, and back extensors
through the trunk/arms to the oar(s) seems to be an isometric contraction during the drive phase of the rowing
during the rowing stroke (16,87). A due to the lack of associated joint ac- stroke in sweep rowers (15,47,73). This
study by Kleshnev (49) involving 88 tions (107). The middle of the drive suggests that the sweep-rowing stroke
elite rowers found that 45.2 6 4.9% phase, when the oars are perpendicular may involve slightly different muscle
of the total propulsive force is gener- to the boat (Figures 1B and 2B), has activation patterns than the sculling
ated by the legs, 32.2 6 5.8% by the been found to be the point where peak stroke. However, the studies were con-
trunk, and 22.6 6 5.8% by the arms. force and highest EMG activity occurs ducted on a rowing ergometer, and to
The rowing stroke is performed pri-
marily in the sagittal plane, and there
are 4 distinct phases—the catch, drive,
finish, and recovery (101) (Figures 1
and 2).

The catch phase. This phase in-

volves the rower placing the rowing
oar into the water to produce the ini-
tial propulsion of the boat (101)
(Figure 1A). As sweep rowing involves
only 1 oar, there is an asymmetrical
movement at the catch phase that in-
volves rotation and lateral bending of
the spine which occurs primarily in the
upper thoracic region (93) (Figure 2A).
Rotation and lateral bending occurs to
the left in “bow or port-side sweep
rowers” and to the right in “stroke or
starboard-side sweep rowers” (93). In
the catch position, maximal flexion oc-
curs at the hips, knees, and ankles to
optimize rowing stroke length (SL)
(i.e., the distance the oar travels
through the water) (62).

The drive phase. This phase is

commonly termed—“the leg drive”
and can be divided into the early and
late drive phase (101) (Figures 1B and
2B). During the early drive phase, elec-
tromyographic (EMG) activity indi-
cates that the knee extensor muscles—
the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and
vastus lateralis, contract to generate
propulsive force during the catch phase
(28,47,87,107). During the late drive
phase, the hip and back extensor
muscles—the gluteus maximus, biceps
femoris, and erector spinae, contract to
initiate what is commonly termed—“the
body swing,” which helps to fur- Figure 1. Phases of the sculling stroke. (A) Displays the catch phase. (B) Displays the
ther contribute to boat propulsion drive phase. (C) Displays the finish phase.

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S&C for Rowers

transversus abdominis/internal oblique

—play a role during the finish phase by
decelerating trunk extension during the
layback of the stroke (74,107).

The recovery phase. This phase is

the opposite of the drive phase and is
initiated by the rower extending their
arms away from the body after the finish
phase (101). This is followed by hip and
knee flexion as the rower moves toward
the stern of the boat in preparation for
the catch phase (101). During the recov-
ery phase, EMG activity of the majority
of muscle groups is low; however, the
trunk flexors are involved in flexing the
trunk over the extended legs (74) and the
knee flexors—primarily the bicep femoris,
are involved in pulling the rower toward
the stern of the boat (28,47,87). Kleshnev
(50) suggests that the duration of the
recovery phase ranges from 0.7 to 2.4
seconds (s) across stroke rates from 16
to 44 strokes per minute (strokes/min),
respectively. During the recovery phase,
a rowing boat is moving at its greatest
velocity; therefore, it is vital that the boat
is balanced to prevent the oar(s) making
contact with the water surface, which
would increase drag and thus reduce
boat velocity (9,87).
The duration of muscular contraction
during the rowing stroke is an impor-
tant consideration for S&C coaches
when prescribing S&C exercises and
their associated loads. Kleshnev (50)
suggests that the duration of muscular
contraction from the catch to the finish
phase of the rowing stroke ranges from
0.7 to 1.4 seconds across rowing stroke
Figure 2. Phases of the sweep rowing stroke. (A) Displays the catch phase. (B) Displays rates from 16 to 44 strokes/min,
the drive phase. (C) Displays the finish phase. respectively. In comparison with
land-based sports that commonly
involve muscular contraction durations
the best of the authors’ knowledge, no drawn toward the rower’s body, thus of ,0.25 seconds, the duration of mus-
studies have investigated EMG activity releasing the oar from the water (101) cular contraction during the rowing
in a sweep rowing boat. A more (Figures 1C and 2C). It is commonly stroke seems to be relatively long. Con-
detailed discussion of this topic is pro- termed “the arm pull,” and EMG find- sequently, the role of the stretch-
vided in “the importance of robustness” ings indicate that the leg muscles are not shortening cycle (SSC) during the row-
section, later in this article. active during this phase and muscle ing stroke is debatable (24,32,53,55).
activity is primarily in the latissimus The SSC is defined as the sequential
The finish phase. This phase occurs dorsi, trapezius, deltoideus posterior, combination of eccentric, isometric,
at the end of the drive phase when the biceps brachii, and brachioradialis and concentric muscle actions that
legs and trunk are fully extended and (74,107). The trunk flexor muscles—rec- promote an enhanced concentric force
involves the rowing oar handle(s) being tus abdominis, external oblique, and output (51). Schmidtbleicher (82) has

8 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020

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Table 1
Anthropometric characteristics of elite rowers (70)

Characteristics Heavyweight Heavyweight Lightweight Lightweight

males (n 5 33) females (n 5 21) males (n 5 15) females (n 5 7)

