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Injuries in Sprint

Canoeists and Kayakers:

Etiology, Mechanisms of
Injury, Treatment Options,
and Practical Applications
Thomas W. Pelham, PT, MSc, CSCS,1 Michael G. Robinson, BSc,2 and Laurence E. Holt, PhD3
Private Practice, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; 2Calgary Canoe Club, Alberta Sprint Racing Canoe Association, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada; and 3School of Health and Human Performance, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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ABSTRACT mental Digital Content 1, http://links. body for sprint canoe and kayak) has grown to more than 150 member
On-water and dry-land training pro-
countries (7). As a truly international
grams for sprint canoeists and kayakers
sport, the competitiveness among
are physically demanding. Musculo- INTRODUCTION
countries has resulted in a significant
t the Olympic Games and

skeletal injuries particularly to the increase in the pressure on athletes to
shoulder, thoracic, and scapula regions World Championships, men
train harder with the accompanying
are common. Overtraining can lead to and women in the sport of
increased risk of injury.
muscle imbalances, glenohumeral and sprint canoe and kayak may compete
in the canoe single (C1), 2 person (C2), In the drive for excellence, the techni-
scapular kinematic dysfunctions, soft-
kayak (K1), K2, and K4. Race distances cal and conditioning coaches and the
tissue damage, and pain. Preventive
vary between competitions; 200, 500, athlete’s health care team members
programs are required. However,
and 1,000 m have been common must be aware of the negative conse-
objective research-based evidence for
events. In past games and champion- quences of poorly designed training
sprint canoe- and kayak-specific pre- programs. Overtraining or contraindi-
ships, competition among elite,
ventive programming is lacking. This cated exercise protocols often lead to
international-level paddlers has been
study will discuss common injuries intense. The performance margin serious injuries, forcing athletes from
sustained by paddlers, the mechanisms between victory and finishing off the competition, and in many cases short-
of these injuries, treatment and pre- podium has been within fractions of ening the career of the paddler.
vention approaches, and practical ap- a second. At the 2019 world champi- To fully explore the injuries sustained
plications highlighting the need for onship in Szeged, Hungary, the win- by paddlers, the mechanisms of these
coaches, clinicians, and strength and ning time for the Men’s K-1 200-m A injuries, treatment options, and practi-
conditioning professionals to take Final was 34.86 seconds, whereas ninth cal applications available, this article
a proactive approach in addressing place was 35.81 seconds (8); all 9 final- has been systematically divided into
high-risk injury factors. For a video ists were within 1 second. several sections. The following
abstract of this article, see Supple- As a long-standing Olympic sport,
sprint canoe and kayak have continued KEY WORDS:
to grow in popularity worldwide. Over paddling; overuse; muscle imbalance;
Address correspondence to Thomas W. the past 85 years, the International training
Pelham, Canoe Federation (the sport governing

