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Waste Management 28 (2008) 1246–1253

Changes in soil chemical and microbiological properties during

4 years of application of various organic residues
M. Odlare , M. Pell b, K. Svensson b

Department of Public Technology, Mälardalen University, Box 883, SE-721 23 Västerås, Sweden
Department of Microbiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7025, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

Accepted 19 June 2007

Available online 13 August 2007


A 4-year field trial was established in eastern Sweden to evaluate the effects of organic waste on soil chemical and microbiological vari-
ables. A simple crop rotation with barley and oats was treated with either compost from household waste, biogas residue from household
waste, anaerobically treated sewage sludge, pig manure, cow manure or mineral fertilizer. All fertilizers were amended in rates corresponding
to 100 kg N ha1 year1. The effects of the different types of organic waste were evaluated by subjecting soil samples, taken each autumn 4
weeks after harvest, to an extensive set of soil chemical (pH, Org-C, Tot-N, Tot-P, Tot-S, P-AL, P-Olsen, K-AL, and some metals) and
microbiological (B-resp, SIR, lSIR active and dormant microorganisms, PDA, lPDA, PAO, Alk-P and N-min) analyses. Results show that
compost increased pH, and that compost as well as sewage sludge increased plant available phosphorus; however, the chemical analysis
showed few clear trends over the 4 years and few clear relations to plant yield or soil quality. Biogas residues increased substrate induced
respiration (SIR) and, compared to the untreated control amendment of biogas residues as well as compost, led to a higher proportion
of active microorganisms. In addition, biogas residues increased potential ammonia oxidation rate (PAO), nitrogen mineralization capacity
(N-min) as well as the specific growth rate constant of denitrifiers (lPDA). Despite rather large concentrations of heavy metals in some of the
waste products, no negative effects could be seen on either chemical or microbiological soil properties. Changes in soil microbial properties
appeared to occur more rapidly than most chemical properties. This suggests that soil microbial processes can function as more sensitive
indicators of short-term changes in soil properties due to amendment of organic wastes.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Compost from organic waste is frequently mixed with

urban garden waste in order to improve its structure and
Organic waste can be a valuable and inexpensive soil to increase the C:N ratio. Due to anthropogenic activities,
conditioner and source of plant nutrients, and positive such as leaded fuel in the past, park and garden waste often
effects of organic waste on soil have been reported in sev- contain heavy metals. Sewage sludge is known to some-
eral studies. For example, organic waste application can times contain heavy metals and the question of whether
increase soil nitrogen and phosphorous contents (Jakob- agricultural soils should be amended with sewage sludge
sen, 1995), improve soil structure and water holding capac- or not has been debated since the late 1960s. Biogas can
ity (Joshua et al., 1998), increase microbial biomass be produced from a wide variety of organic wastes, which
(Leifeld et al., 2002; Jedidi et al., 2004), reduce the need may result in both different and variable qualities of the
for chemical weed control (Pinamonti, 1998) and suppress resulting residue. Anaerobic digestate from source sepa-
plant diseases (Hoitink and Boehm, 1999). rated household waste may contain several types of organic
contaminants (Nilsson et al., 2000). Hence, there is an
urgent need for long-term field experiments to evaluate
Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 21 101611; fax: +46 21 101370. the effects of repeated amendment of organic waste on soil
E-mail address: (M. Odlare). properties.

0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Odlare et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1246–1253 1247