Height (cm) 192.4 6 5.4 179.4 6 4.9 181.3 6 4.1 167.8 6 1.6
Body mass (kg) 94.7 6 5.9 75.7 6 5.2 74.5 6 2.8 59.5 6 1.9
Body fat (%) a
12.6 6 2.7 22.4 6 3.0 10.7 6 2.7 19.4 6 2.3
Sum of 4 skinfold sites.

suggested that the SSC can be classi- whereas the remaining events are for for the equivalent Paralympic events,
fied as either fast or slow. The fast SSC heavyweight rowers. Table 1 provides and well in excess of 14 minutes for the
is characterized by short muscular con- a summary of the anthropometric head of the river events and coastal
traction durations (,0.25 seconds) and characteristics of 76 elite rowers (70). events (67). However, the duration of
small angular displacements of the Body mass (BM) and lean BM have each event may vary because of
hips, knees, and ankles (e.g., maximal been found to have a significant corre- weather conditions, boat type, com-
sprinting). The slow SSC is character- lation with 2,000-m rowing ergometer petitive level, and weight class. A
ized by longer contraction durations performance (r 5 20.82 to 0.85 and r 2,000-m rowing race can be broken
(.0.25 seconds) and larger angular dis- 5 20.91 to 0.94, respectively) (44,113). down into 3 main components—the
placements (e.g., a vertical jump). Therefore, optimizing lean BM is start phase, the mid-race phase, and
Therefore, rowing seems to be a slow important for S&C coaches working the finish phase (91). The start phase
SSC activity as the muscular contrac- with rowers as excess body fat may involves the rower accelerating the
tion durations are well in excess of 0.25 be detrimental to performance because boat from a static position on the start-
seconds, even at high stroke rates of 44 of the increased profile drag force it ing blocks and lasts upward of 1 minute
strokes/min. However, further creates on the hull of the rowing boat in duration (91). During this phase,
research is needed in this area. (e.g., the boat is lower in the water), stroke rates of 42–48 strokes/min are
without creating any increase in pro- common (91). The start phase transi-
PHYSIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS pulsive force (9,69,80). tions into the mid-race phase that lasts
Elite-level rowing performance is from around 1 to 6 minutes of duration,
highly dependent on the physiological depending on the specific event, and
Metabolic characteristics. In
attributes of a rower and can be deter- typically involves stroke rates of 32–
rowing, there are 2 competitive distan-
mined through a combination of 38 strokes/min (91). The mid-race
ces: the 2,000 m Olympic/Paralympic
anthropometric (44,70,113), metabolic event and the 4,000–10,000-m phase transitions into the finish phase
(12,44,70,113), and physical character- long-distance events (e.g., head of the that lasts upward of 1-minute duration
istics (44,57). river events and coastal events). The and involves stroke rates in excess of 38
head of the river events are generally strokes/min as rowers sprint toward
Anthropometric characteristics. contested during the early preparation the finish line (91).
In rowing, there are 2 weight classes: phase of the season with the 2,000-m The energy demands of the 2,000-m
lightweight (70–72.5 kg for males and events contested during the competi- event have been found to be primarily
57–59 kg for females) and heavyweight tive phase of the season. Rowing events derived from aerobic metabolism with
(i.e., .72.5 kg for males and .59 kg for consist of an all-out effort and the last 84–88% of overall energy supplied
females). Currently, of the 14 Olympic from around 5.5–8 minutes for the through this pathway (22,75). The
events, only 2 are lightweight events, 2,000-m Olympic events, 7–11 minutes longer distance and duration events,

Figure 3. Correlations between gym-based tests and peak stroke power, 500-, 2,000-, and 5,000-m rowing ergometer performance
(57). *p , 0.05; **p , 0.01.