22 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
sections will be discussed in turn: kine- a right-side power application phase, and upper trapezius were found to be
matics and kinetics of the canoe and the paddler rotates the trunk in a coun- active during propulsion (29). The
kayak strokes, training of sprint canoe- terclockwise direction (to the left) upper trapezius was believed to assist
ists and kayakers, potential injuries, moving the right side arm and paddle in the stabilization of the scapula that
mechanisms of injury, treatment op- to a forward position, with the elbow in turn facilitates the stabilization of the
tions, and practical applications, high- near complete extension, the shoulder humeral head by the supraspinatus
lighting the need for coaches and joint moderately flexed, internally (29). The phase terminates with the
conditioning professionals to take rotated and horizontally adducted. initial removal of the blade from the
a proactive approach in addressing This phase ends with the set up for water (13). When the blade is fully
high-risk injury factors. the catch (13). removed from the water, the next
The catch is initiated with the prepa- stroke begins with the recovery phase.
THE KAYAK AND CANOE STROKES ratory subphase (set up) where the Kinematically, the kayak stroke is
This section has been divided into 2 blade of the paddle is positioned nearly a bilateral cyclic movement (13). De-
sections: kayak stroke and canoe perpendicular to the water surface pending on the boat (single versus
stroke. Each will be discussed in turn. which is followed by the blade enter- crew), race distance, and environmen-
ing the water and quickly being fully tal conditions among others, stroke
KAYAK STROKE submerged (13). In the pull (or propul- rates can range from less than 90 to
In 1985, Logan and Holt (13) pub- sive phase), the blade travels parallel to over 120 strokes per minute. The
lished in the Sport Performance Series the boat in a posterior direction. Dur- stroke rate is the primary variable to
of the National Strength and Condition- ing propulsion, the athlete attempts to increase 200-m performance times in
ing Association Journal one of the first generate maximum power through the subelite kayakers (16). Duration of
descriptions of the kayak stroke. Using paddle with the goal of peak boat a race can range from less than a minute
a descriptive kinesiologic/applied acceleration. This is accomplished by to several minutes.
anatomy approach, Logan and Holt rotating the torso in a clockwise direc- From a kinetic standpoint, the paddler
(13) separated the kayak stroke into 4 tion while adducting the scapula and must maintain stroke displacement
phases: recovery, catch, pull, and exit extending the shoulder joint. This is (maintain force production per stroke)
Figure 1A–D. accompanied by extension of the during the propulsive phase of the
During the recovery phase, the paddle stroke side hip and knee joints. Elec- stroke while increasing stroke rate to
travels through the air and is relatively tromyographic (EMG) recordings of achieve an increase in boat velocity
horizontal to the water surface. For the supraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, (12). An abrupt departure or deviation

Figure 1. (A) The recovery phase of the kayak stroke. (B) The catch phase of the kayak stroke. (C) The pull phase of the kayak stroke.
(D) The exit phase of the kayak stroke.

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Injuries in Paddling

in race velocity is highly physiologi- the paddler uses a rudder to direct the of the trunk and ends with hyperex-
cally and psychologically demanding boat. Third, unlike the kayak stroke, the tension of the shoulder joint. EMG
on the athlete and not an effective race canoe stroke is an asymmetrical rhyth- data from Pelham et al. (21) showed
strategy (12). In any phase of the mic activity (21). The canoeist exclu- that the stroke side middle trapezius,
stroke, unwanted boat movement sively paddles on the right or left side of rhomboids, and serratus anterior
(pitch, roll, and yaw) can occur that the craft. were highly active during the entire
will increase lift and drag forces. Drag One continuous abduction move- propulsion phase, working together
forces can increase as much as 14% in ment of the stroke side shoulder joint to first stabilize then to move the
kayaks and 22% in canoes (9). The performs the exit of the blade from scapula. During the propulsion phase,
maximum application of propulsive the water. Once completed the blade the boat travels past the blade, with
force and minimizing of unwanted boat travels forward as a consequence of the entire force production being
movement is a function of the technical trunk rotation away from the stroke accomplished through drag forces.
efficiency of the paddler and the team- The top hand, regardless of the side
side (recovery phase). At a predeter-
work of the crew. preferred, is the stabilizing force, the
mined point of trunk rotation with
the blade usually at a 60-degree angle bottom hand is the motive force, the
CANOE STROKE to the water surface, the canoeist pla- water is the resistance force, and the
In a second publication in the Sport Per- ces the blade in the water. Once fully blade is the propulsive surface creating
formance Series of the National Strength submerged (end of entry phase), the a third-class lever system (21). From
and Conditioning Association Journal, Pel- blade of a technically elite canoeist is a biomechanical standpoint, interna-
ham et al. (21) described the flatwater forcefully drawn backward using the tional class canoeists have used the
canoe stroke using an EMG analytical following sequence. Concentric con- third-class lever system to maintain
approach. Findings from the study sug- tractions of the stroke side hip flexors 60 strokes per minute with boat veloc-
gested that the canoe stroke had similar and the opposite side hip and knee ity of 4.17 m per second over the course
phases to the kayak stroke. Most impor- extensors, while the trunk, shoulder of 500- and 1000-m C1 races (21).
tantly, the canoe stroke could be divided girdle, arm, and hand are contracting
into 4 phases: exit, recovery, entry, and isometrically transferring the forces TRAINING OF SPRINT KAYAKERS
propulsion (25) (Figure 2A–D). There of the leg contractions to the body AND CANOEISTS
are several distinct and important dif- resulting in displacing the trunk and To prepare for competition, a compre-
ferences between the phases. First, the the paddle backward. This is fol- hensive regimen of sport-specific train-
canoeist is kneeling not sitting. Second, lowed by concentric contractions of ing is essential. To reach the pinnacle
the athlete steers the canoe by manipu- the trunk, shoulder girdle, and arm of the sport (compete and win at the
lating the paddle (J-stroke). In the kayak, musculature that results in rotation international level), athletes train