Soil quality is a complex characteristic determined by two rates: C100 and C50, and BR100 and BR50, respec-
physical, chemical and biological components of the soil. tively. In C100 and BR100, all N originated from the
Doran and Parkin (1994) define soil quality as ‘‘the capac- organic waste, whereas in C50 and BR50 half of the N
ity of a soil to sustain biological productivity, maintain was supplied as mineral N. Anaerobically treated sewage
environmental quality, and promote plant and animal sludge (SS), pig manure (PM) and cow manure (CM) were
health’’. Changes in the soil microbial community may all complemented with 50 kg mineral N ha1 year1. Other
occur more rapidly than changes in other soil characteris- plots had solely mineral fertilizer (NPS) applied at
tics and therefore, soil microbial processes are thought to 100 kg N ha1 year1. The reason for using NPS instead
be sensitive indicators of changes in soil quality (Kennedy of NPK, was that the soil in the field experiment is rich
and Papendick, 1995). In a well-designed field experiment, in potassium but poor in sulphur. In addition, there is a
the accumulated effect of organic waste on soil quality can general trend towards lower atmospheric sulphur deposi-
be monitored and evaluated during a long period under tion, which leads to a need for complementary sulphur fer-
realistic conditions. tilization. The nitrogen in the mineral fertilizer was 50% in
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the NH4 form and 50% in the NO3 form. Unfertilized plots
application of organic waste on soil chemical and microbi- were used as control. The treatments are summarized in
ological properties in an agricultural soil. A 4-year field Table 1, and the actual applied yearly amounts of dry mat-
experiment was conducted to compare the effects of com- ter and various plant nutrients are given in Table 2. In
post from municipal household waste, biogas residues order to be able to apply the results to real agricultural sys-
and anaerobically treated sewage sludge with the tradi- tems, the different types of manure were applied according
tional fertilizers cow manure, liquid pig manure and min- to general farming practice in Sweden. Therefore, compost,
eral fertilizer (NPS). Soil samples were collected each sewage sludge and cow manure were spread a few days
year and the changes in different chemical and microbio- before ploughing in late autumn. Biogas residues and pig
logical soil properties were monitored in order to evaluate manure were spread on the seedlings immediately before
the effect on soil quality. Another objective was to compare stem elongation. Mineral fertilizers were applied in spring
the sensitivity of soil chemical and microbiological param- at sowing. Compost, sludge, cow manure and mineral fer-
eters to function as indicators of soil quality in terms of tilizer were applied by hand from a bucket as evenly as pos-
reflecting changes in soil properties. sible. Biogas residue and pig manure were spread by hand
with a watering can.
2. Materials and methods The compost was produced at the municipal composting
plant at Västerås, close to the study site. Source separated
2.1. Site characteristics and experimental design household waste (70%) was mixed with chopped park and
garden litter (30%) before composting. The biogas residue
The field experiment was established in autumn 1998 at was obtained from a biogas plant in Stockholm where
a site located in central Sweden (59°37 0 N, 16°33 0 E). The source-separated household waste is co-digested with food
soil had not been fertilized with farmyard manure since residues from restaurants and kitchens. The sewage sludge
1975, and in some 20 years before the start of the experi- was taken from the municipal wastewater treatment plant
ment the field had been cropped mainly with cereals, oil in the city of Västerås. The plant treats sewage from
seed rape and legumes. Soil management was conventional 118,000 p.e. yielding 12,000 tonnes dewatered (25% d.m.)
with annual plowing. The soil contained 37–49% clay, 36– sludge per year. Influent raw wastewater is pre-precipitated
44% silt and 14–20% sand, and was classified as a Eutric with iron sulphate, biologically treated by an activated
Cambisol (FAO, 1998). The experiment was set up in a sludge process with pre-denitrification supported with gly-
random block design with four replications and a plot size col as external carbon and energy source. Excess sludge is
of 90 m2. The crop rotation in the experiment comprised anaerobically digested to reduce its volume, make the
oats (Avena sativa cv. Freja) and spring barley (Hordeum product hygienic and produce biogas. The pig and cow
vulgare cv. Baronessa). The site for the field experiment manure was collected from local farmers.
was selected using a specific selection technique where near
infrared reflection (NIR) spectroscopy is combined with
principal component analysis (Odlare et al., 2005). The 2.3. Soil sampling
NIR strategy made it possible to find the area within the
field that had the smallest spatial variation of soil Soil samples were collected separately in each plot prior
properties. to the experiment and then every year in autumn 4 weeks
after harvest. Each experimental plot was sampled about
2.2. The fertilizers 25 times from the topsoil at a 0–20 cm depth with soil cor-
ers (diameter 22–25 mm) to obtain 4 kg of moist soil per
All organic and inorganic fertilizers were applied at a plot. The soil samples were put in polythene bags and
rate corresponding to 100 kg N ha1 year1. The compost transported to the laboratory the same day where
(C) and the liquid biogas residues (BR) were applied at they were stored at +2 °C. In order to be manageable,
1248 M. Odlare et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1246–1253