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S&C for Rowers

involves 210–230 rowing strokes

(91). Elite rowers have been found
to produce 1,000–1,500 Newton (N)
of force per stroke during the start
phase, 500–700 N during the
mid-race phase, and 600–700 N dur-
ing the finish phase (38,91). Rowing is
therefore classified as a strength-en-
durance sport as high levels of
strength are needed to generate the
force necessary during the start phase
of a race, whereas equally high levels
of endurance are needed to last the
duration of a race (60). A study by
Lawton et al. (57) investigated power,
strength, and strength-endurance de-
terminants of rowing ergometer per-
formance in 19 elite male rowers. A
dynamometer and various barbell
tests were used to assess power,
strength, and strength-endurance,
whereas rowing ergometer perfor-
mance was assessed using peak stroke
power (PSP), 500-m, 2,000-m, and
5,000-m tests. The PSP and 500-m
tests are widely used by rowing
coaches to assess start phase perfor-
mance in rowers, whereas the 2,000-
Figure 4. Catch and drive phase isometric exercise (102). The rower performs a max- and 5,000-m tests assess performance
imal isometric catch or drive phase against a rowing ergometer handle in over Olympic distance and
a fixed position. The rower should try to suspend their bodyweight off the long-distance events (e.g., head of
ergometer handle. (A) Displays a catch phase isometric exercise. (B) Dis- the river events), respectively (98).
plays a drive phase isometric exercise. A summary of the findings is pro-
vided in Figure 3. The findings sug-
such as the head of the river, coastal performance (r 5 0.84–0.91) gest that the highest correlations
events, and Paralympic events, can be (12,44,113). In addition, the muscle were between strength/power tests
expected to be more aerobic in nature fiber composition of elite rowers and PSP, measured over 15 maximal
(67). Consequently, it is no surprise has been found to consist of 70– effort strokes and 500-m rowing per-
that rowers have been found to have 85% slow-twitch fibers, or type I fi- formance. Lawton et al. (57) con-
maximal oxygen uptake (V̇ O2max) bers, which further indicates that the ducted further analysis of the data
values of 5.08–5.84 L/min in elite sport has high aerobic demands using regression models, which indi-
males and 3.71–4.13 L/min in elite (36,54,68,91). Anaerobic-alactic and cated that a combination of 1 repeti-
females (70). In elite heavyweight lactic metabolism also plays a role tion maximum (RM) power clean and
in rowing performance, and peak 6RM bench pull power determined
male rowers, V̇ O2max values as high
blood lactate values of 11–19 73% of PSP and 70% of 500-m rowing
as 6.0–6.8 L/min have been recorded
mmol/L have been recorded after performance (p , 0.05 for all). A
(13,33). During incremental rowing
a 2,000-m race (84). Improving combination of the 5RM leg press
ergometer tests, the power output at- and 6RM bench pull determined
anaerobic-alactic and lactic metabo-
tained at V̇ O2max (P@V̇ O2max) has lism to generate the power necessary 59% of 2,000-m rowing ergometer
been found to determine 95.3% of to accelerate the boat to racing performance (p , 0.05), whereas
2,000-m rowing ergometer perfor- velocity or during the final sprint to a combination of 5RM leg press and
mance in 76 elite rowers (70). The the finish line is an important consid- 60RM seated arm pull determined
P@V̇ O2max is derived from V̇ O2m- eration for S&C coaches (91). 57% of 2,000-m performance (p ,
ax, which has been consistently 0.05). These findings seem to suggest
found to have a significant correla- Physical characteristics. A that gym-based power, strength, and
tion with 2,000-m rowing 2,000-m rowing race typically strength-endurance exercises (e.g.,

10 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020

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may help to inform gym-based test-
ing protocols and exercise selection.
Relative strength (the maximum
amount of weight that can be lifted
relative to BM) may be a particularly
important component of 2,000-m row-
ing performance (69). Based on 10
years of descriptive data collected
using barbell strength tests, McNeely
et al. (69) found that elite male rowers
(n 5 26) had 1RM relative strength
levels of 1.9 times BM for the dead-
lift/back squat and 1.3 times BM for
the bench pull, whereas nonelite males
(n 5 103) had 1RM relative strength
levels of 1.4 times BM for the deadlift/
back squat and 1.05 times BM for the
bench pull. Similar findings were evi-
dent in elite female rowers (n 5 31)
who had 1RM relative strength levels
of 1.6 times BM for the deadlift/back
squat and 1.2 times BM for the bench
pull, whereas nonelite females (n 5
146) had 1RM relative strength levels
of 1.25 times BM for the deadlift/back
squat and 0.95 times BM for the bench
pull. Relative strength may be of par-
ticular importance for rowers during
the start phase of a race as the boat
must be accelerated from a static posi-
tion (69). It is tactically and psycholog-
ically advantageous to have an early
lead during the start phase as this will
allow rowers, who race with their back
toward the finish line, to be able to
monitor the position of other boats,
to react to any sudden changes in pace
by competitors, and to avoid the water
disturbance created by other boats
(31). The findings of McNeely et al.
(69) are similar to previous studies,
which also suggest that elite rowers
are significantly stronger and more
powerful than nonelite rowers in bar-
Figure 5. Finish phase isometric exercise. The rower performs an isometric hold in the bell tests (46), dynamometer tests (56),
finish phase of the rowing stroke. The exercise can be progressed by and isometric tests (83). However,
placing a barbell on the rower’s shoulders or in an overhead position. a major limitation of the McNeely et al.
(A) Displays a barbell on shoulders position. (B) Displays an overhead (69) study is that no information was
barbell position.
provided on how range of motion
(ROM) was controlled for and stan-
dardized during back squat and bench
1RM power clean, 6RM bench pull, findings of previous research in the pull testing; therefore, the values pro-
etc.) can determine aspects of perfor- area for both elite and nonelite row- vided may be much higher than typi-
mance across a range of rowing dis- ers (2,44,48,70). This is an important cally expected. In addition, anecdotal
tances, which is similar to the consideration for S&C coaches and evidence suggests that elite/nonelite