Figure 2. (A) The exit phase of the canoe stroke. (B) The recovery phase of the canoe stroke. (C) The entry phase of the canoe stroke.
(D) The propulsion phase of the canoe stroke.

24 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020

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without interruption on- and off-water movement patterns used while propel- athletes in related paddle sports will
several hours per day for many years. ling the craft (kayak or canoe) during complete the section.
On-water training includes technique a race. As well, the training session
sessions, interval training, longer aero- must carefully consider the physiolog- INJURIES AMONG KAYAKERS
bic sessions, and combinations to fully ical demands of the race distance and In a study of Swedish sprint kayakers,
condition the athletes. Dry-land pro- the unique psychophysiological Johansson et al. (11) found 54.8% of the
grams are intended to condition the 3 strengths and weaknesses of the pad- subject pool with shoulder pain. In the
energy systems, oxidative (aerobic), dler in designing a race plan. study, kayakers with shoulder pain had
glycolic (anaerobic), and phosphagen Using the principle of individuality is reduced shoulder internal rotation
(anaerobic). crucial if a training program is to be range of motion.
All training programs for paddlers successful. Cookbook programs have Hensel et al. (6) found musculoskeletal
should follow 2 important training long been discredited. Indeed, a one- injuries were common among female
principles: specificity and individuality size-fits-all approach can be harmful to Brazilian kayakers. Most athletes
(27). Each will be discussed in turn. the paddler that could lead to injury. A (87.50%) reported a musculoskeletal
The principle of specificity suggests that training program must be designed for injury. In fact, each paddler, on average,
a training program must adhere to spa- the individual. reported 4.88 injuries. The top 5 ana-
tial and temporal and dynamic charac- The current trend of designing pro- tomical sites for injury were thoracic
teristics of the sport. Adjunct grams that span several weeks or and thoracolumbar region, 35.90%,
conditioning such as dry-land training greater must have built-in mechanics lumbar spine region, 20.51%, shoulder,
in the sport of sprint canoe and kayak that account for the dynamic biopsy- 17.95%, forearm, 15.39%, and wrist,
must reproduce the muscle-specific chosocial nature of training for a sport. 5.13% (6).
movement patterns and contractions of Although an individualized training In a survey of 145 Greek sprint
the sport. The use of a canoe (21) or program must be well organized with kayakers, 39.4% reported at least 1
kayak (13) simulator is ideally suited specific short- and long-term goals, the sport-related injury during the com-
for paddlers in northern climates unable ability to adjust the program to the petitive season (20). Shoulder injuries
to access open water during winter athlete’s health status and lifestyle is were the most prevalent, 21.1%, fol-
months. Dry-land neuromuscular exer- essential. lowed by the low back, 7.7%, and the
cises must match the spatial and tempo- Overall, a training program must be wrist, 7.7%. Tendopathologies were
ral kinetic and kinematic characteristics designed to improve those character- 41.9%, strains 25.8%, and sprains 6.55%.
used during a race. Any positive carry- istics that are amenable to improve- From the available literature, it would
over from generalized non–sport-specific ment that are known to be an appear that the shoulder girdle com-
conditioning to sprint canoe and kayak essential part of the performance and plex (particularly the glenohumeral
race performance has never been scien- to maintain those characteristics that and scapular regions), low back, and
tifically demonstrated. are already at an optimal level. elbow/forearm/wrist were the com-
On-water training should focus on the mon sites of injury in sprint kayakers.
race distance (200, 500, and 1,000 m). TEST PROTOCOLS Complaints of soft-tissue injury were
Although the 3 energy systems are For many years, testing has been an frequent.
involved, the concentration of each integrative part of the evaluation of ca-
during the race, that is, the bioener- noeists and kayakers (22,26,30). Vari- INJURIES AMONG CANOEISTS
ous testing methods have been There is a void of published research
getic demands of the various distances,
designed ranging from aerobic capacity on the incidences of soft-tissue injuries
is unique. Therefore, the on-water
testing using dry-land canoe and kayak among sprint canoeists. Pelham et al.
physiological training of paddlers rac-
simulators (22) to on-water race trials (23,24) have suggested that shoulder
ing 200 m will differ considerably from
using sport-specific accelerators (26). pathology is a major problem among
athletes racing at both of the longer
Regular sport-specific testing can be sprint canoeists. However, comprehen-
distances. An understanding of each
a valuable tool for the athlete sive research is required.
individual’s energy profile should also
and coach.
be taken into consideration when plan-
ning on-water programs. These indi- POTENTIAL INJURIES RELATED PADDLE SPORTS
vidual differences should be Information on injuries among Injury data were found for other pad-
considered when designing race tactics kayakers and injuries among canoeists dle sports. Injury profiles of male and
for each distance and should be built will be presented. Given the fact that female dragon boat competitors were
into the training program. there is a paucity of published research similar to those found with sprint pad-
Overall, every aspect of a training ses- on injury rates among sprint kayakers dlers. The lumbar spine region, shoul-
sion must take into consideration the and canoeists (18), injuries among der, and wrist were the top 3 injury