Table 1
The different treatments used in the ORC field experiment
Treatment Residue/fertilizer N in organic Applied N in mineral Time for applicationa
fertilizer fertilizer (kg ha1 year1)
(kg ha1 year1)
C100 Compost 100 0 6 November to 3 December
C50 Compost + mineral N 50 50 6 November to 3 December
BR100 Biogas residues 100 0 16 June to 29 June
BR50 Biogas residues + mineral N 50 50 16 June to 29 June
SS Sewage sludge + mineral N 50 50 6 November to 3 December
PM Pig manure + mineral N 50 50 16 June to 29 June
CM Cow manure + mineral N 50 50 6 November to 3 December
NPS NPS 0 100 25 April to 20 May
Control No fertilizer 0 0
All treatments correspond to a total of 100 kg N ha1 year1.
The time for application differed between the 4 years. These dates represent the earliest and the latest date.

the samples were dried slowly at +2 °C to a dry matter con- respiration (B-resp), were determined in 25 g soil adjusted
tent of 83%. For biological analyses each sample was sieved to 50% of the water holding capacity and incubated at
(5 mm), thoroughly mixed and portioned in polythene bags 20°C. CO2 evolution was determined hourly with a respi-
for the different analyses. The samples were stored at rometer (Respicond III, Nordgren Innovations AB, Umeå,
20 °C and all analyses were performed within 13 months Sweden). The CO2 was determined from conductivity
of the sampling date (Stenberg et al., 1998). All biological changes measured during accumulation in a 250 mM
tests were run in triplicate. For ammonium and nitrate KOH solution (Nordgren, 1992). B-resp was calculated
analyses, the samples were frozen moist at arrival to the as the average respiration rate measured for incubation
laboratory whereas for the remaining chemical analyses, times between 200 and 240 h. SIR measurement was then
the samples were dried (35 °C) and sieved (2 mm). initiated by mixing a substrate consisting of 75 mg glucose,
2.5 mg (NH4)2SO4-N, 0.5 mg KH2PO4-P and 1000 mg of
powdered talcum into each soil sample. Empty vessels were
2.4. Chemical and physical analyses used as control. The respiration data were fitted by non-
linear regression to an exponential growth equation as
Total soil carbon (Tot-C), nitrogen (Tot-N) and sulphur described by Stenström et al. (2001):
(Tot-S) were determined after combustion at 1250 °C with
dp=dt ¼ relt þ K ð1Þ
a carbon, nitrogen and sulphur analyzer (CNS-2000,
LECO Equipment Corp., St. Joseph, MI, USA). Tot-C where dp/dt is the rate of CO2 formation, r is the initial res-
was corrected for carbonate to give organic C (Org-C). piration rate of growing microorganisms, l is the specific
Mineral N (NH4-N and NO3-N) was analyzed with dialysis growth rate, and t is the time after addition of the SIR sub-
on an AutoAnalyzer TRAACS 800 (Kontram, Stockholm, strate. Hence, relt is the CO2 production rate of exponen-
Sweden). NH4-N was analyzed according to the method tially growing microorganisms and K is the production
ST9002-NH4D and NO3-N according to the method rate of non-growing microorganisms. The SIR rate is de-
ST9002-NO3D. Organic N was measured by the Kjeldahl fined as the sum of r and K, i.e., the total respiration rate
method (Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982). Available P obtained instantaneously on the addition of the SIR sub-
(P-AL) and K (K-AL) were extracted with the ammonium strate. Thus, by use of the equation, the SIR response after
lactate method (AL) and analyzed as described by Egnér addition of glucose can be divided into the initial respira-
et al. (1960). Available P (P-Ols) was also analyzed accord- tion rate of growing (active) and non-growing (dormant)
ing to the method described by Olsen et al. (1954). Total microorganisms. Altogether, the method yields a quantita-
cation-exchange capacity (CEC) and total exchangeable tive estimation of the active and dormant microorganisms,
base cations (TEB) were determined according to Nömmik as well as the parameters SIR and lSIR.
(1974). The pH was determined in 0.01 M CaCl2 with the The potential ammonia oxidation rate (PAO) in 25 g of
vol/vol ratio 1:2 (pHCaCl2). Total sulphur (Tot-S) and the soil was assayed as accumulated nitrite according to the
metals Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb and Cr were analyzed by ICP- short-incubation chlorate-inhibition technique described
AES (Perkin-Elmer ICP Optima 3000) according to SS by Belser and Mays (1980) and modified by Torstensson
02 83 11 (SIS, 1997). The particle size distribution was (1993); ISO 15685 (2004). The rate of NO 2 formation
determined according to Jung (1987). was determined by linear regression.
The potential denitrification activity (PDA) was assayed
2.5. Microbiological analysis in 25 g of soil according to the modified short incubation
C2H2-inhibition method described by Pell et al. (1996).
Microbial biomass measured as substrate induced respi- The assay substrate contained 2 mM glucose and 2 mM
ration (SIR), specific growth rate (lSIR) and the basal KNO3. During the assay, seven gas samples were
M. Odlare et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1246–1253 1249