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S&C for Rowers

training, which is common practice

in the sport (17,64,71). Other sug-
gested predisposing factors for LBP
that may be of interest to an S&C
coach include poor hip ROM
(14,16,66) and lower-limb strength
asymmetries (15,47). The knee is
the second-most common injury site
in rowers with an injury incidence of
15.9–18.8% reported over a 12-month
period (86,112). Common knee inju-
ries include patellofemoral pain syn-
drome, tendinopathy, and iliotibial
band friction syndrome (79,104).
The rowing stroke requires maximal
knee flexion which places high com-
pressive forces between the posterior
surface of the patella and femur (104).
The mechanism of knee injuries in
rowers has been poorly examined in
research but is likely to be as a result
of high patellofemoral loading both
in the boat (104). Anecdotal evidence
suggests that high volumes of addi-
tional conditioning activities such as
running or squatting with poor bio-
mechanics may contribute. Rib stress
Figure 6. Movement screening of the catch phase of the rowing stroke (111). (A) injuries (RSI) are of particular con-
Displays a rower with a good catch phase position—pelvis in anterior cern for the rowing population as
rotation with a low level of lumbar flexion. (B) Displays a rower with a poor they account for the most time lost
catch phase position—pelvis in posterior rotation with a high level of from on-water training and competi-
lumbar flexion. tion (79). The incidence of RSI varies
from 4.6 to 12.8% in rowers
(63,85,86). Elite rowers have been re-
rowers may have much greater relative cycling, kayaking, and swimming. It ported to have a higher incidence of
strength levels in the deadlift due to its is commonplace for elite rowers to RSI (63,108). There are numerous
biomechanical similarity to the rowing perform 14–18 sessions spread across theories as to the cause of RSI and
stroke. The rate of force development 17–23 hours of training per week both intrinsic factors (e.g., muscular
(RFD) may also be an important com- (26,105). Subsequently, there is a risk imbalances, poor trunk strength/
ponent of rowing performance (109). of injury, particularly overuse injury endurance, and poor thoracic mobil-
The rate of force development or (86). Therefore, S&C coaches should ity) and extrinsic factors (e.g., poor
“explosive strength” describes how fast be aware of the common injury sites rowing stroke mechanics, equipment
an athlete can develop force and is and risk factors. Based on epidemio- problems, and sharp increases in
determined from the slope of the logical data, the lower back is the training load) have been suggested
force–time curve (35,96). The ability most common injury site in rowers to contribute (25,104).
to express high RFD is a central factor and accounts for ;32% of total inju-
to performance across a wide range of ries over a 12-month period (86,112). PROGRAMMING
sports (35,92,96) and may be vital to Lower back pain (LBP) in rowers has CONSIDERATIONS
improving performance in a rowing been suggested to occur due to the The previous section of this article
boat moving at a high velocity during biomechanical pattern of the rowing provided a needs analysis of the sport
competition. stroke, which involves repeated load- of rowing with a specific focus on the
ing of the lumbar spine in a flexed area of biomechanics, physiology, and
INJURY ANALYSIS position (79,104). Risk of LBP may injury epidemiology. Based on the
Rowing is a repetitive and weight- further increase during periods where findings of the needs analysis, the fol-
supported sport where high training high levels of fatigue are experienced lowing section details a number of pro-
volumes are common, similar to from high-volume or high-intensity gramming considerations for S&C

12 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020

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physiological demands (e.g., BLapeak of
. 8.8 mmol/L and RPE of .17) and
resulting fatigue associated with HRST
protocols may interfere with the
training-intensity distribution of row-
ers. A number of studies have assessed
training-intensity distribution in elite
and junior rowers (34,105). The find-
ings suggest that elite rowers complete
.95% of their total training volume as
low-intensity training (i.e., at a blood
lactate concentration of ,2 mmol/L)
(34,105); therefore, incorporating 2–3
HRST sessions per week (23,29,32)
must be considered with caution as this
would acutely increase the volume of
high-intensity training (HIT) (i.e.,
blood lactate concentration of .4
mmol/L or RPE of $17) (43) within
a training program. In addition, the
technical demands of performing
upward of 120 repetitions per set are
high, and the risk of injury may far out-
weigh any potential benefits to


Strength and conditioning programs
Figure 7. Movement screening of the finish phase of the rowing stroke (111). (A)
for rowers may be better directed
Displays a rower with a good finish phase position—pelvis in slight pos-
terior rotation. (B) Displays a rower with a poor finish phase position—
toward LRST protocols (e.g., 3–5 sets
pelvis in excessive posterior rotation with flexion of the lumbar spine. 3 1–5 repetitions) to develop maximal
strength and power which has been
consistently found to improve a large
coaches: strength-endurance develop- strength-endurance capacities, particu- number of endurance performance
ment, strength and power develop- larly during the competitive phase of markers (e.g., V̇ O2max, exercise econ-
ment, and the importance of the rowing season (23,29,32,68,99). In omy, lactate threshold, etc.) (10,77). In
robustness, mobility, and flexibility some cases, HRST protocols may addition, maximal strength and power
considerations. range up to 120 repetitions per set has the highest correlations with 2,000-
(68,99). Consequently, HRST proto- m rowing performance (2,44,57,70).
STRENGTH-ENDURANCE cols are physiologically demanding Strength exercises that develop the
DEVELOPMENT and may result in the accumulation lower body and trunk musculature
A recent review by Lawton et al. (55) of high levels of fatigue. A study by such as the back squat, front squat,
concluded that strength training inter- Jürimäe et al. (48) investigated the and deadlift have been found to be
ventions may lead to positive improve- physiological responses to a HRST widely used in S&C programs for row-
ments in rowing performance. protocol in 12 nonelite rowers. The ers (32). Squatting to full depth (i.e.,
However, the specific format of the HRST protocol involved the use of hamstrings touching the calves) should
strength training interventions varied a leg press and barbell bench pull exer- be encouraged as the catch position of
from low-repetition strength training cise. The HRST protocol for the leg the rowing stroke requires maximal
(LRST) (e.g., 3–5 sets 3 1–5 repeti- press resulted in peak blood lactate flexion at the hips, knees, and ankles
tions) to high-repetition strength train- (BLapeak) values of 11.8 6 2.5 mmol/ (69). Hip-hinging strength exercises
ing (HRST) (e.g., 2–3 sets 3 15–30 L and rating of perceived exertion such as the Romanian deadlift may
repetitions) across many of the re- (RPE) values of 17.5 6 2.7, whereas help to develop trunk strength in the
viewed studies (23,29,95). Tradition- the HRST protocol for the bench pull gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and
ally, S&C programs for rowers have resulted in BLapeak values of 8.8 6 1.9 erector spinae, which are all muscle
focused on HRST to develop and RPE values of 17.0 6 1.8. The high groups that are recruited during the