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Injuries in Paddling

sites (19). In a New Zealand study shall refer to the same set of signs and During the exit of the kayak stroke, the
involving Waka Ama paddlers, 52% symptoms of the shoulder). Pelham shoulder movement sequence begins
of the respondents reported at least 1 et al. (23) have suggested that the with abduction, followed by horizontal
injury (1). Paddlers chief complaints anatomical position of this joint during adduction and external rotation (13),
were sprains and strains of the low the catch can reduce the joint’s sub- together with the scapula abduction
back and shoulder. The rotator cuff acromial space and increase the chance and posterior tilt (11). During this
was the predominant site for overuse for soft-tissue trauma, dysfunction, and action, paddlers with muscular or cap-
injury in marathon kayakers (5). pathology (Figure 3A and B). sular tightness of the shoulder can be
In an online survey of participants of During propulsion in the kayak, the vulnerable for shoulder impingement.
paddle boarding, 14.3% reported nonstroke side shoulder joint is at its Similar mechanisms of injury have
shoulder injuries, 11.8% low back, greatest degree of forward flexion been found in other paddle sports.
and 32.9% elbow/forearm (4). Soft- (really horizontal adduction), internal Among injured male and female
tissue injuries were common. rotation, and adduction (5), potentially dragon boat competitors, overuse
reducing the subacromial space (23). while training was suggested to be
MECHANISMS OF INJURY To maintain or increase the subacro- the predominant contributing factor
In this section, the following will be mial space, the scapula upwardly ro- (19). Paddling techniques and training
presented: faulty on-water technique, tates, elevates, and posteriorily tilts volumes in dragon boats are compara-
on-water overtraining, flexibility defi- (32). Without the upward rotation ble with those used by sprint canoeists.
cits, and muscular imbalances. Each and posterior tilt of the scapula, the The repetitive actions of long distance
will be discussed in order. soft-tissue structures in the subacromial on-water training sessions were sug-
space would be at greater risk of gested as risk factors for injury among
FAULTY ON-WATER TECHNIQUE impingement (5). As suggested in sev- Waka Ama paddlers (1). Overuse was
Even proper stroke mechanics have eral studies (6,11,14,17,31), training- the mechanism of injury for rotator cuff
been criticized. In the canoe stroke, induced muscle imbalance could alter pathology found in marathon kayakers
the lumbar spinal, pelvic, and hip re- scapula kinematics. (5). The volume of paddling was the
gions are flexed forward, with the tho- A downwardly rotated anteriorly tilted major mechanism of injury in partici-
rax laterally flexed and rotated away scapula will decrease the subacromial pants of paddle boarding (4).
from the stroke side during the prepa- space. This will increase the risk of In sum, abnormal movement patterns of
ratory and catch phases of the stroke. soft-tissue microtrauma potentially the scapula have been associated with
From a biomechanical standpoint, this leading to the pathological condition a variety of pathologies of the shoulder
combination is a highly effective kine- referred to as “Paddler’s Shoulder” girdle including rotator cuff tendopa-
matic mechanism that places the (23) (Figure 4A and B). thologies, shoulder impingement, and
prime movers in position to generate
maximum power output that translates
into maximum boat velocity. However,
since this is an asymmetrical pattern of
movement needed for propulsion and
is not repeated on the opposite side, it
creates an inherent increased risk of
injury (28). The boney structures and
soft tissues of these regions experience
high torque stresses from the catch
through the early propulsive phase,
rendering them vulnerable for injury.
Repeated strokes increase the physical
stresses on these tissues eventually
leading to fatigue, overload, and
Further during the catch, the gleno-
humeral joint on the nonstroke side Figure 3. (A) At the initiation of a simulated catch phase of the kayak stroke, the
(top hand) of the canoeist can be glenohumeral joint on the nonstroke side of the kayaker is forward flexed,
highly vulnerable for impingement abducted, and externally rotated. (B) At the initiation of a simulated catch
(for the purposes of this article, the phase of the canoe stroke, the glenohumeral joint on the nonstroke side is
terms: shoulder impingement and forward flexed approaching maximum range potentially reducing the
rotator cuff–related pain syndrome joint’s subacromial space and increasing the likelihood of impingement.