Table 2
Application rates of dry matter, total carbon, plant nutrients and heavy metals in the field experiment
kg ha1 year1 C50 C100 BR50 BR100 SS PM CM NPS
Dry matter 2520 5040 287 575 1335 559 2252 366
Tot-C 565 1130 103 207 324 203 743 0
Org-N 47 94 20 39 42 14 43 0
NH4-N 0 0 30 61 8 36 7 50
NO3-N 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 50
Supplemental mineral N 50 0 50 0 50 50 50 100
P-Olsen 0.5 0.9 2.1 4.3 0.4 12 5 14.8
P-AL 5.9 11.8 2.3 4.7 6 13 11 15.4
K-AL 20 39 21 42 1 34 68 0.8
Tot-P 11 22 3.5 6.9 37 22 17 20
Tot-S 6.7 13.4 2.2 4.3 12 8 10 13.7
Cua 170 340 17 35 433 140 76 1
Zna 520 1030 57 110 620 631 415 9
Cda 1 2.1 0.1 0.2 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.04
Nia 22 44 3 6 15 4 7 3
Pba 58 120 3 5 21 1 4 0.2
Cra 40 81 7 13 18 17 6 12
Total carbon (Tot-C), organic nitrogen (Org-N), ammonium (NH4-N) and nitrate (NO3-N), available P (P-Olsen), available P (P-AL), available K
(K-AL), total P (Tot-P), total S (Tot-S). The values represent mean values for 4 years (n = 4). For treatment abbreviations, see Table 1.
Expressed as g ha1 year1.