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S&C for Rowers

Table 2
Gym-based tests for competitive rowers

Physical characteristic Test (s)

Anthropometry Height, body mass, and skin folds (70)
Movement screening Overhead squat, catch phase test (111), and finish phase test (111)
Power Counter movement jump, 7 stroke maximal effort ergometer test (44), 1RM power clean/squat clean (57),
and bench pull/jump squat force-velocity profile (57)
Strength 1RM tests for the lower body (e.g. back squat, front squat, deadlift, or concept 2 dynamometer leg press)
and upper body (e.g., pull-up, bench pull, bench press, military press, or concept 2 dynamometer
seated arm pull/press) (58,68)
Strength-endurance Metronomea tests for the lower body (e.g., one leg glute bridge, or back extension) and the upper body
(e.g., press up, inverted row, or pull-up)
Trunk Metronomea tests for the trunk (e.g., one leg glute bridge, or back extension) and maximum duration
tests (e.g., side plank, dead bug, or finish phase holds) (98)
Using a metronome at a specific tempo to control the concentric and eccentric actions during testing.

RM 5 repetition maximum.

body swing action of the late drive barbell (88). The second pull features also occurs during the secondary
phase of the rowing stroke (28,47,87). greater force and power output than action (i.e., the drive phase) (18,55,87).
A strong trunk can help to optimize the first pull and is characterized by Plyometric exercises are also com-
force transfer from the legs, through triple extension at the ankle, knee, monly used for power development
the trunk, and on to the handles of and hip (88). Therefore, Olympic
in S&C programs for rowers (32). Plyo-
the oar during the drive phase of the weightlifting exercises such as the
metric training involves performing
stroke, whereas a weak trunk may not snatch, clean, and their derivatives
effectively transfer the force generated (e.g., hang clean, hang snatch, etc.) jumping and throwing-type exercises,
by the legs (9,87,102). In addition, high may be similar to the kinetic and kine- which use the SSC. However, to the
levels of trunk strength are needed to matic demands of the rowing stroke best of the authors’ knowledge, a lim-
tolerate the high forces experienced where the highest force/power output ited number of studies have
during the start of a rowing race where
the boat is rapidly accelerated from
a static position or during the finish
phase of rowing race where sudden Table 3
and aggressive increases in the stroke Example preseason phase S&C session for a junior rower
rate occur (102). Upper-body pulling
exercises such as the pull-up and bench Number Exercise Sets Reps/duration % 1RM Rest
pull may help to develop the arm pull- 1 DB goblet squat 3–4 6–8 — 2 min
ing action during the finish phase of the
stroke. The bench pull is a popular 2 BW inverted row 3–4 6–8 — 2 min
strength exercise for rowers (32); how- 3 DB deadlift 3–4 6–8 — 2 min
ever, care should be taken when pre-
scribing this exercise because of the 4a BW one leg Romanian deadlift 3–4 10–12 each side — —
high compressive forces on the rib cage 4b RB-assisted press up 3–4 10–12 — —
which may contribute to RSI (63).
4c BW split squat 3–4 10–12 each side — 1 min
Olympic weightlifting exercises (e.g.,
the snatch and clean) help to develop 5a One leg glute bridge 3–4 30–60 s each side — —
power in the lower body and trunk
5b Side plank 3–4 30–60 s each side — —
musculature and are widely used in
S&C programs for rowers (32). The Session aims: to improve movement competency and strength and build trunk endurance.
snatch and clean feature distinct first
DB 5 dumbbell; BW 5 bodyweight; RB 5 resistance band; RM 5 repetition maximum.
and secondary pulling actions on the