26 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020

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Figure 4. (A) Tight pectoralis minor tissue will increase internal rotation of glenohumeral joint. Tight myofascial tissue of the levator
scapula and rhomboid tightness will result in downward rotation and an anterior tilt of the scapula that will increase the
risk of shoulder impingement. (B) Although it would appear that the scapula is mildly upward rotated, excessively active
upper trapezius, levator scapula, and rhomboid coupled with an internal rotated glenohumeral joint will lead to an
anterior tilted scapula.

tears to soft-tissue structures of the gle- motion. In both studies, 908 external not clear whether members of the
nohumeral joint (11). Muscular dysfunc- rotation and 708 internal rotation were injured group received restorative ex-
tion related to altered neuromuscular considered normal. Passive internal ercises to correct the imbalances.
recruitment patterns and limitations in and external rotation was measured Muscle imbalances were found in elite
flexibility could prohibit normal actions by a physiotherapist in the study by Portuguese canoeists. The assessments
of the glenohumeral joint and various Johansson et al. (11). Rotator cuff mus- of posture and anthropometrics (using
structures of the scapulothoracic region cular and posterior capsular tightness infrared thermography) revealed that
(11,15). Addressing these issues is para- were suggested as the underlining fac- lean body mass, particularly the latissi-
mount during clinical intervention. tors increasing the risk of shoulder mus dorsi, was larger on the stroke
impingement (11). Researchers (17) side of these canoeists (31). As a conse-
ON-WATER OVERTRAINING attributed the above limitations in quence, paddlers demonstrated asym-
Hensel et al. (6) found elite Brazilian shoulder range of motion to on-water metrical postures. Vieira da Silva (31)
female kayakers were involved in per- training and not off-water training. suggested that the degree of variance
forming 964 hours of “paddling related from the standard postural alignment
activities” during a competitive season MUSCULAR IMBALANCES was related to the volume of training.
leading to their suggestion that expo- Neuromuscular adaptations occur with
sure to prolonged and excessive work- repeated actions of the canoe or kayak TREATMENT AND PREVENTION
loads increased the risk of injury. There stroke. Neural motor recruitment pat- APPROACHES
are several distinct and important dif- terns and adaptive shortening of In a published case study (18), a young
ferences between the phases (e.g., vol- exposed soft tissues could alter joint female canoeist complained of right
ume and intensity of the on-water kinematics. The thoracic and shoulder shoulder (top hand) and upper back
versus off-water training programs) regions would be the most susceptible pain to her health care providers. She
that were given. to arthrokinematic dysfunctions, mus- reported that the pain was progres-
cle imbalances, and soft-tissue damage. sively getting worse and interfering
FLEXIBILITY DEFICITS Lovell and Lauder (14) found signifi- with her on-water training. An unsuc-
Insufficiencies in soft-tissue flexibility cant differences in bilateral upper-body cessful program of manual therapy,
could confine key actions of the canoe strength profiles (left versus right) acupuncture, exercise, and pharmaco-
and kayak strokes (11). Several studies between injured and noninjured com- logic intervention eventually lead to an
(11,17) found reduced internal range of petitive flatwater kayakers. Muscle im- MRI that revealed an intraosseous gan-
motion of the shoulder in sprint balances were associated with injuries. glion cyst of the humeral head. Surgery
kayakers. In the studies by Johansson However, structural damage did not was performed followed by physical
et al. (11) and McKean and Burkett reach the threshold of interfering with therapy that involved range of motion
(17), a goniometer was used to measure the 5 times per week training program exercise, postural taping, and a gradual
internal and external rotation range of of members of the injured group. It was return to paddling. The authors did not