withdrawn from the headspace and analyzed for N2O on a between treatment and year were evaluated using a general
gas chromatograph provided with an electron capture linear model. All statistical tests were performed by
detector. The rate of N2O formation increased with time the computer software package SPSS 11.5.1, SPSS Inc.,
and the data were fitted to a product formation equation Chicago, IL, USA.
that takes exponential growth into consideration (Sten-
ström et al., 1991). Two parameters, the initial product for-
mation rate (PDA) and the specific growth rate (lPDA), 3. Results
were derived by non-linear regression.
Alkaline phosphatase activity (Alk-P) was assayed 3.1. Organic fertilizers
according to the p-nitrophenol (PNP) method (Sjöqvist,
1993). Prior to the analysis, the soils were preincubated Selected characteristics of the fertilizers used in this
for 4 weeks at 15 °C and 50% WHC. After this incubation study are presented in Table 2. More than half of the nitro-
period, 2 g of soil was mixed in a flask with 2 ml of water, gen content of the biogas residue occurred as ammonium,
8 ml 0.1 M TRIS (pH 9.0) and a substrate of 2 ml 0.115 M whereas only small amounts of mineral nitrogen, mainly
PNP-P. The rate of product formation was determined as nitrate, were found in compost. In sewage sludge, pig man-
the difference in concentration of PNP between the start ure and cow manure, the mineral nitrogen was present as
and end of a 2-h incubation period. ammonium. Biogas residues contained small amounts of
The nitrogen mineralization capacity (N-min) was mea- both total phosphorous (Tot-P) and plant available phos-
sured with the anaerobic incubation method described by phorous (P-AL), whereas sewage sludge was high in Tot-
Waring and Bremner (1964) and modified by Stenberg P but low in P-AL. High concentrations of plant available
et al. (1998). A slurry with 10 g of soil was anaerobically potassium (K-AL) were found in all organic fertilizers
incubated for 10 days at 37 °C before extraction and anal- except sewage sludge. The compost contained large con-
ysis of NHþ þ
4 . The rate of NH4 formation was determined centrations of all heavy metals analyzed, especially Zn
as the difference in product between the start and end of and Pb. Sewage sludge contained large amounts of Cu.
a 10-day incubation period. Plots amended with compost as the sole fertilizer exceeded
the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s threshold
2.6. Data treatment values for all heavy metals, whereas plots amended with
sewage sludge exceeded the threshold value for Cu. Since
Descriptive statistics are presented as maximum, mini- the application rate was based on nitrogen supply, the
mum, mean, median and coefficient of variance (CV). Sig- dry matter applied in the compost-amended plots was
nificant effects between the different treatments were nearly nine times higher than the biogas residue-amended
evaluated by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s plots and twice as high as the sewage sludge-amended
HSD multiple comparison test. Statistical interactions plots.
1250 M. Odlare et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1246–1253

3.2. Statistics mant microbial biomass was significantly larger in BR100

than NPS and the untreated control. None of the fertilizers
The soil nutrient, metal and microbial properties prior had any significant effect on the potential denitrification
to the start of the experiment are shown in Table 3. The rate (PDA). However, the specific growth rate constant
values represent mean values for the entire experiment lPDA was about 19% larger in BR100 compared to
area, i.e., mean values of all plots (n = 36). The CV-values NPS. The potential nitrification rate (PAO) showed a sim-
indicate only a small spatial variation at the site, and hence ilar pattern as lPDA, being approximately 19% higher in
treatment-effects should not be obscured by intrinsic B100 than in NPS. CM and BR100 increased nitrogen min-
variation. eralization (N-min) compared to NPS and the untreated
Analyses with ANOVA showed no significant differ- plot by about 20%.
ences between the years and no interactions between treat-
ment and year. Also, there was no significant difference 4. Discussion
between years 1 and 4. Therefore, the accumulated effects
(Table 4) are presented as mean values for all 4 years 4.1. Soil chemical properties
(n = 16). This has the advantage that effects of extreme
meteorological conditions during specific years are Of all of the chemical soil properties analyzed, only
avoided. Data interpretation was supported by Tukey three of them showed significant differences between the
HSD (p = 0.10). A relatively high probability value was treatments: pH, K-AL and P-AL.
chosen because a field experiment always involves a high Compost increased the pH in the soil, which could prob-
risk of environmental disturbances where rainfall, drought, ably be explained by the production of ammonia formed
temperature, etc. may obscure treatment effects. Therefore, as the organically bound nitrogen is mineralized and then
in order to be able to more accurately detect changes due to transformed into ammonia in the aerated soil. Similar
the different treatments, the significance level was set to results have been reported by Jakobsen (2005) and Lee
p = 0.10. et al. (2004). The increased pH in the plots fertilized with
pig manure can be explained by the relatively high concen-
3.3. The crop trations of ammonium nitrogen in this fertilizer.
Plant available phosphorous (P-AL) increased in the
Crop yields and grain quality in the ORC-experiment plots amended with compost and sewage sludge. Both these
are discussed in detail in Svensson et al. (2004). Crop yield fertilizers were rich in phosphorous but poor in nitrogen,
data is summarized in Table 4. and since the application rate was based on nitrogen con-
tent, the amount of phosphorous in the soil is likely to
3.4. Soil chemical properties increase.
The same reasoning applies for plant available potas-
The results of all chemical analyses are presented in sium (K-AL). Application of fertilizers rich in potassium
Table 4. Significant differences between the treatments (compost, biogas residues, pig manure and cow manure)
could only be detected for three of the soil chemical analy- increased the content in the soil.
ses made. C100 and PM resulted in a small, though signif-
icant, increase in pH by approximately 0.2 units compared 4.2. Soil microbiological properties
to NPS and the untreated control. C100 and SS increased
the level of P-AL in the soil by about 20% compared to The majority of the microbial populations in the soil are
BR50, NPS and the control treatment. Although not signif- heterotrophs and therefore dependent on the availability of
icant, a trend of increasing P-AL concentrations was organic carbon and energy, such as sugar and starch.
observed in C50 and BR100. K-AL was about 9% larger Hence, amending the soil with organic carbon should
in plots applied with C50, C100, PM, CM and BR100 com- support a larger biomass and thereby affect respiration
pared to the NPS and untreated control. parameters. SIR responded well to the application of bio-
gas residues, which was expected, because it is likely to con-
3.5. Soil microbiological properties tain a higher amount of easy-degradable carbon than, for
example, compost. Degradation of organic material is less
The results of all microbiological analyses are presented effective in the anaerobic biogas process and proceeds for a
in Table 4. None of the fertilizers had any clear effects on shorter period of time than aerobic degradation through
B-resp, but BR50 and BR100 increased substrate-induced composting. In addition, the ammonium content in biogas
respiration (SIR) by about 11% compared to the untreated residue could have contributed to the increased plant
control. Generally, the SIR response consisted of a biomass growth with higher yields (Svensson et al., 2004), which
with about 90% dormant and 10% active organisms. Com- in turn would supply more carbon to the soil through litter
pared with the untreated control, the proportion of active and root exudates.
biomass was about 25% higher in C50, BR50, PM and The proportion of active microorganisms in the soil was
NPS, but was only slightly larger in C100 and SS. The dor- generally small, only about 10%. This is in agreement with
M. Odlare et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1246–1253 1251