14 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020

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S&C program can help to develop
Table 4
a robust rower capable of tolerating
Example in-season phase S&C session for a junior rower
high training volumes (100). A recent
Number Exercise Sets Reps/duration % 1RM Rest review by Suchomel et al. (94) suggests
that increases in muscular strength
1 TB hang clean 3–4 4–6 — 2 min
may reduce the occurrence of injuries
2 BB front squat 3–4 4–6 — 2 min across numerous sports. A reduction in
injuries has been suggested to occur
3 Weighted inverted row 3–4 4–6 — 2 min
due to increases in the structural
4a BW press up 3–4 8–10 — — strength of ligaments, tendons, joint
cartilage, and connective tissue sheaths
4b DB forward lunge 3–4 8–10 each side — 1 min
within muscles and bone mineral con-
5a Dead bug 3–4 30–60 s — — tent (27). In rowing, the correction of
5b BW back extension 3–4 30–60 s — —
muscular strength asymmetries may be
an important area of consideration for
Session aims: to improve movement competency and power/strength and build trunk S&C coaches (45,55). Sweep rowing is
endurance. an asymmetrical movement where
TB 5 technique barbell; BB 5 barbell; BW 5 bodyweight; DB 5 dumbbell; RM 5 repetition a rower controls 1 oar on either the
maximum. left or right side of their body, and per-
haps, consequently, a number of stud-
ies have found asymmetry in the lower
investigated the effects of plyometric musculature at a given steady-state limbs of sweep rowers (15,47). There is
training on rowing performance workload (19). A high exercise econ- a risk that lower-limb asymmetry may
(24,53). Kramer et al. (53) investigated omy has been found to differentiate lead to alterations in spinal muscle
the effects of a 9-week plyometric high and low performers in endurance recruitment as the trunk acts as the
training intervention on 2,500-m row- sports (19,21,110), and plyometric central link between the lower limbs
ing performance in 24 nonelite rowers. training has been found to improve and the oars, thus increasing risk of
The intervention involved 20 minutes economy, particularly running econ- LBP (15). Janshen et al. (47) found
of plyometric training performed 3 omy (81,90,106). A potential mecha- the knee and hip muscles of the leg
times per week. No significant differ- nism for improved running economy on the oar side (inside leg in sweep
ence was found between the experi- has been suggested to be an increase rowing) showed 20–45% higher
mental and control groups (p . 0.05). in the stiffness of the musculotendinous EMG activity compared with the out-
Egan-Shuttler et al. (24) investigated system which improves the ability of side leg in 7 elite sweep rowers (p ,
the effects of a 4-week plyometric the body to momentarily store and uti- 0.05). Parkin et al. (73) observed similar
training intervention on 500-m rowing lize energy absorbed eccentrically by patterns of asymmetry in the EMG
performance, rowing economy, and the force of landing (81,90). However, activity of 19 nonelite sweep rowers.
peak rowing stroke power in 18 junior land-based activities such as running Buckeridge et al. (15) found asymme-
rowers. The intervention involved are weight bearing and involve a large tries in lower-limb reaction force that
30 minutes of plyometric training per- amount of eccentric muscle contrac- ranged from 5.3 to 28.9% in 17 elite
formed 3 times per week and included tions during landing. Rowing is sweep rowers and scullers; however,
100–170 foot contacts per session. A a weight-support activity with minimal there was no clear relationship
significant improvement was found in eccentric contractions; therefore, the between lower-limb reaction force
the intervention group for 500-m row- effects of plyometric training on row- asymmetry and the inside/outside leg
ing performance (from 99.8 6 9 sec- ing economy and performance may in sweep rowers. A recent study by An
onds to 94.6 6 2 seconds, p , 0.05) and not be as prominent. However, because et al. (3) investigated lower-limb reac-
rowing economy (p , 0.05). A limita- of the dearth of rowing-specific studies, tion force in 25 nonelite rowers with
tion of both the Kramer et al. (53) and further research is needed in this area. and without a history of LBP. The
Egan-Shuttler et al. (24) study is the study concluded that rowers with a his-
effects of plyometric training on the THE IMPORTANCE OF tory of LBP did not demonstrate
standard Olympic distance 2,000-m ROBUSTNESS greater lower-limb reaction force
race were not investigated. However, Rowing is a repetitive sport where asymmetry when compared with
the effect of plyometric training on high training volumes are common healthy rowers. Further research is
rowing economy in the Egan-Shuttler (26,105). Subsequently, there is a risk needed in this area before a more defin-
et al. (24) study is promising. Rowing of injury, particularly overuse injuries of itive conclusion can be drawn. Despite
economy is defined as the volume of the lower back, knees, and rib area this, S&C coaches should consider
oxygen consumed by the working (79,86,104). An appropriately designed incorporating single-leg/arm exercises

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S&C for Rowers

Table 5 multifidus, quadratus lumborum, etc.)