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Injuries in Paddling

state the etiology or the mechanism of middle trapezius (10). However, the professionals should have a mechanism
injury. clinical efficiency of Jenkinson (10) to analyze factors responsible for inju-
Vieira da Silva (31) put forward the and Colebrook and Redman (2) ap- ries and their level of risk specific to the
notion that preventive measures to proaches was not expressed. individual. Injury risk analyses con-
reduce the potential risk of injury Fisher (3) conducted a 10-week exer- ducted on a regular basis would reduce
because of the asymmetrical nature of cise program that focused on selected the likelihood of orthopedic injuries,
the canoe stroke should be used. These muscular flexibility, strength, and decreasing the need for the athlete to
tools should target the musculature of motor control with the goal to address engage in the reactive clinical treat-
the nonstroke side with the goal of re- intrinsic injury risk factors. All kayakers ment milieu.
establishing correct alignment and of the exercise group were found to Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
reducing asymmetry. This would have scapula dyskinesis. During post- The authors report no conflicts of interest
include having the canoeist learn and testing, participants in the exercise and no source of funding.
train using the opposite side. However, group showed improvements on
since this has not been documented, selected flexibility scores, speed while
there is no evidence demonstrating this performing a pull activity (simulated Thomas W.
would have a positive effect on the propulsive phase of the kayak stroke), Pelham is
muscular imbalance nor whether it and scapula kinematics. Although the a practicing
would lead to injuries to the competi- findings are promising, the subject pool physical therapist.
tive side paddling. was small, 19 subjects, and should be
McKean and Burkett (17) found considered a limitation while interpret-
kayakers with reduced internal and ing the results of the study.
external range of motion in the shoul- Motor control training may be benefi-
der joint. These investigators stressed cial for individuals with shoulder and
the importance of coaches designing scapular dysfunctions. A 10-week Mike G.
and implementing programs to address manual therapy coupled with an exer- Robinson is the
these shoulder range of motion deficits. cise regimen designed to correct mus- head coach of the
Glenohumeral and scapular kinematic cle activation sequencing of scapular Calgary Canoe
dysfunction would appear to be the kinematics was successful in reducing Club, Alberta
recurring theme surrounding injuries pain and increasing function among Sprint Racing
to the shoulder complex of paddlers. young adults with shoulder impinge- Canoe Association.
An exercise regime of scapular stabili- ment (33). A similar line of attack
zation training and re-establishing may be fruitful in a controlled random-
proper sport-specific scapula move- ized investigation using a sample of
ment patterns has been advo- sprint kayakers and canoeists with The late
cated (11). shoulder and scapular dysfunctions. Laurence E.
Among paddlers, scapula movement Holt was an
dysfunction could include excess
downward rotation (23), conversely, Errors in technique and faults in train- at Dalhousie
a constraint in upward rotation. And, ing methods are high-risk factors for University.
a deficit in upward rotation of the scap- orthopedic injuries among sprint rac-
ula could contribute to a shoulder ing canoeists and kayakers. Coaches
impingement condition (5). and strength and conditioning profes-
sionals responsible for the design and
American osteopath (10) and Cana- implementation of on-water and dry- REFERENCES
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28 VOLUME 42 | NUMBER 3 | JUNE 2020

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