Table 3
Descriptive statistics (maximum, minimum, mean, median and CV) for various soil properties for the experimental site prior to the experiment (n = 36)
Parameter Range Mean Median CV
Minimum Maximum
Chemical analysis
pH 5.4 5.7 5.6 5.6 1.4
Org-C (%) 1.2 1.6 1.3 1.3 6.3
Tot-C (%) 1.2 1.6 1.3 1.3 6.1
Tot-N (%) 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 6.3
Tot-P (g kg1 dw) 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 6.3
Tot-S (g kg1 dw) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 4.3
P-AL (mg 100 g1 dw) 3.4 5.4 4.6 4.8 13.0
P-Olsen (mg 100 g1 dw) 1.7 2.9 2.2 2.2 10.6
K-AL (mg 100 g1 dw) 16.5 21.0 18.5 18.5 6.1
TEB (mekv 100 g1) 10.0 12.6 11.2 11.2 6.0
CEC (mekv 100 g1) 15.8 20.2 17.1 16.8 5.3
Cu (mg kg1 dw) 22.1 31.3 25.7 26.0 9.5
Zn (mg kg1 dw) 81.6 98.4 90.3 91.6 5.9
Cd (mg kg1 dw) 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 6.0
Ni (mg kg1 dw) 20.0 28.5 24.0 23.8 11.2
Pb (mg kg1 dw) 19.1 23.3 20.4 20.4 3.9
Cr (mg kg1 dw) 34.2 42.2 37.2 36.6 51.2
Soil analysis (% of mineral fraction)
>0.002 mm 37.0 49.0 42.1 41.5 7.4
0.02–0.002 mm 24.0 29.0 26.5 27.0 4.9
0.06–0.02 mm 11.0 18.0 14.6 15.0 12.9
0.2–0.06 mm 13.0 19.0 15.5 15.0 10.6
Microbial analysis
B-resp (lg CO2-C g1 dw h1) 1.2 0.7 0.9 0.9 12.9
SIR (lg CO2-C g1 dw h1) 11.4 15.4 13.4 13.5 6.4
lSIR (min1) 0.12 0.16 0.15 0.15
PDA (ng N2O-N g1 dw min1) 7.1 11.5 9.1 8.9 11.6
lPDA (min1) 0.002 0.005 0.004 0.004 18.2
PAO (ng NO2-N g1 dw min1) 1.6 3.9 2.9 2.8 17.2
Alk-P (lmol PNP g1 dw h1) 1.1 1.8 1.5 1.5 9.3
N-min (lgNHþ 4 -N g dw 10 d1) 19.1 24.0 24.4 21.2 7.2
Total carbon (Tot-C), total N (Tot-N), total exchangeable base cations (TEB), cation exchange capacity (CEC), basal respiration (B-resp), substrate-
induced respiration (SIR), growth rate constant (lSIR), potential denitrification activity (PDA), growth rate constant (lPDA), potential ammonia
oxidation (PAO), alkaline phosphatase activity (Alk-P), N-mineralization capacity (N-min). For additional abbreviations, see Table 2.
dw, dry weight.