Example preseason phase S&C session for an elite rower (102). Core stability training is often
performed on unstable surfaces such
Number Exercise Sets Reps/duration % 1RM Rest as wobble balls, and Swiss balls (39);
1 BB back squat 4–5 4–6 80–90% 2–4 min however, a more rowing-specific form
of core stability training can be
2 Pull up 4–5 4–6 80–90% 2–4 min achieved in a rowing boat using tech-
3 BB Romanian deadlift 4–5 4–6 80–90% 2–4 min nical exercises such as catch, drive, and
finish phase tap downs (see Video, Sup-
4a DB bench press 3–4 12–15 60–70% — plemental Digital Content 1–3, http://
4b DB lunge 3–4 12–15 each side 60–70% 1–2 min, http://, http://
5a Weighted back extension 3–4 30–60 s — — (111). A
5b BB glute bridge 3–4 30–60 s — — rower creates instability in the boat
by removing the oar from the water
5c Weighted side plank 3–4 30–60 s each side — — during each “tap down,” thus challeng-
Session aims: to improve strength, decrease asymmetry, and build trunk endurance. ing core stability. Tap down exercises
should be progressed from the most
BB 5 barbell; DB 5 dumbbell; RM 5 repetition maximum. stable position in a rowing boat (i.e.,
the finish phase or see Video, Supple-
mental Digital Content 1, http://links. to the least stable
(e.g., dumbbell row, dumbbell lunge, during a 2,000-m race, which usually position (i.e., the catch phase or see
etc.) into their S&C programs for row- lasts between 5.5 and 8 minutes of Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
ers to build robustness by improving duration in Olympic events. Fatigue based
movement competency and muscular of the lumbar extensors during maxi- on a rower’s technical competency. Core
strength and addressing any potential mal effort rowing has been suggested muscles have a high resistance to fatigue;
asymmetries that may be present to lead to excessive lumbar flexion dur- therefore, high repetitions (.15 repeti-
(45,97,100). These recommendations ing the rowing stroke, which has been tions) or longer durations (.30 seconds)
are in line with the S&C practices of found to be associated with LBP of each exercise, with appropriate re-
other sports involving asymmetrical (18,41). Implementing HRST proto- gressions/progressions, are encour-
movement patterns (11,61). cols (.15 repetitions) using hip- aged (39,72,102).
The lower back has been consistently hinging exercises such as the Roma-
nian deadlift, good morning, back
found to be the most common injury MOBILITY AND FLEXIBILITY
site in rowers (86,112). Developing extension, and gluteal bridge may help CONSIDERATIONS
a strong, stable trunk with a high to develop the endurance capacities of The mobility and flexibility of a rower is
endurance capacity is an important the lumbar extensors (Tables 3–5). an important consideration for S&C
area of consideration for S&C coaches Rowing-specific isometric trunk endur- coaches to decrease likelihood of injury
to reduce the likelihood of LBP ance exercises that target the lumbar (14,66,79,97,104) as well as improving
(79,102). The trunk is defined as the extensors may also be performed on rowing performance (65,97). Mobility is
global system consisting of superficial a rowing ergometer for high durations defined as the range of movement
muscles that span the area from the (.30 seconds where technique allows) around a joint, whereas flexibility refers
shoulder girdle to the hip girdle and at the catch, drive, and finish phase of purely to the muscle length (97). A num-
are responsible for spinal movement the rowing stroke (Figures 4 and 5). ber of studies have emphasized the
(e.g., rectus abdominals, external/inter- Owing to the outdoor nature of the importance of improving hip ROM to
nal obliques, erector spinae, gluteus sport, rowing is often performed in reduce stress on the lumbar spine during
maximus, biceps femoris, etc.) (102). windy conditions, which may further the rowing stroke (14,66,79,104). Rowers
Previous sections in this article have decrease the stability of a rowing boat; with a history of LBP tend to use high
outlined strength training considera- therefore, core stability may be an levels of lumbar flexion (41,42) with lim-
tions for the trunk; however, training important consideration for S&C ited pelvic rotation (64,66), which has
the endurance capacities of the trunk, coaches. The core is defined as the been found to decrease further as rowing
in particular the lumbar extensors, local system that consists of deeper, intensity and duration increases (41,64).
may be of particular importance to smaller muscles that are situated close Improving the anterior rotation of the
decrease risk of LBP (41,74,79,104). A to the spine and are responsible for pelvis at the catch phase of the sculling
rower needs high levels of trunk endur- stabilizing the spine at the segmental and sweep-rowing stroke through
ance to tolerate repeated loading level (e.g., transverse abdominals, increasing hamstring flexibility has been

16 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020

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Table 6
Example in-season phase S&C session for an elite rower

Number Exercise Sets Reps/duration % 1RM Rest

1a BB power clean 5–6 2–4 90–95% 2–4 min
1b Rowing ergometer sprint 5–6 8–10 s — 2–4 min
2 BB concentric bench pull 5–6 2–4 30–40% 2–4 min
3 BB back squat 4–5 2–4 90–95% 2–4 min
4a Catch phase isometric exercise 4–5 30–60 s — —
4b Finish phase isometric exercise 4–5 30–60 s — —
Session aims: to increase power, maintain strength, and build rowing-specific trunk endurance.
Perform a maximal effort sprint on a rowing ergometer and record peak wattage.
Figure 4.

BB 5 barbell; RM 5 repetition maximum.