the 5–10% active organisms as reported by Stenström et al. ing state. Our strategy is to collect samples 1 month after
(2001) for soils with no recent addition of organic sub- harvest seemed to meet such a criterion.
strate. Moreover, Stenström et al. (2001) observed that Denitrifiers are heterotrophs and although PDA showed
up to 100% of the microbial biomass can be active in soils no significant treatment effects, the enzymes reflected in
with high substrate availability, followed by periods of sev- growth, lPDA, increased as a result of application of bio-
eral weeks of back transition into a dormant state when gas residues. The bacteria involved in denitrification usu-
substrate ceased. One reason for the low proportion of ally respond quickly to the presence of easy degradable
active organisms found in our field experiment most likely carbon (deCantanzaro and Beuchamp, 1985). Although
was that the soil sampling took place 4 weeks after harvest, denitrifiers are facultative anaerobes respiring both under
a stage where most easy available carbon remaining after aerobic and anaerobic conditions using carbon as an
harvest had been consumed. The largest proportion of energy source, they grow faster in the presence of oxygen.
active microorganisms was found in BR50 and NPS, which Intense aerobic respiration will successively lower the par-
were also the treatments that gave the largest crop yields. tial pressure of oxygen thus stimulating anaerobic denitrifi-
The results suggest that proportion of active microorgan- cation activity. Hence, sources of readily degradable
isms can be an indicator of the amount of easy degradable carbon are important for denitrifying bacteria and their
carbon in the soil. It should also be noted that when long- activities. Altogether, the carbon-dependent microbial
term changes in soil quality is to be assessed, sampling parameters SIR, dormant and active microorganisms and
should preferably be performed at occasions when the soil lPDA seem to be efficient indicators of available carbon
microorganisms and plant roots are not in an active grow- in the soil.
1252 M. Odlare et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1246–1253

Table 4
Soil chemical and microbiological characteristics and crop yield after fertilizer amendment
C50 BR50 SS PM CM NPS C100 BR100 Control
bc a c
pH 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.6ab
Org-C (%) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2
Tot-N (%) 0.13 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Tot-P (g kg1 dw) 0.74 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7
Tot-S (g kg1 dw) 0.20 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
P-AL (mg 100 g1 dw) 4.5 4.0a 4.8bc 4.4ab 4.5 4.0a 5.0c 4.4 4.0a
P-Olsen (mg 100 g1 dw) 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.0
K-AL (mg 100 g1 dw) 19.8b 19.3 19.5 19.8b 20.6b 18.4a 20.3b 20.1b 18.4a
Cu (mg kg1 dw) 29.0 28.2 28.5 28.6 28.6 26.4 28.1 29.2 26.6
Zn (mg kg1 dw) 101.1 98.2 99.2 99.4 98.8 93.4 97.9 101.3 93.8
Cd (mg kg1 dw) 0.26 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2
Cr (mg kg1 dw) 37.8 36.5 37.6 37.2 36.7 35.2 36.5 37.7 35.8
Ni (mg kg1 dw) 23.1 22.6 23.4 23.1 23.0 20.8 22.5 23.6 21.5
Pb (mg kg1 dw) 20.5 20.2 20.3 20.3 20.4 19.8 19.7 21.0 19.7
B-resp (lg CO2-C g1 dw h1) 0.23 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
SIR (lg CO2-C g1 dw h1) 3.4 3.5b 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.6b 3.1a
lSIR (min1) 0.16 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Non-growers (lg CO2-C g1 dw h1) 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.8a 3.0 3.2b 2.8a
Growers (lg CO2-C g1 dw h1) 0.45bc 0.5c 0.4 0.5bc 0.4 0.5bc 0.3ab 0.4 0.3a
PDA (ng N2O-N g1 dw min1) 9.9 9.3 9.6 9.8 8.7 9.0 9.5 9.2 8.7
lPDA (min1) 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2a 0.3 0.3b 0.2
PAO (ng NO2-N g1 dw min1) 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.1 3.9 3.6a 4.3 4.4b 4.0
Alk-P (lmol PNP g1 dw h1) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.5
N-min (lg NHþ 4 -N g dw 10 d1) 18.9 18.6 19.0 18.7 20.5c 18.2ab 19.1 19.3bc 17.2a
1 1
Yield (kg ha year ) 2532.5bc 2666.7bc 2699.4bc 2704.7bc 2597.0bc 2798.9c 1946.8ab 2272.5 1593.4a
Means calculated as mean values over 4 years (n = 16). For abbreviations, see Tables 1–3. Statistically significant differences (Tukey p = 0.10) are indicated
by different letters.

Nitrogen mineralization was increased in BR100 and properties that change slowly with time, such as C, N
cow manure treatments. These results are in agreement and P content, which limits their usefulness for detecting
with Tiwari et al. (2000) who found that application of bio- short-term changes in soil quality. Measurements of the
gas slurry resulted in a proliferation of the microbial status and activity of specific microbial communities con-
population and increased nitrogen mineralization. tributing to soil processes have the potential to provide
Together with soil respiration, potentially mineralizable rapid and sensitive means of characterizing soil quality.
N is the most commonly suggested biological soil indicator In this experiment the simple crop rotation and the homog-
for assessing soil quality (Wienhold et al., 2004). The rea- enous experimental site chosen for the study made it possi-
son for its usefulness is two-fold: (1) it may serve as a gen- ble to detect early responses of soil microorganisms to the
eral probe of the soil ecosystem status since most differences in composition of the organic wastes. Microbial
microorganisms have at least some capacity to mineralize biomass (Doran and Parkin, 1994) and enzyme activity
N, and (2) it gives an estimate of the N deliverability to (Badiane et al., 2001) have been proposed to indicate soil
the plants. The observed increase in nitrogen mineralization quality. In this experiment the increase in microbial bio-
indicates that biogas residues are beneficial to soil quality. mass measured as SIR and the increase in several enzyme
In contrast to organic-carbon-dependent respiration and activities suggests that the microorganisms responded rela-
denitrification, autotrophic nitrification bacteria, also tively fast to the content of ammonium and easy degrad-
being lithotrophic, are more dependent on pH and ammo- able carbon.
nia availability since they use ammonia as their source of
energy. The nitrification process is vulnerable and is per-
formed only by highly specialized organisms (Johansson 5. Conclusions
et al., 1999), whose activity is enhanced by ammonia. It
was therefore expected that the ammonium-rich biogas res- Although the experimental period included 4 years of
idue should increase PAO, compared to the nitrate-rich nitrogen and organic matter supply of very different quali-
NPS. The data indicated such an increase in PAO, but ties, surprisingly few significant differences in chemical and
the difference was not statistically significant. microbiological properties could be observed. The most
prominent effect was that biogas residues increased the
4.3. Indicators of soil quality substrate induced respiration, the proportion of active
microorganism, and the nitrogen mineralization, as well
Many of the existing methods used to evaluate treat- as potential ammonia oxidation. In all, studying microbial
ment effects on soil quality focus mostly on soil chemical parameters seems to be a better choice than chemical
M. Odlare et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 1246–1253 1253

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