suggested to reduce the amount of lum- total arc the rowing oar moves through or flexibility, where applicable, to
bar flexion and therefore decreases the the water, which has been suggested to decrease likelihood of injury and
risk of LBP (79,104). In addition, exces- range from 106 to 1108 in a sculling boat enhance rowing performance. Table 2
sive posterior rotation of the pelvis dur- and 86–908 in a sweep rowing boat at the provides a summary of gym-based tests
ing the finish phase of the rowing stroke elite level (4,87). Stroke length has been for competitive rowers, which are based
has been found to occur as rowing inten- found to have a significant correlation on the review of the literature that has
sity and duration increases, which may with 2,000-m rowing ergometer perfor- been outlined in previous sections of this
further contribute to LBP (41,64). This is mance (r 5 20.76) (44). A study by article. Gym-based testing should be
commonly termed as “slumping” at the McGregor et al. (65) investigated biome- conducted on a regular basis (e.g., at
finish phase of the stroke (64). Conse- chanical changes to the rowing stroke 12–16 weeks of intervals throughout
quently, it is recommended that move- over a 2-year period in 7 elite rowers. the season) to monitor progress and
ment screening of the pelvic and spinal McGregor et al. (65) found a significant should be tailored to the specific cohort
position at the catch and finish phase of increase in SL that ranged from 14.9 to (e.g., junior rowers, elite rowers, etc). Ta-
the rowing stroke, in static and dynamic 18.9 cm (p , 0.0001). This finding coin- bles 3 and 4 are examples of a preseason
positions, should be assessed by S&C cided with a significant increase in peak and in-season S&C program for a junior
coaches on a regular basis (Figures 6 force that ranged from 40 to 80 N (p , rower with an S&C training age of 1–2
and 7, respectively). 0.01), and large improvements in compet- years. Tables 5–7 are examples of a pre-
The sports science and medicine team of itive performance were observed at the season and in-season S&C program for
a prominent rowing nation has previously Olympic level. Improving hip ROM, par- an elite rower. Strength and conditioning
published a number of mobility and flex- ticularly through increasing hamstring coaches are recommended to include
ibility guidelines that may be useful for flexibility, can help a rower to optimize appropriate regressions or progressions
S&C coaches when correcting poor pel- the “rock over” position during the recov- of S&C exercises (59,72), where neces-
vic and spinal positioning at the catch and ery phase of the rowing stroke which sary, when working with junior rowers
finish phase of the rowing stroke (Figures helps a rower to transfer their bodyweight and other nonelite rowing cohorts (e.g.,
6B and 7B) (5–7). In addition, the exer- from the seat of the rowing boat to their club level rowers, master rowers, etc.)
cises provided in Figure 5, Supplemental feet (97,101). The “rock over” position of To optimize the S&C program design
Digital Contents 1 and 2 (see Video, the recovery phase is a key component for across an entire season for rowers, the and improving SL and effectively balancing “interference effect” must be consid-, may a rowing boat (97,101). ered. The interference effect refers to
also help to correct poor pelvic and spinal a compromise in muscle mass,
positioning. Optimizing rowing SL by PROGRAM DESIGN strength, and power development
increasing the mobility and/or flexibility Strength and conditioning programs for which is often observed when resis-
of a rower may also improve rowing per- competitive rowers should aim to tance and endurance training are com-
formance in a boat and/or on a rowing develop strength and power, build bined concurrently compared with
ergometer (65,97). Stroke length is the robustness, and increase mobility and/ resistance training alone (40). This

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S&C for Rowers

Table 7 Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:

Example pre/in-season phase rowing-specific core stability session for an The authors report no conflicts of interest
elite rower and no source of funding.

Number Exercise Sets Reps/duration % 1RM Rest

1a Rowing boat finish phase tap 5–6 30–60 s — — Frank J.

downsa Nugent was
a competitive
1b Rowing boat drive phase tap 5–6 30–60 s — — rower and is
downsa a strength and
1c Rowing boat catch phase tap 5–6 30–60 s — — conditioning
downsa coach and lec-
turer in the
Session aim: to build rowing-specific core stability.
Physical Educa-
SDC 1–3. tion and Sport Sciences department in the
University of Limerick.
RM 5 repetition maximum.

Eamonn P.
may be of particular importance in the endurance training session alone Flanagan is the
cyclical endurance sports where high and will not affect molecular signaling lead strength and
volumes of endurance training are tra- pathways that regulate resistance train- conditioning
ditionally prescribed (8,30). A number ing improvements. Clearly, further coach at the Sport
of mechanisms have been proposed to research is warranted in this area. Ireland Institute
explain the interference between resis- Based on the current literature, S&C in Dublin.
tance and endurance training coaches should consider implementing
(20,37,52,76,78,89,103). These include the following strategies to reduce any
(a) reductions in motor unit recruit- potential interference effect in rowers:
ment (37), (b) chronic depletion of (a) perform resistance-training on sep- Fiona Wilson is
muscle glycogen stores (20), (c) de- arate days to endurance training or at a competitive
creases in the muscle cross sectional separate stages of the day (e.g., morn- rower, physio-
area (52), (d) decreases in muscle force ing session is resistance training and therapist, and
production (76,89), and (e) a reduction evening session is endurance training associate profes-
in total protein synthesis following or vice versa) and (b) consider priori- sor in Trinity
endurance training (78,103). A review tizing resistance training during the ini- College Dublin.
by Garcı́a-Pallarés and Izquierdo (30) tial 12–16 weeks of preseason training
suggests several strategies to reduce the for elite rowers, when the volume of
interference effect in highly trained endurance training is traditionally still Giles D.
rowers. Short training phases of around low (8,30,100). Warrington is
5-week duration using highly concen- an exercise phys-
trated training loads (.50% of the total iologist and
training volume) which focus on the SUMMARY
senior lecturer in
development of one resistance training This article has provided an evidence- the Physical
component (e.g., strength, power, etc.) based needs analysis of the biome- Education and
and one endurance training compo- chanics, physiology, and injury epide- Sport Sciences
nent (e.g., aerobic, anaerobic, etc.) have miology associated with the sport of department in the
been suggested. In addition, resistance rowing. Based on this, the authors sug- University of
training sessions should be placed gest that S&C coaches should aim to Limerick.
before endurance training sessions, develop strength and power, build
where possible, to reduce the residual robustness, and increase mobility
fatigue associated with endurance and/or flexibility, where applicable, to REFERENCES
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